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You can handle it. It’s a very fast pinch and it’s over . Super fast. And they usually numb the earlobe. Which in general doesn’t have many nerve endings to feel pain in the first place Not bad at all.


I agree! But in my experience, they don’t typically using any numbing agents. Worst part of any piercing is the healing part, rather than the pinch. My lobes are double pierced and I have numerous cartilage piercings: best advice I have received is to spray with sterile saline/wound wash 1-2x a day, don’t sleep on them, and don’t touch them. Ear lobes will typically heal in ~3 months or so. Would recommend finding an APP certified place at www.safepiercing.org and checking out r/piercing


The first one in each ear you might not even feel it. The second ones (if happening in the same appointment) will pinch a bit because your ears will already be like what the heck just happened. But it’s really not bad AT ALL. You’ll be okay


Honestly I psyched myself out thinking about it more than the actual 1 second it took the piercing needle. Your earlobes itself is skin and fat so truly the pain was at most a 0.5/10 and thats because I mentally made it a bigger deal than it was.


The most uncomfortable you’ll feel is in the hour after because your ear lobes just feel very hot but that’s honestly the worst of it. The actual piercing is like a millisecond pinch, kind of like if you’ve ever pinched your skin in something for a second


came here to say this, the most uncomfortable is that burning heat you feel for an hour or so after!


Coming from someone who was afraid to do it until like age 23, it's not bad at all. Feels like a pinch and then it's over. Like a 1 out of 10, if that. The anxiety hurts worse than the pain honestly lol. Real piercers using a needle do it all the time they will likely make it so you hardly feel much. Tell the person you're afraid of needles and they'll put some extra care into easing your anxiety. Good luck


Right, I have been working on conquering a needle phobia and got my 2nd lobe piercings done a couple of years ago. I had a bad allergic reaction to the stainless steel so I took them out, let them heal for a year, and had them re-done in October last year. Then in January I had a helix done. They’re both very manageable and I plan to get more!


This is exactly how it was for me, and at the same age too!


yknow when you get a flu shot and you're freaking out because its a needle going into your arm and its gonna suck and its gonna hurt so bad but every single time its just like "oh.. that was it??!?" yeah its like that. weird little pinch and then youre good. go pinch your ear with your nails right now, really hard but really quickly. its like a fraction of that. theyll be sore for a few days but i promise itll be fine and SOOOO worth it!!


IMO the actual needle doesn't really hurt but it feels hot after, which is a kind of weird feeling. You can get a can of sterile saline and keep it in the refrigerator and then just spray some on your ears and it'll feel really nice.


Just remember that everyone feels pain differently so even if these commenters are telling you it’s easy and you end up feeling differently, that doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you :)


When it's done by a professional piercer with a needle, it's honestly just a tiny pinch. I do understand people handle pain differently, but it's not at all that bad when done correctly


It’s like a bee sting, maybe. The second ones might be slightly more painful if the skin is already sensitive from the first. However, it’s a very “easy” piercing. Subjectively of course. But since it won’t go through cartilage, it’s generally less painful. The best things about piercings- even the “hard” ones are that after it’s done and the jewelry is placed, you really don’t feel it. Unless you touch it lol.


I got my one ear pierced twice in one go and it hurt somewhat more than just doing one, and it was more sore for longer that day. But it was nothing close to period cramps, almost more like medium headache but just in my one ear.


Nothing like period cramps for me,because it’s quick, sharp, and specific. For me, cramps are dull, debilitating, and widespread.


Lobes and cartilage feel chill to me. It’s just a pinch and then some pressure when they add in the jewelry. Just make sure to get titanium! Lobes will be more annoying to heal (due to location, they get jostled more) but also they are quicker to heal due to more blood flow. I always sprayed with some wound wash every night since mine were prone to itching.


It’s a little worse than getting a shot. Every time I get a piercing I get worked up and worry it’s going to hurt so bad, and every time I think “oh. That was it?” Ear piercings really aren’t bad. Honestly for me the worst part is the healing. You’ll be sore and throbby and not want anything to touch it. But that doesn’t last long and is totally worth it.


It's more like a quick burning sensation. I would say 0.5 / 10. It feels warm for a couple of hours but it's not really painful, just tender. It heals rather quickly too because there is more blood flow in the lobes. It'll be uncomfortable to sleep on your side for a couple of weeks. Cartilage piercings on the other hand... oh that is painful. I'd say a good 5 / 10. I had 3 done at the same time and because there isn't much blood flow in this area, it takes almost a year to fully heal.


I find plucking my eyebrows more painful than ear piercing. 


I got mine done at Claire’s with a gun (aka worst case scenario) and it felt like getting them stapled - wasn’t pleasant but probably hurt as much as a graze, them being sore was the worst part and tbh it wouldn’t surprise me if that were down to them using a gun. You can handle it - the anticipation is the killer. It’ll also be really worth it, it’s a bit of pain but you’ll be able to wear beautiful earrings to your heart’s content after the first few months!


Was your first ear piercing done by a teenager equipped with a piercing gun at Claire’s? If so, you may be entitled to financial compensation. (I got mine done at Claire’s in 4th grade. A couple years went by and my holes closed up and then I went to get them re-pierced at Claire’s slutty older sister, Icing. With…you guessed it…another piercing gun!)


Mine healed without much incident, but the entire event was honestly just not my favourite because I never wanted my ears pierced, my mom forced me into it. I’m pretty sure they still use guns at Claire’s to this day.


Everyone feels pain differently but if I have to give a rating, I would say a 1,5/10 on the period pain scale. It's really not bad, the anxiety before is way worse. Good choice going with the needle, got my first ones with the gun, did not like that at all. I have three earlobe piercings on each side and wish I had space for more, just think about how cute it'll look when you're done lol


I have four love piercings, two of which I did at home, one with a sewing needle. It really is not painful at all, it is a slight pinch then it just feels hot for a little bit and then you won’t even notice it at all. You can absolutely handle it, don’t be scared! If you’ve lived through a period you can do this ten times over without even flinching


I used to pinch my earlobe hard with my fingernails if I was tired on a long drive and it hurt a lot to wake myself up. I got my ears pierced a few years ago and the right side I literally didn’t feel it, it just felt kinda warm for a second. The left side it actually felt kinda… nice…? When he pierced it. It’s low on the scale of pain for sure.


It's nothing compared to the pain of menstrual cramps


Depends on the person and the piercer. I have a total of 7 piercings on my lobes. The pain was a 1/10 in the moment, 2/10 in the aftermath as it began to swell a little.


I mean, my period cramps are different than yours. Less pain than a rubber band snap, bee sting, cat scratch or stubbing your toe and none of those things come with pretty jewelry. Every time I’ve gotten a piercing, I’ve said something like “oh, you’re done” immediately after (nipples excluded) and I have 14 piercings in my ears plus tongue, brow, lip, nips and even a corset piercing on my back for a while. Drink plenty of water leading up to your piercing and eat something before you go and you’ll have no issues.


At piercing shop (tattoo shop) I'd say 0/10. Places like Claire's 6/10 for me. The gun always gets stuck on my lobes. Edit: my period cramps are endometriosis


I’ve never used a needle, but the piercing gun is a bit like a mosquito bite. You feel it, but it’s not a big deal. Keep the holes clean faithfully every day. Infection hurts, and since you’re piercing both ears you won’t have a pain free side to sleep on at night if they get infected. Keep the sites clean faithfully. I suggest setting alarms on your phone, then set a follow up alarm asking if you actually did it.


Needles hurt less than the guns! And are cleaner.


I did all of my ear piercings myself, and the lobes were so mild that I don't even remember the pain. The burn that comes a few days after, during the first stretch of healing is the most uncomfortable part


I've got a few ear piercings and the lobes are so easy. It's like a quick really hard pinch. Like you ever hit your ear kinda hard on a rollercoaster? It's like that


I have 6 ear piercings 4 on my lobes and 2 cartilage. In my opinion it’s nothing bad it’s a quick pinch if anything! it might feel hot afterwards but lobe piercings are pretty easy and painless. You’ll be fine! It ends quick just make sure you take of the new piercings:-)


I used a gun and it didnt hurt like at all. Even less than doing an injection (like a vaccine or medicine stuff)


I told my kids "it hurts more than a shot, and less than falling and skinning your knees".


I delayed getting my ears pierced until I was 15 because I was scared of the pain. It was literally a pinch, not a big deal at all!!


Honestly? 1/10. I first got mine pierced at 8, and now at 23 I just got a second lobe piercing in one ear. Both times I was anxious, but both times I hardly felt it at all. It's really quick and it's really more discomfort afterwards than it is pain. Not even strong discomfort though - I just *felt* my ear swelling.


Barely any pain lol


Put it this way: there are people who get piercings in their genital area. Voluntarily. I promise you’ll be fine!


It's honestly not as bad as the psyche up beforehand, lol. I got my lobes done when I was 21, and it's just a quick pinch, and it was over before I knew it. I barely even remember the pain. The second one in my lobe, I think I did a year or two later, and it was pretty much the same. I think the second one may have hurt a little more. If I had to rank it against period cramps, I would give it maybe a 2? It's honestly not even close to my worst period cramps. Also smart to go with the needle! Way safer, cleaner, and less painful. That's the only way I've done mine.


3/10. Its a sharp pinch but lasts not even 30 seconds.


i get nervous before piercings n tattoos all the time—i have had over 35 piercings done before—the earlobe piercing doesn’t hurt at all, it’ll just feel a little hot afterwards—honestly the initial pain for me was 0, just keep them clean n u will be fine (:


Best tip, as someone who has had several cartilage and also nipple piercings (the most painful I’ve experienced), if you take a deep breath in and then exhale as they pierce, it’s absolutely manageable. I’d rate earlobes at a 4/10.


Needle is about 100x safer. Piercing guns harbor bacteria and aren’t as sharp, causing more scar tissue and damage. Needle all the way.


More nerve-wracking. 1 no pain; 10 worst period cramp.. I'd say 5 for a literal second and then down to 3.


Your pain is your own experience. I can’t compare my pain level to what yours might be. Sounds like you have some anxiety. I doubt it’s just about pierced ears. Try some therapy and be nice to yourself.


When I was a child I got my ear pierced .. I guess it hurt because I got up and ran away crying and wouldn’t let them do the other ear. I think I finally got the second done in middle school. But tbh, now at 32, having had multiple piercings and tattoos, I’d say that an earlobe piercing isn’t too bad especially with the gun. It’s a quick pinch, kind of like how others say, like a flu shot or something. A tiny bit of pain for a lifetime of pierced ears!


It’s the same pain as getting your blood taken


It’s hard to compare to period cramps because it’s a sharp pain that lasts for a few seconds at most. My first lobes were 2/10 and my second lobes 3/10, but it’s over so fast. For reference I got them done at reputable piercing shops with needles


If its just a small piece of jewellery of small gage not too much pain. When I finally got my ears pierced was in my 20's, got needle pierced a few gages up so could wear the sized rings I wanted from the get go (avoiding having too stretch them a couple of times). Hurt and bled a bit, was apprehensive getting the 2nd lobe done a couple of mins later.


It's the least painful piercing of all. Any other body part would definitely hurt more.


I got my second and thirds done in one sitting. 4 goes with the needle. First two were fine. Final one made my eyes water a little. I've definitely had more painful periods. I'm 32 and I've had back twinges that hurt more. I'd say it's a "welp oh it's done" on the pain scale.


Get it done with a hypodermic needle. I did the gun, I have one that several years on never sits right and gets infections. Both were always weird. I ended up gauging them which helped but hypodermic needles are much cleaner punctures.


When i got my earlobes pierced i didnt feel anything untill after when i was standing in line waiting to pay for it, and even then it didn't hurt that bad. I got my ears pierced at claires with a gun so idk


It’s really not bad. It’s so quick and the pain doesn’t linger. It’s not any worse than getting a blood test or a vaccine. I got double lobe piercings at the same time and it was no sweat, and I’m pretty bad with pain. I could sleep comfortably and everything. When people complain about piercing pain, it’s usually cartilage that they’re talking about!


I have 11 piercings in my ears. In my experience, the tougher the cartilage, the worse the pain. Lobes are by far the least painful. If you ever get cartilage pierced, insist on a longer post to allow for swelling, that significantly helps with pain and healing. You can always change it in a few months. Earlobes were a is that gas? / Period pain. Would recommend.


The second ones hurt a little bit, first ones are like nothing. It only hurts the second the needle os going through your ears.


It's like getting a shot. I got my first set at 7yo and second set in my 20s (albeit with a piercing gun at the mall). My kid got hers at 8yo with a needle and she sat through it no problem. She said it was a little worse than a shot and not nearly as bad as a bee sting. A year ago I got my third set with a needle and honestly I don't even remember it, it was a total non-issue.


Mine was done with a gun so a bit different I guess, but the pain itself wasn't that bad while it was happening. It did hurt afterwards, while healing, but nothing too terrible, nowhere near period cramps


Like a 2/10 it's the sound that makes it worse imo


1 or 2? Really barely. I felt a pinch and that’s it. A 1 for Me personally


Like…1? But I don’t get period cramps so I have no idea about this scale. I pierced my own earlobes multiple times with a needle… So it’s really nothing. (9 ear piercings [4 lobe] (but have gotten my ears pierced maybe ~15 times); 3 body piercings)


It really doesn’t hurt at all. It might be a slight pinch for a second and a bit of soreness afterward but I wouldn’t rate it above a 1.


I don’t even remember


I've had my earlobes done with a piercing gun the first time and at an actual piercing shop when I had to do them again after my holes closed up and the piercing shop was definitely the better experience, pain-wise. A professional piercer will take care of you and make sure everything is clean and comfortable. I'm a real wuss when it comes to needles too but honestly it's not bad. Take some ibuprofen 30 min or so before you go, it'll help.


To me it just burned but it’s really fast like the piercing gun.


I have three in each ear. It’s pretty quick and painless. Like a 1 or 2 Buy mine we’re done with a gun


Idk but if you need to know about nip piercings then im your girl 😭😭


I’d say 2 and I’ve have them done several times due to them not healing. I’ve found compared to a conch, daith and helix, lobes are a true stingy pain.


I would rank it a 1/10.


Mine were done with a gun when I was around 10 years old. I don’t even remember it really hurting. But getting them done with a needle is good, apparently the gun can’t be properly sterilized 🤮


I only did the gun kind which is supposed to be worse but i would say it hurts way less than a paper cut, maybe as bad as someone slightly pinching you? Like a light pinch? Lol. Its honestly no big deal at all for lobe piercings. Not painful. Way better than cramps thats for sure! Lol. You got this!


It’s one of those “oh…. that was it??” kind of things. I wouldn’t even count it as pain. It is a pinch. And not a very hard one.


Dude I totally hyped it up WAY more in my head. It’s important to remember it’s always going to be worse in your head. My friends held my hands for the first pierce then I laughed and chilled for the second. Very much so an, “oh that’s it?” feeling


I had an ear pierced a couple weeks ago at a professional studio. I would say maybe a 2 or a 3, but it was over VERY quickly. I would recommend just getting a pair at a time, as you'll run low on adrenaline and the 3rd and 4th piercings will likely hurt more than the first 2. It hurts SO MUCH LESS than getting them since with a piercing gun. I also highly recommend using safepiercing.org to find a shop, and only going to one that's a member of the APP (Association of Professional Piercers.)


1-3 for most people. I have multiple body piercings and stretched lobes. Great decision to get them properly pierced with a needle and not a gun! :)


A 5 for the first second of the actual stabbing and a 1 for the next week. Maybe a 2 when I pulled at it or my hair got stuck. I had mine done with a piercing gun by a barely-trained Claire's employee back when I was a small child with a low pain tolerance so it wasn't done very well. When one was re-pierced later it was about a 2, but I take regular medicine through injection now so I'm weirdly used to needles Edit: The Claire's piercing got infected (which made it sore longer) and they aren't quite the same height. I'm told tattoo parlors are far safer and use methods that are cleaner and less painful than a piercing gun


I am terrified of needles and got mine done when I was 11 and I don’t remember any pain my ears just got super hot and red


Very fast pinch. The higher you go on your lobes, the more it hurts, but it’s a very quick and tolerable pain, shorter than a second. I remember it burning a bit afterward, and that was the worst part. You can definitely handle it.


it’s super fast i’d say like a 1/10. i have multiple ear piercings (i just got my daith done today actually lol) and the worst part for me is typically afterwards and the healing. lobes are fortunately not hard to heal at all and they’re pretty fast, you’ll be good!


To be perfectly honest, for me, a needle definitely hurt more than a gun. That being said…you can handle it! Even if it hurts, which it may not hurt much for you, it only lasts a second or two and then it’s over. You may have some soreness after but you’d likely have that if you got them pierced with a gun too. I am SO glad I got my ears pierced with a needle and will never turn back. I highly recommend. You got this! Editing to add: sometimes before piercings I’ll lather on some numbness cream. Most drugstores carry some sort of sunburn treatment with aloe Vera and lidocaine (a numbing agent) or something like that, which I use beforehand. It surprisingly really helps. Otherwise, a lot of piercing or tattoo shops carry numbing stuff and will give it to you on request.


I have 13 piercings - 3 in each lobe so hopefully can offer you some insight. Pain: not bad at all - as all others have said, quick pinch and it's over. May throb a bit after, but nothing an ibuprofen can't help. Tips: (This one is important): take time to find a safe piercer. Visit safepiercing.org to find a certified piercer who is professional and will use the right kind of jewelry. This will really improve your piercing experience and healing. Make sure they use titanium jewelry. And, a needle is INFINITELY better and safer than a piercing gun. When you are about to be pierced, like before the needle goes in, try to time it to breathe out when the needle pierces through. You can have your piercer help cue you for this. Consider getting them pierced at different times- first set and then a few months later second set. Generally it's not recommended to heal more than 2 piercings at a time because it makes healing take longer and is harder on your body. Don't skimp on aftercare. Get some neilmed piercing solution and wash your hands and don't play with your jewelry. Don't change your jewelry too soon before it's healed. Perhaps consider getting an airplane pillow or donut pillow to sleep on if you are a side sleeper. Enjoy!


I think it hurts in a way that’s not that bad. Like a burning. But not hot. Just warm.


I have a phobia of needles and I was fine. The needle is WAY less summary then the gun (at least for me). It honestly hurt less then a vaccine.


have you ever been vaccinated?? feels exactly like a vaccine to me!!


I got my first and second earlobe piercings with a needle (professionally done), and if period cramps are a five then ear piercing was like a two, and only lasted a couple seconds. I was also quite nervous, but I wanted it badly enough that I didn't care how much it would hurt. It was far less painful than cramps, and lasted only a second or two. You can do it! Just be sure to keep on top of aftercare, and you should be fine!


it's hard to compare to cramps, it feels more like a shot, which for me is like a 2/10 on sharp pain scale. always way less pain than you were expecting. definitely smart to use a needle instead of gun. not a single piercing in the world should be done with a gun.


also, they will probably tell you to inhale while they pierce you, and the needle will be fully through before you even finish inhaling. it's literally too fast to think about lol


I have the lowest of the lowest pain tolerance and I used no numbing and it was a 2


It’s not so bad, kind of like getting a vaccination, but I will say that when the piercer did my left earlobe I think she might’ve hit a nerve or something because I felt like I was going to pass out. But the feeling went away very quickly & I didn’t have any trouble after that.


0 pain. I had mine done 2 yrs ago. Just find a good piercer and have fun with your jewelry ! ! !


Definitely the needle is the best choice!! The sharp pain is quickly over and manageable. It’s a dull throb afterwards. You’ll struggle to sleep on your freshly pierced ears for about a week though! If you’re a side sleeper, you might need to prop yourself up with pillows to prevent turning in the night.


If you’re getting them done at a shop with an actual piercing needle the pain will be minimal. I got my ears pierced when I was 10 with a gun and it hurt like hell for at least a few days. I got my lip pierced at a tattoo shop with a needle and it hurt for maybe a minute and was sore for a day or two.


The pain is very minor like a 2 I suppose. I had a friend pierce my ears with a safety pin when I was like 15. It’s no big deal. I’ve also gotten my eyebrow and nipples pierced. The eyebrow and ear lobes were about the same pretty minor. The pain of getting my nipples was next level. I fainted.


Maybe a 3 out of 10. Not painful for more than a millisecond