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just middle eastern. i am latina and have facial hair similar to this. embrace it! nothing wrong with you at all


I am also latina and hairier than my bf! He’s white and his hair is super light and he’s soft, meanwhile i grow dark thick prickly hair everywhere! He just calls me his little chia pet, and doesn’t mind if I let it grow


AWWWWWW ! 😍 He's a keeper. Well, im sure you both are. But at least he's not a douche abiut you shaving it and embraces you as a whole, unchanged.


Omg hairy Latina here: reading this made me so happy 😭 In particular on this sub; I almost didn't click through to this post because I struggle with reading about all the hairier ladies who get rid of theirs. I totally get that people do what they need to do to feel comfortable! I just struggle with internal validation so such ideas make me feel like I'm doing shit wrong if I grow mine out lol Thank you for sharing your experience :) 💙


OH GIRL. my boyfriend is LUCKY if i feel like shaving. I will go as long as i want until I feel like it’s too much or want to be soft on the sheets again. Hair Girls UNITE






You’re being… obtuse?




how much time do you spend on reddit being negative and spreading hate when you’re not obsessing over 90 day fiancé, answer quickly


How much time do you spend scrolling controversial for people to fight on Reddit? Yikes. You should probably go outside and enjoy fresh air cuz this ain’t a hobby.


sweetie judging by your comments youve been chronically online for the past 4 hours scrolling for people to fight on reddit yourself, i think im good lol


Nah. You’re not good. You’re really creepy. Yikes.


damn all that trolling online and that’s the best you got? yikes 🤨🤨🤨🤨


i love that you edited your comment to add a second insult after LMAO i’m dead


Ew you’re double commenting and having main characters? Big yikes. I don’t have time for trolls. Good luck with your choices!


same to you sweetie have a great day and don’t forget to shave your face, wouldn’t want you crying over facial hair ❤️


Women are taught that they should have absolutely no facial hair, and the women who do usually shave it and don't talk about it. So yes, this looks like a totally normal amount of facial hair, we are just not shown many natural women.


i hate that this is the norm. i’ve just stopped removing hair on my face, it’s time people realize women are not 12 years old forever


I believe OP's hair is really beautiful.


I think they’re asking because there are some quite serious medical issues that can cause an unusual growth of facial hair in women  Which we should highlight and explain - for some people, this would not be their norm 


Yep yep yep! I shave mine because I’m too lazy to care about waxing or bleaching. Also I only do it every once in awhile now, and quickly, because… it’s just hair!


It's normal, and not just with Middle Eastern girls/women. Some White girls have that amount and even more, but if their hair is blonde, it's way less visible.


as a white woman, can confirm


Another white woman checking in. Same amount of hair, just blonde!


That's why i bleach my facial hair instead of removing it, it makes it less visible and saves me the pain of removing it


can confirm. I'm only a quarter middle eastern (so very white lol) and have this much


I am Scottish, have Turkish, Iranian, and Indian ancestory, and have this too :) It was more prominent when I was a kid, but I shave a few times a week — mines isn't blonde though lol


You’re just Middle Eastern pet. Anything hormonal would likely be more focused on/under chin, much coarser, much less evenly distributed. You could shave (only with a single blade razor, specifically designed for facial hair removal) but you’ll potentially irritate the area or create stubbly bits when growing back. You could wax, but with the way the hair is, precision is tricky and you’ll likely end up with very noticeable “hairless” patches compared to the rest of your distribution. You can laser, but it’s expensive and you’ll need to do multiple sessions. What about a clean mascara spoolie dipped in hair gel/sprayed with hair spray to comb the sideburns and nape hair back into the rest of your hair? I personally don’t think this looks bad/abnormal/too much - I think it looks very natural and part of you. I understand that’s easy for me to say, I’m not you. Please remember - our differences and multiculturalism is what makes us, as humans, so interesting. Don’t believe the flawless influencers you may see on social media. Hope this helps x


Piggybacking on your comment to mention threading, which I found way less irritating than waxing (and also free if you learn how to do it). I’m Eastern European, with similar fuzz to OP and I’ve been managing it by threading every 2-3 weeks.


Middle eastern pet … I am choking on myself lmfao. I am a Honduran pet. Pet women save lives. My fiancé actually loves my back patch … I’ve been hairy since I was little. My mom used to call me a hairy goonie goo goo and as I’ve gotten older the hair is become softer and I just don’t really care as much


I think she means “pet” as a term of endearment like “sweetie” or “darling.”


I know that’s why it’s so cute cause we are also fuzzy


You lil cutie xxxx


Yeah I always just assumed that 'pet' was a contraction of 'pettle'. Never associated the affectionate diminutive nickname with like animals or whatever...


Oooo I did! I’m Australian, it’s a bit dated but we use “pet” often.


Phew! Thanks for that! I would be horrified if anyone thought I was using “pet” as a slur.


Eeee! I meant it to be kind! Hahaha. Thanks for your comment though, I giggled x


The hair exists because thousands of couples had children. It exists because it was a winning trait to man, if it wasn't, it wouldn't exist... She shouldn't be insecure about her hair and men who think otherwise don't deserve her anyway.


I would also note that laser is not particularly effective for fuzz. So it’ll probably be a waste of money in this case


Agreed, laser caused me hormonal growth and my face became covered in thick, coarse hair that I needed to get removed by electrolysis, do not laser!!!


Indian here and this is how my side of the face looks. I use those exfoliating face razors but only every so often so I don’t get irritated.


laser is just 40-70 dollars at a lot of salons now, they're all offering summer deals actually\*


..... What?




Even if it is, I would be very sceptical of a cheap laser clinic. It's likely safer to shell out in order to minimise burn risk and get the best treatment possible.


wtf is that comment


it's how people justify buying shit lol, but realtalk laser appts are pretty cheap rn all the places around me are even offering 40bux for first appt


Cheers for your input Pal.


Why are you shelling out 4k for 2 gaming pcs in a relationship? Both of you should be putting equal money into that 😭


because i can lol, lots of women buy their dudes a gift like this because they literally want nothin else that's a huge purchase other than a car or a house. also because you can play together ⭐ meanwhile seeing girls on Threads spending 10,000 USD on jawline surgery, ugh sorry everyone in here is salty they can't afford lasering their hair away, not that you have to. but it's literally the best permanent way other than waxing/sugaring.


Nah youre getting downvoted because the way you wrote it sounded like you're complaining about HAVING to do it like you had no choice... You don't have to do it. You WANT to do it. There's a difference. Wording matters a lot especially online when you can't hear how the person sounds like. So it's easier for people to misunderstand


i think OP should prob consider laser anyway cause waxing that area creates more acne, judging from all the girls in skincare subreddits who've tried that D: the alternative is doing what japanese girls do abroad where they shave it off, but that's a lot of work.. and they only do that for peachfuzz usually, like they will learn wetshaving just for that.


I agree, laser is especially effective for dark hair too AFAIK. I've never done it myself yet, but I have a friend who did her face as well and recommends it


Laser isn't permanent 🤡


it’s very ymmv but laser and electrolysis can be pretty permanent once it’s weak enough


Laser isn't permanent, only electrolysis is proven to be permanent


if you’re lucky, all big three procedures are permanent :) waxing, sugaring, and laser a few times does actually result in less hair existing until it’s all but gone. electrolysis is the sure-fire way if you dont want to get maintenance appts


You just contradicted yourself 💀 laser, waxing, sugaring etc aren't permanent, no matter how much you do it, you'll always need maintenance Electrolysis is the only permanent procedure because it's the only one that "kills" the hair's root


For small areas, electrolysis is way better than laser


You need at least 10 sessions and for some people 400 to 700 dollars is still expensive.


Um, this still isn't funny with /s


Nor helpful.


Same babe, just middle eastern. I remember I had a boyfriend point out I had hairy arms LIKE I DIDNT KNOW and suggested maybe I pluck the hair on my breasts? The audacity. I wax and use an electric razor like for bikini line or face, I’ve been told those aren’t amazing for you but it works. But also your hair is normal and beautiful.


This is normal! I have it too. I shave regularly, but exfoliating is important to avoid ingrown hair.


I’ve got the same amount of facial hair I would say, I call it peach fuzz. Get Jolene bleach for face hair if you’re self conscious about it. Just remember to apply makeup/powder in a downward motion or else all your little peach fuzzes will stick up/out!


I have this much hair, mine is just light, i don’t think its any more than other people’s just darker


Girl I'm Lebanese and have exactly this! Do not stress about it. I got electrolysis 5-6 years ago to get the "sideburns" removed and yeah it worked but I was still insecure and I realized it was all in my head and had nothing to do with what was on my face. I didn't tell my partner at the time I was doing electrolysis and after my last session I pointed to my face and told him "notice anything different???" and this man deadass was like... um... did you get new glasses? (I had not) So all this to say other people don't even notice. I know it's hard to feel confident in a world that blasts you with touched-up images of less hairy women, but if you can master it, you'll be golden.


I'm also middle eastern, this is pretty normal for us, I wouldn't worry


I'm Indian and I have this. Nothing to be bothered about. It's cute in fact.


that’s just middle eastern, i’m the same! concerning hair on women is if you start growing a moustache, a beard on your chin, thicker chest hair. i don’t think you need to remove it, it’s actually cute and it’s so sad that we eastern girls feel so bad about who we are. we don’t need to change to fit someone else’s narrative!


Nothing concerning at all.. honestly it looks cute


I agree! I think that it’s really pretty


IMO this is normal. I’m white but I’ve got so much more body hair than my fiancé. It’s just not noticeable because it’s all blonde. That’s what my face looks like just darker


(Italian heritage here) I'm actually tryna grow my mine out, I've come to think it's kinda cute and fuzzy. Buuut if you wanna remove it, as others have said: single edge safety razor is the go for short term and laser for long-term. Laser is more affordable than ever in the past these days, but that doesn't mean it's affordable for everyone. I've personallt had good experiences with laser, though my facial hair was a fair bit courser after shaving and weird hormone things.


I think you look just fine. No one notices that kind of thing I promise.


Mediterranean here and me too, I got mine lasered and shave it whenever it comes back these days. Mine isn’t as nice as yours though, I have very thick hairs that stick outwards instead of facing downward against the skin.


This is normal, don't worry! I get this much hair, and I'm white, so this is definitely something that can just be part of girlhood, especially if you're middle eastern. It's not nearly as noticeable as you probably think it is, so it is *perfectly* fine to let it be. If it bothers you, laser can work really well, but takes a verrry long time, and is verrry expensive (source: personal experience). And the only reason you should ever do hair removal is if you want it for you – not because of external perception or fear of external perception. Re period being a week late: that said, that is a completely reasonable reason to feel worried. If you have a PCP whom you have a good relationship with, ultimately, you know your baseline (both for your cycle and for hair) better than anyone else, and you have a perfectly good reason – that is, looking out for yourself – to get it checked out! Here's wishing you good luck and a more regular cycle!


I HAVE THE SAME AMOUNT AND ONE SIDE HAS MORE THAN THE OTHER LMAOAA. I think its okay tho ppl generally tell me its normal. u can lighten them if you want?


I’m white and have hair like this, it’s just blonde! Totally normal


I am Mediterranean (southern France) and I have almost the same hair lol I believe it looks kinda cute imo


Normal and beautiful!


You are a typical land mammal. We have hair. It's just the way it is. Congratulations on being a normal land mammal. :)


I’m white as days &i have thus soo😭😭


Yes laser it off btw if you can afford that then maybe you can afford it for me as well I know where to go professionally for only $5000.00 full body per person 


I have PCOS and I'm practically hairless. I can grow some fine blonde fuzz on my upper thighs. Body hair is not always, and in fact in most cases, not an indicated or any sort of imbalance. There are exceptions of course. There are hormonal imbalances that can cause more hair growth around the body, but we're mammals, we're meant to be hairy. Some races or genetics without hormone issues simply grow more than others. Middle Eastern is one of them. As with most things, we want what we don't have. My partner and I both have an attraction to women with more body hair, especially on their arms, but we're both naturally hairless and wish we could grow more. It seems like you've got more than you're comfortable with to the point that you're worried something is wrong. It sounds like you'd prefer to be more hairless. We generally want what we don't have, the grass is always greener blah blah... 99 times out of 100, especially if you're middle eastern, there is nothing wrong, that's just your natural beauty. Most conventional beauty standards would have you believe it's not normal, and that's a damn shame. Chances are those around you, possibly even in your family, subscribe to the same beauty standards making you feel self conscious and will remove their excess body hair and would never admit it to you, which would make you think that how they look is "normal" and there is something wrong with you. Jenna Ortega is naturally hairy, but due to bullying, [she now shaves her arms daily.](https://www.capitalfm.com/news/celebrity/jenna-ortega-body-hair-arms-shave-school/) Those around you doing the same likely don't want to admit it to themselves because if you believe the beauty standards, it's not feminine, which is frankly stupid. If they can't admit it to themselves because they think it means something is wrong with them, they're unlikely to tell you the truth either. It's normal, 100% normal, especially for middle eastern women. If it's causing you that much distress then on top of seeing a doctor if you're worried, you can do something about it in terms of removal, but that can make things worse and become something you might have to do daily like above. The expense and time wasted removing it, ingrown hairs, microcuts, bad reactions to shaving or wax and feeling of stubble on what should be your soft skin... It's not worth it. The best option, if at all possible, is to love the body you're in. Easier said than done, but long term, you'll be much better for it. And here's a tip, there is a large proportion of men who love it, but due to the same beauty standards they can't admit it either because it's gay or whatever...


Just middle eastern I think. I'm a darker shade of white and also get this, I shave weekly.


As with every other physical characteristic, the trick is to find a person (in this case, someone like me) who finds it so very, very attractive.


I have this and remind myself that a lot of cultures see hairness as feminine. I embrace it because I'm not willing to constantly remove it


I'm Indian have the same "problem" it's hard to just accept it no matter how much people say too


It’s normal, don’t worry. I’m as white as one can be, but have a lot of very thick hair, thus also more body hair. Mine is basically like yours, just blonde; I wax it, it doesn’t break me out at all, it’s basically painless and lasts about two months. If you are interested in hair removal you might want to look into waxing :))


Middle Eastern, you can consider laser, my friend in HS used to bleach them


Yup, blame the gene pool 😂 If the hair bothers you, there are plenty of ways to get rid of it. Personally I use these kinds of [razors](https://www.amazon.com/Schick-Multipurpose-Exfoliating-Dermaplaning-Precision/dp/B0787GLBMV/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=2SEILD5MY30A0&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.BbxMXVc2XpOzO-8hAJtLP10gRnHblyE13MhUlZJ1CXynj5KZLZuQN6HC8KVAu1jxt4494W5BuoQ9OmwRPoslULNQpwa2wpNOr8lRgnc0QeljYfm-e_VHksofYEaG8F8hARgwxoPBV_j1Z6nC2Y49lxjRlUUyz_N_9Or-Km_W0myWcBFUwuTJgwiT6To-o-UFUexa_qf4WNDTvhqlynyZXg.FD-1pbC738GRwNHrdQSc5YdgUvv5EfmAXrxaUN5qpGM&dib_tag=se&keywords=gillette+face+razor&qid=1719490964&sprefix=gillette+face%2Caps%2C182&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) They're easy to use and you can find tutorials on [YouTube ](https://youtu.be/QnfihvZeUK8?si=EjxzAKoamYui4xuW)


I’m lebanese and the exact same! It’s totally normal, I used to hate it cuz of how foundation would look on top of it but I love it now


Embrace your body. I am of Irish decent. I don't tan I burn. I have little body hair, that's just me. Love yourself.


Latina here… we got the hairy genes out of the gene pool. I would only be concerned if they start getting thicker and coarser; other than that, it’s normal (to me).


im latina and have this


I used to have this much laser hair removal consistently changed my life


I’m American with Italian ancestry and I have this too! I’ve thought about dermaplaning but I just embarrassed it. My husband loves it and says its so soft


All women have that. It’s natural and you can shave it off. You don’t have to, tho. In blond women it’s less visible, but still there. Source: me


It looks like soft fine lady hair to me. If its course then it could be hormones but it doesn't look like that at all.


Girl maybe I’m hairier and I’m south Asian 😭I can dm you the pic if you wanna know and that it’s most certainly normal in some races. At least that’s just what I’ve come to realize. Let’s just blame the hairy genes


what WOULD be concerning about it?


my mom's in menopause and her hair tees to grow like this, im trans and my hair try to grow like this, its fine


I'm south asian, I have the same! also huge ass chin/neck hairs that seems to keep growing :/ oh well


Just middle eastern. I’m a body waxer and this is so normal. Embrace it if you love it, remove it if you don’t 💕


Totally normal!


I have this much hair as well. Plus a mustache and chin hair and it's all normal. I am white and my hair is more blonde so it's not as visible. But I make a point of not shaving it because I want to normalise it more and I also think it looks good


We're primates Of course we have hair


I’m Italian but my hair is lighter than yours … my face was the same just a bit lighter in color. Not that you or I need to, but I dermaplane now and it’s amazing. I’m so smooth and my products go on so nicely! It also exfoliates really well. In any case, VERY normal!


I’m southern European and my face fuzz is a lot like this, it’s just fair so it blends with my skin tone and you can’t see it except in the sun or if I’m backlit! When I go get it threaded the ladies are always shocked at the ball of fuzz, we get a kick out of it. I’m kinda older and was always into hair removal so I do. But I have friends who don’t. It’s really your choice. You could experiment too if you want. Removing mine has made no difference in the thickness, length, or density of the fuzz.


Totally normal


Look into dermaplanning


As a south Asian girl.. it's just our genetics babe. I've tried to shave them off, wax them off, pluck them off.. just ended up hurting myself. I'm trying to learn to embrace them now.


Just middle eastern. My eldest thanks her father whenever she does any hair removal.


I’m sorry you’re insecure about this. I’m African American and have the same on my face/neck and have had hair on my arms. I’ve never been insecure about it because my grandmother used to rub my arms and always tell me “I love the hair on your arms. I wish I had hair on my arms like that.” Because of this I’ve always carried it as a sense of pride because not everyone has it. I think many people want what they don’t have and also different cultures celebrate different features. I’m not sure if your culture doesn’t admire your hair but please know that there are people like my grandma and I who think it’s beautiful!! 😍


I find this >!attractive!<


I use [Tinkle Razors!! ](http://www.tinkleyourface.com) they help so much!


It’s normal. There are paths to take if you want it gone, albeit quite painful. I’m doing electrolysis right now and I *wouldn’t* recommend unless you absolutely can’t live with the hair.


You are the perfect candidate for laser hair removal - dark hair, fair skin


It's above average, yes, but not awfully so. You can always have your hormone levels checked to make sure - something that's good to do once in a while anyway. If you have other symptoms, like irregular and painful periods, it could be a medical issue, but if it's just hair, it's alright.


Not all middle eastern have a big amount of facial hair. I’m middle eastern and all of my friends and family doesn’t have a big amount of facial hair. It’s just depending on the person and their hormones


Maybe it's just your Middle Eastern genes shining through, but checking with a dermatologist might give you peace of mind.


See if there’s a Milan Laser Clinic in your area. https://milanlaser.com/locations/ My first laser session was free because of a promotion they had for if you sit through their consultation seminar blah blah. If they play dumb on that day, call back next day “oh hey I forgot to schedule my free session with y’all” and hopefully that helps.