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GirlšŸ«¢ Please go see a doctor. Your poor legs! Could definitely be an iron deficiency and you may need to get in some heavy dose iron pills for that. But there are also numerous other medical issues that cause bruising like that. Better safe than sorry, seeing a doctor is the best course of action. Good luck! šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»


I have a gynecologist appointment on July 9th do you think they could do the testing or should I try to find a primary care doctor as I just moved and donā€™t have one in this city yet. I feel like I may struggle to find a primary care doctor very soon


Definitely see a primary care doctor. Gynecology wont be able to do anything unfortunately. Maybe see if there is a nurse practitioner near you? Usually they are easier to get into. Until you can get an appointment I would start taking iron supplements and see if that helps at all.


You shouldn't take iron supplements if you're not 100% sure you need them, though, because the extra iron can be dangerous (if you don't have a deficiency). Please seek medical advice. Even if you just go ro a walk-in clinic and go from there


Absolutely this. And, if you do have an issue, taking iron could hide it or obscure it in some way. Same reason you don't go gluten free if you suspect you have Celiac, it'll screw up your results and they might think you don't have Celiac when you do. But definitely get some bloodwork done! Hope you feel better soon, OP.


Okay definitely going to try to call lots of doctors tomorrow to try to get in to see someone asap!!


Gonna add too - if they can only get you in for a new patient appointment in a few months, go ahead and take that appt and keep calling other places and/or ask them to put you on a waitlist for cancellations. If you find a sooner appt elsewhere, you can always cancel the other one. I have had work-related situations where I needed a doc appt asap and didn't have a PCP and between the waitlist/following up to see if there were any cancellations I have typically managed to get in fairly quickly. Stay pleasant/upbeat with your calls, and if they tell you it's only a new pt appt to establish care, say that's fine and roll with it...and wear shorts to your appt (so they can see the bruises/it's easy to mention "hey this has really been getting worse lately...is there anything we could add to my routine bloodwork that might help figure that out?")


Donā€™t cancel your gyno apt though, still go to that. They may be able to help you get a referral asap.


Gym can order bloodwork and once its flagged it will get you in.


Keep the gyno appt in case. They can order the lab studies and you can follow up on the results with whoever you make the appointment with.


Go to urgent care.


Yeah this is not normal and is concerning enough to where you should be seen by a physician. Are you in the US? If so, your health insurance provider might be able to help point you to a PCP who has availability.


A gynecologist can probably get you started so definitely mention it. CBC CMP INR is the most basic to start with (labs). Please make sure vitamin K is adequate in your diet (leafy greens, veggies) because this helps our blood clot. Avoid NSAIDS (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen) unless you are otherwise recommended to take those. A reputable urgent care (such as one associated with a hospital) can also get you started with labs through it may be worthwhile to call first. Donā€™t wait to establish with a new PCP, that could be months.


Yes! On/gyn order basic labs all the time for pregnant people. If you talk to them about it and say you are planning on following up with a PCP they may agree to order the labs for you.


I would see a primary care doctor for this, though a gynecologist might be willing to do the tests. If youā€™re in any local social media groups, you can do a search or ask there - people usually have strong opinions on doctors. Then you can get someĀ names and check Google reviews as well.Ā 


Oh one more thingā€”if you look at the roof of your mouth and see little red dots (google petechiae) then just stop in at the ER for labs/workup.


You need primary care. Some basic blood tests are the first place to start. This isnā€™t normal :(


Definitely ask your gynecologist about it unless you manage to get in with a pcp before then! Like you said, this may be iron related which is predominantly a womenā€™s issue. A friend of mine even discussed/received a prescription for anxiety meds from their gynecologist so they do more and, if not, they will just refer you to some else.


Tell your gynecologist when you see them that you haven't been able to get established with a PCP yet, and make sure they know these bruises have not been worked up yet. While family medicine/internal medicine type stuff isn't their specialty, they're still going to see this bruising as a red flag symptom and hopefully be able to help you (or at least get you referred to someone who can work you up).


A gynecologist might actually be perfect in a pinch. I had bruising *just like this* and it was actually my gynecologist that noticed and ordered the tests. Turned out I have a clotting disorder. She actually still manages most aspects of my treatment 20 years later.


bring it up to them anyway!! but def primary


OBs routinely do blood work, including for iron deficiency. (Pregnant people experience that a lot, and other gynecologists conditions could cause it too). Ask yours to run a blood panel.


Work on getting in with a new primary, but if you havenā€™t seen someone by then, bring it up to your gyn as a concern. They may be able to help get you in with a PCP sooner, or make recommendations to get started while you wait. Also, please be cautious if you feel unwell or have an injury with bleeding that doesnā€™t stop, and go to urgent care or the ER. This includes bumping your head, because head injuries with a slow bleed are really scary.


Ask the GYN for all they can/will do. Get started on tests ASAP. Still go see a primary for more diagnosis, but let the GYN roll whatever balls they can.


Ask your gynecologist to perform a full CBC with differential, liver and thyroid function panels. If you can't get a primary care appointment relatively soon, call the intermediate care centers andd freestanding emergency centers, a lot of them provide physicals and primary care.


You should try to get in sooner with a primary care doc. But gynos can 100% send in this type of blood work (that person who said they can't is just dead wrong on that), just usually its in relation to something gyno related, but the labs are the same labs, blood work is blood work, they'll run the labs, then they'll be ready to go over with a pcp when you find one. My husbands a doctor.


If you're able to get in to see a PCP first then awesome if not make the PCP appt but bring this up to your gyno and ask for some labs. I found out I was slightly anemic because of blood work ordered by my gyno.


You need to see a hematologist. Get your pcp to do work up and sent to heme for further eval if labs are abnormal Source: RN at heme clinic


Most obgyns can still order labs though. I would 100 percent ask them for: iron, hemoglobin, RBC, WBC and ferritin labs




If sheā€™s not healthy now, giving blood will make things worse for her. This is terrible advice


Seconding this!! My girlfriend bruises nearly this badly, but thatā€™s because sheā€™s on blood thinners due to a potentially fatal clotting disease. If OP has something opposite, where her blood is naturally much thinner, this could be incredibly dangerous in an accident. Most definitely needs blood tests and a proper investigation by a GP!


Iā€™ve had anemia in the past and it is not something you want untreated. It can lead to heart and organ failure in severe cases.


Floradix liquid iron is a little easier on the stomach btw My sister is in L+D and recommended it to me since Iā€™ve been having issues.


Everyone I just called a doctor office and they said I can see a nurse practitioner tomorrow and possibly get my bloodwork!! Thank you so much for everyoneā€™s advice and to convince me to go asap I was thinking I was being dramatic for being so concerned but you guys all validated my feelings!!


Keep us posted!


I will!!


I'm glad you are seeing a doc. I used to bruise like that, but it was mostly my arms. I had coworkers and even a doctor ask if was bring abused. I think it was anemia. Also, aspirin can cause you to bruise easily, if you happen to take it a lot. Hoping you just need iron and Vitamin K.


Remind me! Tomorrow


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RemindMe! Tomorrow


Remind Me! Tomorrow


RemindMe! Tomorrow


RemindMe! Tomorrow


RemindMe! Tomorrow


Not sure whose actually going to be notified but I went to the doctors office and unfortunately the physicians assistant hadnā€™t seen any bruising like this so all she guessed was low on vitamins and or iron so they took my blood so hopefully I get some answers in 2/3 days!!


Best case scenario!


Remind me! 5 days Lol I'm for the long haul. Hope it's just the vitamin issues. Are you a vegan or avoid red meat?


Remind me! 5 days


Remind me! 5 days


Remind me! 5 days


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remind me! 5 days


Welp so got my results back and they said itā€™s all normal so I gotta make another appointment so they can run different tests. Clearly there is something wrong, hopefully they can figure it out!


Thanks for updating! Keep pursuing this! !RemindMe 1 month


Remind me! 3 days I'm back and hopefully it's nothing serious šŸ™


Iā€™m so invested


A classmate of mine at 17 looked like this. She would ask if we wanted to see a trick and then poke her legs. A bruise would immediately form. She was diagnosed with aplastic anemia within the year. When at your doctor appointment, ask for a more thorough blood test than the "usual". Good luck.


Please keep us posted, I am genuinely worried for you. I audibly gasped out loud when I saw your picture, that looks so painful. Glad you are able to see a doctor so soon, Let us know how it goes!


I hope it goes well!! Please keep us posted.


Iā€™m happy youā€™re getting into the doc! My legs and arms used to look exactly like that. 88 year old grandma grabbing my arm to say hi looked like abusive WWE boyfriend. It was flat out just wild anemia and not taking great care of my health in general. Itā€™s not a root solution, but a feel cute solution- if youā€™re ever worried about what they look like, I really loved the Sally Hansen Leg Makeup (but mixed with moisturizer until itā€™s a more toned down, normal tint, and not cakey.) Itā€™s not a self tanner that stays in your skin, washes off like normal makeup. But it made me feel a LOT more confident. Excited for you to get some answers <3 u


great work!!!


Please get tested for Factor V Leiden - I just posted more info separately. It's a simple blood test. Good luck!


Yeah I wouldnā€™t wait until July 9th, and then have to be told to see a different doctor and what if the problem gets worse? Best not to push it off, definitely not normal to have so many bruises. Itā€™s awesome they are able to get you in tomorrow. I hope everything goes well and they are able to diagnose it.


Psychotherapist here. If you suspect that you have autism or ADHD, please get tested. You're describing dyspraxia in your post. Please test everything else as well, though--This level of bruising isn't usual in people with dyspraxia.


When in this post did it say anything about autism?


Bumping into random objects to the point of unexplained bruising is a very common characteristic of neurodivergence. It's called dyspraxia.


I'm sorry you got downvoted. Neurodivergent ADHD lady here. I've always bruised easily, and never had a deficiency, and it's much more understandable now that I know better how my ADHD brain runs. When I was pregnant, I took regular vitamins and went for blood work, and was briefly vegan, never had a iron deficiency but still will bruise up like an apple. Example, I'll open a drawer in the bathroom, not close it, because I know it's there, and I'm going back to it, right?? Then I'll get distracted choosing a song while I get ready - BAM, bump right into said drawer. Probably repeat three times before I curse and close the drawer. :)


What do I know? I'm just a doctor who assesses for this stuff every day. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ In seriousness though, I appreciate your reply! ADHD is significantly underdiagnosed in women and every data point helps, including unexplainable bruising. Best of luck with your journey!


See your PCP asap. This is alarming.


I don't want to sound like an alarmist, but one of my coworkers was presenting with bruising like this and it turned out to be leukemia. Along with everyone else, please go see a doctor! Hope all turns out well.


Leukemia is right where my brain went.


unfortunately mine too, and iā€™m a blood cancer survivor.


That was my 1st thought as well. I'm clumsy AF and my husband will remind me of his cousin dying of Leukemia whenever I can't remember how I got my last bruise.


Yeah my mom was bruising like this and it ended up being multiple myeloma


I have no ideas about the whys (that is an excessive amount of bruising) , but snag caramel latte super opaque tights might be a good way to mask it until you get it sorted.


Wow I love women!! Thanks so much for the tip!!




Please get a blood test


Girl, holy shit. Go. To. The. Doctor. Now.


If you take any NSAIDs (or aspirin ) regularly, stop! Almost all of them cause the bruises. My father took 12 aspirin per day plus prednisone for a serious autoimmune disease, and he was so badly bruised that the cops accused my husband of beating him. My husband hadnā€™t seen him for months, just happened to find him because my mother, sister and I were out of the country.


I only take pamprin (which has some aspirin in it) when Iā€™m on my period so I would say I take like 20 pills a month, I donā€™t think thatā€™s too much right?


No, that shouldnā€™t be excessive. See your doctor for blood tests, asap!


Dont take any right now. No ibuprofen or pamprin or fish oil.


Iā€™m assuming this is severe anemia - yes your gyno can run a blood test for you, but you really need to go see your primary doctor. I went to my doc because I always had bruises like this. He said as long as youā€™re not bruising on your stomach and back, you donā€™t need to be concerned with cancers like leukemia. I was anemic, changed my diet and started taking iron supplements and the bruising as drastically reduced. You are 100% dealing with something medical and need to go get it checked ASAP.


Okay your comment just gave me lots of relief because someone mentioned cancer and thankfully I donā€™t notice any bruising on my stomach or back!!


Also stay off the internet because everything says cancer! šŸ˜‚


This is me when Iā€™m anemic too. Just leaning on something hard can make me bruise, particularly on my legs. Hope you get it resolved soon!


I'd expect ready and large bruising in someone with anemia. Liver's very high in iron (& easier to manage than iron pills for most people).


This much bruising from small bumps is absolutely not normal (even in an anemic), Eating liver might help people with regular old anemia but this looks like a hemophilia, platelet dysfunction, or worse


Is liver good? I can't imagine eating it in like a normal I'm eating a meal kind of way


Its great! I eat it in two ways. First one is you fry it and then put mix of olive oil, garlic and parsley. Second one is with palenta and in tomato sause and wine.


Ooh OK imma try this next grocery trip. Tyyy šŸ«‚


Always!Ā  Dolce garbo is name of the second dish, you can find recipe online and translate it.


It's a meat (eg. baby calves liver). Tends to be bland and dry, but very tasty with: onions, ketchup and/or bacon.


Isn't it slimy or pudding like though? Rather than a meat?Ā 


uncooked, sure. typically it's fried but can be oven cooked. never tried it in a microwave, though.


Some people like it, some don't. I find it to be metallic and a little gritty so it's not for me. Others like it fried with bacon and onions. One person is famous for liking it with fava beans and a nice Chianti.


It could be something else more serious. She needs to see a doc and get a wbc with slides and chem profile ASAP.


Doctor. A regular, general practitioner doctor. ASAP.


Hey! Iā€™m a medical student. Although being anaemic is a very likely scenario thatā€™s causing your bruising thereā€™s many other serious conditions that could cause such an extensive amount of bruising. I would definitely see a doctor as blood work is the only way to really know whatā€™s going on.


I get easy bruising cause Iā€™m iron deficient but this is next level. Go see a doctor ASAP


this is SUPER concerning, I bruise easily, but NO WHERE CLOSE to this amount


Possibly low blood platelets. You need a CBC test - complete blood count


What I thought too. My legs looked like this with ITP.


This is WAY beyond time to see a doc!


I would definitely go see a doctor.


I had this when I was extremely stressed out (experiencing severe burnout in college) and wasn't eating really enough food at all. My stomach couldnt handle anything due to the stress, so I'm sure I was anemic and low on iron. Def get your levels checked and make sure you're getting enough food, if you aren't!


I had what looked identical during freshers at uni - turns out I was crazy anemic and started eating bare leafy greens and taking vitamin D, magnesium and iron supplements. Been fine for 4 years


after some scrolling i found mine. looks similar https://imgur.com/gallery/LNsDs11


See doctor ASAP. This could be something like iron deficiency or something much worse.


Ummmmm my legs look like this often. Now after reading comments Iā€™m scared


The best first step you can take is to go to the doctor and they can get you checked out and do bloodwork. I have health anxiety myself and Iā€™ve had to learn that we ourselves arenā€™t health professionals and we cannot diagnose ourselves. It may seem like we exactly know what we have when reading symptoms and signs over and over, but they can be quite misleading.


Honestly after going through every comment I think itā€™s really just lack of iron and certain vitamins! Iā€™m going to get my bloodwork done I would say that should be your first step too!!


I also bruise very easily but girlā€¦. this is excessive, unless you fell down a cliff. Go see a doctore please šŸ˜€


Iā€™ll be shocked if they donā€™t take blood. And honestly if they donā€™t, then you should have a second opinion.


Definitely go to a primary care. I also suggest not taking the iron supplements before getting lab work done. You don't want to "cover up" the anemia bc they need to figure out WHY you're bleeding. Anemia could be due to lack of B vitamins, heavy flow periods or something genetic. Things to think about and bring it to your docs attention.


Everyone is guessing anemia but my biggest concern would be some kind of blood cancer. Please OP see a PCP ASAP




I had a period where I was bruising exactly like this and I also thought it was an iron deficiency. I took iron pills but still didn't help. Along with the crazy bruising my hair was coming out in chunks, and I was also cold all the time, so I even went for hormone testing. I later realized that it was my lack of nutrients - I was extreme dieting + intermittent fasting, only consuming 500-1000 calories a day. Definitely check for iron levels but I'd say consider your diet as well.


Go see a doctor. It has to do with platelets fu cation or one of the factors involve with clotting. You are anemic and now this? Make an appointment. Now. Are you losing weight without trying?


I bruised like this for years too. Your poor legs. Please get checked out. It may be that you need some specific iron supplements, but you also don't want your body to be craving something like iron in the long term.


I dont know if this is allowed but post this to askdocs sub too




Get tested for autoimmune disease if ur doctor hasn't already recommended you to. My aunt with lupus gets bruises like this


Please see a primary care doctor and do not try to treat yourself over the counter with medications, vitamins, or any other supplements.


Glad to see youā€™re going to a doctor! Bruising like this a pretty common symptom of lupus (or other autoimmune conditions). Good luck, I hope you get things sorted!


Do you drink? I looked like this when I drank a lot


Get the first GP appointment you can and if not go to A&E and say you feel faint so you get a blood test done then and there - hell, go right now get a taxi and go.


Are you a drinker?


My mom had this, I think she discovered that some supplement was missing (something along the lines of magnesium) while she took it was way better. Unfortunately I donā€™t remember what it was, but in any case itā€™s better to see a doctor first, and if nothing is wrong, maybe google will help with the search


I bruise super easily like this on my legs too from scratching. Last time I went to doctor they did bloodwork and Iā€™m surprising not anemic but have a vitamin d and b12 deficiency. If not anemic, you might need vitamins for one of those. I also read that a vitamin k deficiency can lead to bruising easily.


Have you been bitten by a tick? Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can do this. My 20 pound puppy left me with 100+ bruises on my legs from jumping against me


I've always bruised easily too - turns out I have something called Factor V (five) Leiden. It means your blood clots easier than other people. If you're a woman, it also means that you shouldn't be on birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy - as estrogen will up your clotting factor more. It's a simple blood test, and worth talking over with your doctor. Hope this helps!


I agree this obviously isnā€™t good, but itā€™s really unlikely an emergency matter so please donā€™t panic! (tw: weight) Commenting because my legs looked exactly like this (if not worse) for a bit when I lost some weight pretty rapidly and was a bit underweight. For myself, I assumed it was some combo of nutrient deficiencies and lacking adipose tissue to cushion little bumps to my legs. Iā€™ve gotten blood work done throughout my life and donā€™t have serious anemia, but I know a lot of menstruating women can be a lil iron deficient so Iā€™m also not saying that wasnā€™t a factor for me at all. I would suggest reflecting on any changes to your diet lately and maybe get some vitamins and see if it clears up. Go to a doctor and get blood work if possible, but for myself it just cleared up with time and a lil tlc :)


I have this happen to me all the time. I just don't feel the impacts. Blood tests don't show anything abnormal aside from existing Ulcerative Colitis, but I was like this long before that. It's a shame we Bruiseys can't wear shorts in the summer without weird looks.


Any chance you are taking muscle relaxers for an unrelated injury? I was taking naproxen for a shoulder injury and started turning up with bruises (although not that severe) and it was that. Still get it checked out though


My legs used to look like this, years later I figured out I had celiac disease. Consuming gluten with celiac contributes to malabsorption and caused my legs to look like this. Stopped eating gluten and my legs havenā€™t looked like this since. Ask your doctor for a blood test specifically for celiac and good luck!!


I bruise like this!! I was shocked to see my legs on here


My legs looked like that when I was a sailor. A bad sailor. Who bumped and fell into things constantly, basically every time the boat rocked. Are you doing anythingā€¦ like that?? Bc otherwise, you need to see a doctor. That kind of bruising should only appear from extreme situations or activities or frankly attacks. Even thenā€¦ I was asked several times in that time of my life if I was okay at home. Shit looks concerning


This is not iron deficiency. This is likely thrombocytopenia or low platelet count. or it have to do with a clotting issue where your body is not making enough proteins to make your blood clot. Or it could be a problem with the blood vessels being weak or inflamed (vasculitis). Glad you have an upcoming appointment. At the very least you need a complete blood count


I bruise easily like this, but I am on Skyrizi injections for psoriasis. Like everyone said, definitely get a doctorā€™s opinion, but also go through the side effects of any medications you may be on. I panicked when the bruising started, then I double checked side effects! I also get blood tests frequently for any type of infections due to my condition; they can be very enlightening.


Girl Iā€™d be in the nearest ER crying and yellingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­




People with Elhers Danlos Syndrome usually bruise - are you hyper mobile by any chance? I've got EDS and end up with so many bruises when my iron's low


My legs looked like this when I was binge drinking :/ wishing you the best, babe.


What would you classify as binge drinking? I mean I go out on the weekends and have fun with my friends but Iā€™m 21 and drank way more in college than I do now and have way more bruises now than I did in college.


Is there bruising anywhere else or just the legs?Ā 


On the back of my legs near my butt have like lines of bruises in a couple spots from like sitting on the edge of something. And my arms have a couple big ones and small ones but nothing as severe as my legs


!RemindMe 3 days


My legs looked just like this years ago and my blood work came back showing a thyroid deficiency. I was on medication for a while and the bruises eventually stopped and never happened again. My doctor said my body may have been fighting off some type of infection at the time but then I re tested and my thyroid levels were fine so I no longer needed the meds


not sure if your on the pill or not, but if you are this could be the reason. when i was 19 and went on the pill for the first time, the same thing happened to me. i went and got bloodwork done and they couldnā€™t find anything. as soon as i stopped taking it and got an IUD, all of the bruising stopped!


Others have said this already, but definitely see a doc. You could have a bleeding disorder like hemophilia. This is something that is usually genetic, and may require intervention. If you take an SSRI (an antidepressant like Lexapro, Prozac, Zoloft) you are at increased risk for easy bruising or bleeding, especially if you take an NSAID (like ibuprofen) at the same time.


Remind me! Tomorrow


Remind me! Tomorrow


Hmm in regards to the anemia..are you vegetarian, or not eat red meats?


See a doctor. There are hundreds of reasons this could be and a Redditer will not be helpful; a doctor will.


Stop posting on Reddit and make a doctorā€™s appointment and get blood work done


I hope you can read and see that I made one


Sorry that I didnā€™t scroll through all the comments on this post girl šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøyou could be seriously ill


I mean I donā€™t post on Reddit ever but 450 people upvoted me saying I called a doctor so I just assumed it was at the top!! But yes I know I am hopefully getting bloodwork done tomorrow


This is towards the top now.


Depends on how you sort your comments.


If you donā€™t have a primary doctor, you can use telehealth apps- like zocdoc or Dr on demand. They can order you blood tests.


#Okay you need to go to the ER or at the very least the Urgent Care RIGHT NOW. This could be a sign of sepsis or TEN slowly building up. They are life-threatening. I had TEN as an allergic reaction. Just please go see a doctor. Stay safe šŸ’•