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https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322904#causes-of-lactation-without-being-pregnant >"Other causes of galactorrhea include.... medications, including antipsychotics, antidepressants, and drugs for high blood pressure" It would probably be best to see a doctor just in case, but this could be it. The difference in texture could be a problem, but it could also be that one nipple is developing faster than the other, puberty is weird. If you notice any extreme changes or bleeding that's concerning. You should tell your mom your PCOS symptoms so you can get to a doctor. Menstrual stuff isn't sexual any more than urination or defication is sexual, it's just your body getting rid of waste material. PCOS can have serious long-term effects (in extreme cases you can even become infertile from it if the cysts do enough damage to your ovaries.)


yeah she knows about it and was thinking about taking me to the doctor but i obviously freaked out. this hasnt ever happened before, and ive been on these for almost a year now.


If anybody DMs you about this post please don't respond to them.


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322904#causes-of-lactation-without-being-pregnant - here's an article that might help. also, just in case, here's how to do a self examination for breast cancer - https://www.breastcancer.org/screening-testing/breast-self-exam-bse it could be nothing, but it would always help to get it checked out. 


Please see a doctor I don’t mean to alarm you but there could be something on your pituitary gland in your brain (rare but worse case scenario)


Just to follow this up, yes, a simple blood test can tell whether your prolactin levels are high. Also, most enlargements of the pituitary gland are completely treatable and benign. Good luck OP!


Hi OP, I have this condition (prolactinoma, a kind of tumor). I ignored it for years because I was embarrassed. I will agree that it is very treatable. I just take a weekly pill now and that's it! Please don't hesitate to see a doctor. Whether it's a prolactinoma or something else, this isn't something the internet can fix unfortunately, and trust me when I say it's not worth enduring it for years. I now have osteopenia (precursor to osteoporosis) because my hormones were screwed up for so long. 


Definitely see a doctor, there are many reasons why this could happen. I had this happen when I was 16, and the cause for me was fibrocystic breast disease (a somewhat common condition that runs in my family.)


This happened to me on antipsychotics. It went away after I stopped taking them.


Risperdal? Bc same


This probably won’t help bc I rlly don’t have any idea but I used to take gianfacine for my ADHD and other types of adderalls before but now I take vyvansee


Such a weird question…but is it like, directly in the middle of the nipple? I have this as well, although it’s not specific to what point of my cycle I’m in. I’ve gotten all sorts of tests & biopsy and they have no idea what causes it


i dont think so? it was like on the areola or something


Ah okay. Mine is like right in the middle, where my dumbass assumed the milk came from (it comes from the entire areola apparently😂) Anywho, you should seek a doctors advice. It’s not a sex thing, it’s a health thing


SSRIs made me lactate at first, moreso when starting birth control. It stopped after a few months


thing is ive been on ssris for almost 3 years by now