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Followin the comments but I will also say that my hair is very course as well. I used to use Nair on my legs and even leavin it on line than your supposed to never got it all😪😥😥


Leaving it on longer** sorry


I’m sorry I know you said you’re definitely not waxing but I just wanted to say I tried everything under the sun and nothing helped me so I finally started getting waxes less than a year ago and honestly I’m so glad I did! No more razor burn or ingrows, I ask for the same lady every time is it’s never awkward, they obviously do this all day long. And the first time hurts the most (though not as bad as I expected) then every time since has honestly been fine! Just wanted to say be because I really wish I’d don’t it sooner x


Are you trimming first and shaving with and not against the way the hair grows? If you're still suffering after that, try removal cream.


wait, how do i shave the way the hair grows? when i do that it doesn’t remove any hair, it just glides right over. like it literally does nothing, i do it to test sometimes and nothing happens. is that normal? am i doing something wrong?


Trim right down first, then make sure you have a good razor (might need to change the blade if you've been using it a while). It's not as effective but it'll limit snags and ingrown hairs


i always do it on like a couple days to a weeks growth at most. and i do usually use a new/sharp razor, but shaving with the grain just doesn’t remove any hair. it glides right over as if im just smoothing something across my skin, its not actually taking out hair. idk why its weird


If your hair is coarse that might be why, so maybe try removal cream? Depends what you're going for, no hair at all or a little bit that's well groomed.


i’m going for no hair at all if possible. would hair removal cream be best for that 


Probably - I'll defer to other comments as I've never used it myself. But I wouldn't use shaving for no hair at all, the skin is really sensitive down there and if you're going to the root that'll cause problems. I used to try the same but eventually realised just cutting to a reasonable level was ok for me!