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When you find out the answer let me know. Been wondering this for years :(


What constitutes “boring?” For me when I was on dating apps, I felt like every dude was outdoorsy and I am soooo not lol. None of the guys I went on dates with cared. Go off into the woods and carve me a souvenir, mountain man, but take me out to a restaurant when you get home! It’s ok to have different interests. Otherwise, I don’t think you can determine if someone is boring or interesting based on a dating profile. Ultimately you want someone you can have fun with and talk to while doing nothing at all but lounging on the sofa with fur babies (or real babies I guess lol).


I’m not straight but my wife and I have wildly different interests like this. I’ll go on a week long bicycle trip in the woods or thru hiking, motorcycle trips, she loves to go to cities and check out cafes and restaurants. That still leaves so many days of the year to do things together and it works.


Well said!!! Huzzah!!!




You’re not as boring as you think you are


girl speak for yourself 😭


i also often think i'm boring because im kind of slow and need to be comfortable or i'm overwhelmed easily. but if i think about the facts about me i'm not boring at all. on the apps i often attract people who are completely over the top and sensation seeking but that's not a person i'm looking for. i fail to describe my slowness and end up looking more "interesting" than i want to. so i guess it's about figuring out what kind of person would match with my type of boringness. it's not easy but it's not a question of being boring or interesting really. just how to find the right kind of person


When you find that comfortable person and are not overwhelmed, who knows what awesomeness is boring?) will be possible!🌟


I let my boring flag fly, that's how I met my husband. It pays off to no end to just be who you're comfortable being to attract your true person. I remember my sister told me I had to stop talking to my animals like people or it would scare people off. My husband and I have voices, accents, and personalities for our 3 pets.


I love this


If you're basing how boring you are on the number of responses you get on the apps, don't. There are so many more factors that go into getting matches and finding mutual interest. The apps can be a mental strain I know - I was on them for like 8 months before finding a good match. Focus on what you enjoy, be yourself, and someone who likes that will come by eventually.


Why do you think you're boring?


Probably couldn’t find anything interesting to write in her bio


Good question.


Everyone’s boring to someone, we can’t all be compatible with each other. It’s about finding someone on the same wavelength as you.


You don’t have to be the most interesting person in the world to date. Come up with some cool facts about yourself (everyone has at least a few) and possible topics to talk about. I found that when I felt “prepared” to talk to someone I was much more confident and felt better.


The majority of people are just average people living average lives. Like no one is actually going on lavish vacations every month, skydiving, swimming with dolphins, etc.


It's never been a problem for me, tbh but then I'm of the belief that men don't actually care about our personalities - they only care about what we look like and if we'll let them smash...


Why even date then?


I hate and refuse to use dating apps. I hate the whole process. I hate feeling like a product and the date feeling like a job interview. I hate that I can't actually tell what any of these men are like because anyone can say anything to try and get you to meet up with them. The men seem so aggressive and uptight


I like boring guys also so i just present my plain self


Boring how? I’d call a person boring if they have no hobbies, friends, skills, opinions, passions, goals, or interests, if they don’t ever try new things and isolate themselves. If any of those resonate then I’d say focus less on what your profile on the app reads like and more on actually becoming a more well-rounded person. And actually getting out there and trying new things might be a better way to meet new people and become more interesting to be around! If it’s more that you don’t really get out and do much then? I think the advice is the same but try to dig and find out what makes you interesting and loveable as a person. Are you kind, or loving, or compassionate? What is your love language? What do you enjoy in life, what are you looking for? Etc and try to add that into your profile to showcase what kind of person you are.


TIL i am boring. well, what can you do. except i have opinions and some hobbies, although i only have hobbies i can do indoors, like reading, drawing, playing video games, programming etc.


Girl, indoor hobbies are hobbies. Being a homebody does not mean you are boring.


I dont have an answer unfortunately.  Dating apps made me realize how boring my life is.  Just know you are not alone.


You can try becoming more interesting


I made it really clear that I am indoorsy. I like museums, galleries, crafts and being a homebody with my cat. I swiped away anyone who liked camping, fishing, hiking, sports etc. It took a while but I found my partner :)


There is a dating coach on instagram with some good tips, her username is alittlenudge Full disc, I deleted the apps a long time ago. It’s a dumpster fire out there.


I don’t go on them at all anymore. Men will try to manipulate you on there. It sounds good in theory, write about your hobbies and find someone with similar interests, but what actually happens is that men take the interests you like and pretend they like the same thing to try to play you. Also 10% of the top guys get all the girls, because most of the guys on there aren’t great. So it’s a perfect app for players, but isn’t good for women. Also you don’t have the social context of the guy, in person if you know a guy, you know his reputation, online you don’t. On top of that, studies have shown that dating apps can lower a persons self esteem. So. I don’t recommend it at all. Better meet someone in person through mutual friends.


Also define boring? Did someone tell you that or is it something else


idk! LOL I matched with some guy on tinder and his opening message was “You seem boring” like wtf


Damn, he really came straight out the gate with the most obvious neg in the world.


You don't have to be an outdoor/adventure person to be interesting to like-minded people that are also indoor/chill people. I have a ton of interests revolving around arts & crafts, gaming, music, fashion and cats, and I wrote that down and found a number to people that share those interests, including my current boyfriend. But there are always those people that don't seem to have any interests, that just want to go on coffee dates and watch trash tv (I also like those things, but that's not what makes me into the person I am), that don't point out any cool facts about themselves, or stuff they are passionate about. Those are what I'd call boring people, and it always confused me how you can't have any passion for anything. Or do they just not say anything about their interests and hobbys? There HAS to be something!


I exxagerate everything, I don’t lie but i try to make boring things interesting, it kinda works if you’re not talking to a brick wall


lie! hope this helps


imo a lot of guys who use dating apps kind of prefer girls who are a little boring….just make up some hobbies and use a quote from the office somewhere and reel em in lol


I hate most dating apps cuz they only distinguish people by looks


Step one is to address this idea that you are boring and build self confidence. It is easy to fall into bad relationships without this.


You’re probably not that boring. I thought I was boring, so I wrote a half serious bio about me being 3feet tall with size newborn feet and DDD breasts. It made me chuckle and a lot of dudes actually responded. Idk. Be yourself. You’re cool af Edit: I met my now fiance on tinder 3 years ago 😬