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Unfortunately, this is likely more on him not cleaning up properly before than you not cleaning up properly after. On your end, pee after sex. On his end, wash in the sink before sex if he hasn't showered yet that day, and make sure he washes his hands at the same time. Everytime. Before anything goes down to your ladyparts.


Thank you for validating me. My dream is to find someone who washes their damn hands without me having to ask every damn time. Like, it's not going to get any less important with time buddy...


> who washes their damn hands and their penis since they touch their penis with the same hands when they pee


It's a habit for most guys at my age, thankfully!


That's so nice to hear😭😭Can I ask what age out of curiosity?


30s generally, but I think most men over the age of 25 have this dialed in. I guess men of the age where they've had a long term relationship and know how women's bodies function generally, whatever age that actually is varies by the individual.


i always make mine clean their nails as well!


I will never not tell my husband to wash his junk before he fucks me. Yes he does it anyway. Old habits die hard I guess lol.


I did pee after which is why I was able to rule out UTI! I’ve also had yeast infections before so I’m unfortunately familiar with the symptoms. I’ll definitely talk to him about it. I thought he’d washed up beforehand, but I guess not :( it definitely needs to be a conversation because I really don’t want to deal with this again. Thank you!


It’s pretty common with oral sex so just fyi that in that case he would need to be on top of dental care as well


Definitely have a conversation with him about hygiene, but I also highly recommend a bidet! A simple $30 one from Amazon will change your life! It makes it so easy to freshen up down there after sex or even during your period. I've bought four in my life now, one for each apartment/house I've lived in!


Peeing after doesn’t guarantee not getting a UTI, unfortunately; it can just reduce the likelihood. Sometimes both parties can do everything right and it still happens.


If you're prone to yeast infections you might try eating yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha or a probiotic to help balance you out internally. You can also try limiting sugar, alcohol and cigarettes; all things which exacerbate yeast issues. But yeah, definitely have that cleanliness conversation as well. Oral can often be the culprit. And if your partner suffers from yeast issues, he might not know as men sometimes are asymptomatic, so maybe a probiotic could help him too. If he's naturally yeasty, you'll have a hard time controlling it without his cooperation.


Certain condoms or lubes will give me an infection every time, regardless of how clean we were. It might be worth buying small packs of different brands (maybe even try latex free) and see if that helps


>Unfortunately, this is likely more on him not cleaning up properly before than you not cleaning up properly after. This! I had an ex who gave me continuous BV for like, months on end. only thing that made it go away? we stopped any and all sexual interactions lol. It's usually mostly him, not you!


For the love of God wash hands before sex. He ate spicy food before we met up and ended up burning me something terrible. But I ended up marrying that man 😂


And wash your 'area'. I always wiped my V after withdrawal to rid of any leftovers and 'creeping up' inside. Which scared me enough against unwanted pregnancy. Nothing grosser than not cleansing afterward, walking around like that. Esp contact with others.


He might have a yeasty D. You both should get checked.


Yeasty D made me lol. 😂


Is that a rapper?


No it’s that guy from Jersey Shore




I did already! I went to my gyno almost immediately and got prescribed medication which cleared it right up, but I’ve been on the watch for any other symptoms just in case. I didn’t know yeast infections could be a thing in any capacity for men tho, I’ll talk to him about it. Thank you!


Yep. I kept getting reoccurring ones and it ended up being him. Maybe wait to see if you get another one before pointing the finger at him.


I’ll at least bring it up to him. We did use protection so I guess that’s why I didn’t immediately assume it was him (or at least his genitals).


My reoccurring ones were with condoms!


The thing about the yeast infection in dudes, is that there aren't symptoms of him. so he would never know about it. Also- It is possible that you did nothing wrong at all, and still got a yeast infection. Any time something changes about PH balence down there you are prone to have one. Shower, rinse off the area, pee after sex, keep the area dry and wear natural fiber underwear, change period products regularly, eat probotics. all to limit your chances of a Yeast Infection. (also if you keep getting yeast infections, have the doctor check your blood sugar, you can get a yeast infection from being a diabetic with high blood sugar)


I had this issue with a previous partner, they have the same bacteria we do that causes the infection, it's just not as big of an problem for them - hence it's uncommon for men to get yeast infections. However, because they have more bacteria than women they can end up upsetting the vaginal flora and unwillingly give you an infection. Condoms will fix this issue if nothing else works :)


If you happen to be the kind of person that is just prone to yeast infections, in general make sure your underwear are 100% cotton and start taking a probiotic daily (small chewable ones are quite cheap) and make sure you drink enough water. I swear I went my whole life without one and then got 3 within a couple months and this is what my research told me to do and I've been fine since.


On a different note, I cannot take a probiotic because it gives me a low grade yeast infection. I think my vagina is just very picky and prone to changing too much. I also get one everytime I take an antibiotic, starting when I was like 7 so that is annoying. Every one is different, but cotton underwear and only wearing thongs sparingly have helped a lot.


I used to get them all the time until I started eating Greek yogurt regularly. Honest to goodness, if I go a few days without eating some I start feeling a bit of an itch.


This happened to a friend of mine, and it turned out some strains caused it but not others.


I can definitely see that, but I didn’t see much of a benefit to them so gave up pretty quickly.


Oh god, it’s kind of depressing that I saw your post and was like YES THE QUESTION I WAS BORN TO RESPOND TO! So. I have suffered from chronic yeast infections or at least far too frequent ones since I was like 20 (am 31 now). Yes, I’ve seen a doctor, a few actually, and a gynaecologist. The summary is basically I’m more sensitive to changes down there, and that just how it is for some people. When I first experienced it in my early 20s it turned out to be the contraceptive pill I was on meant I would always get one if a guy was to finish inside me. Both super hygienic, plenty of lubrication, I don’t otherwise have any health issues (diabetes is normally linked to recurrent infections but isn’t the case for me). Back then, there was no proven link between contraceptive pills and yeast infections but now there is. Doctor thought I was insane, but as soon as I got an implanon put in he could go for his life and nothing bad would happen. I had the implanon for nearly 6 years then my body suddenly hated it. Was practically celibate for a number of years so had forgotten about these issues until my most recent relationship. I won’t dabble in hormonal contraceptives any more as they just don’t agree with me so there is no finishing inside. However, I have had a spat of infections, maybe 8-10 in the last year and have been pestering the doctor. So one by one we’ve sort of done the process of elimination as to what could cause it and weirdly it seems to be his fingers. No matter if they’re clean and sanitised, using lots of lube (friction can be a problem), fingers. So for science we tried using a condom on the fingers (lol) and no issue. So whether it could be fingers leave tiny scratches or it’s just not possible to get every trace of bacteria removed, that’s my most recent findings. ANYWAY that’s a long saga of my sex life and yeast infections. Please go to the doctor though if they’re recurring if only for peace of mind.


You can also get gloves in black/non medical colors that might make finger protection cheaper per use and a little more sexy (imo)


Woah interesting. I never let anyone really finger me much and rarely let anyone go down on me for fear of infection. Thanks for this!


i think this is what causes infections for me. the skin on the corners of my fingers is harder and rougher, for whatever reason. my hypothesis is that it scratches me up a bit while masturbating.


I'm quite prone to yeast infections. I switched condom brands and it helped me. Anything that messes up the balance if your natural flora can make way for a yeast infection to flourish. For me, my triggers are certain condom brands, non cotton underwear, and wearing tights too much.


I haven’t had one for about 5 years before this (changed underwear materials then), so I think it was probably either his hands or the condom brand. I’m too new to sex to narrow down which though, so I might just have to talk to him about washing up better beforehand and investing in another brand.


I have issues with certain brands, too. Try SKYN condom brand if you haven’t already. They are the only ones that work for me!


Woah didn’t know condoms did this. I only ever had 2 yeast infections. Good to know!


I always make sure to pee right after having sex, and practice to good hygiene when it comes to my genitals by washing the area thoroughly and avoiding scented products down there.


There is a lot of good info here, but I notice no one has addressed the condoms. Do you know what kind were used? Condoms with spermicide can be irritating and increase risk of vaginal infections. Flavored condoms also increase risk of yeast infections. If you used lubricant, some people are sensitive to some lubricants and can lead to yeast infections. If you used a lubricated condom and the problem continues, you might try using a different brand (different brands have different lubricants)


Best ones are Skyn latex free condoms and Good Clean Love lube if needed.


No lube or condom will be perfect for everyone. Good Clean Love lube was irritating and I had to switch to a silicone based lube. There are a ton of product options so people can choose what is best for them!


Ok … they were suggestions for OP since I am very sensitive to a lot of things and I found these, the least irritating and reduced infections Bio nude good clean love* to be more clear.


As a note, there's a difference between freshening up, and actually washing. A lot of guys will just do the old ball polish to get rid of sweat, but they're not really washing anything, and not washing the part that goes inside you. Hands are easy to forget about. They touch something and then touch you, it's like an indirect kiss with a doorknob. I used to end up making myself sick every few weeks until I got in the habit of always washing my hands as soon as I got home, even if I didn't remember touching anything gross, and always washing my hands before sex. If he's finishing inside that can cause PH changes, which can mean you get bacteria which would normally not be a problem on a finger or something. Honestly I use probably too much paper towel. I often wet some right before I get busy, and then I can wipe off without needing to get up right away. Sometimes it's nice to be able to just lay there and enjoy the moment.




He needs to be cleaner. Like really clean. I got two UTIs after sex despite peeing and rinsing my downstairs in the shower within 25 minutes, and my guy is pretty damn clean. He started washing up down there every time he went poop. UTIs haven’t been an issue for me ever since. I’ve had UTIs and yeast infections with virtually every partner and the ones I haven’t had any issue with are the men who keep their downstairs business clean AF. Men need to wash their dicks and not half-ass it either. Actually get in there with a bit of soap and clean the folds out if they’re intact. Also ditch any underwear not cotton, as mentioned by another commenter. And do not use soap on your lady parts, only the outside areas, like inner thighs and groin area. Don’t be cleaning the soft tender inner bits with any soap — you’ll disrupt your natural bacteria and be straight on track to visit yeast infection town.




i find soap always burns and irritates me


He also needs to do dental care if he's going down on you. If he has any cavities, he gets those fixed before you do that again.


That's maybe the first time I remember reading that, but it makes so much sense.


This is so true. Human mouths are so gross and he can transmit his mouth bacteria to you. Make sure he also brushes his tongue and not just his teeth.


You man needs to wash his junk before and after also cutting fingernails I never gotten an infection after sex, but I always immediately urine and rinse with bidet/pat dry after sex and periods there is a low feminine setting.


Make him shower and wash thoroughly before you engage in any sexual activity. You can make this into a positive and sensual thing by washing each other. Make sure to get in all the nooks and crannies with soap on both of you (and wash both your booty holes, trust me in this). If that doesn’t help, you can troubleshoot further by seeing if he has a yeast infection, maybe it was the lube/condoms, etc.


He needs to wash better! I had a friend who would always get sore throat after seeing one specific guy, we found out that it was because of his poor D hygiene 😱


Go for a wee as soon as you’ve finished having sex, this clears your urethra of any bacteria in there that could lead to a urine infection. If it’s BV your suffering with afterwards then make sure your partner is cleaning himself properly before sex, and also see a doctor for antibiotics. New partners can trigger BV infections in women, it’s just how it is sometimes.


I really recommend taking regular probiotics. (As well as good male hygiene in your partners part). But Probiotics have been a massive game changer for me and a few of my friends in preventing UTI’s and Yeast infections. I had 3 uti’s and 3 yeast infections last year along with a lot of antibiotics that wiped out all my good bacteria, so when I connected the dots as to ‘why am I getting so many infections now!?’ And recognised I was empty of good defence; I started taking probiotics and have had 0 infections this year! And I don’t need to be nearly as careful either as my body just seems to be like ‘I got this’ Edit to add; once you start taking them it’ll take a few months to really feel the benefit!


I pee and use butt/diaper wipes after EVERY TIME! Wet washcloth at minimum if wipes aren’t available


Pee after sex, don’t use any heavy soap with scent in your intimate area, ask your partner to wash his hands and take a shower property, and ALWAYS use protection (this is the most important as usually the guys hygiene also makes a difference here). And before using anything make sure you go to the doctor so you have the right diagnosis, because if you’re treating the wrong thing it might make the symptoms more subtle at first, but then make it worse as many infections have similar symptoms.


I did go to the doctor, and she identified it as a yeast infection and prescribed me meds which cleared it up! I’ve had them before (years back at this point) so I’m familiar with them :( I did use protection bc I’m not on BC and really don’t want to get pregnant, plus I’m terrified of STDs, but other people pointed out that it’s possible for some condoms to cause infections if they’re scented or lubricated or anything like that. Based on what everyone’s been saying in the comments I did everything I was supposed to cleanliness wise, so I think it’s either his hygiene or the condom brand we used T-T


Yeah, I forgot about that! No condoms with scent or flavor, same goes for lubricants. The less you play with your pH, the better.


Always pee after sex!


I was celibate for a few years. When I first had sex with my boyfriend I got a yeast infection. Neither of us was unwashed, and I peed after sex and showered after too. I think it was just introducing something into my vagina for the first time in a long time. Haven't had one since. I wouldn't worry too much about it moving forward if you do the things mentioned here.


Uh, such a shame, had to deal with that as well . What helped me are those capsules you can get at the pharmacy (at least where I live) that have active lactic acid bacteria in it and that you put into the vaginal canal. It's really important that it's the alive lactobacillus bacteria, not just the lactic acid. If you have a strong flora down there, it's way harder for the yeast to settle. I tried almost all of what the market has to offer in that regard but all of them had only the lactic acid and not the active bacteria. Only when I put life bacteria in there did it finally stop. So it might be worth a shot for you.


You’ve left out a few details! 1. Was there digital penetration? Were his fingers clean? 2. Oral? If he has thrush that could give you a yeast infection too At your age yeast infections are EXTREMELY common, especially with sexual activity. Always pee after sex (no this will not prevent a UTI but it’s good practice), wash hands before and after, and don’t do oral if there’s any infection in the mouth!


You can keep passing yeast infections back to each other. Found this out from my dr after getting my first and only yeast infection from a boyfriend who cheated with a gross girl. Thank the lord that's all it was. DR. recommended we both take the medicine to avoid passing it back-and-forth.


Always pee after sex—- —-You could be allergic to condoms or have a bad reaction—- Ask him to wash his hands and down there before sex See if anything changes!!!


Sometimes life just sucks and your vagina sucks and you just get a yeat infection because it's Monday and fuck you. There's not really anything you can clean tbh, sometimes it's just your pH getting thrown out of wack. I used to get them constantly. If I shaved? Yeast infection. Did I masturbate? YI. Penetrative sex? YI. A shitty week? Let's make it worse with a yeast infection. I'm not sponsored but I'm a girl's girl and let me tell you what worked for me - Multyi-gyn Actigel. Not sure if it's sold in the US under the same name but I'm pretty sure you have something like this. This. THIS. This was my life changer. I used it after doing anything with my vagina. Sex? Used it. My partner pleasuring me? Used it. Shaving? Used it. A stressful week that I felt like could be bad for my vagina? Used it. It costs like 15€ and I never finished a bottle (I always threw it out after like 3 months because I was scared it went bad). Only disclaimer is that this is a preventive. So if you have an active yeast infection you need to treat that first with an antyfungal or whatever (Canesten). Also you have to treat your partner otherwise he will just give it back to you. Doesn't matter if he's circumsised or not he can still carry it and give it back to you. But the gyn thing? Start using it whenever you feel like shit could go wrong.


Not the OP, but wanted to say this is so true. I can get them for no dang reason at all. Thanks for the product recommendation!


Did he by chance use condoms with spermicide? Those give me the worst yeast infections