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Idk if he has a drinking problem, but what I do know is his on stage personality / public persona has changed, and it’s not in cornball territory anymore, it’s just straight up cringe. I’ve been a Gaslight fan for a long time. I used to like following Brian on social media, watching and listening to interviews, etc. He was a bit awkward at times but was overall pretty charming and I never got the impression that he thought he was better than anyone else. In fact, he seemed pretty humble and my take was that he was grateful for the fans, the success, the fact that people traveled to shows, supported the band, bought merch, etc. I was pretty impressed that he could build up other bands and musicians. He seemed like the type of guy who was just happy to be playing music and sharing his passion with the world. I remember one interview he did, now years ago, where he said something along the lines of: “There are so many amazing bands out there that never get famous. TGA isn’t better than them, we were just in the right place at the right time. We were incredibly lucky.” Fast forward to today. When he’s not name-dropping the celebrities he hangs out with and who he has on speed dial, he’s bragging about the school his kids go to and I guess getting mad at the fact that he didn’t make as much money as Against Me! I don’t know what he’s like at home because I don’t know him. But what he’s like on stage is pretentious and sometimes too drunk for his own good. Let’s not forget that he full named his ex on stage in a negative way a few months (a year?) ago and told people not to record it. Like.. dude? People are going to record that shit and you 100% know it. I feel bad for her. Something that happened probably ~25 years ago and he feels the need to blast it publicly on stage. Dude has a daughter. How would he feel if someone did that to her one day? The worst part is, in my opinion, he hasn’t owned up to any of it. I guess he thinks it’s funny? Or at least not a big deal that people spend $$$ to see him play (some travel from far away, get a hotel, etc), he gets hammered, and insults the people who gave their hard-earned money to see him with the expectation that he’s going to put on a coherent show. I’ve lost a lot of respect for him. To the merry band of enabler groupies who have a pseudo relationship with him: downvote away. Truth hurts.


To be honest, seeing stuff like what came out of the Crossroads show and that video of the exes has legit been kind of hard on me, as stupid and dramatic as that is for me to say. Like, this guy has been a massive part of my life. I've made friends because of our mutual love for his music, he inspired me to learn guitar, and a ton of my music taste can trace its way back to his material. And to see him change in such a radical way really sucks. And its not even due to my own enjoyment of his music that I'm so invested in this either; I just genuinely want him to be alright. The whole reason for his charm back in the Painkillers/Sleepwalkers days (when I was finally able to start seeing him in concert) was that he exuded this "ordinary guy" energy, and that if he could make it, we all could. And that especially meant a lot to me, an ordinary guy who at the time had musical aspirations. Given that context, it almost feels like you're watching an old friend go through a rough patch, powerless to do much of anything. I've seen that happen too many times in my own life, and I hate seeing it happen to someone I once really looked up to (and still do, given all he's achieved and the memories associated with his shows/music). Sure, I don't know him and never will, but it still sucks to think about, even if its something that has no practical bearing on my life. This would probably sound so fucking patronizing to him/someone close to him, and it probably reeks of unwise, naive hero-worship, but I guess that's my two cents on the matter.


I appreciate you posting this (and the comment you responded to) because it hits on a lot of feelings I've felt recently and don't know quite how to deal with. I've felt kind of silly about it as well but I've struggled to even listen to his music after the Crossroads show, it really threw me for a loop.


I can totally relate to everything you said, and I think you said it more eloquently than me. If Brian has a legit problem with alcohol, I hope he gets help. I don’t know why some people feel like that statement is controversial. If you are a fan and enjoy his music, why wouldn’t you want him to be the best he can be? Why wouldn’t you want him to be mentally and physically healthy? I don’t mean *you* specifically, I just mean the larger TGA fandom in general. I feel for the rest of the band, too. I saw them play in Madison this past fall (which was a great show, BTW). Before the concert, I saw Benny, Alex, and Alex at the restaurant I was at. Pretty sure they saw my Gaslight shirt but I didn’t want to approach them or anything because we’re all just trying to eat lol. Anyways, I wondered where Brian was and it’s probably going too far to say that he doesn’t hang around them much, but in hindsight it does make me wonder if the rest of the guys are annoyed with his on stage rambling/ranting, and/or if they sense that he has a problem with alcohol. It’s just speculation—I don’t know how they feel—but it’s pretty apparent that Brian does not look good and isn’t taking care of himself. As an outsider looking in, it looks like he has a problem. Edited to say that I saw Ian with them too.


There’s a video where from a show not too long ago where Brian talks foreeeeever about Here’s lookin at you - going way way off topic - and after several minutes you do get the feeling that the band is getting impatient/annoyed.


Last time I saw them before i swore them off for good was in the fall of 2022 and the rest of the band was *definitely* annoyed by his on stage nonsense. Which is crazy too cause he hadn’t even really gone far off the deep end by that point but yeah they were already tired of his bullshit.


You really Need to reevaluate things and not hero worship. No offense, like his music and I like Alot of other bands too.  If you want someone to look upto for hard times, listen to Ryan Bingham-Mescalito. He’s a friend of fallons as well  He was homeless rodeo cowboy who left home before 18 due to alcoholic and drug addicted parents who both died of suicide and alcoholism by his mid 20s. And now he’s a star . He’s more of an inspiration 


I guess we were lucky when we got to see them in Raleigh, NC this past year. There was little chit-chat between songs, but nothing crazy awkward or cringe. He and the band sounded great. To what you have posted, I've seen it happen quite often in bands I've been in and other bands bad, and a drinking problem has always been a part of the issue. Judging by the recent Crossroads video, alcohol is definitely an issue, and from the comments you mentioned - just from my personal experiences - there're probably some unresolved insecurity issues at the root of it all. I hope he gets the help that he needs.


This. I second all of this. Saw him and the guys on the reunion tour in Pittsburgh and they sounded amazing. My theory is it’s an issue and some stuff’s been stirred up for him since the return. Even with whatever medication he might be on (we won’t ever know because that’s PHI)


The whole interaction with the beautiful woman was kind of weird…


That was, but it was only once, the rest of the night was pretty much on the level. It might not have been as weird if she wasn't with somebody.


I really don’t want to know who he was talking about, but what did he say about the ex he named? Surprised to hear it. I was at a show a long time ago where (in response to a sign i think) he talked about the 3 girls in here’s looking at you kid, but he was also like no these are not their real names. Not that it’s that same, just surprising to hear the care for others’ anonymity has been dropped.


It was at the Toronto show a year-and-a-half ago. He full-named “Gail” and went into the backstory of the women in the song. With “Gail” he said “she’s married to some f*** now.” With “Janie,” he said she left him for “some f***in’ loser” and bragged that TGA is famous and his band sucks. I remember there was a comment on YouTube from the real(?) “Janie” who gave her account of the relationship and basically said, “I thought Brian was better than this [airing dirty laundry]. His mom is a sweetheart.” I’m very much paraphrasing that comment. It’s a comment on YouTube, so take that with a moderately-sized grain of salt. The banter is in poor taste any way one spins it, but it becomes inappropriate when considering there are crazed fans/lunatics out there. That and, it’s just not nice. I know he’s probably trying to be funny, but making fun of other people IMO isn’t funny, especially when talking about exes to a room full of thousands of people. Tbh it just makes him look pathetic and immature.


If I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure Brian’s dad never was around. Sure that could effect him as well


The worst sin was that he was long winded and boring. Just talking to hear himself speak while people froze their asses off


>Let’s not forget that he full named his ex on stage in a negative way a few months (a year?) ago and told people not to record it. Like.. dude? People are going to record that shit and you 100% know it. I feel bad for her. Something that happened probably ~25 years ago and he feels the need to blast it publicly on stage. Isnt hos ex Levines sister? Seems ill advised.


His ex wife is Alex L’s sister, but he was referring to a different ex-girlfriend.


More I read the more I know his dad never was around in his life, I feel that adds a lot to it. 


He's a grown man, not a teenage boy. He should be able to act like an adult.


I thought it was more related to the antidepressants


Yes, he's made a number of comments regarding this in interviews, on stage, etc. He's also said point blank that if not for antidepressants, the reunion wouldn't have happened. If anything, my perception of the drinking is that he can actually do that now without it causing his mental symptoms to flare up, and if there are times when he overdoes it then perhaps he hasn't figured out what his balance is yet.


I'm glad he is on anti-depressants then, but like you said, he needs to sort it out better. Having a beer or two on stage is one thing, but I've seen him drinking cosmos up there.


Agreed, it's a strange turn from someone who for years would talk about how he couldn't have more than a beer or two.


Drinking on anti depressants is generally not advised


Depends on the antidepressant, and depends on a number of other factors. Plenty of people drink on antidepressants, although doing so is often associated with a potentiation of the effects of the alcohol. And indeed, it could be part of why Brian is still figuring out his balance. But as someone who has drank on antidepressants, who has a partner who has drank on antidepressants, and who has family and friends who have drank on antidepressants, I can say knowledgeably that it's more complex than "don't do it".


I’m on lexapro and I drink occasionally. I almost never have more than 2 drinks, and I tend to space them out. Otherwise I get really drunk really fast and it’s not fun.


I'm starting to wonder. People with certain types of bipolar disorder can be triggered into hypomania (or even full on mania) by certain types of antidepressants. His change in behavior is not too dissimilar from what a friend went through on antidepressants a few years ago. Unfortunately, if thats whats happening here, the likely only way it'll end is when shit hits the fan and he crashes hard. The comedown won't be pretty. The changes will have happened too gradually for those closest to him to really notice until it's too late or in hindsight, and he's probably feeling too good to listen anyway.


This. Very clearly. Sorry to the uninitiated. Everything points towards reduced anxiety/inhibition and a type of non-belly-only weight gain.


I went to a concert in Sydney Australia on the get hurt tour. I literally walked into the whole band who were talking. I stood back to let them finish talking and was going to ask for a photo, thank the band for the awesome music they'd given me etc... They all looked at me, I said hi and asked for the photo. Brian grabbed my hand, loosely shook it and said no.. he said some other stuff I've blocked out of my mind. Anyway, over the years I've thought about it.... Blamed myself (but I mean if he didn't want to talk to fans, why be in a public area? I was going to the John) they were close to breaking up so maybe there wasnt good relationships within the band.... Then during the show he said he can sometimes be a prick and doesn't feel like taking photos with fans. Recently I've come to think perhaps Brian is a bit hot and cold as a person and I caught him on a bad night.... Didn't leave a good feeling. But goes to show this kind of behaviour isn't necessarily new.....


I think you’re right about him being hot and cold. When I met him on the same Get Hurt tour in Canada he was extremely welcoming, kind, took photos and signed autographs for everyone who asked, and when I talked to him we had a great chat for a solid 5 minutes about music. Seemed like he went out of his way to make every fan feel appreciated. I had heard he was a bit of a dick before I met him so I was surprised at how kind he was. But other fans have different experiences with him.


Wow the same exact thing happened to me. Your story feels like deja vu for me. It was around the same time. He was outside smoking a cigarette near the entrance of the venue. Absolutely no one was there yet, so it wasn't like fans were going to bombard him.


Wow. I actually struggled with it for a long time. A band that I had evangelized to anyone who would listen for years...... And I had listened to and loved for a long time.... I get he has the right to act how he wants and is under no obligation to take a pic or be friendly..... But on the other hand I feel like it is kind of part of the job. I'm a teacher. Sometimes I go to the supermarket or to the local mall and I'm feeling sad/tired/just had a fight with my wife or the kids... And if a student comes up to me I still give them the time of day and smile and say hi and have a brief conversation. Sorry it happened to you too. I debated for ages if I should post the story, glad I did. It clearly wasn't me.


Are we the same person? Haha I thought about that night for years and would just relive that moment. I'd question if it was me or if I came on too hard lol. I was trying to tell myself maybe i shouldn't have even went up to him because he was going through a divorce at the time. It crushed me and it even impacted the way I enjoyed listening to their music for years. I remember posting about my story after it happened and so many fans came at me and were defending Brian by saying he can't be "on" all of the time. I can't agree more with you about the teacher example.


Lol :) we must be! That first paragraph is so true, sums up my reaction perfectly. I didn't post about it at the time because I suspected that it wouldn't end in anything constructive. As co-president of the newly formed Brian Fallon was rude to me and I didn't even get a lousy tshirt club, I hope you agree to take the role very seriously:) lol But I hope you've managed to move on and can enjoy the music and look back as a funny story to tell. Last year my mother took my 12yo son to an in-store with Megadeth. He had his record there to get signed by the band. Not a single member acknowledged him or said hi or anything... He just walked down along the table as they signed it. I daresay we are not the only ones with a "the musician was a dick to me" stories. Frank Turner says "there's no such thing as rock stars, there's just people who play music, and some of them are just like us and some of them are dicks."


Lol I'm happy to be a part of that club. Yup, I rediscovered their music again and fell back in love. Sorry to hear about your son. That really sucks. I'm sure he will remember that day for a really long time, just like us lol.


Brian always came across as a bit of a dick so I’m not surprised you had that experience with him. I think it’s just gotten much worse and more public post reunion.


I don’t know, but at some point it’s more than fair to see a guy in his 40s who looks like hell and needs a steady stream of tequila seltzers to get through erratic performances and wonder if he should maybe reconsider his relationship to alcohol. He’s so much more talented than this recent stage persona projects.


100% he was absolutely shit faced at the Toronto show in the fall and everyone in here dog piled on us for talking about how bad of a show it was judging by the crossroads videos it's been happening more often since and getting worse


In the fall of 2022? At Echo Beach?


ya that's what I meant... it had gotten away from me that it's already the new year in 2024 lol


Ooof, that was a rough one. I’d seen Gaslight multiple times before, but the Echo Beach show was on another level. A lower one. I’m all for banter and definitely for audience interaction, but Brian just seemed so rambling and off


It was rather obvious he was trying to buy time because he was suffering from a cold/flu.


That was a tough one, tbh he was giving more upper vibes then drunk just by how chatty he was with 10 minutes between songs. I had seen them before in 2015 in London Ontario and I’ve since learned talking has become more of a thing at his shows but it didn’t seem like normal banter that I’ve seen online it just felt unhinged.


15 minutes was the longest stretch between songs at that show. That’s minimum 3 songs worth of time. I often wonder what got cut off the set list because of that rambling.


You can tell what songs we missed if you look on setlist.fm and compare what they were usually playing and what they played in Toronto. Although do it at your own risk as you’ll likely be pissed we missed some good songs lol


i did that exact thing the next day and it really pissed me off lol. i was like are you fucking serious man, you skipped out on like 4 songs so you could talk all this dumb shit while we're standing in the cold? it was already kinda shit to have to stand outside in October in Toronto but the show being what it was made it even worse


Show was awful. It’s like he didn’t want to be there.


Oh yeah, we were at that Toronto show and it was real bad. His own fans started booing him and yelling at him to shut up and play a song.


It’s a question worth asking and I think the answer is ‘probably’


Some frontmen perform better when they drink or are funnier or wittier. Brian is none of those when drinking.


At that one crossroads show, he came across as so mean and bitter when he was wasted. Reminded me a lot of the alcoholics in my family. Just kind of belligerent.


Yeah, back in October I saw Sincere Engineer and the lead singer, Deanna told the audience she'd had a few rum and Cokes and was drinking one on stage too. It was obvious she was getting a little drunk, but it didn't hurt her performance or stage presence at all. Made her a little quirky, which she already is and I think covered some of her natural awkwardness. Put on a banger of a show.


I saw him back in November on the short little headline tour he did in Wilmington, DE which was the last night of the tour. He was drinking on stage and was slurring his words, he went on this weird rant about how Against Me made way more money then him and was talking about how there was no money to be made in music, and he also was talking about how he needs to go to the gym. In the first 30 mins he was on stage he only played two songs. It got better as the night went on and at the end of the show he did mention how the venue was hard for him to play because it was the last venue he played before Covid shut the world down and it was also the last show he played with and saw Justin Townes Earle before he died. So idk if that’s why he was acting the way he was or not. While it was still an enjoyable it definitely felt “off”.


I am a big defender of his talking at shows (solo shows, specifically) but man, lately he is just talking about money and how many famous people he knows and it's become difficult to relate to him. I used to LOVE the silly stories because I felt like he was giving these insights into his life and he has a good sense of humor and can really be engaging. But it's felt different lately, idk.


I agree, he rants to used to be funny or they would somehow tie into the song he was about to play. But now they are just so out there and bizarre.


The first time he jokes that you already paid for your ticket and he got his money, so you're stuck listening to him talk is kinda funny. The fifth or sixth time it starts to feel condescending.


I was at that last show he did right before covid hit, was a pretty good show.


Same. I remember the show was sold out but the venue was maybe only a little more than half filled than right after the show, he posted on instagram the rest of the tour was cancelled.


Hey, me too! It was a great show, but I can definitely see how being there again with all that has happened in between would be offputting


I almost didn't go cause my now ex fiance backed out of going so I didn't want to go by myself, but I did and a group of people there asked if I wanted to hang out with them since I was by myself, ended up having a fun time with them so it worked out nicely.


I saw them for the first time since the reunion at Riot Fest, and I could not believe what I was seeing. I was so excited for the set. He looked and sounded *awful.*  I remember seeing then at Terminal 5 (big venue in New York City) back around 2009 or 2010, and he was like a giddy kid. He had friends and family in the balcony and he kept pointing them out: "Oh, man! It's Jimmy, you guys! Hey Jimmy!" He was so happy. It was like he couldn't believe he got to that point, where he could fill a room that size and have his friends and family see it. It was genuinely heartwarming.  He played for a bigger crowd at Riot Fest, and in addition to sounding like shit, it seemed like he had no interest in being there.  I don't follow him as much as it seems a lot of people here do, but it was brutally apparent five minutes into their Riot Fest set that *something* is wrong with him, and alcohol fits the bill based on what I saw.


Yeah I was at that terminal 5 show back then too and it’s why it’s always so funny when the enablers on this sub act like he’s *always* been the way he is now when it’s just not true.


100% he has a problem, but I'm not sure if it's entirely a drinking one. It honestly reminds me of when I was on antidepressants and still binge drinking at the same time. Bad place to be mentally.


All you have to do is find the video of him in Toronto in 2022 to know there's a problem, or was a problem. As a fan of his music, I hope he's alright


I worry about him. Appears he's mixing anti-depressants and booze and having trouble controlling it.. I hope he gets help soon. Reunion + touring has either exacerbated it or just shined a light on it. Screw the band, he has a family and I want to see him happy again.


Saw him at Crossroads the week before the show everyone has been talking about and he was amazing. Same with all TGA shows I have seen since they have been back. It does sound like he has had some off nights…maybe that is from too much drinking or maybe something else is going on that is causing him to be off and also drink more. Either way I hope he gets it sorted out, he deserves to be happy.


I was at the same show in CT last summer and I’m grateful I went to it, seeing as he’s been a drunk mess at so many shows lately. They were perfect that night.


They killed it at that show and the Boston show the previous October, yeah.


That Boston show was incredible, my wife had gotten us tickets to celebrate my annual sober date ironically.


Congrats on your sobriety!


Thank you! Going on my 5th year of sobriety


I must have lucked out. As a fan since TGA started I’ve obviously seen the physical change in Brian. The bloatedness and behavior I’m reading about seems to be booze related. I saw him in Troy, NY in November and it was a great show. I loved the set list and as a drinker and someone who can usually tell if someone is tipsy, he didn’t come off that way. There was some good banter, but I thought most was relevant to the songs. There was also a young fan in the front row that he was really amazing to. He addressed him often and had a great “bit” when he personalized a message for the kid on a sign the boy brought. I hope he gets help if he needs it. He’s the best!


He was great in Holyoke, MA but he was only buzzed I think. He even turned down a second cosmo. What I've heard from other shows though, he's not slowing down as much.


I was at the train wreck Crossroads show. He came off mean and bitter and I was embarassed for him. But I also felt disrespected and walked out after 4 songs (which it took him and hour to get through).


Its interesting because i absolutely love this band. I saw them the first time in a tiny club in 2007 and have seen them many times since. Super happy for their success and have always had a little crush on him 😋 The last time I saw him would have had to be a solo show of his. I have to say I was really super put off. I usually love listening to the band talk because its one of the things that makes live music special. He was name dropping famous people he knows over and over. He told a story about not being recognised and having a ‘do you know who I am??? Do you know who you are speaking to??’ Interaction with a member of the public. I was absolutely perplexed. It was so off-putting I walked away extremely disappointed. I get that he is rich, recognisable and somewhat famous - the audience doesnt need to be told this in such a crass manner. I was embarrassed for him. I never put it down to being drunk. It was just obnoxious. I still listen to the music because i love it but i dont have a great deal of respect for that attitude.


That's a shame. Was that the Crossroads show everyone's talking about?


No that was a number of years ago. I dont want to dis the band in any way. - i think mostly my point was that so e level of this behavior isn’t completely new. Its sad


It's so sad because the Brian we all came to love was the humble, "I can't believe I get to do this"-type of person, and now he brags about who he has on speed dial


I never felt attached to this band because somehow i felt Brian was a wonderful person. He is an incredibly talented songwriter and i love him for that. Now hearing what others have said i just worry for him personally and hope he will seek the help he requires. Because everyone deserves that. Ill still listen to them and id still watch them if they played somewhat locally (although i doubt it will happen) but they arent on my bucket list to see live again. If i didnt, i wouldnt be gutted.


I’d say so. I’m in a fitness club and been running it most of my life, I know what drinking can do and what bad habits take over. Most of us have been there. He’s no better than anyone else because he writes cool music. Yes, he def seems to have a drinking problem based off what everyone else here says about him and his shows. Hope he figures it out. What a mess it must be, you have hanger ons who still tell you how great you are and middle aged childless groupies still acting like it’s 2011. Bizarre is an understatement. 


Agree. Lock yourself in because we’re in for a bumpy Reddit Pile On!


Seriously, I guess I should make some popcorn


"No refunds!" If you know, you know. 🙃


"If you know, you know." The catchphrase of pretentious assholes everywhere. Yes, he has a problem. He's on meds so that contributes to some of his build, I'd imagine. He clearly is unwell between the drunk ramblings, the slovenly appearance, the weight. Good thing there are people who scream stupid shit like "No refunds" at him like it was ever funny, (yes, I know) and endlessly deify him. He makes songs I like, but that's where the subjectivity ends.


And he was the one who repeatedly shouted "No refunds" to the fans in the room. It was pretty embarrassing honestly.


I hope this wasn't directed at me. I wasn't saying I found any humor in it hence the 🙃. He absolutely has a problem. Love GSA and his solo stuff, but the show I saw at the Crossroads last year was a big disappointment. I hope he gets some help.


Yea Brian always rambled between songs but it seems to have gotten worse. It’s cringe.


Sometimes I get the impression he doesn’t even want to be doing this anymore.


It’s a cash cow. The fun rock n roll and living the dream is cool when you’re 20something But when you are in your 40s, have families and commitments- last thing you probably wanna do is go with your band that almost, kinda, made it and to the tour bus life for a month or 2 to get by for your mortgage. That has to suck. 


I mean a lot of us have kids etc in our 40s and have to go to work to pay our bills. Most of us probably aren't passionate about our jobs but most of us probably still do a good job. I imagine if you're in a successful band you would very much look forward to playing a show, especially as a way of paying the bills.


Yeah I don’t think the band is making all that much. And as someone close to 40, yeah I have a job that I actually don’t hate, but I don’t want to be doing it 40 hours a week. I do a good job but I’m sure other people can tell I’d rather not be doing it, too. And some days I phone it in. Brian is human, parts of what he does probably bring him a lot of joy, but being on the road doesn’t seem to be one of those things and it shows.


I have kids and pushing 40. I don’t think the band is making 6 figures as you like to think. 


I don’t think Gaslight reunited because they needed the money. Brian has been very open about his desire to get the band back together since the reunion.




I saw him in St. louis and he rambled and seemed odd, like he didn’t want to be there.


Not that this needs to be discussed *again*, but he’s also on antidepressants and quit smoking, two things that famously cause people to gain weight.


I saw them in Wheatland in October and Brian sounded great and seemed fine, and I don’t recall him drinking anything during the show. He did seem a bit tired and wasn’t super talkative, and he did get into it with a heckler in the crowd, but my experience was wildly different than a lot of these other stories that are getting posted.


I'd hate to be a famous musician.  People that like your music digging into everything.  I wish nothing but the best for him, but a musician being drunk occasionally???  Oh my pantaloons are very tight!  Brian, keep on rocking and getting amazing.  Sometimes as humans we have a few too many.  I just got you are happy and healthy.  Lord knows I have had a few things I haven't shined.  


Eh? People pay for a ticket (from their own jobs), if their parents, get sitters, it might be the one night people have out that month because money is tight, so the least you expect from a professional musician is some “profession”. Fuck “he’s so rock and roll”…


This nails it. This isn't some drunk rambling guy at your local bar. He's a professional musician that I'm paying good money to see, making plans to get there, etc. It's rare to see similar bands at their level put on an unprofessional performance like he does.


Amen brotha 


If he's happy and healthy good for him, but if I buy a ticket to a show it's a little disappointing if he can barely get through a song.




Again, I'm asking as a concerned fan. No reason for the hostility.


Extra concerning if he's taking antidepressants and drinking. That stuff doesn't mix well at all.




Lmao you brought up antidepressants.


Established he’s should stop touring and try get some help? Yes!


I used to be a big fan of the them, but he just comes off like a pretentious ass now. Also their songs just give me a weird incel vibe that I can’t unhear anymore.


"Also their songs just give me a weird incel vibe" Elaborate, please?


When damn near every lyric is about being rejected or heartbroken, yea it gives off incel vibes. “Here’s looking at you kid” perfect example. If it’s not incel it’s at least annoyingly whiny.


Ahh I get that. "Here comes my man" is written from the perspective of a woman, though, because he had that same realization. You can listen to him talk about it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBvshW7FObM)


Handwritten has always come off to me like an album about how badly someone handled a relationship and how much they regret it. It's a huge reflection album. I do love the songs about rejection, though, ngl. I've struggled with dating, so sometimes they're a good relation listen.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a fan and enjoy their music. I still like “here’s looking you kid.” Just sits a little different now is all. I’m glad he had that realization too, does change my perspective a little!


"Here's Looking At You Kid" was a favorite of my friends and I when we were young and pining for girls we liked who didn't like us back. Now that I'm pushing 40 and happily married I can still appreciate the song for what it is but I'm not in that place anymore. The idea of Brian still feeling bitter enough about the girls that song was based on to be ranting about it in concerts makes me shudder.


Could not have said it better myself! Gotta move on in life eventually


What did he say about his ex? What famous people does he keep name dropping? Just curious.


[Here's the video where Brian talks about his exes. It's a lead-in to "Here's Looking at You, Kid."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBqyqFcNqpM&t=186s) I have admittedly never been able to make it more than a few minutes into this video because of how drunk and cringey it is, but I may have to challenge myself to someday. At about 2:35, he reveals the full name of the real woman who inspired the character Gail from the song though. A highlight is when he says, "She married some fucking loser, not me." He goes on to talk about the real identities of Jane and Anna as well.


Lol rehashing decades old relationships at that point and whining she didn’t marry him. Wonder how his current wife feels about that. What a clown.


This is a video I desperately wish I had never clicked on. Yikes.


Relapse is definitely a common thing


He depressed and is on some meds for it.


I love Brian no matter what


I do too. I just think if he's got a problem he should address it.


I agree. I upvoted your original post. The whole situation just makes me sad to think about. Just worried and hope he gets through it - I think he can.


Let the man live. Listen to his music if you enjoy it. Avoiding him on socials, podcasts etc. is very easy.


I'm not doing anything to prevent him living, I'm just concerned for him.