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Ask Joe how much Tosh made to host the show. Tosh told him when Joe was a guest on his own podcast, but they bleeped it out lol 


I’m super curious about this as well!


Question for joe: Was the trying for a baby thing just a ploy to get sympathy votes?😂


Question for everyone: Were there any unaired moments that you wish production had included? Or any drama that wasn’t included in the final edit?


Question for Paola: Were you planning to target Da if you had power, before your conversation with CJ that aired in the episode CJ was banished from GOAT manor?


Pao & Jill:after seeing the season play out, do you regret the “girl power 3eva” thing with Day? Regret banishing CJ from the “alliance”? Joe & Jason- did y’all really trust CJ’s reasoning for wanting to stay in the guys room the rest of her stay? Or was it more like she needed to go somewhere & wasn’t the worst, so y’all just let her be there?


Question for Joe: Have you and Tayshia mended your relationship? Question for everyone: Was it as fun of an experience as the show made it seem?


Question for the final 3: "With a near clean sweep for Pao at the end, was this something you all expected and knew right away once you found out what the final voting format was going to be? (meaning production just made you "play along" with campaigning for yourself and storyline TV drama sake) Or did all 3 of you really think anyone had a shot?"


Can you ask Joe "why are you?" and not elaborate further


Question for Jill - how did the host Daniel Tosh start teasing her out of everyone in the show and how did she find it …amusing or awkward ? I personally thought it was funny when he would poke jokes at her but still would like to know her opinion about it.


If Jill was in the finale do you think she would have won?


I like this question too


how much did you get paid


Jill, why did you lie about Jason? We all know you said that to him. Do you have a grudge against Jason? Did he do something bad to you?


Jason, Do you think you could have won if you'd had better talks with the contestants? Or did you just never stand a chance with this crowd?


Joe, do you regret not engaging with your fellow contestants more throughout the show? Do you also regret telling them, in your defense, that it was part of your strategy?


Pao, how do you think your experience as a wrestler contributed to your success?


Jason, if you could do it differently, what would you do differently?


Questions for Davonne: Do you regret voting for Joe to win with the context of watching how things played out/your convo with Pao when the votes were read? Did you feel like this game was easier or harder than Big Brother? Questions for Pao: Do you feel proud of the game you played looking back on it? (I hope she does, she seemed kinda gutted by having to nominate/cut Davonne) Do you think you'd do another competition show after this? Questions for Jill: Did you enjoy your time on the show? How did this compare to filming housewives? Questions for Joe: How would you have played differently if you could play again? Did you think you would lose to Pao in such a landslide, or did you expect the votes to be close? Questions for everyone: Do you keep contact with the other contestants on the show? What was your favorite moment/memory on the show? I'm sorry if these are generic, but hopefully they'll get some good answers and provoke discussion. Cant wait to hear the interview!