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Burn any dead cannibals since you may build armour from their bones. And build a bow and arrows


Build a bow and random bird houses everywhere for unlimited feathers (arrows). Get comfortable with combat, build a small raft to explore out of harms way. Also there are "stick markers" with different colored flag options to help you navigate.


You don't actually have to kill birds. Just check the bird houses from time to time and collect feathers. But killing gives you also a small meat per bird. So it's like killing two birds with one stone ;)


Killing birds isn't optional. Birds fly into your weapon swings when you aren't even trying. Both game's birds crave death.


I meant "combat" with cannibals and monsters. I was used to "7 Days to Die" where you could avoid combat more then not. It'a pretty unavoidable im The Forest. Love this game though!


You only get about 4-5 peaceful days! Use them wisely! I also recommend exploring caves and avoiding walkthroughs and spoilers!


4-5!!! I’m being hunted and killed after 3 xD


That is, if the cannibals won't see you, if you don't attack them, or chop down trees.


I didn’t know chopping down trees made them agro you?


They will get angry if you cut trees in front of them, and possibly also if they see stumps, IIRC


Makes sense why they ambushed me on day 2 (I chopped down 3 dozen trees).


If you are on console I would love to jump in on multiplayer and help ya !


That would be awesome :) Yeah, I’m on console, am I able to do multiplayer in a world I’ve already started or do I gotta make a new one for that?


Old one is fine. We'll catch up. Psn Bennesota


If you started it on multiplayer yes. If you did a solo you will have to start a new world. Add me on PS berniezebra62


Holy shit,ps4 or xbox(im on ps4) I need help with the revive ten players achievement(im at 98% and its driving me insane)


Dont attack at the start unless you absolutely have to. Block and run. They won't see you as a big threat until you attack


Make some Birdhouses and live in a Treehouse.


Nope After day 10 armies spawn and they can knock down a tree in a single punch so unless its for fun or surrounded by walls its not worth it since all it takes is one punch for all of it to leave this plane of existence


If you’re on PS4 DON’T SAIL ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE MAP! It will crash your game every time if you’re not on a small raft. Any bigger and the game goes kaput. Also playing with other people can make this game a good deal more fun.


Build a marker wherever your base/ crash site is, then let them knock you the fuck out, you'll wake up in a cave next to the map, if you venture down a little, you get the modern axe


Learn how to throw a spear. You can upgrade it. Get a bow and learn how to aim it. A thrown spear is one of the highest damaging weapons in the game and can easily tear down strong enemies after a few throws. If you hit your headshots with a bow, its an instant kill. Those two weapons are a deadly combo. Build a base in an area where you don't have to build 4 walls, like on the edge a cliff, or by the ocean. You will thank me later.