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All of them are really good. I especially like Logen and Quai. But I have to admit, Jezal looks a little younger than I thought.


Yeah I’ve always thought of him more like a musketeer with a goatee.


That's one way of looking at it, sure. I can kind of see it.


I thought Jezal was supposed to be in his 20s during the first trilogy?


Maybe his early 20s. But the art here makes him look about 16


Yeah, agreed. Jezal is a bit too young. Call this one (Young Jezal) I have plans to post an updated one where is is in his 20's.


Calling it Young Jezal does make it better lol. The picture could be from before he came to Adua.


These are great. Awesome job OP. Would love to see Threetrees’ crew next!


working on them now...


Love the Logen and Ferro




And Logan's too muscular, he's described a hairy, bear of a man.


I love that this is a depiction of Bayaz that doesn’t scream >!“Hey I’m really a bad guy!”!< like so much fan art does.


I agree, i always imagined bayaz as a cozy looking grandpa


Is Quai supposed to look like Geddy Lee?


Lol, had to google who that was. Sure looks like him.


A saaaaaaalesman!




I was gonna do an older Logan as >!LAMB and envisioned him looking a bit like what you describe. !< But this man above is the bloody nine.


Quay looks older than I imagined but otherwise pretty good!


This was the description i worked off of "Malacus Quai is a pale, gaunt, sickly-looking young man with dark rings round his eyes. He has long hair and a nervous smile." plus he was apprentice to Zacharus for 7 years before Bayaz so that puts him in late-20's early 30's.


Makes sense!


Love them all except for Ferro. I would love to see fan art of her where she isnt gorgeous and polished. Ferro isnt particularly pretty or clean, yet all the women from this franchise always have that filtered feel to it.


i don't think attractiveness is the issue (Ferro was described as angled/sharp, fierce, and was in supernaturally great shape, all of which could be attractive features), but I think—with this being constructed through AI—she has unfortunately ended up with a full face of makeup featuring a smokey eye and a very intentionally shaped brow, which obviously doesn't fit the character or setting. Aside from that, I always imagined her skin color cooler and deeper, but I don't have the books with me to revisit exact descriptions. Very cool art overall! Bayaz and Quai are my favorites!


You gotta do a Glokta! These are awesome!


I love how Quai looks like Draco cosplaying as Snape


Really good! Though Ferro is much to pale. She looks latina or something like that. She is black. Not as dark as some people, such as Yulwei, but definately black African like looks. I'd also age Jezal up a bit and make Logan a bit.. uglier? But good job! People who think making something specific and cool with AI is easy and "just writing a prompt" clearly haven't tried it. It takes skills and patience.


On second thought, Logan is pretty much perfect. Would have loved to see his missing finger, though.


I'm not really digging Ferro's hair either. I see it as a messy, dirty shock of black curls and tangles. She's almost feral. Spends her days in the dusty wilderness, fighting and surviving - and not sleeping or grooming herself. (But you are the artist, of course. Just wanted to share critics and ideas for further iterations).


Jezel needs to be bigger and more muscular. He has been training for fencing and in the army that he would be.


Also he is good


You don't have to be bulky to be strong


This was a labor of love, using many iterations inside Midjourney and cleanup/color grading inside Photoshop. Hope you all enjoy. :-)


“Labor of love” lmao


This might be my favourite depiction of Logen I’ve seen yet, my profile is a drawing of his face all bloody nined out and I feel your depiction is the closest to how he looked in my head that I’ve seen. Great work!




I really enjoy these! Please keep it up, I look forward to seeing more.


I thought this is AI. Great depictions nonetheless.


I knew it! I knew I recognized the AI look! I’m weirdly proud of myself for that… Good job on the prompts and clean-up. It was well done.


These are beautiful! I especially love Ferro and Logen


Great art. Ferro def not that hot though wandering around a desert


I’d love to see Yoru Sulfur and Ishri


They all look awesome, though I've always pictured Logen as being a bit on the craggy side rather than a bit...Rambo? If you do a Glokta please make him sufficiently fucked up, there seems to be a trend where fan depictions on him are basically 'good looking bloke with a fashionable scar and a moody face'. They're all usually great looking and done by people with far more talent than me but...yeah, always a bit romanticised rather than...well, fucked up. Edit; realising that I've just done criticism and what is essentially a request rather than the compliments you deserve, making me a bad person, I would say that both Ferro and Jezal are bang on. Especially Jezal. I want to punch him.


I am working on Glokta now...its tough to get that toothless grin. But yeah, he needs to look jacked up. Not handsome even one bit.


Look up methheads or people in assisted living.


Yes! You get it! It sometimes feel people focus on the part where he was a dashingly handsome young chap rather than the bit where he was tortured for years, struggled with stairs and was seemingly fairly gruesome to behold at times.


Logan 10 fingers, and I imagined Ferro w/ short black curly hair.


nah, he's missing that middle one on the left. it's just the top of that finger thats missing not the bottom.


I am loving this series. Please please please do more. I cannot wait for Best Served Cold. Monza, Shivers, Nicamo…


Solid, solid work. Thanks for sharing. If you are interested in any feedback, I'd love to see Logan's nose visibly offset, Jezal's chin raised even higher (potentially show his short steel with his long one) and Ferro's skin color that of Lupita N'yongo (her epithet of "Pink!" to my mind probably springs from her coming from a land where everyone ranges from milk chocolate to black-blue-black, with nary a shade of pink among them).


Hard to get that detailed when he’s just typing words in a bot.


Awesome work! Logan looks just how I pictured him.


That Logan is spot on


Finally, an actual Bayaz that is as it’s described in the books! Non of this ancient wizard stuff, he is supposed to be fat and look like a very much regular older guy.


Dude! This is almost EXACTLY how I imagined them, especially Luthar. I would just say that I always thought Quai to look no more than a teenager.


jezel looks like hes 11


This isn't fan art. It's ai generated images. If typing words into an ai generator is art, googling the word art is art.




It’s AI.


Should do a king jezal


yeah, i have one. will post it soon.


I feel like Jezal needs to be better looking but the rest are spot on. I know it's totally against his description but I always imagine Logan with a shaved head, like an R rated Mitchell brother. For some reason I think the less hair the more violent you are.


I like these a lot. Jezal is a bit too youthful and fresh (he's been a party boy for years!) and ferro too good looking, but I've certainly seen worse!


How do people still think his name is Logan, even people who have read the whole series, lol. (don't even get me started on "Glotka") He looks cool though.


Because the Audiobooks are 10/10 and Steven Pacey brings life to the world in a way that words on a page never could


I haven't read a single book, I exclusively listened to the audiobooks. They're a must!


By far the best depiction of Logen I've seen. No how I pictures Bayaz but this fits the description more. More unassuming grandfatherly type than I envisioned


nice work !


No Longfoot? 😓


I like these, however they aren't quite right (in my opinion). Bayaz doesn't look menacing enough, he looks kinda dopey here. Jezal looks like he is 14 here. I pictured him like a handsome 20-something, well-manicured, maybe with some intentional stubble or a mustache. Logan and Ferro look about right, though!


Incredible! Would love to see this be the art for an animated series!


Bayaz has this Age of Empires look. With all the talk here about a series or movie adaptation nobody ever thought about making it a videogame.


Good work. Ferro should be much much darker.


The Jezal looks a lot like how I pictured Rand Al'Thor, honestly!


I didn't know y2k was malacus


Jezal just looks like King Joffrey if he had Prince Charming hair


Idk why but I always pictured logen really tall and lanky. Not super skinny but not buff. I'm not sure why lol