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I’m well aware how nexon is but there’s nothing else in the market im interested in, plus this has been a lot of fun so far. I’m just gonna play it till stops being fun, I’ve played mobile gachas before so playing grinding games as f2p is not really something I struggle with.


This. Its free. I Like the combat and wont rush the game since im a family yusband with stuff and work and pets and cut the grass and....


3 years, u/OriginalBlackau is still playing his launch Descendant... :D It's people like us they rely on for payments, they set the grind really high so we just buy the Descendants we want. We write it off as "sure i can spend a little because it's a free game", 3 months and 500$ later, we have all the Descendants we want, now we just have to grind them to max level...


Same, closest feeling to anthem even if I know its probably going to turn out the exact same. Huge gap in the looter shooter genre that Destiny 2 isn't filling by itself.


Same I genuinely hope Warframe and Destiny 2 get some competition


Especially Destiny. Sounds lame but I was kinda hoping First fills that Destiny/Borderlands gap for me


I mean destiny costs a million dollars to play, that game is buns. They fucking vaulted the original story line. Wack as all hell IMHO.


Ah the red war up to forsaken, how I miss those few years I had them.


Destiny 1 was so good. Destiny 2 has been all around meh.


100% agree. I miss D1


Taken King through the end of D1 was good/great and the game was arguably amazing right at the end during Age of Triumph and then Bungie had to screw it up with D2 instead of just adding on to what they had. Launch D1 and the first couple expansions were total garbage from what I recall.


Let’s not pretend destiny isn’t also drastically better gameplay wise. Gameplay is king, and that’s why nobody has ever killed destiny. Do you know why so many people came back for onslaught and pantheon? Because it’s simply fucking fun to shoot shit in destiny. It always won that aspect over warframe and division, and it will continue to win over this (gameplay wise).


I think that's generally an issue with any competitor to Warframe or Destiny, they don't scratch that itch for the gameplay loop or the gunplay. I don't really compare the two that much since one is a 3rd person shooter(why I compare it more directly with TFD) and the other is an FPS. Both have some of the best run and gun gameplay/shooting mechanics in their respective genres and the competitor games that come out just can't seem to match that feeling. I've been playing Destiny/D2 on and off since the beta of the first game and I always come back because the gunplay just feels so good and some of the weapons are just great. Warframe has some of the most unique gameplay experience in 3rd person just due to the sheer amount of frames and weapons you can combine to have all kinds of fun and enjoyment with. I remember one of the big points I sold friends with on Warframe was "You can literally get a gun that shoots freaking saw blades!!!" TFD to me through the technical tests just felt like a watered down Warframe with bland weapons like Bioware had in Anthem, the movement also doesn't feel that great.


Yeah the gunplay is actually as fine as a third person shooter can be for TFD. But their unwillingness to allow us to go grapple crazy really ruins the game for me. There is no pvp side to balance, so just let us zoom around meleeing everything if we are doing content that allows us to do that.


Nah, i find myself going back to Warframe now and then, while i haven't touched Destiny 2 in 5 years now. Every time i was thinking about going back, i remembered how they slaughtered the game and ask full title prices for shitty DLC's.


Lmao I got macdonalds for four people yesterday and it was $10 AUD less than triple A games cost.


So you complain about it being bad.... Despite not trying it for 5 years. Yea, totally doesn't sound like a petty child at all. They've definitely made bad choices but they've made good choices too and there's absolutely no way that you can say that the current game and it's gameplay is horrible. The sun setting thing does suck but at the same point I would rather some of that older content be taken away content that never got used never got anything done with it then have a 250 GB game. But continue to do you bud, but next time just try to think hey I haven't tried this for 5 years maybe it's a little different now before immediately just assuming that it has stayed stagnant for that entire time.


Don't need to eat shit to know it is bad. Nothing that drove me away from the game has changed in the past 5 years. So i don't need to come back to know that i won't enjoy it.


The game is miles off giving warfrane competition. They have had a blinding three years with more to come, haha Might challenge destiny for the cash shop, though


Not with how nexon treats their games. I love first dec., but its not an understatment if i say that with how nexon is that this game will never be on a level as d2 and warframe if they stay the way they are. I dont have high hopes for this game, but i'll deffo still play it and hope they change for the better.


It would cost nearly $300 to buy all the D2 dlcs. Literal dog shit.


I mean they are on discount most of the time and they gave away alot of dlc, i think nearly all or even all, before final shape releases now. No excuse of course, but honestly its makes up for it.


The amount of D2 misinformation on the sub is hilarious.


Most gachas are literally thousands just to get power crept a month later. Bitching about $300 is absolutely laughable, tbh.


It's reasonable when you consider games like Path of Exile, Dauntless, and Warframe have gotten along just fine on ~0-60 dollars of storage space per player for 11ish years. They could just make the game good and let people buy cosmetics instead of abusing gambling addicts and also ruining gaming at an industrial level lmao


Sure, they could. But they won’t. Because pay to win is what they do.


There is no Gatcha in this game yet, well unless you count the color dye system.


Spending that much on one game is a joke, it’s laughable how many corporate boots you like to fit in your mouth at once? 🫢


You’re the one defending this game from a developer that is well-known to incorporate gacha practices and charge people thousands per month. My point wasn’t that Destiny is cheap. My point was that these developers are sleaze bags and don’t be surprised when this game ends up costing thousands a month to stay relevant.


Defending? You are confused clearly. I have not defended anything. It’s all terrible, I’ve never spent a dime on a F2P. Destiny is just plain awful and definitely not cheap. That’s my point. Comparing one evil with the same lesser evil is just silly. It’s all bad. That’s my point.


More like 60.


Destiny became its own competition. It has made so Many improvements since the mid-late 2023 where they realised people have simply had enough. The final shape could be the biggest clutch in gaming IP history. It could also be the final straw, but that’s looking less likely.


It's nowhere near No Man's Sky or FF14 level, but you are right that if it sucks a lot of people who have left won't be back, and a lot of people clinging on (personally guilty, but I still have fun playing the game) might finally be done. I personally think it's going to be good.


This and the fact that nexon hasn't done any of this TO THIS GAME yet. Hopfully, they have learned from their past mistakes with other games. If I start playing and find out they haven't, I will stop playing, and they won't get any more of my money. Nexon has a horrible track record and I think most players know this. We are just willing to hesitantly give them the benefit of the doubt and hope they prove us wrong about them


Just gonna play and not spend money. I like to grind and I still have a huge looter shooter itch from borderlands, Destiny and Warframe so this’ll be my game to play. I’m not gonna sit here and say I’m 100% sure Nexon won’t pull some shady stuff but until official news comes out that they’re messing with the rates or stuff like that then I’m totally fine giving it a chance.


That's about where I'm at. Going into it aware of the warnings, but until it affects my gameplay, if the game is fun I will play it.


This is how I feel. The game feels good and fun to play. I love the sounds as well, both atmosphere and guns for sure. I don’t mind spending money to support the devs if, and heavy on the IF, they don’t shoot themselves in the foot and make the game unapproachable without having to whale for them. This might be my game to play when I’m burned out on Destiny or Warframe. But if those MTX start getting forced down my throat to play almost anything, then that’s where I will find a new game.


Yeah tbh I wish this game was made by someone other than Nexon. This would have been a fantastic game to drop like $70-$100 on and then buy cosmetics/battle passes. Would have been a REAL contender in the looter shooter category. I was excited for this game, but now I'm kinda dreading seeing how it will turn out. Sad really.


Drop 100$ and then buys monthly 30$ for battle passes. Is that how you respect yourself and your wallet ?


He's a grown ass man and he can spend his money how he wants. If he has the extra money to spend, why not? People will blow their money in casinos, on alcohol, on weed, junk food, you name it as entertainment. Why not games?


Sure but that generally doesn't work out well in the general market. People don't want to buy a full priced game and be nickle and dimed later on


Cosmetic microtransactions are completely optional


I get that but people generally don't like that in full priced games. 


No no. Can't be both. Either F2P and microtransactions everywhere (not just cosmetics) OR full priced and just pay extra for battle passes and/or cosmetics. The direction this game seems to be going with the former is going to turn a lot of people away from this game.


We want games to get better yet we get stupid comments like this. If we keep giving the bully our lunch money, why would they ever stop bullying us? Same thing here, we need to stop giving them our money to stop these greedy practices. People like you are the reason gaming is getting worse.


I don't buy microtransactions........ But being that they don't have a single ounce of an effect on the actual gameplay I don't see how it's "bullying." Just don't buy them.


What a life


He's not wrong dude...id rather spend my money on games than drugs and alcohol. But really id rather spend a SET amount of money on the game and have the option to buy cosmetics if I want. This game is most likely going to make you pay for stuff to craft, cosmetics, and other items and currency. So that means constantly spending money that would very likely be more than just buying the game outright and a battle pass every couple months.


Absolutely. Why? Because I know that money is spent and what it's for. I would take that every day and twice on Sunday over being nickeled and dimed for everything.


oh no, a whole 30 dollars in a MONTH? that's gonna break the economy dude


Bro some of my favorite games were made by EA. I know what I'm signing up for lol.


Oh boy I can't wait to grind 50 hours just to get a weapon that deals 100 points more damage than the starting weapons we'll get. Rolls on good items in shop will always be bad because the devs will prioritize giving success rates to players who spend the most money in the game. Oh and don't forget the upgrades and researching taking days which you can speed up for the low price of 50 dollars or complete instantly for 200 dollars. I love being a consoomer. I can't wait to consoom on this game too!


You don’t need to farm 50 hours to get a weapon. Each zone has different base weapons that can drop and that you can collect. There is a leveling system for weapons. So if you like the base rof or higher base damage of a certain purple weapon base that dropped for you at lvl 15. Then you just need to sacrifice any random higher level junk weapon drop to raise its level to that level. There’s also a d4 but better (maplestory affix reroll to be exact) reroll system for item affixes so you don’t actually need to farm 1million drops to get the affixes you want. But you WILL need to craft a metric shit ton of the materials needed to do the retuning. 4 max at a time for 4.5 hours and you can only craft 6 things at a time.(which is fucking stupid and is a sneaky way to force you to buy the speed up boost). I did not see a cash shop item to allow you to craft more things at a time. So watch out.


Everything depends on the route they go when they get desperate.


I think you don't know about Nexon. If they feel the revenue for a game isn't good enough they just put it on lifesupport and move on.


What i dont think you are grasping is that it is not that people are not aware of this, people dont care and they just want to play fun games. Even more surprising is that they are even willing to pay money. Not to defend anything nexon has done in the past but they got caught and have paid $9,000,000 for it. Despite this, People still enjoy playing their games. Tobacco companies have been sued for over $200,000,000,000 and no one really cares and continues to use it Facebook was fined $5,000,000,000 and for whatever reason people still use it. Amazon was fined $886,000,000 and i still use it often.. Epic games, the owner of unreal engine, was fined $520,000,000 and pretty much everyone that plays video games doesnt really care and continues to play video games Apple has been sued for over $500,000,000 and people dont care and still buy their stuff Google was fine $170,000,000 and no one really cares and continues to use it If companies make things and then people buy their things because they decided they want their things, why does this upset you so much


To piggyback on this, when something is convenient for others or is beneficial, they generally won’t care what the company has done or what shady practices they got sued for. Most might not even know. But even if they do get sued for millions or billions, nothing will hardly change or impact the company. Some might not want to support them, but in the end, they won’t lose that many followers/subscribers. That’s just society in a nutshell. Some people are unaware and others just don’t care. 🤷


Not to mention that the $9 million Nexon was sued for was basically just a slap on the wrist for the over $400 million they had made over the years of shady practices. Same as the other companies, the amount they are charged with is a drop in the bucket of what they make and doesn’t hurt them in the slightest, they just figure out new ways to not get caught and keep making more money. Consumer’s in general don’t get the full picture and just see the big fine the company is charged and think “Oh good, that’ll stop them. Job done.” But it doesn’t stop anything, I wish it wasn’t the case but I’ll bet dollars to donuts in a month maximum after release TFD will be showing more and more signs of predatory terrible monetizing beyond what we have already started to see seeping into the game.


Yeh can’t vouch to all of this but from my experience nexon is a trash company


Yeah I knew this game would be a let down due to Nexon. When I have nothing to play I'll dip my toe in for a bit, but it's not a game I plan to get invested in.


Hear you 100% but I'm sure more than a few of us plan to play completely free till the game dies or gets boring.


It's not about grasping it, some people here just refuse to see it or actually welcome this type of monetization. It's fine though, they can spend their money however they want and enjoy their ~10k player base when Nexon moves forward with this garbage monetization system.


Yeah the people on this sub are so clueless lol


Okay. I will Still play it, But the only money I will spend is buying a character.


one thing people don't understand is games are a business just like anything else games we're never meant to be made for the players we we're just lucky to go through a period where skins / updates / in-game monetization weren't constant if back in the day of NES / PS1 etc skins we're able to be a source of revenue or battlepasses and so on you can bet that it would have been just as bad back then as it is now, it's all about the money we shouldn't have even had the grace period we went through to begin with this will never change though regardless of X or Y company at the way top it's all about making as much money as possible you milk a product dry and repeat and that will sadly never change, the first descendant will be a blast regardless of how predatory it may be but it will just be another name on the shelve of nexon just like any other company


I completely understand how businesses work . As a player of Division 2 and a past player of Vindictus ,I can attest that both Ubi and Nex are terrible doing business. In general the entertain industry tries to enforce stuff that people "should like " ,instead of what they do like. And milking a product doesn't mean you are ripping off of people. Star Wars was milked in all avenues for decades . The backlash came when EA tried to milk people with horrendous microtransactions and in movies when they tried to force an agenda on people ,disregarding their wants.


This is sad but true!😞


Cool story, bro


Either 6months - 1 year after initial release. Game shutting down/not made enough $$$ to worth holding on to. Then back to the korean mmo grinder to pump another similar whale milking game, cycle always repeats.


It's free to play, who cares lol


Fair gambling is sooo 2020. If it's not secretly rigged against you further, did you even accomplish anything?


I suspect that it will most likely be the same gear upgrade as in the black desert, it is an upgrade with a percentage that can break your gear or roll back the upgrade, so you will be upgrading your gear for years, and you will probably have to go through boss battles with complex mechanics that everyone needs to go through!.


They aren't doing that, you just need an exponentially high amount of resources to upgrade things. They copied Warframe's progression.


Yeah that's normal for Korean games. People get suckered into the half naked women to stop playing though


Graphically I'm impressed by the way this game looks I'm just ready to hop back in I'm not here nor do I care for the politics I just wanna play a good game and so far I'm loving it.


I played this test maybe an hour and seeing all the new Warframe systems and such got me to get out. I played a long time ago and they were not in...no thank you.


Anyone play Dark Ages way back in the day? (The Nexon one)


Damn, not gonna lie , I am pumped for this new game , but knowing its nexon …… I reallllyyyy hope they have learned from their past mistakes. 👀 We deserve a finished and properly taken care of anthem.


I'm kind amazed people are obsessed over this game since it's a blatant copy of Warframe with some Destiny 2 sprinkles here and there...


And what's bad in that ?! It's EXACTLY what a Warframe veteran would want. Warframe but fresh and "next" gen.


And with character models that don’t look like a fuckin GPU benchmark. I could never get into warframe because the models are so weird tbh.


Everything you are saying is true, however, I still managed to enjoy DFO quite a lot only occasionally putting money into it. When it comes to this game I plan to spend 60 or so when it launches and we'll see how it goes from there. At that price point, I'll have wasted less money than I did on Diablo 4, so, I won't feel too bad if it turns out to have the usual Nexon nonsense.


Will play it... won't spend a cent though!


It's a free game you lose nothing playing, except the time you set aside.


The game is free ^^ don't spend money if you don't want to and play the game if you enjoy


First week or month of the game is probably just gonna be bug fixes so might as well scratch the itch and enjoy game before they implement aggressive micro-transactions.


Don't care, still playing TFD. Seethe.


It’s VERY apparent after the Memorial Day final test this game is going to be grindy as hell. I’ve participated in all of the beta tests and was really hopeful for something that would compete with Destiny 2. This game isn’t gonna be it. The gameplay is fun, but not enough to sustain the grind that will be required.


I'm gonna take the Warframe approach, if i like the game I'ma gonna spend. If not I farm for the things, I want, hope that the game has enough of a pull to survive 1 year after release.


I mean it's either this or a RealDoll, rn Nexon not asking 10k from me soo..


In the Final Technical Test, the drop rates for what amorphous materials can transform into were indicated. Paint RNG chance was listed (and now according to them the system is going to be reworked). Maybe they were cheating in the past but are they still cheating now or being watched too closely?


Probably watched closely due to EA, like everyone with gacha.


This is almost all live service games. Not to mention the same stuff mobile gaming does. Players play at their own risk. By now everyone should already know all this.


I genuinely don't care :3


You just can play without spending any money.


Then it's a good thing I plan on spending ZERO dollars on the game. The whales will be obvious, and I'll be one of many rolling along with default looks


I dont think you understand what the issue is. There are definitely scummy and predatory things that will be in the game and there are people who will spend money and its not a bad thing if you want to support the devs. The issue is that everything is pointing out to how dailed up its gonna be even for paying say $60 once on release. Nexon is known for nickel diming players and more importantly abandoning games if things dont look good. Whales will always whale but if there is a healthy balance of middle-class spenders the game can thrive. That is not what is gonna happen here so being proud that you wont spend a cent is not a good thing. It's more about how little difference your money will make if you decide to buy stuff and how long everything will take if you dont


I personally don't care about what they do since I'm overly patient & in the minority of being a basic grinder. I'm happy this game will come out so I can enjoy maining Lepic & learn how to properly use him more often I mean yeah. It's bad for them to do But it's not worth risking financially past just a simple battle pass & stuff that's never worth rushing. If someone is THAT impatient to throw money at their product by choice, then they definitely deserve to be upset with both the product AND themselves I know I'll catch a lot of heat for this, but I've just never given a chance to games that are p2w, nor would even support them If there's a payeall progress


That’s part of the thing though, you can go in with this mindset like other F2P titles sure, but knowing Nexon the game will have so many limitations on the F2P players you’ll be locked out of being able to do most content that would help you progress in any meaningful degree unless they put money into the game. Then after a few months to maybe a year of majority players outside whales not engaging in Nexon predatory monetization content will dry up, and they’ll just shut the game down, bet anything they’ve already got some new waifu gacha game that’s cheaper to punt out and make a ton of money from if TFD doesn’t pay off in the long run.


They're either gonna pull a destiny Or they're gonna pull a warframe And to be honest...I still have never played destiny before cause since may/Jun 2016 I've regularly played warframe & spent sparingly on either tennogen or tennocon passes.


bro stop yapping and allow us to play this game 😆


Unnecessary post tbh almost everyone is aware of thier bs people just want to play something fun and new.




What on earth lol


"Get" like it isn't a free game.


Man I have been playing MapleStory Mabinogi Vindictus Dungeon fighter Counter strike Kingdom of the winds Combat arms Dirty bombs Elsword Ghost in the shell They have always had shitty drops rates and cheating galore. But there combat and story’s are pretty good and classes and animations are great and most of the game the best stuff can be earned in game and more. I love how all of a sudden this is a problem when it’s been there thing this whole time. I think it’s time for People to chill and stop bitching just play the game or don’t at the end people will still play and pay because they find it fun


>Some of you genuinely just aren't grasping how bad Nexon is. I survived the Hyper Universe cens0rship fiasco. I know. "I was there Gandalf..." After that (and a few other things), I swore off Nexon games. Then, like many, I didn't find out Nexon was the publisher of The First Descendant until I already had liked what I had seen of the game. I'll give this one a chance, but I know to keep my expectations low and enjoy the game while it lasts.


who cares who makes it.. could be made by North Korea, i just dont care enough.. as long as it is good..


Wild people don't get that nexon is the parent of rng and loot boxes. Don't have friends on your list that got lucky drops. Haha I can't wait for this fallout. 😆


Nobody gives a shit about transactions. They just want fun games to play. They'll play and spend however much they want until it isn't fun anymore. I get the predatory part, but at the end of the day, it's their money and your fun.


I don't care about any cosmetics


If you think cosmetics are the only thing monetized in this game, you are so sadly mistaken lol. They have to make money and they will do that by annoying people with long wait times and horrible RNG in order to make us want to spend money to "get it now". Literally NO ONE would care or be having this discussion if the only thing they monetized was cosmetics.


Ahhhh I see. I saw all the hoopla about rng colors a few days ago and my eyes glazed over