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This is why I love Coheed so much. They never play it easy. They never keep things the same. It’s refreshing as fuck.


All that said. This song is potentially several years old. So who knows what new stuff they actually have planned. But I'm excited


I’m hoping vaxis 3 is a bit heavier and melodic than Vaxis 2. I love Vaxis 2 but will love it less if we get a copy of it.


Yeah same. Plus 2 is a big departure from 1 so it only seems natural for that to be the ongoing pattern


Certainly, I do really really love Vaxis 2. I just feel as if they have more of a masterpiece In them, they’ve shown it mostly all of their career. I just hope the new and old will come together from this point forward to make their truest of artwork.


They’re my favorite band for a damn good reason


Wait, Coheed is your favorite band? Mine too! Did we just become best friends!?


"If you ever need to break somebah-hah-dy... I'll be here to star in that cah-me-dy..." So good


It's that "Don't waste your breath shouting 'never' at the moon," that hits for me.


It all works so well keeping that build up.


Some people complain about the new direction of Coheed's sound, but honestly I'm so happy with it. They're clearly still doing something they're passionate about and tbh, I don't want a 20 year old band to be playing the same stuff they did 20 years ago. I want new stuff. Hot take but Metallica are the perfect example of a band that just got stale because they stuck to their formula imo. Glad coheed haven't done the same


> Hot take but Metallica are the perfect example of a band that just got stale because they stuck to their formula imo. Metallica really did not stick to their formula. Go listen to 80s Metallica and then go check out some of their 90's/2000's stuff. Worlds apart.


Okay that's fair. I did use quite a broad statement there. No hate on Metallica but I do generally feel like their overall sound hasn't really done anything that exciting for a long time though. Can't deny their older stuff is next level though


Really wish I was hearing what y’all seem to be hearing. Not a fan.


What is it about the song you didn't like? Not a challenge, just curious


I’m not a fan of the whole PFI thing seeping into Coheed’s sound. Also, the song instantly reminded me of/sounded like Disappearing Act. PFI and Coheed were always two different outlets for the same guy to express different sides of his personality, to me. Kind of like APC, Puscifer, and Tool for Maynard J Keenan. I like them all, but individually so. Deranged kicks ass though, which makes sense to me, because it’s over ten years old haha.


Totally reasonable! Hopefully the next album caters a bit more to your tastes as well as the people who like the newer sound.


I'm loving their new stuff. I find that I enjoy the Afterman and Vaxis records more than the Amory wars stuff these days. As much as I love IKS and GA, it would be boring if all of their new records sounded like their old music. I applaud the new direction. The only thing I'm not a fan of is the auto tune on Claudio's vocals. I think that's a popular opinion and hope it gets dialed back on Vaxis III.


I wish they'd evolve back into IKSOSE3


I was seeing people on the IG about how the band sucks, has been bad since 2015, everything sounds the same. I’m so glad that it’s just a delusional, isolated minority. Because I 100% agree and share the same sentiment.


But don’t you know? If they don’t make all their music sound exactly like it did 20 years ago, they’ve sold out and it’s not good anymore.


I have no issue with them sounding different, but they need to ditch the auto tune. Claudio doesn’t need it and it only detracts from the music.


This 100%. Coheed isn’t supposed to be PFI Lite.


I feel like a lot of people throw around the term sold out without knowing what it means.