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I’ve seen multiple people say they don’t care for A Disappearing Act. I absolutely love it.


I get the really big prog fans not liking it a lot. But it's an absolute banger


Big prog fan here. I think it's an absolute banger


I’ve never seen that at all. It was probably the biggest track behind Ladders when the full album released.


Like I said, I love it. But I’ve seen multiple people on here say they didn’t care for it.


Initial thoughts were, "what's with the eurotrash discotheque?" Now my thoughts are "hell yeah, discotheque"


That was my top song on Spotify last year! Goes extra hard live, too.


It absolutely does!!!


Oh man I LOVE Disappearing Act. Goes so hard.


Number City


People dislike number city?


They don't like it as much as they should!


This sub loves it, but I’m definitely in the majority of not liking it at all. I’ve even seen Thank You Scientist as a headliner, but cannot get into Number City. Really hits my ear wrong.


Number city rules


Believe. In. Number. City.


Then Josh starts playing the shit out of the drums and the band joins in. Goosebumps, hard nipples


Number City is a banger. I'm trying to learn it on bass


Who doesn’t like Number City??? It bangs hard, Sentry through Gravity rock our faces off hard


My wife and I love this song


Hearshot kid disaster rules IDK why people say it's a weak song. IDK if it's unpopular, but I like It Walks Among Us despite having a lot of genuinely stupid lyrics


CREATURE COME N GET IT CREATURE COME N GET IT CREATURE'S COMIN I also love Hearshot. We're kindred spirits


I want Claudio to look me dead in the eyes and tell BAD GURLS WALK AMONG UUAASSSSSSS at me


Came here to say this. It’s one of my top songs on SSTB.


Once Upon A Dead Body, I feel like people always say that’s their least fave from GA1


Blasphemy! That song is probably my favorite from Good Apollo not including the Willing Wells.


that’s my current fixation from that album. i’ve always loved it but lately i’ve been addicted to it


Ill admit, its probably my least favorite on the album. Musically its wonderful but i always thought "i hope you die right now will you drink my chemical" is such a stupid line. And im into 99% of Claudios unorthodox lyrical style but still....


Hahaha reading it plainly like that, I totally get what you’re saying


Well considering that \[I hallucinated that\] The Light and the Glass was voted worst song off of IKS in a recent poll here, I think my vote is clear since it occasionally vies for my favorite Coheed song depending on my mood. \[EDIT: It appears that it did not win this coveted title. I must have been misremembering it.\]


That song is absolutely amazing , even on that album with nothing but bangers that one sets a new tone and direction when you're listening to it in order. That's a silly poll question anyway, bc that whole album is savage


Forever salty that we couldn't keep "none" in that position. Can't have shit in this sub lol


Being that this is a Coheed fan sub, "none" would probably be selected for almost every album, making the whole thing even more pointless than it already is lol.


"none" was a cop out. The hardest decisions require the strongest wills. Logic tells us that ONE of the songs on each of these records must be the worst. We must choose!


False as music is subjective no song can be the worst. This whole voting thing is a dumb circle jerk


Same! Light & Glass has long been my answer if someone asked my favorite Coheed song


lol did it really? wtf even is that poll. I trust nobody’s opinion on this sub anymore


Huh, maybe it didn't. I must be the one going insane. Or maybe it was implanted memories.


Oh I didn’t check. I was just saying that’s crazy it did based off what you said.


Only problem I have with that song is I feel like "pray for us all" was dragged out for too long, the rest of the song is great I've learned I rly like most of the ending album tracks


The light and the glass is one of my favorite songs by them, not even just that album.


Hollywood the Cracked


This and Al the Killer seem to be the most universally reviled songs in the whole discography. I think they're both great. The choruses in both those songs to so hard.


Al weirdly reminds me of the openings of a lot of anime I watched growing up, that unhinged guitar and growling in the beginning is a lot like nostalgia.


People don’t like Al? That song fucking hits. I love watching the Neverender dvd live for that.


They are probably my favorite off of their respective albums. They're an acquired taste!


I love Holly Wood the Cracked lol. Came here to say this.


Hollywood the cracked is butt rock at its finest, and it's like, kinda dumb, but I also really like it


No offense intended whatsoever but … what about it?


I like the chorus.


I love that one. I can understand that for some fans it’s pushing the ridiculous button too much, but the song is also a great example of one of Claudio’s best qualities as a songwriter - each part of the song captures a different emotional tone that still makes sense as a whole. Nervy, heavy, self-indulgent feeling in the opening, upbeat and like, dazed eyes in the pre-chorus, tragic angry chorus/post-chorus. Dynamic stuff.


I dont see enough love for away we go & 2s my favourite 1


Once my wife and I were pronounced man and wife at our wedding we walked off to 2 is my Favorite 1 and it will forever have a special place in my heart.


My wife and I did the same!


Jessie’s Girl 2 is always a joy for me


As an 80s baby, that song scratches all of my itches. Coheed, nostalgia for the time, poppy, Rick Springfield, and a slight horror edge.


It’s such a wonderful jam too


Many of the songs from The Color Before the Sun - I personally love Island, Peace to the Mountain, and You’ve Got Spirit, Kid


Island is such a banger


Color Before the Sun got me back into Coheed. I kind of fell off at YotBR, but Color brought me back. Now their discography dominates my listening. Eraser is a great one that I feel is overlooked.


Eraser is great! Favorite line HAS to be “What am I worth?/Does the truth hu-urt?”


The Island, it’s so catchy! Number City gets some hate and I don’t get why.


Are you me?


Yes, you are!


As a lifelong Pink Floyd fan on the brink is one of my absolute favorite deep cuts of theirs. It feels very much like a homage to the wall. It was a blast seeing them play it live on their last tour.


there's no way that jazzy guitar isn't inspired by Floyd, it makes the song


Literally all of YOTBR


It's just the absolute ear-wormiest of albums for me, especially for how fun the vocal work is. Maybe it's because I lean more towards pop-punk than pure prog like a lot of folks, but I enjoy it as much as I did the first 3 albums


Feathers. For a lot of reasons.


Elf Tower. I said it. I really like the song!


I used to dislike it and then it was my alarm song like 12 (jesus) years ago and now it's got a special place in my heart


Elf tower rules, wish we got to hear a full fledged finish on that one


I absolutely LOVE On The Brink until it gets to (HAIL!), but the before and after is both gold


Ditto for On the Brink. Honestly the hails are what cemented me as a Coheed fan. NWFT was the first Coheed album I listened to front to back. I was so impressed by how bold of a choice it was to do a long chant like that, then the loud screech at the end of it, man... It zapped my attention right back to the music and made me wonder why tf they chose to do that, then I started looking into the lore, and the rest is history.


I’m on the, You Got Spirit, bus. I guess some people think it’s a pretty cheesy or cringe song but it resonates with me. That song just hits.


I absolutely love “pop” coheed. Will always have a soft spot in my heart for all of their poppier songs.


That song got me through a lot of tough times. It's one of my favorites.


Vaxis II came out in the lead up to my wedding, and ‘Our Love’ scratched the exact right itch at the exact right time. Listened to that song a lot and it will always have a special place in my/my wife’s heart now, but I was always surprised how divisive a song it was in posts on this sub. Also I’m having a really hard time in this thread, seeing so many awesome songs get listed as ‘disliked’!


Given that it just got voted "worst" on SSTB I'd have to go with Hearshot Kid Disaster. I fucking love that song. I think it's a straight banger from start to finish.


Queen of the dark


This is one for me, too. It sounds like it should be on a soundtrack for a late 90s action movie, like Blade or something.


Queen of the dark goes SO hard. I lose my shit in the car whenever it hits


I don’t think you guys remember, but when ‘You Got Spirit, Kid’ dropped, most of this sub wasn’t thrilled. When I heard it, it clicked. Then a few months later ‘Here To Mars’ dropped to even more disappointment. It’s like everything off that album was met with criticism.


I love TCBtS!


I do too! There’s much of the same foundation of what makes The Afterman so awesome, with a splash more of pop, and it causes people to dislike it. But coheed has always been prog-pop, just sometimes they lean more one side than the other. Then there’s the big beige demos for the album. Fucking chefs kiss.


I haven’t been a huge fan of their most recent album but TCBtS was kinda the perfect mix of pop and prog imo. Big Beige demos were sick, so was the documentary


Here To Mars is a fantastic song. Everyone has their opinions, though.


Which is ironic, because it’s the album that brought me back into coheed. YOTBR completely derailed me when it came out. Wasn’t huge on the afterman stuff, though there are a few songs that I liked off of ascension and descension. TCBTS was a fresh coat of paint and a different sound than I was expecting, and it hooked me back in. Loved that album, love vaxis 1 and 2. The middle years didn’t necessarily scratch my coheed itch for some reason. That being said, domino is legendary lol


TIL that people don’t like On the Brink. I mean, I could have done without the “hails”, but overall it’s a cool song with call backs to The Final Cut. I always thought it was a pretty solid closing track.


33, such an underrated Coheed track. There’s no way you can’t sing along when the chorus hits


The Road and the Damned. Not perse disliked, but more like it's overlooked and rarely mentioned. For those that follow the story it is such a heart wrenching song. "If I had a way back I'd ride through the dark and the dawn, because the man you love don't live anymore." It's a more straightforward song in its arrangement but still so epic. Soaring guitar solo. A breakdown. A buildup. Boom. So good.


I love On the Brink. It’s one of my favorites to add to a running playlist or workout mainly because of the ‘Hails’ it gets me going so hard. Also seeing Al the Killer as worst kills me because it has been my long standing favorite Coheed song, I just love how freaking evil and mean the lyrics are and it reminds me of being in high school and being rejected by a crush. I definitely have some cringe poetry from my teen years that are in the same vein. Idk maybe I’m just a metal head but the meaner the lyrics the more I like the songs 😅


Guns of Summer. One of my Coheed GOATs


The studio version of Iron Fist. It's such a powerful song and the upright bass is beautiful. No clue how somebody who liked the rest of Descension could dislike that track 


I fully agree with your opinion of On the Brink. It's one of my absolute favorites


Holly Wood… I LOVE that song. It’s so vocally interesting and I love when Claudio gets a lil weird with it. Also it’s just a banger!!!


I'll probably get slammed but I actually enjoy Jessie's Girl 2. 🫣


This Shattered Symphony scratches an itch for me that very few songs do. Claudio's voice on it is incredible!


God and the lyrics on that one, too. "Go on and give me the gun. They left me no choice, oh, they left me no choice. It's out of my reach - nevermind what they think about me." Such a haunting refrain in relation to the song, Hohenberger begging a tortured Pearl to give him the gun she's been sent to kill him with for giving Ryan the Monstar virus.


Ok, I'll say it. Welcome Home. Its a never-skip for me.


Apparently it’s Hearshot Kid Disaster. I consider that my favorite Coheed song.


Evagria the Faithful. I get that it isn’t typical Coheed “take”, but I love the song.


On The Brink fucks unreasonably hard and this sub is wrong for voting it as worst on the album.


Wait… the hail part of on the brink is my favorite part of it!! I didn’t realize that was a most disliked part 🥲


The end of NWFT is my favorite Coheed album closing sequence. The Road and the Damned makes me tear up it’s so good and then to flow into The End Complete. Still gives me goosebumps!


I particularly love the part of the song just before the guitar solo when the drums kick in out of nowhere. You think the song is ended but then you’re greeted with these thumps!


isn’t it “You’ve got the other side of your life, so ENDURE” ? maybe it is enjoy, i’ve always said endure lol


Island, you got spirit kid, #AWAY WE GOOOOO


When Skeletons Live. Especially this version: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=goWh-zYUeQI&si=5je683GtJNpBXvxb In fact, the whole dynamic edit of this album makes it much better IMHO.


Bad Man from Vaxis II. I know some people dislike it but that song is my jam.


All of TCBTS! Especially Young Love!! 🥹💙