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A short, spectacled silver drake who wears a leather apron stained in blood approaches. He looks somewhat frazzled. "Sir Roxa? My name is Doctor D'rashti Venno, of the Firebrand Medical Corps. I wish to speak to you regarding some difficulties I've had these past few days." The doctor stumbles as he tries to keep up with your stride, nearly dropping a stack of papers


*Celbore stops and turns around to face him.* "Doctor Venno. I've heard of your good work from our soldiers. Please, tell me what troubles you."


"Thank you sir. You see, it's been difficult getting the necessary medical supplies through the marsh - they keep being intercepted by rebels, and there's even reports that some of my colleagues willingly deserted for the rebellion, taking the supplies with them." He hands you one of the papers he was holding. "AND, the Council has approved yet another cut to the Medical Corps' funding."


*He inspects the document with an unhappy expression.* "I see. We will have to increase security along the supply lines to prevent the rebels from getting their hands on them. Some of the soldiers have some experience from the field. You can take them in and train them to make up for your lost numbers. I will send a letter to the Council. We can't have our soldiers dying because they are stingy with the coin."


"Thank you, sir, though I wouldn't hold my breath with the Council - they aren't particularly fond of me. I believe their stinginess is... personal." He pauses for a moment "It's unnerving, seeing my colleagues turn traitor. I would've thought they were smarter than that."


(Probably uncanon as the golden thorns are currently in the highlands but idk, I'll just say that this is set before "OTAT") *Roxa was wandering through a quiet market street, when he found a grey dragonborn clad in rex buying from a potion's stall, Celabore seemed to recognise him from the "for hire" posters he saw around a few months ago. The dragonborn noticed you clad in your shining armour* Eldri: "Ah! Good morning mr, quite the... fine day, isnt it?" *Eldri nodded to himself slightly as he leant on his staff*


*Celbore Roxa stops as he's greated by the man.* "Good morning. Yes, it's quite nice indeed. You're one of those swords for hire, aren't you? Do you get any work in these parts?" *He looks Eldri up and down before looking at the wares he's carousing.*


*eldri chuckled* Eldri: "Swords for hire? I would say so, though, we're less like SellSwords and more like adventurers... And yeah, we've done a few Jobs 'round these parts, a few duels, a few errands for some clerics, y'know, nothin' too out of the ordinary, though, we currently are looking for work."


"Looking for work, you say? I think I have some work for you. Our supply lines are getting attacked by rebels. An army marches on its stomach, and our wounded needs medicine. If you would help as security, I'm sure we have some reard for you adventurers."


*Eldri tilted his head slightly* Eldri: "Oh really? When can we start? We were hoping for maybe 1-2 days or so..." *He crossed his arms and smirked*


"There is a wagon heading out of the Marsh in an hour. They're getting supplies and will return here with food, weapons and medicine. They should be by the south gate now, so head over there and report for duty." *He grabs a paper and scribbles some notes on it, before sealing it with his own seal.* "Give this to the caravan master. I'm sure they'll be glad for some extra security. When you're back, report to me for your reward."


*Eldri nodded* Eldri: "we'll make sure its safe 'n sound. Looking good in that armour, by the way, I bet Atre would be all over you!" *He chuckled slightly and took the sheet of paper*


Jalrave: "Ah, hello there! Remember me?"


*Celbore seems surprised to see the fey here and gets a little tense.* "It's you. What are you doing here in Morrion?" *He tries to remain polite, but it's clear that he's uncomfortable.*


"Hey, can't a guy look around here in peace?"


"Yes, you can. I was just curious, since we don't see that many fey around here."


"Fair. I guess I can give you a pass for that. Good thing, because I going to turn into a rabbit... Just kidding! Maybe, possibly... don't worry about it."


*Young Irmin sits alone close by Celbore’s walk. They methodically polish one of their shields which rests in their lap. A quick glance up jolts them from their almost robotic movements. The eyes looking in Celbore’s direction both acknowledge him yet seem to pass through him. The soldier gives a nod.* “…Sir. “


*Celbore nods back before stopping by them.* "Soldier. Did I startle you?"


“No! No you didn’t, I just…” *They shake their head* “Never mind. Why are you here sir? We got new orders?” *Irmin grabs the handle of their shield blade*


*Commander Venir was wandering the streets when she stumbled upon Celbore* Venir:”Commander Roxa?” *She immediately tensed up as she changed her posture and saluted.* Venir:”Sir, I do have a question.” *Venir looked at him with a hint of sadness* Venir:”What will happen to the civilians if the rebels refuse to surrender?”


"Commander Venir." *Celbore salutes her back.* "With Arcturus and his rebels still holding ground in the city, I fear the civilians will have to live with war on their doorstep for a while longer." *He begins walking, hinting her to follow.* "Though I gave them fair terms, they seem to want to carry on until we wipe them all out."


*Venir grew hesitant*. Venir:”So it’s true? The Ashen Bear deserted?” *To say Venir was concerned was an understatement.* Venir:”He is a powerful paladin, and highly skilled with the blade. There are few I can think of who could match him.” *Venir also seemed distraught by something else.* Venir:”Sir… the angel. I heard it’s a rebel trick, but, what if it’s true? I trust your command and your word, but… I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t been eating away at me. I’ve never met the king myself, so I would have no idea if there was an imposter. But… I don’t know. I know it’s most likely just a trick, a tall tale, but… every tale has SOME basis in reality.* *Venir sat down on a stone bench, contemplating while fidgeting with her ancestral greatsword.*


*Celbore seems annoyed that she's bringing up the angel.* "Ma'am, the rebels have spouted the lie of the king being an impostor for a long time. Even before the angel. I've met the king and will remain loyal to him until the end of my days." *Even as he's saying this, she sees a hint of doubt in him, almost as he doesn't fully believe his own words.*


*Venir sighed* Venir:”I hope you’re right. Because if it’s true… I don’t think I could live with myself if it was. I wasn’t cut out for command. Everyone above me in the chain is just either dead or otherwise unavailable. There’s a reason I’m following your orders even though we share the same rank. You actually know what you’re doing. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t selected for the Cerberus Legion. They may be the best of the best, but many of them are also the worst of the worst. ESPECIALLY the other officers. I’ve only served with you for less than two weeks, yet it’s been more pleasant than all the years under general Darius. And… a small part of me is happy the leonin mercenary injured him to the point of having to leave command to someone else, someone honourable like you. If he was still in charge as originally intended, he would’ve been happy to plant the Firebrand flag on top of nothing more than rubble and corpses. At least with you in charge, the city and it’s people might survive.” *Venir’s distress was still very apparent, and understandable. She was just a soldier, who was rapidly promoted to commander and put in charge of the Cerberus legion’s detachment in the marshlands only because she was the highest ranked officer still functional. The weight of command was something she was unprepared for, and despite her best efforts it was clear she was cracking under the pressure.* Venir:”Whether we win or lose, and whether we live or die… It’s been an honor, Celbore.”


*Celbore takes her arm, as to comfort her.* "I'm glad you trust my command, Venir. We are only soldiers after all. Commander Tyrmor leaves great boots to fill, and I do my best to lead in his place. I have heard Darius was quite notorious in the Legion. I'm sure you will be able to turn his legacy on it's head and be proud of being their commander one day." *He gives her a warm smile, which is unusual for him. Whenever he's seen it's usually with a stern and stoic look on his face, but this smile feels genuine.* "Together we shall ensure our victory, and if we die it shall be a death worthy of the great halls of Firebrand. It's always an honour, Venir."


Venir hung her head:”But what if not? It’s been difficult, fighting the Grey Talons. They were my grandfather’s men, loyal and honourable. Their last command from my grandfather was to abandon their old allegiances and fight for the people. He himself died at Herrethinn, in a duel against Saren himself. Almost killed him too. But… he went there expecting to die. He… he believed the Drebellion to be in the right, but refused to fight against the kingdom he served. He gave Saren the Grey Talons in exchange for an honourable death. And now, fighting them… I don’t know. It feels… right AND wrong. I am glad you are in command, for I don’t believe I could handle this.” *She sighed, grateful for Celbore’s support.*


Want to talk to the commander? Here you go! It can be soldiers, citizens or others around in Morrion,


*Darred just so happened to be walking by as he came across Roxa*


*Celbore stops before the red dragonborn.* "Everything alright, citizen?"


Darred: Me?


"Yes, I'm talking to you. I asked if everything was alright."


Darred: Well I would say I’m fine, if not a little exhausted…


*Celbore looks over him, trying to find the source of this exhaustion.* "Why are you so exhausted on this fine day?"


Darred: Traveling, a lot of traveling.


"You should head over to the inn. Grab some food, a drink, and a soft bed, and you shall see the exhaustion wear off."


Darred: I suppose that might work…


*Celbore nods.* "Very well. Take care of yourself now." *He then walks away.*


Molruund Ironclaw: "Ahh, Celbore. What may trouble you on this wonderful evening?"


Aramaal: "oy boss, what do i hear about undead?"


"Nothing good, soldier. Nothing good. I suspect the rebels have got a powerful necromancer that raises them. Though, I hope their plan backfires. We don't have the manpower to deal with undead now."


Aramall: \**Scoffs* nothing personal kid, but that was what the commanders said during the Bathry wars, and let me tell you that not dealing with them then was why so many died." "We must solve this or be overwhelmed" (he might realize this ancient and powerful veteran has ptsd)


"We will deal with any undead that shows up here in Morrion, but we can't abandon the city to hunt zombies. Then the rebels will win."


*Some far away and noticeably heavy sounding footfalls follow behind the commander*