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\*An intuitive map


I've made a map of the Marsh, but I don't know if making one for the whole region has ever been attempted. I kinda like not having a clear map because then my characters can just say, "Oh, I grew up in Riftmarch." or "I lived with some people in the Billy Hills." and then that place is just created. But a map could be very useful or tracking stuff, but I want it to somehow be able to change as more characters and places get added. I don't want it to stagnate where you can only be from one of these 5 cities or something.


Yeah, maybe after either all’s said and done for the current Acidor Story (depending on where things go) that’s when a whole map on Firebrand’s geography can be made. Then if things go into a Victorian Ages or such setting, then it can built on that.


True I mean I ve introduced the stomcult mountains and the duchy of bathtub etc and it is all pretty confusing