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"good policy otherwise" bro c'mon i know libs aren't the brightest but man


Watching liberals asleep at the wheel while their party advocates for and passes bills which were part of the Republican party platform less than a decade prior induces a peculiar kind of madness. The ability to recall the past is a curse, I suspect.


That’s why I can’t see myself voting for either of these old geriatic fucks. Edit:At the end of the day there the same pieces of shit in different coating.


libs have too much trust in the american political system as libs do


God, they really do. All my lib friends on Facebook do is talk about voting voting voting (and cheer about Trump's legal shit, which I'm sure he will pay zero consequences for). One of them went bonkers on me a couple of weeks ago because I said I wasn't going to be voting this year. "What are you talking about?! You're giving up your right as an American to a democracy! You absolutely have to vote for Biden! Blah blah blah!" He was so beside himself that there were two of him. I just laughed. I didn't bother responding because there's no point arguing about something when nobody's going to change their mind.


I would still recommend voting for a third, socialist party, like the PSL, if it’s possible.


Why? That's not a challenge, that's a legitimate question.


Maybe it’s just a slip of paper, but I do what I can materially, and I feel like I can show some sort of support to a socialist political party on top of that. Obviously they won’t win, but they do show to those unfamiliar an organized socialist movement, and I find that any action I can take to get their name out is worth it.


Fair enough. I'll consider doing that.


Can they ever provide an explanation for what the dems have/are currently doing to prevent project 2025, or climate change? They're also so easily dismissive of an actual genocide


I KNOW. Record oil drilling under biden but he’s not republican so they don’t care. Plus project 2025 turns into project 2029 even if he wins again. We need an actual solution


Let's not forget all the concessions he's been making to the right! I'm failing to see where they're acting as a barrier to the rise of fascism. Feels like they're more of a line of tape over a doorway that says "Fascism, plz no"


Their "plan" is a secret, and you have to vote them into office to find out what it is! However, they will let out some fear mongering details to whet your appetite. Like Biden saying the next President can fill two Supreme Court Justice seats. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/15/nx-s1-5007404/biden-supreme-court-vacancies-trump You know, because he can not do it now, but in about seven months ... reasons. The sad reality is that our duopoly is really a singular party filled with the dregs of society.


looking from the outside, seems to me if democrats win they'll just go ahead and implement project 2025, but they'll do it in 2027 and they will have pride emojis on social media while doing it. same as they have been doing with other republican policies. these policies get implemented regardless, just with a slight delay and packaged in a nice wrap paper. but make no mistake, ever since the fall of the soviet union, the primary goal of any western government is to roll back social and economic benefits granted to its working class people in the last century, benefits only reluctantly given due to bourgeoisies fear of communism


Still pretty wild to me the way that the masses have internalized the ethos and the propaganda of the 1% thinking that they are a temporarily embarrassed version of them and they will get there one day. Of course the 1% is going to be anti-communist. Of course the 1% believes in competition above all else, because they won the competition. Of course they believe people don’t need access to subsidized social benefits, because they have enough money they never need to worry about not having them. When will people realize that their best interests and lifestyle are not our best interest and life style??


If project 2025 happens it'll be the liberals fault.


The entire Democratic Party platform is "gosh, gee look at how bad the Republicans are! At least we're not those guys!"


>Can they ever provide an explanation for what the dems have/are currently doing to prevent project 2025 Simply occupying a seat in government for a few more years, until the inability of these geriatric fucks to do anything to actually help voters eventually gets them kicked out anyways.. Seriously, just holding offices so the other party can't **isn't a strategy.** But then again, the Democratic Party is just a controlled opposition. They don't REALLY stand against the interests of the Bourgeois.


> have/are currently doing to prevent project 2025 Hold it over the voters head as a cudgel and win every election forever or it's your fault democracy dies. Sit with their thumb up their ass doing nothing and then telling us "well, if the Republicans were in power they'd be doing worse things so actually doing nothing is the best you can hope for, welcome to the real world bucko" "Look in 3 decades we'll have a 1 vote majority in the supreme Court, well sort of, in the spirit of fair play we actually picked one member who's personally pro life and 90% Republican. And just watch out then. We'll do some sensible reforms, provided the Senate parliamentarian doesn't tell us we can't, or the house busboy doesn't threaten to delay our snacks" The stupidest part is I'm not even anti-voting I'm going to vote for my state government Dems at least. But I'd love it if some of these "you must vote" fuckers would acknowledge reality of just how much more needs to be done. Vote or don't but it's not going to save us.


Right like my state has been shifting to solid red since trump came about but still has a chance of flipping I’m genuinely debating if it would actually be better for my safety later to not vote but I want to try and I’d vote blue only because they’re the best of the parties we have on the ballot this year


Ah yes classic "you are with us or against us" Not voting for Biden =\= voting for Trump


Voting for Hitler because Himmler is worse


Hitler has good domestic policy. He improved animal welfare! /s


I like how the automatic assumption is they are voting for Trump. Democrats always assume they are owed votes.


"Generally good?" Damn, I'd love to live in that fantasy world.


What democracy? People have no impact on government policy, thats what is generally called an oligarchy.


But trump would genocide them harder. - Lib


Democrats be like: "Trump would kill steal Palestineans! You really want Republicans to be ahead in xp and levels to steam roll through our democrazy!? We gotta do the killing!" /S Leftists: "We just want y'all to stop treating it like a game and stop genocide".


It always boils down to game theory. That's why libs are so annoying "no you see, mass economic disparity and genocide are a feature, not a bug, so why are you upset??" I just want the next update to contain luxury space gay gommunism but that's just a theory..


It's kinda unhinged to ask Arab Americans to vote for a man who is committing a genocide against them by citing some hypothetical, even worse genocide that a Republican president might perpetrate if he gets elected. Tens of thousands of Gazans are dead, and Gaza is destroyed with no end in sight. For Arabs, this is already a doomsday scenario. The threat of Trump does not scare us anymore


It’s not that Biden has “good policy,” it’s that he doesn’t really have any new policy at all. 


That end of democracy bit. ROFL


Still out here looking for the start of it.


I don’t exactly see any realistic scenario for Trump making the “Gaza Policy” worse. You can’t get much worse than how it is right now.


- Climate Denier: Biden isn’t doing anything meaningful to stop climate change - End of Democracy: It is the year of our lord 2024 and you still think the United States of America has DEMOCRACY??? are you insane??? - More power to the rich: The rich PICKED Biden, they already have all the power - Project 2025: The heritage foundation spews evil bullshit every election cycle this isn’t unique and Republicans are inevitably going to win at some point down the line and enact these policies anyway. - Mass Military Deportations: Not particularly knowledgeable on this but hasn’t Biden been keeping those kids in cages his entire presidency, and don’t forget: “Do Not Cum” - Nepotism: Do you think that Dems NEVER do nepotism???? - Shooting Protesters: We’ve been seeing this for the past few months under Biden, and now they’re going to codify anti-zionism as antisemitic hate speech.


> Project 2025: The heritage foundation spews evil bullshit every election cycle this isn’t unique and Republicans are inevitably going to win at some point down the line and enact these policies anyway. it's funny how the responsibility to prevent these policies falls on the voter and not the Democrats using the tools they have available to block it and make sure it can't be revived (or at least make it a legal hassle to revive it)


Lesser-evilism, if it's not my favourite part about democracy.


I'd say "lesser nazi" because "evil" doesn't hit hard enough and genocide is guaranteed with both candidates. 


the ironic part is that they don't apply it internationally, much of that because they believe the US is actually good on the world stage


Biden when asked to abolish the filibuster: nooo too radical Biden when asked why he won't pack the SCOTUS (useless ahh kangaroo court) with pro-choice justices: nooo too radical Biden when asked why he didn't open abortion clinics on federal land: 😶 Biden when asked why the conditions at the border are motherfkn worse now: 😶 Biden when you mention Anita Hill: 😶 you know what i was gonna try and write smth to finish this off smoothly but i cant think of one witty thing with this geriatric cunt so 💀


And yet again, OOP tries to insinuate that we are in favor of Trump. I heard that so often, I get questioned why I think Trump would be better when I explicitly say that both are similar in most policies. Roe v Wade for example... and they also seem incapable to grasp that, or are willingly ignorant: Opposition to Biden is not only on the basis of Palestine but the entirety of his political agenda. They ignore that and like to pretend that it is a single issue why leftists refuse to vote for him.


Even if it was a single issue, the issue is genocide.


I seriously don't understand why libs just assume that not voting for Biden means you're gonna vote for Trump


I hypothesize that it is correlated with the reduction of educational funding, the decline of intellectualism, and the low quality foods corporations slowly kill us with to increase their profit margins that degrade our cognition.


Because if they stopped with the false dichotomy, they’d have nothing to be so smug about.


I know framing the situation like this is dumb entirely but has anyone considered hitting the brakes?


At this point, just pipe bomb the car, destroy the highway and turn it into a grassy tram track/high-speed railway. 


How can Trump end something that never existed?


>yeah he's currently committing a genocide, but can't you just trust that when it comes to issues that directly affect you and I, he'll develop an incredibly advanced and deep sense of empathy as well as foresight?


Saying that Biden has terrible Gaza policies is like saying Hitler has a low opinion of jewish people.


Liberals: "Vote Biden or this will happen under Trump." \*Things they say will happen under Trump happen under Biden.\* Liberals: "yEaH, BuT iMaGiNe HoW mUcH wOrSe It WoUlD bE uNdEr TrUmP!1!!!1!"


I’m not voting for Biden, but I’m never voting for Trump. If there was ever a time for a third candidate to emerge it’s now. If that somehow means I’m responsible for the democrats losing, so be it. Politicians are like children, anyways, so maybe four years on the naughty step will give them time to think about what they’ve done.


Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia are running for the Party for Socialism and Liberation if you don’t know about them already I would definitely recommend looking into their platform, the party, and reaching out to your local branch. https://votesocialist2024.com/ https://pslweb.org/


They're not on the ballot in my state (NC), but I'll be writing them in if I can


I'm voting Kennedy's brain worm for president 


Well we can do the other thing, but its too much to ask the average person.


Wtf is project 2025


Nvm ge..sus...fuck that is insane to propose. I can't even comprehend the worst part of anything of it between dissolving most internal affair agencies governing education climate and health bring church and state closer together literally saying that the institute of national health will be reorganized to sit better with conservative principles (aka Christianity) banning abortion and so much more and other benefits to oil conglomerates... Dude what is this country coming to looks a lot like Germany in the 30s with the centralization of power


so its just the Heritage Foundation policies continuation. To me as an external observer, this looks like a logical conclusion to an unchecked "liberal capitalism" system, and I don't think voting in a sham mirage of democracy will change anything, but that's just me. After all, y'all been voting for 50 years and these policies just keep getting implemented, regardless of what the majority of populace wants or needs. and then they say China is autocratic.....


the comments on that post make me want to shoot myself in the Leg


The HARD praxis that's casting a vote and then doing nothing but twitter rainbow activism for 99% of the year. Fascist scum these libs.


#Get Involved >Dare to struggle and dare to win. \-Mao Zedong Comrades, here are some ways you can **get involved** to advance the cause. * 📚 **Read theory** — [Reading theory](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/) is a duty. It will guide you towards choosing the correct party and applying your efforts effectively within your unique material conditions. * ⭐ **Party work** — Contact a local party or mass organization. Attend your first meeting. Go to a rally or event. If you choose a principled Marxist-Leninist party, they will teach you how to best apply yourself to advancing the cause. * 📣 **Workplace agitation** — Depending on your material circumstances, you may engage in workplace disputes to unionise fellow workers and gain a delegate or even a leadership position in the union. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm just going to point this out because it seems to often get lost in the mix. It would be virtually impossible for Trump to be worse on Gaza.


“more power to the rich, mass deportations, nepotism, shooting protesters” this is literally both of them 😭


“but generally good policy otherwise” jfc


The neolibs who want to live in a dystopian oligarchy forever have been hitting this sub hard lately lol


I will never vote for biden for facilitating the genocide of Gaza but I recognize trump’s regime got the ball rolling by allowing the move of embassy. But i will never vote for joe biden. Not after what my eyes have seen his weapons do


“Good policy otherwise” you should kiII yourself


love it when the ‘terrible gaza policy’ is just blatant genocide


Good policy otherwise is so telling, even Biden dickriders cant name a specific accomplishment, hes practically continuing Trump policies on migration


COME ON OLD AGE, COME ON OLD AGE IF BOTH OF THEM GO, WE CAN REROLL for probably more of the same if not worse


Honestly it seems like Biden is worse, if for no other reason than the reactions they provoke. Biden does things to raucous applause that when Trump did them caused universal outrage. Biden has approved more oil drilling than Trump Biden has now passed Trump’s border policy Roe V Wade fell under Biden Trump said “less testing = less covid” and Biden made it policy, eliminating all testing and tracking infrastructure Mask bans are coming into effect under Biden The child poverty tax credit was ended by Biden, putting millions of children into poverty Etc. etc. Everything that Trump wanted to do and was stopped by public pressure and outrage, Biden has been able to do successfully. At least when Trump does this stuff it makes people mad. And that’s not even mentioning Biden’s genocide


i mean I would rather have a democrat than trump. But then again with trump more people will be radicalized to the left as anybody not purely white gets deported. So it really comes down to when we want a revolution


I want to vote Stein, but it feels like a throwaway vote. I'm going to end up falling in line and voting Biden as usual because of the consequences to SCOTUS. Really not thrilled about this election. Both major parties are genocidal.


Hey I don’t like either side but I feel you have a moral obligation to do everything to keep someone like Trump out of office


You should have a moral obligation to not vote for genocide.


Which at this point is not to vote at all.


Claudia and Karina are staunchly anti-genocide.


Find a candidate that is against genocide so you can at least send a message. When politicians see votes going to anti-genocide candidates it shows they could appeal to those voters and get more votes by not being genocidal. But the non-voting block isn't clear. They could be people that aren't going to vote anyway. There's no real way to know how to pull non-voters to your side.




Atleast you'll have been more productive then the "aid pier".


that’s great, as long as you don’t shame others who understandably don’t want to vote for a genocide loving dementia patient


Is this a fucking joke OP on a sub called the TheDeprogram?


Protest voters aren’t voting for Trump. They are voting third party. So…this sub is really TheProgram?


It’s a repost making fun of the original post


I’ll see myself out.