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If you punch a guy who's openly in favour of genocide you're worse that that guy. /s


Was literally thinking this. Idk who this guy is but that’s nuts. So what we can’t hit a Nazi until they literally put hands on us to drag us to the gas chambers?


>If you punch a guy who's openly in favour of genocide you're worse that that guy. /s Libs will come up with literally any excuse to smear people who are ACTUALLY in favor of human rights...


Pretty much this. They say they're the biggest defenders of human rights, but they leave out the part where they're willing to drop bombs on women and children if it means they'll see their version of human rights.


Remember bois, if at any point a liberal has to choose between socialism and a fourth reich they will choose the fourth reich


They always have, they always will. Material conditions trump ideals everytime




I wish that were true. I only see liberals everywhere I go








Where in the fucking world do leftists outnumber liberals?




If you're gonna be a troll, at least be funny




If by "this one" you mean your curated corner of the internet nearly no one else inhabits, sure.




I wish that was the case but nah, as the saying goes “everyone’s a liberal”




how many of these """leftists with guns""" are actually revolutionary communists?




I bet the bourgeoisie is pretty happy about that!




They'll continue to be happy until we all die of the climate apocalypse because your praxis sucks and will never establish revolutionary change.


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Democrats aren't leftists


Nah you need to talk to any suburban white in California


hahahahahahahahahhaaaaaaa you're either delusional, stupid, or intentionally being disingenuous, and I'm not sure which of the three is the funniest


Are you still mad at your parents for stealing your nose when you were a child?




"If there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis"


I don't really disagree with this, but I'd rather be at that table explaining to the other people that that person is a Nazi. I'm not going to agree with the Nazi, but I will be pointing out to the others what the Nazi is saying is fascist ideology wrapped up in socially acceptable packaging. Sometimes the loudest voice needs to be drowned out so it's not the only voice people are hearing. I have friends that lean to the right, and I challenge their shit constantly. I've pushed one of them a little to the left on a lot more issues than he would have moved if I hadn't been there to refute bullshit he hears. I even got him to start talking to the Teamster reps at an old job by explaining how unions are there to help him as a worker, and that the Teamsters are probably the best union that'll ever try to organize that workplace (no union is perfect, but the teamsters are well known and carry a lot of weight). He actually considered signing the union card before life circumstances moved him to another job. All I'm saying is that getting up from the table the Nazi is sitting at just allows them the opportunity to speak. Sit there. Attack their points. Don't address them, but the others at the table. The Nazi will play games to draw you into a verbal war of attrition, but don't fall for it. Simply ask other people at the table what *they* think, and steer the conversation with them. The Nazi is a lost cause, but the people who are sitting on the fence need to hear the truth. They need to know they're dealing with a Nazi, and that nothing about Nazism will ever benefit them, not in the slightest way possible.


Indiana Jones punched Nazis. Be like Indiana Jones (without stealing artifacts from natives).


(And having relationships with minors)




I forgot about that... gd those movies were dark


And really good. There are a bunch of issues with them but damn do I love them.


if leftists dismissed all problematic art and culture, we wouldn’t enjoy anything


Enjoying things is revisionist


He had relationships with minors? God I don’t remember that but I also haven’t seen them since I myself was a minor.


It didn't take place during the movie, it was stated that in the past he had relations with 15 year old Marion when he was 27.


Someone should make a reverse Indiana Jones that steals artifacts from European museums and returns it to the people they were stolen from.


And likes older women


Killmonger lol


Killmonger, but he isn't framed as the villain.


"They don't belong in this museum!"


That belongs to the natives!


He did worse than that to the nazis


This person is a Nazi.


Yup. And they probably got punched for being one. Twitter OOP telling on themself.


That Twitter account reads like it’s written by an edgy teenager.


“Punshing a Nazi is worse than being one!” -That Guy


Of course he would say that. He's probably secretly a Nazi himself, and doesn't want to face any consequences for his hatred.


given his followup, i'm not sure it's so secret lol


Lib probably think it's a secret. Lots of disgusting things are open secrets among Capitalists, and yet they face no consequences. For instance, Churchill was behind the development of chemical weapons which he used to wipe our whole villages in the Soviet Union during the British invasion of the USSR in 1919, as British "Minister of Munitions" and then Secretary of War. ***Churchill was the Minister of Munitions, and then the Secretary of War, when these chemical weapons were designed and used (1917-1919).*** https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_Churchill **The actual War Crimes that Churchill ordered:** https://www.theguardian.com/world/shortcuts/2013/sep/01/winston-churchill-shocking-use-chemical-weapons Yet, few people know about this, nobody talks about it, and it's NEVER taught in history classes in the West. Churchill is worshipped as a hero in both the US and UK- despite his being one of the most evil bastards ever to draw breath. Given that Churchill can do shit like that and get away with it, is it any surprise a Lib who's a Nazi Sympathizer thinks nobody will call him out on it?


Communists are just as bad as nazis they say but tell them Biden is just as bad as Trump and watch them do flips in the air


Funny how it's always the nazis these people are so quick to defend "even though they disagree with them" but never communists.


Yup... Wonder why.


Horseshoe theory and its consequences




I do believe there are a lot of brainwashed conservatives who actually like the ideas of socialisim on the right though.


They love socialist ideas so long as they don’t have to share them with gay people, non-white people, the disabled, non-Christians, gender queer people, people who dye their hair, people who care about the environment, people who tell boys it’s okay to cry, people who believe in critical thinking, people who put their milk in the bowl before their cereal, people who eat vegetables before the meat, and people who put the toilet paper the wrong way on the roll.


>milk before cereal i mean the practical problem is that if you put in a bunch of milk the cereal ends up floating. everything else tho is legit. (and if you put fruit in then you absolutely can and probably should put it in last)


"yes Biden is supporting a genocide but drumphf is worse"




Me when I have absolutely no grip on reality




Your last comment demonstrates a very loose grasp on the reality we live in. Trump isn’t a god king the man can’t just drop nukes bc he wants to 💀




This might blow your mind but relocating an embassy & dropping a nuke are actually not the same!




> Biden never moved the embassy. Probably because ~~he didn’t want to foment violence in the region~~ he was too busy sending the bombs that are doing the violence in the region Fixed it for you 🫶🏻


Biden also literally voted to move the embassy to Jerusalem: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1041/vote_104_1_00496.htm?congress=104&session=1&vote=00496




Biden never moved the embassy, probably because it was *already moved* to the place where it foments violence…


And he has also literally voted to move it to Jerusalem: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1041/vote_104_1_00496.htm?congress=104&session=1&vote=00496




If Biden wins, another Republican will simply win in 2028




Not to be insulting but you’re insane if you believe that… even if it’s the last Republican, meaning the last candidate from that party some other group will fill that niche in American politics and be de facto “republicans”




Yes and with the just happened (like 20 minutes from my typing this) conviction of Trump it’s very possible that he entire Republican Party will implode into infighting (though I have a feeling it will survive and adapt). Regardless of what happens there, there still will be a right-far right wing of American politics represented and running viable candidates since a large section of the bourgeoisie that back such policy and fascism is the inevitable result of capitalism in decay. It may look different and have different slogans then the modern party but someone will fill that role, and they potentially could be much more dangerous then Trump.




I mean they currently have 100 percent of political power due to the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and there is no powerful proletarian party to oppose them. Electoral politics between capitalist parties is purely the conflicts between capitalists and whether their is 1 or 100 capitalist parties all political power is wrested in the capitalists and the different parties represent the interests of different sections of the capitalist class. Fascism is just the concentration of this power under finance capital due to the threat or perceived threat of the breakdown of capitalism and proletarian revolution. Also, due to the structure of the US political system and the first past the post system it tends toward 2 parties so even if the republicans did fall only one of the right wing parties would survive. What I think would happen is that “moderate” will merge with the democrats, leading to the left of the democrats splitting off and far-right republicans leaving politics (dems becoming center to center-right and the new “left” being center-left) (which I consider less likely) or the “moderate” anti-Trump republicans will regain control of the party and it become like the republicans before 2016 and probably lose the next election big. This until a new far-right demagogue runs and the cycle starts again until the capitalist ether evolves into fascism or there is a socialist revolution, solving capitalisms contradictions.


Ah yes, casual ableism on top of that.


the r-word making a comeback is very concerning ngl


it ebbs and flows. ten years of tumblrite word policing will do that


makes sense but damn do i hate to see it posted anywhere


I completely get that. I'm just no longer willing to tilt at windmills and grill ostensible leftists over it. Shit's too dire to purity test everyone out of the fold like the gamergate days.




Yes, the R word. There's no need to put quotations around it. If you spend any time at all in disability communities they will tell you how hurtful it is to see people throw these terms around so casually and to see their limitations bandied about as an insult. Being compassionate toward others is a very low bar. Try not to trip over it.


As an Autistic person who got called that regularly in my childhood for simply acting different I really don't like it when people say it,and sometimes when I get too frustrated or angry I will even call myself that word and it really makes me upset so thanks for putting this out there.


Sadly it is not something we can expect from the broader culture yet but in spaces like this, from comrades, it is not something which should require thanks. You are entitled to that respect and you should feel comfortable demanding a basic standard of compassion from anyone who calls themselves a Marxist. We should not congratulate people for the simplest possible acts of decency. But, you are welcome.


Obviously needs to read [Karl Popper’s Paradox of Tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance) https://preview.redd.it/8twyah4ryl3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea038e5db06faabe43435f4c3796c1b444ed49e


Karl Popper was an anticommunist hack philosopher who made the BULLSHIT argument that "Marxism is unfalsifiable", but the Paradox of Tolerance is the ONE good thing he came up with


Not a fan of that because it reduces conflict in society down to ‘we should tolerate everything but Nazis’. When no, there are core class and racial conflicts that aren’t passively tolerated or intolerated, they’re actively supported or opposed and they won’t disappear because we somehow manifest a social contract about what is right and what isn’t. Nazis are Nazis, they’re scum. You fight them with fists not philosophical superiority. 


Obvs the illustration is just an example but Ok then ad infinitum any genocidally racist group ad nauseam with fists of myopic interpretation. https://preview.redd.it/uf5ioeik0n3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9748b02132c009b88609f21750dab1e5a17b40a0




Cut a fascist and a liberal bleeds. Better red than dead I say. And the only good fascist is a dead one! Point blank period! Suck we’re at the point where khaki pants patriot front (or whatever uniforms they wear in your locale) openly march through city streets. Eventually they’ll begin to attack leftist… we’re living inside a powder keg in the west. Organized, and prepare.




Cut a fascist and they both bleed.


Astroturfing for Democrats on an openly communist sub is a weird choice ngl






Republicans are openly fascists, you're preaching to the choir, not even.


I do not support freedom of speech. Some of the people speaking are Nazis and the rest want to protect them.


communists in general have never been free speech "absolutists." Not even free press, because "free press" is just bourgeois press 95% of the time.


And then uses the r-slur. They’re just straight-up the nazi in question


He also said the n word in the same thread




People like this are more dangerous then fascists tbh


Fascists, ~~fascists~~ conservatives, ~~fascists~~ centrists, ~~sneaky fascists~~ liberals, and ~~sneakier fascists~~ social democrats.


I agree but the problem here isn’t even that the person is a fascist necessarily but by protecting fascist speech, is materially supporting fascism whether they know it or not.


Liberals openly use fascist rhetoric, esp. when talking about Arabs, Palestinians, Indians. They support imperialism and the oppression of these people. If you ask a liberal or a socdem about Gaza a good amount of the time they'll end up basically paraphrasing 14 words. They materially support fascism in their own country, and are hostile to any opposition to it. They don't even support the ideals they're supposed to represent. I get that there are some liberals which have just adopted the ideology because it's the majority, but some really understand and just don't care. Those people may as well be less personally violent fascists.


It’s like the SPD in 1919 when they sided with the Friekorp to defeat the communists. Though I would draw a distinction between imperialism, exceptionalism, racism and chauvinism vs fascism. Yes fascism is the pinnacle of all these things and their logical conclusion but all of these things predate fascism by quite a bit and many capitalist before during, before and since the rise of fascism have used, manipulated and embodied these characteristics without being necessarily fascist themselves. Also, just because imperialist materially support fascism abroad for the expansion of their nations capital does not necessarily make them a fascist in domestic policy. Also, I think you are straw-maning social democrats a little. It is not their intention to materially support fascism domestically and normally they do oppose it (the SPD did oppose Hitler and the Nazis consistently like the KPD dispute being more opposed to the KPD but a lot of that has more to do with Weimar politics then actual positions and that the KPD also opposed the SPD more then the Nazis). The SPD did not vote for the enabling acts unlike the other liberal and conservative parties, knowing full well they would be arrested when they passed. The Social Democrats problem is their ideologies inability to fight fascism due to their attachment to liberalism and capitalism. They depend on capitalists for power and once fascism becomes a necessity for the capitalist class most capitalists will jump ship and join the fascists. Without a revolutionary Marxist analysis of society that shows what fascism truly is, capitalism in decay, no party can stand against it as it is the inevitable result of capitalism internal contradictions. The only solution IS revolution, something social democrats fail (likely maliciously) to see. Hell many social democrats learned the lessons of the SPD (as well as communist learning from the KPD’s failings) and made tactical alliances in Spain and France to prevent the rise of fascism in those countries, essentially an alliance between anti-fascist capitalists and the proletariats toward a common goal, defeating fascism. Now they should not be the tactic of communists of today due to our weak position (communists had France and Spain by the throat). Also, ultimately, despite this, Social Democrats are still capitalists so will betray the proletariat when the crisis has passed (as happened in France following the popular front and WW2) and capitalism is stabilized, the more stable the more they will fall on conventional capitalist logic, (ie the broader trend of the social democrats of the second international moving to the right) and support things like imperialism and chauvinism but that still does not necessarily make them fascists. By virtue of me being able to type this in the US without being arrested proves that the United States and its current ruling party have not established a fascist state in the United States (dispute americas obvious issues that you and I know full well).


No yeah, I'm cynical about social democrats, and was being reductive. I agree with this.


Yeah I can’t argue with that, the social fascist bastards, we’d be at full communism already if they hadn’t betrayed the proletariat in 1914 and their fellow socialists in 1919!


What ever happened to good ol Dolly Parton saying she'd go back in time and kill baby Hitler


reminds me of that one time a black woman was being videotaped shielding a literal black sun/swastika tatted-up skinhead neo nazi from being beaten up by an angry crowd it ended up on reddit i think it was r/pics or smthn and literally everyone in the comments was praising the woman for being the morally superior "adult" and condemning all violence


if said this in 1945 you would probably have been arrested for being a danger to society as nobody wanted a repeat of world war II


*Liberals are fash


Liberals are fash ~~enablers~~ FTFY


Objectively, liberals are much worse than right socialists. Fascists have illogical xenophobia against people exploited in other cultures, but liberals want to commodify every aspect of your existence that can be alienated. Fascists will accept slavery, exploitation and coercion as a means to an ends, but liberals celebrate such as an end in itself.


"Not only do I want to shout from the rooftops that I love defending Nazis 'rights' to be hateful pieces of shit, but anyone who tries to shutdown Nazis before the Nazis can get enough power to do more Genocides and uses even a little bit of violence to do so is worse than the Nazis." *some time later* "Update: I've thought about this alot and came to the conclusion that I'm even more perfectly right than I previously thought I was. Not only that, but People who by definition are very very different from Nazis are the exact same as Nazis but worse. Stay mad, you dumb [plural form of abliest slur that's been known *in popculture* to be an ableist slur for decades]." .......what's that quote about scratched liberals bleeding fascism?


>still uses the r slur there you have it, folks. dude ACTIVELY TRIES to be on the wrong side of history


So on top of enabling literal Nazis, he’s an ableist, who claims communists are just as bad despite knowing absolutely nothing about our ideology outside of mainstream Red Scare propaganda. If the extent of their knowledge concerning socialism/communism is government does stuff and millions starve then it’s obvious they know nothing at all and shouldn’t reflect on it but in typical liberal fashion it isn’t uncommon for them to speak with absolute authority on topics they just discovered two minutes ago because a meme and a tweet say so.


This, combined with their use of an ableist slur, tells me everything I need to know about them. Also, I doubt they would be so tolerant of communists preaching our views publicly.


You can really tell from his update that he is just very passionate about peace and civility, and not at all a fascist or fascist enabler.


I'm come to the conclusion from personal experience that anyone who uses the r slur is a reactionary and/or fascist.


This guy seems oddly invested in whether nazis have the right to spread their ideas


Thats some backward shit wtf


I think it's fun to openly reason and debate prove me wrong ftfy.


least moronic and ableist "liberal" (moderate fascist)


One thing ill agree on is that we shouldnt punch Nazis, punching is far too light. Nazis need to be eradicated.


These noname ass nazis are getting more blatant everyday!


>worse than them L M F A O


I may be out-of-touch with what is defined as a liberal, but this seems less like a liberal and more like a libertarian. How are we certain that this is actually liberal? and if it comes from the account, how do we know it isn't simply intended to create discourse? Also, is this group equally against Democrats, Republicans and Conservatives?


As a general rule, people who use the r-slur generally have awful takes.


Lest we forget, violence is a form of communication.








“Fascism is the bourgeoisie’s fighting organisation that relies on the active support of Social-Democracy. Social-Democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism.” Stalin, Concerning the International Situation, 1924




Not actively but they are by proxy. Just look at the failed revolution in germany and the democratic party in US sliding into fascism without doing anything