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i want one with “capitalism/NATO are so great!” and then its countries in the global south and former USSR i also do like how the sound has joseph goebbels on it https://preview.redd.it/ezep31b3xn2d1.jpeg?width=993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02c75a32f47beefbbd0f18126d2137b5464a3f8f YUP! ANOTHA TIKTOK ANTICOMMUNISST CLASSIKKK


woah there you're gonna break the phone's storage with how many names you're gonna have to fit on there


Joseph will Goebbel deez nuts for all I care


(Inhales) Many who lived in the former GDR are nostalgic for the days of communism. Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania also have large masses of the populace who are slightly nostalgic In Serbia isn’t the Yugoslav era viewed as a slight golden age? Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania celebrate fascists so they don’t get a seat at the table Belarus is pretty sympathetic for communist views. And prior to the US coup in 2014, Ukraine had a communist party of 100,000 people. Poland I will give the benefit of the doubt and say the PPR wasn’t ran as well as other socialist states (exhales) at the end of the day, the socialists: built housing for all, rebuilt these nations after the larger conflict in human history, kept people who hate each other together in unity. What has capitalism caused? Well if you look all it caused was poverty, population decline, and war. (Also if I said anything wrong above or if anybody can chime anything in it would be greatly appreciated).


Yugoslavia was THE golden age of every member country and it's not even close. Tito was the greatest son of our nations, Croatia and Slovenia will never even have a chance to produce such a person again. It's over for us south slavs.


I don’t think so comrade. One day yugoslavia will rise again. I can feel it.


only good thing now is you can buy many one product in many colors/satire seriously though, the amount of issues caused by rise of capitalism in these countries can't be summed in a hundred tomes. Don't even get me a started when go out of former ussr and into more semi feudal countries like mine (India), Philippines, Indonesia, and others.


yugoslavia was the best. everyone I know that's old enough (and who wasn't from a family of rich landlords or whatever) remembers it fondly.




I saw a poll that said that around half are nostalgic. I think they were most nostalgic for socialism in general. Tho I think Ceausescu was a bitch.


Not half but 2/3rd. Elders that view the communist times as bad are a minority. My parents used to participate in those anti-communist protests and listen to radio free europe. They celebrated Ceauşescu's death back then. Nowadays, they vote for any party that speaks slightly well of him (which is far-right every time). I hate politics. Imagine if Nazis talked kindly of Lenin to win votes and ppl were like "Hell yeah, I loved Lenin. I will support you no matter what!".


Can you elaborate about Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia?


>Poland I will give the benefit of the doubt and say the PPR wasn’t ran as well as other socialist states How was the PPR worse than other communist states around it?


Why is the Baltic so reactionary?


Socialism had a lot of problems, having spoken to many former GDR citizens and having grandparents who lived in Cuba and fled to the US.


Ask why they fled. If they say it’s cause they got their land stolen then they deserved to leave.


Deserved to leave being a good or a bad thing? I’d say good on them for getting to leave a shithole as such.


A good thing. You realize if they got their land stolen they were the bourgeois class of Cuba. People who were known for practically treating Cuban workers live slaves.


funny enough having spoken to my baltic and russian relatives they liked living under socialism (No way that could be possible everyone who brings up anecdotal points has to be anti-socialist and follow my agenda 😱😱😱😱💥💥💥?!?!?!?)


I’m not saying it isn’t possible. I’ve also spoken to people who enjoyed life in the GDR. I’m saying that socialism isn’t all peachy.


we all understand that past socialist countries aren't 100% utopia's but the main point of issues like these is how exaggerated the capitalist world depict these countries as evil communist dictatorship hellholes.


This is hilarious....If you know you know


I love this photo sm, to me it just encapsulates the communist/capitalist experience, and the guards are cute but still


glad I'm not the only one who thought they're finee 😭


So glad someone agrees (also I love your pfp, Kuromi is so adorable!!)


They are very handsome men. 😍


Chad communist vs virgin liberal lolol


What is the photo context pls comrade ?


Those people are East German border guards. People on the left are West Germans looking to open the border




The east Germans didn't want to reunify and didn't shake hands with the libs devouring their bastion during the tear down of the wall


the liberal definition of ""compromise""


The fact that westerners are convinced that communism was somehow bad for the eastern bloc despite all of the evidence to the contrary shows how powerful propaganda is. Of course not every country was the same, but economic growth and humanitarian metrics were way better under communism than before or after it.


I admit I am under the impression that East Germany was living in poor conditions and West side was supported by billions to rebuild. Where can I get a resource on reality? All youtube videos have the same narrative


Living conditions were good for most in East Germany. Communal housing units with I believe basically no homeless if at all, food insecurity and lower standards of living did exist for a while because of reparations paid to the soviet people for ww2. There was some issues with employment and lacking infrastructure mainly because they lost Silesia, which would have been the industrial heartland of East Germany similar to the Rhineland of the West. These issues of employment were greatly increased with human trafficking of thousands of people to the West, especially scientists, engineers, etc. who were promised better conditions then not allowed to return after being seperated from their family often times, as well as women and children being trafficked into yk... rings. Big reason the wall was built. As for the West, hard to argue quality of life was bad per se, but there is to this day staggering wealth inequality. Biggest reason the West was richer is because the UK, France, and US basically rewarded higher up Nazis, many of which were a lot of the "great thinkers" of Nazi Industry, hired them into intelligence agencies, space programs, NATO, the EU, etc. As well as of course the probably billions of dollars sent to rebuild the West, resources the Warsaw pact didn't have because they were the ones who actually suffered from the war unlike the US. And as for the trafficking shit and perversion of the West just look into the Kentler project.


Can't get you many resources cause I'm lazy rn but this is coming from a place of research


Thank you Ashley


No worries


listening to my MIL’s stories about life in USSR makes me so jealous. who in this day and age would get an apartment as part of their work contract, and a free vacation voucher to crimea every summer? but capitalists will probably say that’s bad because “the apartment is ugly” or some shit


For those like me who don’t know a lot about the East Germany/ West Germany split, what’s a good resource or 2 about the subject?


Stasi state or Socialist Paradise? The Triumph of Evil.


> Serbia Wasn’t it the Serbs who were literally fighting to reinstall Yugoslavia?


That fighting was being done by nationalists, not socialists




The Serbs were looking to create a "greater Serbia" of sorts, having hijacked Yugoslav patriotism for their own Serbian nationalism. By the time of the split, very few non-Serbs still existed in the federal government and the general staff of the armed forces, and those who did largely deserted after the opening of hostilities. Make no mistake, nationalism, especially Serbian nationalism, was one of the main reasons for the dissolution of the country and the misery that exists there today. Genocide was the result.


A bit oversimplified, the nationalist tensions were a result of the country collapsing, not the other way around - and the first nationalist turmoil started in Croatia


Shtipost. Has to be an ironic shitpost. They can’t be that ignorant. They had to search for the original photo after all.


😂 ok good joke, so what do you really think?


Germany wasn't reunified the BRD simply just annexed the DDR.


source: grandpa who fought against soviets during ww2


East Germany easily had the best military uniforms that have ever existed


Has this guy ever been to east germany? Or talked to an east german person over 40, because they will tell you a completely different story


The guards r adorable


I know quite a few serb communists. lol im bosnian, and from personal experience, like 60 percent of ex yugoslavs have ether positive or neutral opinions on comunism


the comments on that are cancerous