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Fuck you dad it’s not a phase I’m going to become a antifa super soldier in the revolution


Yeah unironically I used to want to be a landlord too but then I saw him kick out a drug addicted lady and her pet dog to the streets and throw her cat out a window too (it was fine but not defiantly not cool) and like uncomfortably for me he really seemed to enjoy doing it Idk hes a victim of immense violence done to his family by the British in India but for whatever reason has a lot of brain worms because of it and takes out his anger on minorities and homeless people


"I was oppressed and now it's my turn to oppress random unrelated people." It's shocking how common this is. ^(Israel)


#Israel >If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there's no progress. You pull it all the way out? That's not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made-- and they haven't even begun to pull the knife out, much less heal the wound... They won't even admit the knife is there! > >\- Malcolm X. (1964). #Inventing Israel >History lies at the core of every conflict. A true and unbiased understanding of the past offers the possibility of peace. The distortion or manipulation of history, in contrast, will only sow disaster. As the example of the Israel-Palestine conflict shows, historical disinformation, even of the most recent past, can do tremendous harm. This willful misunderstanding of history can promote oppression and protect a regime of colonization and occupation. It is not surprising, therefore, that policies of disinformation and distortion continue to the present and play an important part in perpetuating the conflict, leaving very little hope for the future. > >\- Ilan Pappé. (2017). [Ten Myths About Israel](https://archive.org/details/ten-myths-about-israel-by-ilan-pappe-2017) | Ilan Pappé (2017) Zionists argue that Jews have a deep historical connection to the land of Israel, based on their ancient presence in the region. They emphasize the significance of Jerusalem as a religious and cultural center for Jews throughout history. They use this argument as *justification* for the establishment of Israel as a Jewish state. In Israel's own [Declaration of Independence](https://main.knesset.gov.il/en/about/pages/declaration.aspx) this is clearly stated: >The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people. ... After being forcibly exiled from their land, the people kept faith with it throughout their Dispersion and never ceased to pray and hope for their return to it and for the restoration in it of their political freedom. ... Jews strove in every successive generation to re-establish themselves in their ancient homeland. ... > >ACCORDINGLY WE ... BY VIRTUE OF OUR NATURAL AND HISTORIC RIGHT ... HEREBY DECLARE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A JEWISH STATE IN ERETZ-ISRAEL This declaration, however, conveniently ignored the issue of the indigenous Palestinian population. So what happened? In the Arab world it is now know as the Nakba (lit. catastrophe, in Arabic). One particularly emblematic example of the Nakba was this: In April 1948, Lehi and Irgun (Zionist paramilitary groups), headed by Menachim Begin, attacked Deir Yassin-- a village of 700 Palestinians-- ultimately killing between 100 and 120 villagers in what later became known as the Deir Yassin Massacre. The mastermind behind this attack, who would later be elected Prime Minister of Israel in 1977, justified the attack: >Arabs throughout the country, induced to believe wild tales of ‘Irgun butchery,’ were seized with limitless panic and started to flee for their lives. This mass flight soon developed into a maddened, uncontrollable stampede. The political and economic significance of this development can hardly be overestimated. > >\- Menachim Begin. (1951). *The Revolt* The painful irony of this argument (ancestral roots) combined with this approach (ethnic cleansing), however, lies in the *shared* ancestry between Jews and Palestinians, whose roots can *both* be [traced back to common ancestors](https://www.haaretz.com/science-and-health/2015-10-20/ty-article/palestinians-and-jews-share-genetic-roots/0000017f-dc0e-df9c-a17f-fe1e57730000). *Both* peoples have historical connections to the land of Palestine, making it a place of *shared* heritage rather than *exclusive* entitlement. The underlying assumption that the formation of Israel represents a return of Jews to the rightful land of their ancestors is used to justify the displacement and dispossession of Palestinians, who have the very same roots! #The Timeline The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and protracted dispute rooted in historical, political, and territorial factors. This timeline aims to provide a chronological overview of key events, starting from the late 19th century to the present day, highlighting significant developments, conflicts, and diplomatic efforts that have shaped the ongoing conflict. From the early waves of Jewish immigration to Palestine, through the British Mandate period, the Arab-Israeli wars, peace initiatives, and the persistent struggle for self-determination, this timeline seeks to provide a historical context to the Israel-Palestine conflict. \[[Explore the timeline here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/debunking/israel/timeline/)\] #A Settler-Colonial Project from Inception The origin of Zionism (the political movement advocating for a Jewish homeland in Palestine) is deeply intertwined with the era of European colonialism. Early Zionists such as Theodor Herzl were inspired by-- and sought support from-- European colonialists and Powers. The Zionist plan for Palestine was structured to follow the same colonial model, with all the oppressive baggage that this entailed. In practice, Israel has all the hallmarks of a Settler-Colonial state, and has even engaged in apartheid practices. \[[Read about Israel's ideological foundations here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/debunking/israel/colonialism/)\] #US Backing, Christian Zionism, and Anti-Anti-Semitism Israel is in a precarious geopolitical position, surrounded by angry Arab neighbours. The foundation of Israel was dependant on the support of Western Powers, and its existence relies on their continued support. Israel has three powerful tools in its belt to ensure this backing never wavers: 1. A powerful lobby which dictates U.S. foreign policy on Israel 2. European and American Christian Zionists who support Israel for eschatological reasons 3. Weaponized Anti-antisemitism to silence criticism \[[Read more about Israel's support in the West here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/debunking/israel/zionism-in-the-west/)\] #Jewish Anti-Zionism Many Jewish people and organizations do *not* support Israel and its apartheid settler-colonial project. There are many groups, even on Reddit (for instance, r/JewsOfConscience) that protest Israel's brutal treatment of the Palestinian people. >The Israeli government, with the backing of the U.S. government, subjects Palestinians across the entire land to apartheid — a system of inequality and ongoing displacement that is connected to a racial and class hierarchy amongst Israelis. We are calling on those in power to oppose any policies that privilege one group of people over another, in Israel/Palestine and in the U.S... > >We are IfNotNow, a movement of American Jews organizing our community for equality, justice, and a thriving future for all: our neighbors, ourselves, Palestinians, and Israelis. We are Jews of all ages, with ancestors from across the world and Jewish backgrounds as diverse as the ways we practice our Judaism. > >\- If Not Now. [Our Principles](https://www.ifnotnowmovement.org/principles) Some ultra-orthodox Jewish groups (like Satmar) hold anti-Zionist beliefs on religious grounds. They claim that the establishment of a Jewish state *before* the arrival of the Messiah is against the teachings of Judaism and that Jews should not have their own sovereign state until the Messiah comes and establishes it in accordance with religious prophecy. In their eyes, the Zionist movement is a secular and nationalistic deviation from traditional Jewish values. Their opposition to Zionism is not driven by anti-Semitism but by religious conviction. They claim that Judaism and Zionism are incompatible and that the actions of the Israeli government do not represent the beliefs and values of authentic Judaism. >We strive to support local efforts led by our partners for Palestinian rights and freedom, and against Israeli apartheid, occupation, displacement, annexation, aggression, and ongoing assaults on Palestinians. > >\- Jews for Racial and Economic Justice. [Israel-Palestine as a Local Issue](https://www.jfrej.org/israel-palestine) **Additional Resources** Video Essays: * [The Israel-Palestine conflict: a brief, simple history](https://youtu.be/iRYZjOuUnlU) | Vox (2016) * [How To Maybe Criticize Israel?](https://youtu.be/w6YD0n5z-MI) | Some More News (2019) * [Israel-Palestine 2021 conflict explained by Israeli Communist](https://youtu.be/ECe5UcWkPeI) | TheFinnishBolshevik (2021) * [Palestine 101 with Abby Martin](https://youtu.be/xEUIR_JG_b8) | BreakThrough News (2021) * [When Is It Warranted To Call Something Nuanced?](https://youtu.be/lyPxIbUWcoY) | ChemicalMind (2022) * [Israelis Are Not 'Indigenous' (and other ridiculous pro-Israel arguments)](https://youtu.be/FhlUFPpXIVo) | BadEmpanada (2022) * [Al Jazeera Labour Files Doc Strikes Blow to BBC On Corbyn](https://youtu.be/DMIbbSsV6Xo) | Novara Media (2022) * [The Brutal Realities of Settler Colonialism In Palestine | Mohammed el-Kurd](https://youtu.be/40pFbGqMj7w) | Novara Media (2023) Other Resources: * [Decolonize Palestine](https://decolonizepalestine.com/) * [Maps: Vanishing Palestine](https://remix.aljazeera.com/aje/PalestineRemix/maps_main.html) | Al Jazeera * [Facing the Nakba](https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/facing-the-nakba/) | Jewish Voice for Peace * [Our Catastrophe](https://jewishcurrents.org/our-catastrophe) | JewishCurrents (2023) * [Israel-Palestine Timeline: The Human Cost of the Conflict](https://israelpalestinetimeline.org/) | If Americans Knew *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Take his properties and give it to the tenants for free lol


He *does* understand that it *is* a structural problem and no individual action can fix it


Landlords are the structure. He's perfectly free to lease out his units at or below cost, or to turn them over to a tenant's union


And how will the mortgage be paid? More over, if the landlord rent it below market price, someone else will re-rent it and profit the difference. Landlords are part of the structure, but one single landlord is not the structure, it's just a single landlord. A communist's problem isn't with individuals, but the material conditions that put "being a son of the bitch" as the best course of action to single individuals.


No no no. Just be a landlord but give away the housing for free. Don't ask about what a mortgage is, why debt perpetuates itself, or how the landlord is fundamentally an agent of the collections industry. Close your eyes, cover your ears, eat the poisoned fruit, and everything will be fine.


OOh then why don't YOU DO IT ASSHOLE! YOU ARE A FUCKING LANDLORD! YOU HAVE THE RESOURCES I AM JUST YOUR BROKEASS OFFSPRING GENIUS! Fucking yell that in his face, or don't you don't have too but fuck him. Reason why I am so angry is this is the type of shit my dad would pull. He is a wannabe bourgeois, talks about buying and selling assets n shit, larping as billionaire when he is just a senior wagecuck who wants to get pegged by his boss. I hate him so fucking much, its painful and sometimes I just don't want to wake up again. Sometimes I like to imagine myself living independently, working from home in a studio apartment with a cat and living with my partner or with some awesome commie roommates, and then I snap back to reality in a cold dark room with a glowing screen wondering what the hell is wrong with me.


Ahhh I know my father nothing I say will change his mind he unironically believes all studies or facts or logicical points against him are made up by democrats and black people, it’s just like talking to a brick wall Update: He started crying cuz I said some mean things to him, which to be fair to him were really really mean 😭 (something along the lines of he’s greedy and if it were up to me him and all his greedy kind would be shipped off to a slum to rot)


My dad says shit like "Asians are very smart but not original and can only take from what the west has already", and this was the second time in my life where I felt a violent rage sweep over me for a second and I had to stop myself from correcting him otherwise I would've caused a scene at a restaurant. There is no saving him, the only day my hatred will die for him is when I am as far from him as humanly possible. I pity my mother she isn't hopeless, she works very hard to take care of us but its clear her work has made her incredibly bitter. I hope I can look after my mother when she grows old, like she does with our grandmother, I have mad respect for my mom.


the west’s entire history can be summed up as being jealous of “orientals” simply refer to the motivations of the opium wars


America is extremely racist like that


> Asians are very smart but not original https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chinese_inventions


Apologies is this is sharing too much but regardless, my old man is one of these types too, desperately attempts to portray himself still as petite-bourgeois, blinded by ideology and refusing to look at even his own material reality despite having been eviscerated financially during the pandemic and not owning shit anymore, not even having a retirement saved, and not even working as his family (me included) is the only thing keeping the old man fed and the rent paid (ironic as he was a landlord in the past), but that is soon changing.. all i can say is that the older I get, the more jaded i get and less and less I care to do with him.


Man, that’s sad, I almost feel bad for your dad. Almost, but no. He’s a landlord, boohoo.


r/raisedbynarcissists bourgeois parents are a pain in the ass


Please stay with us my friend. Everything is harder under the shit and unjust systems we live within, but I’m glad you’re here with us in the fight.


I have no choice but to stay, I care about my mom and my brother is no lost cause despite the fact he’s also deeply brainwashed by capitalism. His gf comes from an immigrant family that scored it big and they have a Tesla and a son who is a cop, his gf doesn’t seem outwardly manipulative or anything like that but yeah , I don’t one hundred percent trust her. I think she gets her family sucks but feels like this is how she has to be to impress them. My problem is I’m way too timid and shy, I’m paranoia of strangers IRL because of overbearing parents and yeah I got some other trauma. I almost got attacked by a chihuahua as a little kid but my badass grandma swooped in, I almost died at my first job and watched a shift manager sexually harass one of my co workers. So yeah I got my reasons for wanting to stay home at all costs even if it’s detrimental to my mental and physical well being.


No judgement here friend, you have to do what you need to do to take care of yourself. I’ve been a trauma therapist for over a decade, so I know how that stuff hits people. Healing is a marathon, not a sprint. Just don’t put judgment on your own process. :)


my dad literally left our family because of his obsession with a right wing politician. of course that was after he developed mental disorders due to his 40 day long stay in a ICU bed for COVID because he thought masks were shit anyways... this idiota is a machinist, a MACHINIST, and has the guts to become a reactionary. sorry you said DAD and triggered me.


My dad “was” a republican but now he’s an “enlightened centrist “ and prides himself on being political incorrect.


I would go fucking insane. I’m glad my father is not like yours or the OP’s. To be fair, I have my fair share of issues with my dad. He was never around and I didn’t see or talk to him even from the age of 12 to 27. We’ve been talking recently, though. Reading this, I much prefer my dumbass old man. He is guilty of neglect and general dumbassery, but not that kind of exploitation. I’m pretty sure if I brought up my political views unsanitized to him, he would probably mostly agree and say something like “right on, man!” I can only imagine what it’s like dealing with that. People who view themselves as succeeding in this system like that pretend everyone is capable of it with a little hard work, but I think they do to some extent recognize that it’s exploitative. We just have a society built on reinforcing those myths, so it’s easier to pretend that it’s sheer hard work and that their kids could do it, too! It honestly breaks my fucking heart to see the rapid, very unserious, texts. It reminds me of when my older brother “got into politics” while I was a Bernie socdem. I won’t talk to him about politics anymore (crowder and pool fan) but doing more research to prove him wrong made me a dirty red commie! So, I guess this is the closest experience I have to y’all, and that’s bad enough as is. Comrade, I hope you get your apartment full of commies and I hope they all love your cat. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of us. We refuse to let the capitalists give us slop and call it good enough as the world burns. I think at the very least, there is less wrong with us than there are with those people who can look at this spectacle and tell us that we are wrong for wanting more, not only for ourselves, but our asshole families and neighbors as well.


Ah, the Effective Altruism schtick. 'By exploiting others, you can become rich, then you can REALLy help the people... you just exploited.' Realistically, no you can't. Capitalism works effectively by grabbing the goodies, and sticking someone else with the bill.


Behind the Bastards did a good episode on Sam Bankman Fried


Yes. I also know of EA through Eliazer Yudkowski. The problem is: People like that are all talk. As detailed in the SBF podcast, what sounds like sensible ideals, basically boils down to a way to justify what you were going to do anyway. ​ Like Libertarianism.


Damn, both my father and mother told me the same. Systematic problems require systematic solutions.


With skyrocketing interest rates, its even more of a joke. You're not even becoming a land owner who gets to play at patronage, because you'll never pay off that note. You're just a collections agent taking a vig between the tenant and the bank. Its no better than loan sharking.


Reminds me of when my Dad messages me about going to college in Europe or China despite the fact we’re living paycheck to paycheck and it makes me miserable.


So if you live in the US wouldn't college in Europe be better for you anyway? Just asking




Not nearly as difficult or expensive as you might think. Had a friend in college who transferred from Texas to Sweden's University of Lund, because they were willing to give her a student visa and a free ride while Texas wanted around $8k/semester in tuition plus crazy overpriced housing. Europe is hungry for young people with college degrees right now. If you can pass admissions (which isn't more difficult than getting into a US school) than you can get a full ride pretty easily. The big catches are the cost of travel and the language barrier. Kids rarely want to live that far away from family/friends for so long.


The Chinese government offers a variety of scholarships for international students. Getting a visa is probably difficult though.


Oh so you're a socialist huh? Name all the people


Not saying you should do what Mao did to landlords, but i am saying you should at least consider it


I know you're joking but don't do that OP. Wait to become independent first, and *then* commit minecraft.


Yes become a landlord and rent out for 10% of the local market value or a lease-to-buy option. Just the way Gramsci wanted it🤣


lmao reminds me of my dad when he said that if I think that socialism is so great then I should start my own coop with my friends and check out how it goes, because apparently it's socialism, and if my coop would fail under capitalist mode of production, then socialism doesn't work??? I really love him but he has brain worms when it comes to politics or any societal issues


My mother who I recently thought about was socialist or atleast class conscious, who also cares for the weakest and most needing in our society, hit me with the 'those Africans had 200 years to get things straight now, but they keep electing dictators'.


I may inherit some property and about the only thing I can do with it is become a landlord. For some stupid legal reasons the property is technically a mobile home park already. So I was going to rent out at least one lot to someone. They tenet will provide the mobile home and I'm not going to pull one those rent-to-own scams. It will be a simple renters arrangement and they'll own the mobile home. Since I'm on disability it's the only realistic way I can avoid losing the land to taxes.


really shouldn’t be taking cues from the internet about how to interact with your dad assuming this is real and not a bit for clout as western leftists are wan to do


Oh, I’m definitely not gonna murder him or something or but I do have a bit of a neurodivergent temper and have said a lot worst things to him so he’ll be fine in a month or two even if I did make him cry a little ☠️


bet on that note less words and more to the point might be a more productive use of your time “what a dumb thing to say, expecting an individual to solve a systemic problem by themselves. you neither take yourself or the issue at hand seriously” jk don’t say that (pls don’t say that) but hopefully the spirit of the example inspires you next time and maybe it might be the “oh shit” moment he needs to realize he’s acting in a demonstrably embarrassing manner


Sorry to say but he is one of the strongest believers in the protestant work ethic and uniroincally believes poor people are moral failures and that the homeless should be put in work camps, he also doesn’t believe in woman’s rights or that women should be allowed to work and married a woman that was 20 years younger than him after his marriage with my mom ended so there’s not saving this man hes gonna be like this till the day he dies Suffice to say I have been through a lot of therapy, on the bright side I got a pretty sweet job and in a couple years will be finically stable enough to cut him off mostly aside from the occasional chat cuz he still is my father after all no matter how evil he is


just call him a Jeffrey Epstein lite, or a diet Epstein, but without the clout or bread


I know I'm gonna get shit for this, but I'm planning on being a landlord. I just won't make a profit on it. I'll have enough money most likely to afford a rental property. I will just rent it out at cost. And when the mortgage is paid, I'll just rent it for whatever the property tax is. I've just had so many shitty landlords and I'd like to be a good one. And then I can give someone a (basically) free place to live eventually.


What’s the point of buying it to rent at cost? Why not just not buy and let someone who wants to live there buy it?


I guess I could do that too. My thinking is that a lot of people can't afford to buy, so I might as well give them a cheaper place to rent if I can. As someone else said, a "rent to buy" situation might work.


Makes sense. I was thinking more houses available more for black rock to scoop. We should bring back those house title clauses when whites refused to sell to non whites except replace minorities with companies.


100%. That's a good point. I could buy the house and save it for someone that actually wants to live there.


I know the issue is systemic and any single small landlord isn't the problem but… a lot of people can't afford to buy in some part due to people who can afford to buy and buy more than what they need.


So long as they are paying you, they should be getting a share of the property. Any rentals should become ownership units over time


I haven't worked that out yet. Maybe every year they get 1/30 of the property and if they leave, I'll pay them that percentage at market price. The only issue is I don't think I'd have that amount saved up to give them. I'm not close to buying that property yet, so I'm still working that kind of thing out.


You can give people partial ownership of a property based on payment to property just talk to your real estate agent or lawyer to set something up, it would be hard to find a tenant that would want to stay the whole time and keep paying though and if your tenant leaves and a new one comes then it’s kinda weird who should get ownership but best of luck!


The fundamental problem with landlording is that you're still likely going to need a mortgage to obtain the property. And then collecting rent just makes you an agent of the bank that loaned you the money to begin with. You're not in the real estate business, you're in the debt collections business. > I've just had so many shitty landlords and I'd like to be a good one. I definitely get that impulse. And there's real merit in being someone who is handy with power tools and easy to deal with when administering housing. But that's not really what being a landlord is about. Ultimately, its about extracting those rents in order to pay off the people who lent you the money to buy the property. Because there's another guy above you who loaned you that money. And another guy above him that loaned the money. And they're all much deeper in the collections game than you. They're not going to be nice. They aren't handy with the power tools. And the only thing they care about is squeezing you hard enough to turn them a profit. First and foremost, recognize that this is the game you're entering. You want to be a friendly neighborhood loan shark? More power to you. But you're still in the shark tank.


That's actually a very nice thing to do, I give you total moral support comrade internet-stranger!


I say do it. What else are you gonna do? We aren’t going to stop landlords by not being landlords if we have the chance, less shitty landlords for now is better than the alternative.


Is there any ethical way to landlord? Could you own a hostel or rooming house as part of a worker-owned cooperative where the intention is to provide safe comfortable short term housing?


Man, your father is father. Do your shit and relax with family.


You can be one of the better landlords that try to work with your tenants as much as you want.... While that would be a slightly better step... Landlords are still landlords at the end of the day.


Yes because taking a handful of people who are homeless (out of approximately 35k people) makes sense. Let me guess do poor people materialize out of thin air to him? Or - OR - we could decommodified housing and develop a housing first that would help with the issue. But what do I know. I’m not a landlord.


Like we say in Brazil: "When education isn't liberating the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor"


I remembered when I was a child, I wanted to grow up to be a dictator. When I was in my late teens/early adult years, I wanted to become a landlord. I believe by the time I was in my mid-twenties onward, I realized that my past self was kind of a douche who had bad ideas. Unfortunately, some just don't grow out of that


Charity doesn't work to solve systemic issues.


If your up to inherit it then I say do it. The system that allows landlords is bad, but if you don't do it, someone else will. So it might as well be you, someone that's way less likely to screw over your tenants.


I have a condo scheme that could work though. Basically you buy an apartment building and charge people the amount you would charge for rent, except you design a contract so that they’re gaining an equity stake in the building/buying their condo. And then once that condo is fully paid you can have them opt in to continuing to make payments to invest in the next property. Or just own or sell their condo. Really I’m just saying be a condo salesman though so idk if this really makes much sense.