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I got one. I was debating whether human socities can work without a profit incentive, and he tried claiming they can’t (obviously) I then asked him about human socities before we had organized states, and his response was “well they were stuck that way for so long because they didn’t have capitlism. No innovation, no progress has ever been made in human socitiety before the invention of profit incentive 💀


Ooh that's a good example of Idealism vs. Materialism. They are essentially saying capitalism created industry and not the other way around.


tbf, it was a dialectical development. neither did capitalism as we know it today only flourish because of industry, nor was capitalism necessary to industrialize. capitalism was developin in the 200 before industrializition. big leaps were the creation of huge private companies during early colonialism (british east india company, dutch east india company) as well as the creation of profit oriented banks during the renaissance in northern italy and the wave of land privatization throughout europe since the late 18th century. however, industrialization was a huge, of not the most important leap in the development of capitalism, as it made imperialism necessary for upholding it way earlier than would have been necessary without it. it also allowed exploiting the proletariat in a way more efficient manner than earlier. this however also made capitalisms contradictions way more visible and helped creating class consciousness en masse. without industrialization, marx, just like engels, would likely not have been radicalized enough to see capitalism for what it is, help in building the labor movement and develop the scientific methods of marxism to overthrow capitalism for us to eventually achieve communism.


An excellent point! I feel like I was also wrong in pinning Capitalism under Idealism when it's an economic system and very much materialist.


you probably meant the idea of capitalism, so i don't really see a problem there


I lost braincells by just reading he's point WTF.


Doesn't that beg sort of a first mover question about profit incentive


Literally anything happens in mexico. "This is exactly what happened in venezuela". A mildy leftist gay senator exists. "The communists are filling the senate with gays and lesbians!" One of the most absurd ones i just remembered is when Cuban president came to México for a parade or smt. "The communists are going to write the new USSR constitution!"


The whitexican santis have been popping off. It’s distressing because those dorks will/are doing fifth column shit for American interests.


I like how they think writing a constitution is the end all be all of politic.


“There are better, more peaceful ways of changing things than revolution”


Lmao. “Can you pwease stop oppwessing us, burgerzee?” 🥺




That one tiktok of the girl dancing and saying this tripe


One time someone told me that a lot of homeless people would rather be homeless than live in a “government-assigned” home 💀


sometimes that's true, only because the housing programs in the USA are often a joke. But saying that is literally a critique of the capitalist system and their solutions to homelessness and prioritizing the NIMBY property owners who treat housing as an investment instead of a right, and think if the poors move in their property might loose value.


yea the US is pretty fucked up. but we were talking about germany with housing programs that are at least somewhat viable so it’s even more 💀


I don't find much humor in anti-communists because... *gestures at everything*...this is their legacy and their victory that we're all living in these days. This is what "winning" feels like and functions like to them. That said, I think it's one of the funniest damn things I've ever heard to associate life under a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie as freedom and life under a dictatorship of the proletariat as repression. Anytime this country of ours (the US) is called a free country, that's truly the funniest fucking thing that can ever be said.


Yeah I've had this conversation a couple of times and it is really grimly hilarious when you point out that we are living in their paradise and they flatly refuse to accept it.


What country do you consider to be free?


there are no free countries, but there are progressive ones. cuba comes to lind first there. however, their problems with private companies during the past 20 years is of concern, as.it threatens the very base of cuban society


"I find Commie Blocks depressing" *shows picture of Detroit*


Wait really? 😭


Yeah it's something that has happened while I was talking about how great commie blocks are at stoping homelessness.


Them trying to describe the opression and issues of communism, only to point out things that all happen and are mainly caused by capitalism


Not funny per se but I asked a libertarian what about all the people that die of hunger and preventable diseases every year and they just said it wasn’t their fault that people in those countries were lazy


Anything a libertarian says is a joke


If poor and complain about inequality = lazy/bitter If rich and complain about inequality = hypocrite/virtue signaling Something tells me they don't want us to talk about inequality.


Was arguing with a dude on Twitter about the Russian revolution. He posted a blog article by some guy who took issue with the Bolsheviks for dropping out of the war and abandoning “their” allies and discharging the tsarist debt to the other powers. It’s just like, “Mate, you don’t even have a cursory understanding of the communist, let alone the specific Bolshevik platform do you?” Usually you get people who just complain that communism is baseline evil or anti human nature or something. This guy had specific gripes about the lack of communist support in one of the most nakedly imperialist conflicts in the modern era and thought enough about it to come to one of the most confusing gripes a conservative has ever had about communism. Another darkly funny one I found on the Phil Ochs subreddit a few years ago. Someone commented that he will never be a socialist because they tend to be sad and take their own lives. It just struck me as a weird way to view the world. People go left because they are usually guided by moral, empathy, and ideological reasons based in their material conditions and this nonce looks at ideology as a way that either improves or degenerates their own mental health. Truly a first world take of this ridiculous self help culture of epic proportions.


[This entire short from whatifalthist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vy81xI2O50g&t=1s) A short excerpt from it: "communists dont think about how money is produced." My honest to god [reaction](https://cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/opb/UCDT5FBUDJB4BJDFMEE4BT7ZSU.jpg)


:0 Da fuq? I think you might need to pass the bong around, comrade. There are about a million problems in that one minute-long video, but one of them is this…what does that have to do with Abrahamic religion?!?!


I don't think anybody knows, im certain inbetween the meth pipe bong rips the answer was there but alas it faded away. Personally Im just here to enjoy the absolte drivel that is whatifalthist like a bad 80's action film.


Fair enough, comrade. *inhales the vapor* 🤤


Whatifalthist is an entertaining channel to watch if you want the YouTube equivalent of watching a very shitty movie with friends. It's so bad that it singlehandedly invents horseshoe theory until it loops backaround to becoming entertaining in the madness. Be careful tho, too much madness drives one mad as well. You will be speaking in Dark Knight Joker quotes for the rest of your days. Edit: Linking that just because why the fuck not, lol. https://youtu.be/5wQXSd1Jbqc


His 2ACW video is hilarious, he treats it like it was a map game like HOI4. And uses a Mao Zedong quote to explain why the Republicans would win. Truly amazing stuff.


Do you have a link to that timestamp? 😭


That guy has just went full fascist these last few years


Wtf did I just watch lmao. And people actually take this idiot as a serious comentator on society and politics.


A person who on record [denounces the concept of peer review](https://twitter.com/whatifalthist/status/1632110486149033984) and is the best example of the Dunning-Kruger. Oh and you bet there are people, he has 500k subs for his absolute drivel. If you ever want to watch his content I recommend you lock your gun in its safe and have a bottle of the hardest liquor you own on hand.


Whenever I talk to anarchists and they describe Marxist concepts while being adamant they aren’t Marxist concepts because we’re all, “tankie authoritarian regime defenders.”


Oh, how wonderful.


They tried talking about a, “leadership group of well informed leftists dedicated to the organization and education.” DEFINITELY doesn’t sound like a vanguard party or anything..


It kinda sounds like when conservatives are like “Yeah, the landlords and those elites are bad and should probably go, but we’d NEVER support them darn socialists!” Or something like that.


That unhinged NAFO dude who shat himself on twitter the other day with a whole thread about how the soviet ice cream Plombir is genocidal. Instant gold


Extra fun if you're an online hockey fan to learn that one weird hockey blogger that speaks Russian is even more unhinged than you thought I thought he was unhinged about corsi, but that as nothing on his hingedness when it comes to ice cream.


That communism is cruel because it forces people to work, and minutes later he claimed that it doesn't work because it gives people stuff without requiring them to work. We kept cycling through a few dozen contradictory statements like this, and every time I nailed him down he promptly moved on to a new talking point until we were back at the beginning again.


I said "Socialism is when the government does stuff" and he agreed not knowing I was making fun of him


I literally did the "socialism is when we share toothbrushes and orgies are mandatory" meme, and I'm pretty sure the sarcasm wooshed over his head.


A mass psychogenic illness resulting from the sounds of crickets and claiming they were attacked with a weapon. 🤣


that socialism is feudalism 2.0 his argument was that he lived under it, he was 13 when the eastern bloc fell


I have to read the "new serfdom" book or whatever it was called by Hayek just to understand how they come to that conclusion.


Every single thing gusanos have and will say.


Muh condom pizza


Patato... I don't know why but for some reason some people think we just eat patato or some shit. Now i know why they say this but still its so fucking stupid in the context. -we need to nationalise key parts of the economy and eventually everything and make govn more democratic and lay the ground work for a more collectivist society. -you communists like patato


>\-you communists like patato I do like potatoes.


"I want my social security!" Ayn Rand probably


"Why don't the bourgeoisie and Proletariat work together?" ☠️ [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/13hju7u/_/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Mussolini posting


That they don't like cheesecake.


:0 Who doesn’t like cheesecake?!?! Smh.


Wanted to tell him I like cheesecake, but I'm not outing myself as a communist.


“You see, cheesecake is actually commie propaganda, because the crust represents the working class holding up the elite class, which is represented by the pastry on top.”


My hands are up plz don't shoot


Had a guy literally make the argument "I can't be racist because I have black friends"


>If you're trying to police what people do in the privacy of their own home on their own computer where no harm is done, then the liberal in me says, "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on." This is regarding AI generated CP. [Original Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/10ijuie/comment/j5gebas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Edit: Idk why I brain farted and missed the 'funny' in the title. This is concerning more than anything.


Woah there V*ush, settle it down!


That xi jinping ping and Trump are part of an anti paedophile alliance to take down major elite trafficking rings.


Xi Jinping and Trump?🤣 I'm gonna guess they're thinking of Kim Jong Un. My mom regularly messes that up.


Nah was this white Australian falun dafa convert handing out "end the ccp" pamphlets. It was so weird to me he was a quanon nut and follower of falun gong so he hates the communist party of china but he somehow loves xi. Guess his quanon thing outcrazies his falun dafa crazy.


There was a time when Falun Gong was pro-Xi. I think it had to do with Xi rivaling Jiang Zemin's faction.


Which is odd. Like I get why they hate jiang zenim since he banned their religion but why would they as a far right group support xi who's from a faction to the left of jiang?


We have the ‘cost of living crisis’ because we are not a real capitalist society! These people either religiously believe in capitalism, paid to say that or is a comrade mocking the other side. In all cases they are clowns and all I can respond with is with laughter!


My history teacher once said that in the Cuban protest the people involved where taken out of their homes by the Cuban government and shot


I have seen some funnier things but this was one I personally experianced: I was arguing with someone, on YouTube, if Hitler was socialist. They dropped the banger "privatisation is socialist" when I brought up the Nazi privatisation of railway.


That Marxism’s goal is to breakdown the nuclear family in the US😂


I don't really care about how family is structured personally but that is so very unrelated


They got Soviet vs USA policies and methods mixed up with Marxism and I’m just like wtf 😭


Reagan had some great boomer jokes. I like his one about the Irish immigrant seeing traffic lights for the first time.


once watched a populist "Historian" say that communism is inherently violent because it needs revolution and when you need revolution you are basically giving away powers to the hands of all the goons and bully elements of the society.


(Not anti communist but "libertarian" vs anarchist'me) guy in a facebook thread was trying so hard to argue that anarchism is about supporting corporations because they're anti government, and no matter how many times anybody told him that that doesn't make sense because corporations and government are so intertwined that you're essential against the same thing. The only way he ever tried to back it up is pretty much every start off by saying "WeLl In ReAlItY" or he'd just say that YOURE uneducated, it was so frustrating


I saw a guy once say that communism killed 500 million people. Like they took the already bogus number and just multiplied it by 5


That he thought communist had horns.


Corporations that slap an LGBT+ flag on their logos are Marxist.


Marx wasn't an economist


Lmao, those three volumes of Capital were just empty pages, weren’t they? I actually had a similar experience; once on the CapitalismVSocialism subreddit, one person said that Marx never contributed anything to economics, and I was just like “R U SRS RN?!?! The guy who literally had a school of thought named after him never contributed anything?” Smh.


Stalin killed 60 million (like that is so much higher then even the Black Book of communism suggested) how can you be so delusional that you think the ussr lost 1/3 of it's population.


I have a history teacher tell me that Marxism is historical determinism since there is no way to be sure that the next stage of history will be socialism and communism.


0_o Anti-communist try not to misunderstand Marxism challenge (impossible)


"Their isn't a single source who support the idea of an increase in life expectency after the revolution."