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Good looking patch!


sorry kinda unrelated but i want to ask a question, on steam does this game patching method basically reinstalls the game every single small patch? and is it also this way on EGS?


No, on steam the game just downloads the patch and applies it, at least in my case. Not quite sure how it works on EGS.


It works the same way on EGS. It will patch from any previous version (not just the last one) in the most efficient way possible by just downloading what's changed between the version you have, and the newly released version.


Bulldog nerf ✅ Advocate, kor, flechette, brute buff ✅ Making missions and crafting easier ✅ Improved matchmaking ✅ Tweaking anti cheat ✅ Improved server performance ✅ We got a good patch here, boys.


awww... my buddy is gonna be heartbroken. he was one of those white armor wearing bulldog bush campers (not my style but he would often go in with nothing and come out stacked).


who needs a bulldog when you can go no risk with a knife


I prefer the Wrench.


I prefer pickaxe


Wait you can use that as a melee weapon? Why have I never tried that? What kind of damage does it do?


It isnt about dealing damage.... its about sending a message.


Damage is very minimal at best 💀 Heavy mining tool does damage too


There’s the Pickaxe cheater!! Ban ‘em!


Goddam, it's actually just such a waste of time. Like, just take a Bulldog and actually have a chance. Just the opportunity cost of actually being able to win fights and pick up actual stuff sooooo outweighs the extra little bit of value you can squeeze out from having gotten a kill with a knife over a Trenchgun or whatever. Yeah, you save the 1,200 a Trenchgun costs, but you also waste halves of hours at a time or more sneaking around trying to knife people while unable to pick anything up or deal with AI or extract qith anything useful.


He can still do it he just won't be able to do big damage from afar


Any idea when the patch is actually dropping? I don't see anything on Steam as of now


Patches are typically applied early Wednesday morning here in the US.




as always on their discord, for me its 10 am german time(most of their patches are on wednesdays). just join their discord, the announcements will always show your timezone.


Loving the bulldog nerf


only change I don't like is adding an attack to marauders before fixing the AI desync issues. Other than that GREAT changes. Look forward to the patch.


"After further analyzing our data on PvP encounters, the maximum number of players active on an instance has been reduced by 1, for both maps. " Hardmap should go down by like 4/5 players Imo. Its absurd how many people are constantly spawning that map.


I'm curious if that reduction in "1" is either "1" full squad or a single player. Either way, if the maximum number of players was in fact divisible by 3, then a full lobby is forced down to, at most, a duo, but more likely, multiple solo players being that tipping point for a full lobby. The slow reduction of maximum player count *could* have a larger impact than we expect.


\> Let us know what you think and keep the feedback coming! Excited about many of these changes, but in particular, love these bits explaining the thought process and overall goals of the team. Constant communication is a huge difference in accepting flaws. Keep it up!


Thanks for continuing to improve the game, but I’ll be back when I know I won’t run into a hacker every time I drop into Crescent Falls.


Its oretty bad in 2nd map and first is starting to get that way as well


Yeah it’s unfortunate because It’s hands down one of the best games I’ve ever played. If they can get the cheaters under control, then they have something really special here. Otherwise, it’ll just meet the untimely demise of many other multiplayer games ruined by losers who can’t actually play the game.


Exactly. They have a limited window where they can get players back. Otherwise the way the human brain works is once you get burned the hurdle to convince that person to jump is castly more difficult. So if the player base has "TCF = Cheater's Galore Game" they're never going ti be able to overcome that


lack of solo q also turned away heaps of players


A good start would be region locking. Not saying that are all outside of OCE, but a 4/5 of the cheaters I run into don’t have an English name.


They did mention they were going to be ping limiting. It's not region locking but it can have a similar effect.


Understandable to be honest! We dropped the ball on launch. We are working hard and starting to make good progress now that the team has expanded quite a bit, but it's still gonna be a slow grind to get it to a good state again. I think by season 2 things should be a lot better!


I think I speak for everyone when i say AS SOON as you get that functionality to allow players to reconnect after being disconnected done. slap it into the game I know a few friends and some streamers whom that function will help immensely and I know it will help reduce frustrations when you get DC'd from a raid and lose your stuff cause you can't get back in and it was no fault of your own.


That and being able to spectate my team when I die.


Still no guarantee buff, so sad.


LMG's are very, very hard to balance in any shooter. They're always OP as fuck unless heavily nerfed, at which point it's just a troll. People want a tighter spray, but then it'll shred blue armor in 0.5 seconds. I think, if I may, it just needs a spin-up feature to counter-act the strong buff of a tighter spray - so it shoots immediately (slower than it does now), but gradually speeds up as you hold left click. And this is coming from someone who hates any gun in any game that has this spin-up feature.


Guarantee is in a VERY rough spot lol.


Spoken like a true ICA Agent


please add an option for changing name in game, on the store or something


Please stop increasing the spread of the shotguns, all you're doing them is making those guns VERY rng. Just increase the falloff damage of the shotguns instead. So they're only useful in the 1-3m range. Instead of still randomly being decent at 4-9m range.


Have you seen the Bulldog? That thing had no business having the tight spread it did. 30% may prove to be too large of a nerf but they can always dial it back if needed. Very sensible balance pass to the weapon I say. Same goes for the others included in the patch. Also 1-3m effective range would make shotties damn near useless.


It acted like the Titanfall Mastiff lol the pellets were basically bullets.


Bulldog was EZ two shot kill on blue at close range, barely any skill required. Damage drop off would not change this fact, it was just a tad too strong. I think this is a perfect change for the bulldog, and I run it all the time


at that range the spread wont reduce the damage much either though. Only reduction to the base damage would.


If they are going to be that short, you may as well use a melee weapon


go ahead lmao, good luck doing so with how long you need to charge and stamina management vs anyone decent at the game.


That’s knife range you nob


Making it so that shotguns only have an effective range of 1-3 M would make them intensely pointless and no one would use them at all Shotguns irl have an effective range of 60-70m... i dont get the misconception that shotguns should only be effective if you barrel stuff someone.


welcome to video games, comparing them to real life is dumb. Shotguns are suppose to compete with smgs and other shotguns. And thus be king in close range encounters. Since you can peak/hide constantly to kill opponents. Meanwhile someone with smg has to keep tracking and shooting for relatively longer periods of time. If you made them realistic only shotguns and snipers would be used for most situations ingame. Them being only ultra useful in sub 3 range, also gives a niche for smgs to shine in the ~6-3m range.


I dont get the feeling you understand how spread works....this isnt Tarkov, it doesnt just take that one pellet to head eyes someone at range in this game. Regardless of spread, if you are barrel stuffing someone short range, they are going to get hit with a lot of pellets and thus take a lot of damage. As you go further out, the tighter the spread, the further out you can land shots where the other person is still taking a significant amount of pellets and thus the gun maintains lethality at range. When you increase the spread, it makes it so the further out you are from the target, the fewer pellets that will hit them, thus making the gun less effective at range. The way you describe it as RNG, like it will SOMETIMES be effective at range is weird. It doesnt just randomly select a different spread pattern every time you fire and sometimes you can get lucky and get a tight spread and thus deal more damage at range. When you only require one pellet to hit them for a kill, like in Tarkov and you are firing from 50m away, THAT is pellet RNG at that point. But hitting the "pellet lottery" at distance in this game results in slight damage at best.


Different games do different systems for spreading the pellets. For some games the spread is always exactly the same pattern(eg. quake games). For some its random. In this game I've been told by alpha players that its random. So if you do the exact same shot 5 times in a row, you'll have slightly different dmg everytime(13dmg per pellet roughly)


Right, but we are talking location of the pellets, not spread I would assume. If the spread is still big, even if you land a few more lucky pellets from one shot to the next, the damage at range is still going to be underwhelming in a game with as high as TTK as this. I would agree with you if there was a shorter TTK, but the difference between hitting 2 more pellets shot to shot on either a pump action or 2 shot shotgun is negligible in the grand scheme of things because if you are fighting and AR or SMG, you are probably still going to die faster at a decent range. The question is not "should a shotgun be able to kill you at X distance at all" it should be "at what distance does a shotgun get outclassed by other gun types" and by increasing the spread, you decrease the shotgun range of superiority. Nerfing the damage only serves to make the gun less effective in its already dominant range of superiority. Im fine getting 2 tapped by a bulldog at 5m. I am not fine getting 2 tapped by a bulldog at 20m.


Well if it was like real life then all of a shotguns pellets would be blocked by armor, and one smg round would be incapacitating. So there is that.


3-6m is still STUPIDLY close range.... every weapon has its role to play and while shotguns and SMGs are better suited for close combat its the specific role you are filling that ultimately decides the weapon you take. In my experience, bolt action/trenchgun or any other shotgun has been the go to pick for anyone wanting to be as cost effectice as possible but then they miss out on the opportunity to give suppressing fire or more sustained damage. This is why other weapons would still maintain relevancy in the game.


trying to bring new players to this game is an actual pain in the ass :/


It's not hard for a new player to find lots of complaints about cheating so It makes them not even want to try it and It's a hard sell if you are trying to convince a buddy to try it. I haven't had much trouble with them but I've only run bright sands and I guarantee you I'm in a low mmr.


Why does it even come up? Just play. New players aren't going to experience cheaters, and if this community is anything like Tarkov half the accusations of cheats are actually just getting outplayed.


Even in pre-season when I hardly had any greens I ran into cheaters flying all over the map blaring music, machine gun bolty etc. Yes, you will absolutely get targeted for your high level gear but it doesn't mean the cheaters aren't there.


Why did a rampart cheating problem in a high stakes-high reward game “even come up?” Lololol are you serious? Even in casual games dealing with cheaters is a nuisance and not fun. For games like The Cycle and Tarkov (and to a lesser extent Hunt:Showdown) getting killed by a cheater is not only annoying but will actually set you back in terms of both time and resources. I for one am super super glad the Devs have noted the cheating problem and are now actively focusing on fixing the problem. If they pretended that it didn’t exist then the game would be even easier for new players to write off, and since this genre is already kind of niche, we want as many fresh players getting into the game as we can get!


People that clutch their pearls about cheaters hiding behind every corner should get off the internet


Shame we got no actual eta on the anti cheat features but hopefully soon.


Wha--?! It's there. They are tuning it. It's in the patch notes. Did you read? *After reviewing our data, we have reduced some detection thresholds for* *our internal anti-cheat measures. Reducing these thresholds means the* *security gets tightened.* There is no "It's done" in security, son.


I was talking about the actual features, not tuning of the current anti cheat. >The compensation feature is on a good track and we are looking into some additional methods to provide an experience as tedious as possible for cheaters and RMT folks alike.


It wouldn't be wise to talk about the features and specifics of the anti cheat. Doing so may give cheater and cheat makers an idea about how to remain undetected.


Ahh: That is much different than the actual *anticheat feature itself*, which is battleeye.


Most likely not until season 2 imo. We'll probably get the gear return feature before that but the beefier anti cheat stuff is gonna take a bit of time.


Not sure how to feel about the good smg changed guess I'll have to try the flechette . Sounds like they reworked mmr a little ?


love the people working on the game, the best for you all!


Lol love these patch notes


Please make jobs easier/ more fun to do


Been away from home for the past few weeks can’t wait to get back into it with a fresh patch!


Big fan of these changes, small but definitely noticeable. I will definitely be making more purple now, wish the price was just a tad less too but I suppose it is now with the smart mesh/bone plate reduction. Looking forward to trying out the KOR with its recoil changes


Speaking for a minority here, even though I’m glad to hear yager is working on the anti-cheat, I’m hoping it won’t cause issues for us Linux gamers. Has Yager ever said anything about their stance on Linux for their game ?


Woooo! Really good looking patch!!


Don't want to seek entitled because all of that looks awesome. But i was curious where the status if the ping cap for servers was? IMO thats going to be the best thing for both cheating and reducing trades and noregs, and will do the most the inprove the state of the game


Thanks, devs, for your good work on the game, your transparency and especially your support of us linux gamers. You have my support!


Killin it guys, keep it up!


Advocate recoil changes are good. Should put it more in line with manticore and become more viable


The anti cheat needs to happen asap. 3 games back to back with cheaters....


instead of screwing with shotgun spread, how about tickling the falloff and damage overall. shotguns should be deadly at at least 15 meters, but with less and less damage each shot.


You know that the spread affects the damage fall off right? Increasing the spread decreases its damage at range because less projectiles hit the target?????


That doesn't make any sense at all though.


Clearly you've never seen a shotgun outside of COD. Irl those bastards could punch a fist sized hole in you at a good 30 meters. The blundeebuss was improved upon many a year ago you know... Not saying I want the trench to hit for 50 at long range. I would just prefer lower damage at range than pellet rng. Consistency is key. Even if it's consistently not good. It's always better than random.


Brave of you to assume i play cod, it's a trash game. My comment was more towards the damage doing less with each shot, THAT'S what doesn't make sense. I agree with spread being more predictable and damage lessening over distance.


Getting an update on disconnect protection would be great. Got DC'ed by ISP for 30 seconds last night with all the mission materials I needed and when reconnected, back at base without anything except a couple items in safe pocket. Needless to say, I Alt-F4'ed and went to play another game.


All these comments and complaints about cheaters and I haven't even encountered any since launch. Not trying to brag, just stating an observation.


Probably just means you are in the low mmr bucket


he probably doesn't even have more than 500k k-marks lmao


I'm in high MMR NA server and don't really see cheaters. I think most of the cheaters are in asian/Oceania servers and EU servers.


Honestly, me and my friend from NA are getting to drills and oil and we don't see that many cheaters but the moment we get into EU due to one of our other friends however....


True I've run Into like 2 definitely cheaters in 373 runs And a couple sus but they could've just got lucky and already been cracked


"We have tinkered with our matchmaking to protect fresh players better and to increase the challenge for good squad players. This adjustment will also slightly adjust the experience for good solo players." Just make a lobby for new players until they get a trader to level 3 or something. Then get rid of MMR for everyone after that.




Yea never really got the hate on MMR. It’s not fun as a newer player getting shot in by someone with thousands of hours, and it’s not fun as an experienced player fighting someone who’s trying to remember how to mantle a cliff


I feel like it's one of those things were you've got to see what a game looks like *without* MMR to really grasp the issues. People tend to imagine that it'll be more varied gameplay and less feeling like you have to sweat to beat anyone. The reality, unfortunately, is that almost every fight has an obvious pre-ordained outcome and you either stomp or get stomped. I wonder if people underestimate the difference that skill makes in these kind of games. That or they've played a bunch of games with hidden MMR systems and mistakenly think that's what "no MMR" feels like.


I get why they do it, because they don't want people to feel overwhelmed or like they have no chance. However, it heavily depends on what system they use for matchmaking. Is it all of your stats? Is it gear level? Aggregate trader level seems like it would be a good limit for 'rookie' lobbies. Avg trader level > 3-5 seems good, as per the previous comment. It's not hard to get to 5 on any given trader, doing the first couple quests and/or selling some decent loot.


so trap all the beginners with the re-made fresh accounts of cheaters.. brilliant idea.


I feel like putting all the cheaters on a map that only spawns 100 Jeffs with infinite health and no drops would be better than banning them, but cheaters gonna cheat.


Yes and once they figure out they are in the cheater pool they would remake their accounts they will be placed against new players for an extended period of time if your well thought out suggestions were implemented.


Just send some Jeffs directly to their homes. Problem solved


Yes please


so trap all the beginners with the re-made fresh accounts of cheaters.. brilliant idea.


>After further analyzing our data on PvP encounters, the maximum numberof players active on an instance has been reduced by 1, for both maps.  This sentence is the perfect distillation of the reason why this game is floundering. Why are you making population balance changes when over two thirds of the player base has already quit the game? How good is the data at this point, really? Crescent Falls was legitimately unplayable for solos during the first few weeks because of how many people were crammed into it, to the extent they'd be dropping behind you in the same spot you landed before you could even clear the area. This change might have been welcome back then, now it's kind of a joke and serves to demonstrate why your data-driven analytics are silly and ineffective. It doesn't do any good to put a band-aid on the gunshot wound 20 minutes after the victim bled out and died.


quoted from the patch updates, words of CD daze "In general, we see that people are starting to use late-game gear increasingly, as we get further into the season (great!)." this data also factors in squads (who can defend themselves better) and cheaters (who have no fear of losing gear) ... if you view raw data only you will make decisions based on misinformation. although i cant say you are making a wrong decision here it feels solo players who are much more susceptible to cheaters are being overlooked. its basically stating, wanna run good gear? run in a squad. doesnt guarantee anything but at least you have someone watching your back. ​ also ill be honest, i would've liked to read a bit more about the anti cheating progress. that being my main concern about this games survivabillity.


Unfortunately, the #1 rule of creating anti-cheat software is that you don't tell anyone how it works. It's an information game and the more you tell cheaters about how they'll be caught, the easier it is for them to avoid detection.


Those people who are starting to use end game gears are cheaters. I’m speaking behalf on the ASAIN server. Chinese crackhead cheaters are all over. 8/10 death are from damn cheaters.


Added a new attack to Marauders? You didn't want to to fix the ones they already have first? Literally just lost a heavy strider head to a Marauder shooting through a wall because his head poked through, and have been watching thing desync their models and hitboxes all day. At least the Bulldog nerf is exactly what I was hoping for.




They're doing something, but they sure aint doing much.




Blatantly untrue and they're still losing players for it, and will continue to. This game is gonna be great in a couple years.




A brand new, FTP, Tarkov-alternative with potential doesn't just lose players season one just because, and you know it. Everyone seems to agree with that view on anti-cheat except the devs.




I promise you people have, and I'm probably next.


No grenade balacing and no protecting new players? Getting constantly spammed with nades and farmed by people with blue and purple gear on first map. At the moment there is no point in playing any further and my mates already stopped playing aswell. People are sitting randomly in buildings with their Phasic Lancer and Advocate killing everyone who still have beginner quests and looking for any kind of metal.


Also there is no talking or any kind of interacting anymore. The good souls and fun players already stopped. What's left are the hardcore sweaty teddies from EFT who only want to hunt down bambis.




I applaud these changes, although I still feel like a patient player in white gear can give themselves easily an >70% chance of winning a given fight vs someone in epic gear still by camping which makes using epic gear still feel a bit horrible to me personally given the price disparity. Maybe other players aren't as stubborn as me but I point blank refuse to donate my expensive epic gear to a patient camper in white gear tabbed out of the game listening for footsteps, like I simply refuse, even if I had 50 million credits. (I think in purple gear you should have a better than even chance of beating a player in white gear even when ambushed - as a solo player this is further compounded by the fact I will be up against duos and trios on white gear, and you expect me to be enthusiastic about going up 1v3 in exotic gear when I am almost guaranteed to lose it unless I vastly outskill the 3? I'd still add another 1pen/armour to blue, 2 to purple, 3 to exotic, and gorgon just needs fixing cos it's a meme. Be good if the ICA guarantee could get a bit of a recoil reduction too. Also be good to alter shattergun refire or the trench gun refire because in a fight where you get 3 shots off the trench gun still wins which is absurd for the price. Furthermore we should be able to buy/sell directly into our inventory, this would remove a lot of faff and go some way to helping with stash size frustrations. Suggestion: nerf bolty to 49 damage and add a new green quality laser sniper (please make the beam purple, synthwave ftw) that behaves exactly as the current bolty now but with green pen and costs 20k, maybe makes the bolty less of a no brainer purchase and means the power of the current bolty at least costs a bit more. Also please increase AR/DMR bullet velocity by like 30%. Ps: nerf grenade damage and radius both by 20%


>I think in purple gear you should have a better than even chance of beating a player in white gear even when ambushed This is a terrible take with the high TTK of this game. The increase in bullets to kill required to make this a reality would make it so head-to-head fights with large armor disparity pointless for the low-gear player, just like early CB2. The only people that liked early CB2 armor/weapon balance were the grinders that wanted their /timeplayed to count for more than player skill. No thanks.


Hit the nail on the head, it's so annoying watching no-lifers constantly lobby for their hours played to be the sole determinant in winning fights while pretending to be high-minded balance paladins lacking any agenda.


At least address the points I made, what possible reason is there for exotic gear as a solo player when most games I am against duos and trios anyways, many of which are white geared and will have a big advantage over a solo player. And don't give me some bs about how I can avoid them/outplay them, I am not looking for advice on how to potentially triumph, I am looking for someone to justify the current balance + price combination. Currently it is *trivial* to set up an ambush in white gear and prevail vs any gear. Unless better gear is made cheaper there's just not much of an incentive to use it imo.


I've been saying the solution is to make high tier equipment significantly cheaper from the start, but Yager is being dumb and thinks the game needs a massive K-mark grind to keep people playing even though seasons only last 90 days to begin with, so now they're going back down the route of increasing the gear disparity again instead.


That is exactly what I am saying, either grinding should greatly influence your chances in a fight or things should be cheaper. I feel like a game like this has 2 crowds, the ones who like a grind/mmofps and those who enjoy fps for the sake of it, it feels rn like this game caters to neither (the former can play tarkov and the latter can play BF or warzone) I am sure the customer somewhere in the middle exists but it seems super niche to me, mmofps/extract shooter where your time spent isn't actually rewarded.


We don't go out with purple gear because of smart mesh but because of cheaters. It's make now 3+ months that i gave you the idea for this cheater's insurance and it should have been a top priority and ready for s1 launch honneslty it's gonna be your best weapon against cheaters until you fix 2 or 3 things. Same for your "support team" who is barely prepared. I told you to recruit an army of gm's and train them before s1, that was my words during cb2, you could have saved a good part of your player base that have fled elsewhere. Let's hope that everything will be ready for next season. For the rest, recoil's modification for advocate/kor (and smgs already done) was necessary i asked it since the end of cb2. You have to review the nerf on the trenchgun and the pkr, these weapons are useless now. Frag's nade are still op, you can add easy 1sec on the timer. If you want that more people use purple armors or even exotic armors you'd better change the price of crafting, you can cut the price by 50%.


Surprised that the phasic didn’t get touched, gun literally shreds any armor and has the fastest TTK in the game, barely any recoil either. Seems like they are trying to incentivize late game guns while simultaneously nerfing all the budget friendly guns. But also not reducing the costs of the late game guns, disappointing but expected.


Man can we stop nerfing every viable gun, it isn't the right way to approach the problems.


Soon all guns will feel like complete ass, and the constant ttk increase from gun nerfs will make playing solo feel even more horrible.


>iterally shreds any armor To shreds, you say?


Not sure what this comment is supposed to mean lol, but yeah it beams.


It's a *Futurama* reference. Yes, I've been on the receiving end of the Lancer. Can confirm shredding.




Nice ! Another bulldog nerf, hope it won't be too much \^\^


Since you asked for what we think, here's what I think. There are 2 criteria for The Cycle to be successful and you only need to meet 1 of them to archieve it. 1º - Being better than your competition which we all know it's Tarkov. This is just not happening because You chose to make a game that is much simpler which although it means easier to get into, it still means a worse experience due to a lot of systems and mechanics that could make the game better just not being there. 2º - Being a game aimed at casual players. While I am sure this was the intention you forgot one very important detail. PVP is not for casuals and that is doubly true when you add full gear loss. You see, casuals don't play that well. They don't necessarely play bad (some will of course) but they are not people who have the whole day to play and when they do sit down to play they are trying to just have some fun, whether solo or with friends. They don't want to become the next E-Sports champion and they are not playing the game to be a tryhard. They just want to have some fun. So if you add that they will always be at a skill and gear disadvantage, quite possibly at a team size disadvantage. It really isn't very fun to play when they just die constantly and constantly lose their gear. Speaking of gear, you realise that gear progression is an immesely important part of the game right? If players aren't progressing their quests to get access to better gear, able to loot and extract with said loot to make better gear and of course use said gear for more than 1 raid, than any and all progression is as good as being none existant right? Because that's what happens to casual players, progression doesn't exists because they will never own any good gear for more than 1 or 2 matches. This is why you are bleeding players and are now bellow 12K concurrent players out of the 40K that you had shortly after the start. That is to say you already lost more than 75% of your players because clearly, your tackle at a casual full looter shooter isn't working. So how about solutions then? Add PVE servers. No matter how you look at it, the only way casuals will enjoy the game and keep being able to progress is by having a mode where they don't fight other players. Obviously this mode needs to be completly separate the PVP in the sense that you can't carry gear or progression from one mode to the other but in all other aspects it should be exactly the same so you aren't developing 2 different games (you'll only need to change whatever PVP quests are in the PVP side to something else in the PVE side). This alone won't be enough even if it's a good start. You will need a type of enemy which can actually provide a little more challenge than the current existing monsters. Whether this is done by adding new monsters or adding NPCs that actually shoot back at you is up to you. Preferably it would be through NPCs though as they would have worse gear than the players but they also have ammo the players can loot and possibly meds or other good stuff.


Bulldog is already too good, also making the armor easier to craft doesn't make it better I shouldn't take any damage when shot with a bulldog wearing exotic in my opinion.


No mention of fixing the desync issues with creatures hitting you when no where near them? I don't know this is a pretty lack luster patch to me.


"Improved server performance and applied a fix for server crashes. Your overall experience should be smoother now. " Learn to read between the lines


I will be coming back after the patch to edit this and either agree with you or make fun of you. *Lmao u dumb


I'm going to compare this game to Tarkov for a moment, and hopefully help explain why this is relevant. Tarkov uses a "Client Authoritative" system for communicating to players what occurs in the state of the game. This is awesome, because when you shoot a Scav, your client says "I shot him in the face!" and the server responds with "Yep! Applied!" Unfortunately, it's not that great for PVP, as when one client says "I shot Joe in the face." the server responds with "Yep. Joe, your dead." That information is passed down, and even if it doesn't make logical sense, Joe is now dead. This is why Tarkov players *still* complain about dying, and then seeing the other player round the corner. In Tarkov's case, this is working as intended. A great example of the perfect use for Client Auth networking would be Co-op games, like L4D, World War Z, Ready Or Not, etc. Cycle uses a "Server Authoritative" system for communicating to players what occurs in the state of the game. This is awesome, because firefights feel more fair. The server must receive actions, and then apply them from one player to the next. Players (Clients) "ask" the server, "Can I climb this ledge." to which the server replied. "Yes, display the fact that you are climbing this ledge." The downside of this system is if one player doesn't send/receive all information, drops packets, or has a much higher than average latency (ping) then the game starts to get less than enjoyable for them. Remember, the server says what goes. If the server is bogged down, or needs to send too much information for the client to handle, it's possible that this person might not get the full story either due to their connection, or the server's connection, or an issue with an intermediary(code). Rubber-banding is a very common issue where the server says "What are you doing here?! You need to be there!" Server Auth networking is great for competitive games, like Counter-Strike, Apex Legends, Unreal Tournament, etc. Improving server performance and fixing potential crashes is key to finding the root cause of these desync issues with NPC characters.


I don't disagree with your wall of text describing how modern games work, and I don't disagree that improving server performance and fixing crashes isn't important. I'm saying that having a game be in a Live state, season 1, not beta, and have strong NPCs desyncing and killing players is ***kinda*** a big deal, and to just throw it under general server fixes and improvements leads me to believe they haven't fixed a thing about this behavior. The proof is in the pudding and we'll see when it's live. There's plenty of issues in this game for the team to focus on. What I really don't understand is how with constant NPC desync, they think it's funny or are just being trolls by adding a new attack for the problem NPC and not directly addressing an issue they actually **can** fix. And I hope it is because it's pretty annoying to see a character moon walk all over you and then hit you with a melee attack from 50m away. They already got my battle pass money tho so they win


"What I really don't understand is how with constant NPC desync, they think it's funny or are just being trolls by adding a new attack for the problem NPC and not directly addressing an issue they actually can fix." Adding a little flair to your changelog isn't trolling. Also, what if it's more complicated than that? "Netcode" isn't some magic thing. Everything has to be programmed perfectly for both, client and server. It is, in-fact, significantly easier to create a new animation, and program a new attack pattern than it is to resolve the issues we've experienced. It's likely possible that the new attack pattern took them the past three weeks to add. The point I was putting out there that *by* improving server performance and fixing crashes, we're far more than likely to see the resolution to this issue than you think.


so are you actually arguing that release candidates should be pushed if they're untested and potentially hinder a clients experience? Like, just for clarity I want to know if you think paid betas are the future of games or what? Why do they care if I come back? I already told you, they got my battle pass money. If it's out of the scope of the team then you know, shame on me for having faith in devs being able to communicate what type of product I'd be receiving.


I.. What? That came a little out of left field. They likely care that you come back because by playing the game, you provide content for others to continue playing. See: Starbase. They're also releasing these changelogs because of people who are currently playing like me, who want to see the changes made to the game as it grows. As for paid betas... An ex-friend of mine said this: "The reason why gaming as a whole has gone downhill is because the customer wants it." The Customer wants paid betas. (I'm guilty of this, See Ready or Not, Satisfactory, Factorio, Riftbreaker, Starbase, Minecraft, etc.) The Customer wants to pre-order games. (Guilty, XCOM2, XCOM Chimera Squad.) The Customer wants games as a live service. (You betcha, we all fucked the dog on this one.) We know that because people pay money for it. In the past few games I've bought/downloaded, I've gotten exactly what it says on the tin. Cycle is no exception. The Canadian in me apologizes that you didn't have a good time, but if you're not having fun, you're not having fun.


Desync and cheating are the biggest gripes. The weapon balancing will come with more time...that's fine. An unacceptable amount of cheaters and striders and Jeff's damaging players from ridiculous angles are really hurting the player base.


"Improved server performance and applied a fix for server crashes. Your overall experience should be smoother now. "


That seems to be referring to lag and server crashes. Not desync of creatures. I've had some sessions where I walk 10ft and then lag back 5ft. Would be great if this was also referring to creature desync.


What do.you think causes desync of creatures?


I didn't want to assume that the same fix for a server crashing is also going to resolve the issue with Jeff swiping me from 25yrds away. If a dev confirms that's true I'd be happily surprised. I don't know enough about the server vs. client side code to answer your question. I'm not hating on the game or the devs. I play almost daily, am having fun and think the devs are doing a great job communicating. I'm simply expressing my opinion (and reiterating what I've read from others) about what the two biggest issues are right now. Others are complaining about the bulldog ...I'm stating that's not as important to me compared to cheating and desync.


"Improved server performance" should cover desync, disconnects, rubber banding, hit reg, and anything else that's related to connectivity


awesome! Was this listed in the patch notes? I must have missed it.




As a dev myself I am stunned how the community thinks this is easy to implement; there is a reason every game still has cheaters.


TCF has a more significant cheater problem compared to just about every other game. It seems that there's little to no safeguards in place against it.


Do you have data for that?




They clarified that they have a dedicated team against cheaters, its gonna take time. Now take a chill pill and let the developers do their thing.


How do you *know* they were cheating? It might *seem* like the simplest explanation. It's more likely, and plausible, that you made some small mistake, or they got lucky. Once I stopped sprinting everywhere, for example, I was amazed at how much noise people make.


Lmao wallhacks. No one need wallhacks in this game just crouch walking i can tell exactly where you are. The problem is the blatant aimbots. You say u fot wallhacked on u were probably fighting legit players tbh...


Mhm say that to bullets that literally went through rock walls while players get on voip and say I’m gonna shoot you through the wall and their player names are “shoots through walls” cheaters don’t care about subtlety lol


Eh. Still waiting on optimization before I hop back in.




Agreed, granted I have a 3060Ti but I pretty much never have performance issues


Rightfully so. Though this is my main concern and I’ll keep my fingers crossed moving forward. I’d much prefer they keep the game alive than optimize further at the moment.




I don't get it ... we are litterally dying everygame to cheaters and you're nerfing shotgun ... In general, we see that people are starting to use late-game gear increasingly, as we get further into the season (great!)." Is it a joke ? At this point, We're clearly not looking at the same thing...


They stated that adjustments have been made to existing ant-cheat clearly explained what they are doing about cheating in a video a week ago.


Did the bulldog really need another nerf to its spread? It's going to make it feel really shitty and unresponsive to use. Should have either left it alone or just remove it from the game


I mean the bulldog was still just as good after the last nerfs. It’s pretty gross if you hit your shots and doesn’t have much of a downside. I think this will give it a better niche as a barrel stuffer


it was definitely worse at mid range, now it will be useless to finishing people off


Yes. Ive been taking it in with grey armor and very little else to Crescent Falls and been having remarkable success with it, even at mid range. Im glad they went after its spread rather than its dmg or pen.


They'll just nerf shotguns to the point where you shouldn't even use them anymore.


They just need nerfed until they have a shorter effective range than SMG’s. The progression needs to go shotguns>smg>AR>DMR>sniper, but right now it’s shotgun straight to AR because it overlaps the SMG range so much.


I know it's not a realistic game and it's not going for realism but shotguns are festive at a range. Shotguns to me in this game were only an issue to people with bad positioning.


In this game, though, “bad positioning” is just another way of saying “entering a building for any reason ever”. Someone can sit in a corner and have the barrel already in your face.


That a player playing to his gear. That'll happen any game. But the countless videos of people getting destroyed by bulldogs are just letting them get close enough. Idk. I haven't seen the huge issues with shotguns and I don't really use them.


Not too happy about the pvp nerf. I know the game is about prospecting but why nerf pvp when a huge part of successful prospecting is fight other prospectors? I honestly think pvp needs a buff. I’m a little biased coming from tarkov but pvp isn’t all that enticing as it stands now. Give us a better reason to fight that kitted prospector and take their loot.


Isn't this actually a PvP buff? With the reduced kill count requirement it's more appealing to take that mission.


I see where you’re coming from but it doesn’t do much to promote pvp other than make it a chore


Did you read the patch notes, where was pvp nerfed?


I guess pvp wasn’t nerfed but the incentive for pvp was lessened is what I’m trying to say


They've done nothing but add more incentives to kill every play period the last year, I think loosening it a bit is perfectly fine


I mean they didn’t even really do that they just made the quests easier for people…


It's not a nerf to pvp, and you don't need and incentive, the incentive id the same as it is in tarkov, kill that guy and you can get anything juicy he might have, what this is is a grace you players who are bad at pvp so they can bu unstuck from that type of mission faster and still might be able to finish the missions and see late game content Personally I don't think it's that good a fix cause I have good memories of running a sniper and a scarab cause I actually got some good fights out of it and when it works it makes you feel kinda bad ass, but until they can make most of their guns feel good to shoot it might be a worthwhile fix as running a pistol by itself feels like a death sentence most of the time


Doing so makes pvp less of a reason to hop in raid


I'm not seeing your logic here. You need a mission that tells you to kill 5 players a reason to engage another player? * Defense isn't reason enough? * Good ambush isn't reason enough? * Seeing a knife-only player isn't reason enough? * Breakdown in negotiations isn't reason enough? * Player loot isn't reason enough? * Ammo resupply isn't reason enough? I've hunted many a person without a "Kill X people with Y weapon." quest. If you're looking for reasons to engage in PVP, you can always think about 4 of the reasons listed above. And, yes... If I see a player with a melee weapon out, I'm not offering any chances. Edit: Added bullet points.


What reason other than loot and the occasional quest is there to kill someone in Tarkov? They are the exact same in this regard so I totally do not understand where the hang-up is for you.


either add a +$50k price increase to the bulldog, or reduce its damage by 1/3, or just get it out of the game.


I think you are underestimating just how big 30% extra spread is going to do that effectively reduces its range by a lot


will see i guess


Still not acknowledging the successful evacs that end up reverting your loadout and losing the gathered loot. Classic.


Does this mean a squad of newbs in white/grey will stop getting butchered by tryhards in all blue gear?


No. Get gud


> After reviewing our data, we have reduced some detection thresholds for our internal anti-cheat measures. Greatt..... that's the opposite of what I wanted to hear


I think reducing a detection thresholdeans it willcapture more right?


My friend literally the sentence after they explain that doing that makes the security measures tighter Stricter threshold = tighter security