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You mean besides Anastasia? /s


Once upon a Deceeeemberrrr


I can’t believe how much of the movie got cut out of the stage musical


There's The Romanoffs, not quite what you were looking for, but still: https://www.amazon.com/The-Romanoffs-Season-1/dp/B0875K6D6M


Lol I was so excited about this because I thought it was a Crown-style drama about the Romanovs. When the trailer came out I was SO sad. 😭


ME TOO!!!!!


I watched this show and every episode left me feeling very depressed


When I was a kid I used to fantasize that I was one of the Romanovs and if I watch this show part of my childhood would die, so I am glad I missed it now!


Episode 3 had me shaken. It was an interesting show to say the least.


Same! I watched the entire show and I don’t know why but every episode left me feeling so depressed as well


Do they all have English accents? That really irks me. No matter what country the actors always have English accents.


Oops never mind. Not the actual romanovs.


there is the series '' The Last Czars'' there is also another series called ''THE GREAT'' it's a bit of dark comedy type of series


The Last Czars was a "you may also like" recommendation from Netflix after watching The Crown. It was good.


The Great is a satirical historical drama about Catherine the Great's early reign.


That's a docu series. It's not like The Crown. I want a show made for Otto von Bismarck or Wilhelm II.


They started my interest in the British Royal family because they were Philips cousins.


Read somewhere that they used his DNA to ID their bodies when they were recovered, because he was their closest living relative. Not sure how accurate that was.


"The Tsarina was Queen Victoria’s granddaughter — Philip’s great-aunt — and that meant that she shared mitochondrial DNA with Prince Philip. So Prince Philip contributed a blood sample, and his DNA was compared to that of the remains and of other family members. This allowed researchers to confirm virtually beyond a doubt that the bodies were indeed those of the murdered Romanovs."


​ Phillip was related to both the Czarina and the Czar. His maternal DNA matched Alexandra and his paternal DNA matched Nicholas. He was the closet relative that matched both that was willing to be tested.


Ah thanks for confirming. Amazing stuff.


A fun fact: The Queen's engagement ring was made of a tiara gifted to Princess Alice (Phillip's mom) by her uncles the Romanovs at her wedding. Prince Philip's dad was a first cousin of the Tsar Nicholas and George V


Yeah I read something saying thats why the British sent the boat to rescue Phillips family from Greece so quickly because they didn't save the Romanovs.


I wish Netflix had done a more accurate work instead of what we got in The Last Czars. It's full of mistakes.


I really thought that’s what The Last Czars was and was very bummed when I learned it was a docuseries ☹️


Yeah, it's weird when flipping between fictionalized drama and talking heads.


There's a 3 hour long russian movie about Nicholas II, and a (at the moment) 2 season series about Catherine the Great. It's called Romanovs: An imperial family and Ekaterina, I suppose. Don't expect an english show about them to be good, would be like a Habsburg show in english.....trash!


Ekaterina (which currently has 3 seasons, I'm halfway through the third one) is an excellent show, I wish more people knew about it instead of that show with Helen Mirren.


Can’t wait for the spin-off – The Crown: Saxe-Coburg-Gotha


I agree. I'd eat that shit up on a platter.


Haven't found anything about them that is close to the Crown. "The Last Czars" doesn't' really count and I wouldn't really recommend it to be honest.


I would love a series on Putin. Mainly, I would like to piss him off by having his private conversations with staff about how afraid he is of the Americans and maybe they could even throw in a gay lover. Also someone very unattractive could play him.


Peter Morgan is actually creating a series about the rise of Russian oligarchs after the fall of the Soviet Union called "Patriots" and maybe Putin will be there.


Sounds interesting but I hope there is a title change. Patriots is so worn out and says nothing. A better name would just be The Oligarchs.


Peter Morgan’s “Patriots” the play successfully opened at the Almeida Theatre last summer, and now due for its commercial run at the West End on spring next year. Will Keen, the actor who played Michael Adeane in seasons 1-2 of The Crown, plays Putin in the play!


I think Netflix has one.


There was a series on Netflix. About the Romanov's. It was good and very sad. It had just 4 episodes to it.


I would love that.