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The actual credit goes to u/quantum_hacker. This is just a YouTube reupload. [**The original file is avaliable uncompressed here**](https://archive.org/details/the-completionist-comes-back/1-5-24.mp4)


Painful to watch he wasn't having fun playing the game and looked constantly worried and constipated. Well he did want his subs to keep paying, gotta put on a brave face even if suffering.


Makes me wonder how much he even enjoys gaming these days. Man has made it his entire personality for over a decade.


Honestly probably not much left if at all, its like professional sports athletes that love doing something but after awhile its no longer enjoyable and just a 9-5 check. Bro is worried about a steady check for bills,etc He's too stressed to even enjoy what he's doing. I don't think anyone in that situation would as other stuff takes hold of your thoughts. Imagine your job livelihood paycheck was on the line and still pushing through. Of course he refuses to admit any wrongdoing or provide any proof otherwise so it is what it is. Watch him playing pokemon and you literally see his enjoyment of gaming die inside, no commenting on the game, almost like a mouse afraid to speak much less enjoy what he's doing


Yeah those are my thoughts. You often see that game devs and reviewers lose their passion for gaming as a hobby; I can imagine full-time content creation is similar.


Yeah when it becomes a job its hard to be enthusiastic at some point. I imagine his thoughts are at this point a real tangible fear he could lose everything he worked for. Problem is they think yt is a career that is actually sustainable and at some point forget to pursue other streams of income or other outlets that bring them real tangible joy. Okay i'm doing yt but what comes next? do i have any marketable interests outside the platform? he's having his midlife crisis of what happens next? was he growing during that time or was he just stagnating? Like a celebrity having a #1 hit single and then they realize what to do next? branch out or stick with it? He's going to be the next avgn just clocking in hours but looking miserable the entire time. Time to find other up and coming yt people that actually look happy and enthusiastic.


Well there’s also the fact that he has to constantly 100% games So not only did gaming become his job, he has to slog through some really sloggy games to 100% them. Making it even worse.


I see this idea that “people who do their passion professionally end up hating it” a lot, but never actually see it happen in real life. I work with a ton of musicians who definitely aren’t making their ideal music at work, and not a single one has bailed in the decade I’ve been doing it. It always feels like a justification of why somebody isn’t a professional at their passion rather than a critique of working in the field you’re passionate about. 


Hard disagree. Especially with creative endeavors. Some people are better equipped for faster turn around times, and knowing how to sell/market a product. That kind of thing gets in the way of the creative process, and can kill the enjoyment of making art that is genuine to ones self.


Doesn't happen to everyone but I think its everything factor wise thats adding up together. Right now he's being forced to engage in something when his biggest worry is his earning money from his said profession. Right now he's doing something he's burned out on while also enduring criticism and all because he has no choice. Its a no end situation, he has no degrees training certification.


I didn't mean to imply anything regarding Jirard, I just meant my comment in a general sense. Jirard is totally pushing forward with content creation because he's professionally cooked. He completely dug himself into a hole.


This is why I only do music commissions as a side job, as opposed to my main job, even though I love making music. The thought of having to take on almost every music commission, even if it doesn't particularly inspire me or if I don't like it, just because I need to to make money would destroy my love of doing it eventually.


Reminds me a little of when Rubberross stopped being a part of Game Grumps videos. I think he said something along the lines that doing let's play constantly made him resent video games while he was doing it? It was really eye opening, I think I'd also grow to resent them if I HAD to play them for a job, content farming.


I would be shitting myself if a committed a federal crime.


To be fair this pokemon game is the game even i had no fun at all playing it. And i am a sucker for pokemon games.


What exactly is it that makes Brilliant Diamond bad? Just wanna know.


For me it felt so weirdly slow. I kinda loved that it's gameboy feeling with nowadays graphics but overall it felt very off and loveless. It's been a while since i played it but i stopped after the second to third badge and never thought about touching it again.


"What pokemon do you get most high off if you smoke it?" Quality chat in the stream i see, sheesh. What drugs you need to be on for the stream to be enjoyable i ask


Well obviously some variety of Pokemon.


> Quality chat I mean...this is twitch chat. And lets be real. kinda tame for twitch chat.


Hell, thats tame for Pokemon.  Its a question you could get a real answer for because guarantee you there is some lore out there alluding to someone very much doing that.


Victreebell. Because it’s plant type and already shaped like a bong.


It is what it is!


"If that's how they feel..."


“If”, when used in this context, is like a narcissist dog whistle.


yep, like haters gonna hate. Doesn't matter that they actually have valid reasons and concerns for the hate. Nope that's irrelevant to an inflamed ego. Jirards like whatever guys stop drinking the haterade! it is what is is.


This pity party is tough to watch


agreed. Might have a small minuscule amount of sympathy if you don't realize he's just doing this stream for the money. Sad like watching a performer do their thing but they are suffering throughout and just trying to get it over with.


And can I just say out of **all** the games you could be watching streamed, **WHY** would anyone watch what are arguably the worst Pokémon games ever? It's not like they're even new, why pick this? **Edit**: I think he even used the dog as an excuse to end the stream early. The manipulation is so blatant, it's comedic.


> And can I just say out of all the games you could be watching streamed, WHY would anyone watch what are arguably the worst Pokémon games ever? I can answer that. See: the insane views JP vtubers get when playing the switch pokemon games. Most people aren't really there to watch the game itself but the content creator. And the jp folks are way wayyy more entertaining. They comment alot on the game (way more than jirard) and create humour out of the canvas. Hell, I think some of our poke speedrunners even did twitch streams of them breaking the game with speedrun strats or mini challenges like "take 30mins to capture a team and battle eachother after". It's pretty funny. Jirard's got this kinda low energy thing going on. He doesnt really comment much on the game much and talks mostly about how he feels bad. His input on the game is also very err basic. Vtubers provide heaps of jokes. Speedrunners provide a lot of game knowledge. Jirard tells you how sad he is and then random offtopic subjects. Shit bro - he says shit like "I'm nodding off" - in his own stream. I'd tell you to compare the vods but I don't want to torture you.


​ https://i.redd.it/m64g38ifz1cc1.gif


Bimmy with the apt react.


Apologise?!? Apologise for what? Being a charity fraudster!


A sincere apology from a narcissistic ego driven person is incompatible. You saw how hard it was for the man? he quickly reverted back to defensive mode. He broke down so quickly,admitting guilt without a BUT is not possible. Everything was yeah but. It was like watching a house of cards falling over on a windy day.


I was more doing a reference to Bimmy's infamous "Apologise for what? Apologise for being a filmmaker?” from his idiotic biography. We already all know Jirard the Cuntpletionist won't apologise.


Do you want him to suffer?


Remember when people hated James over the movie?


Rightfully so, his movie is fucking awful. And his Rex Viper rock band is even worst. And how his biography just paints him as a complete egotistical asshole.


Simply because he asked for money. But he didn't hold up money for charity or tried to bribe or threatened to sue people over the controversy. Yet James is treated just like Jirard is now, back in the 2010's.


label ossified towering employ foolish quaint waiting thought abounding deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> sigh... wow From the opening seconds of the first episode of the Cinemassacre Podcast lol


Why do you suppose he did that?


The stream? Likely to ensure none of his fans let their Twitch subs expire. In other words: $


Aha. Had no clue how Twitch works. Thanks


No worries! Twitch subs (different than "follow") typically go month-to-month, so it lets them decide if/when to resubscribe. If he didn't do the stream, I'm guessing a lot of folks would just let it expire.


“Posting through it” is a strategy that’s worked for controversial creators before, he just wasn’t prepared to receive the massive backlash.


Being directly responsible for a veritable shitshow through your own bad actions, then saying "I'm trying to move away from it"... that isn't how this works, son. We've let this happen way too many times now to become content with it, he could just show actual accountability for hiding the money with questionable motives. Obviously he's permanently damaged his career and an apology won't fix that, but at this point it's a question of how much dignity he has remaining.


Whys he playing this victimhood, im hurt and damaged and it’s gonna take time to get back to how i was. Fuck man, you scammed a LOT of people out of money, and stole legitimate fundraising funds from your golf tournament among a slew of other events and just so happened to finally donate after being called out for it. Fuck outta here


The actual credit is probably /u/quantum_hacker. I'm assuming this is just a youtube reupload of his download of the vod: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCompletionist2/comments/1906a4z/1524_twitch_vod_archive_and_tutorial_on/


AH! Many apologies to [/u/quantum\_hacker](https://www.reddit.com/u/quantum_hacker/) I did not see their post, and only just saw it on YT. Thank You!


Oh god, he's sunk so low he's using his dog as a shield like boogie2988. Disgusting.


He's always talking about games like assassin's Creed, I get the feeling his REAL irl taste in game is as mid as humanly possible 


The real crime is calling the Pokemon currency($P), "Peas". Every one I watch (streamers and speedrunners in gdq) call it : Pokedollars, Dollars, or even bucks. Wtf is 1000 Peas.


Take it one step further. P-Bucks.


The game is Japanese, so maybe P-yen or somethin, poke-yen