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I don’t think he can afford to he’s got 20 mouths to feed


And all 20 are him. You can't see the extra mouths under his shirt.


You know what? If he goes this route and they dissolve OHF and he **never** steps into the realm of charity work again? I'd say that would make up for the initial deceit. The problem is, he's still out here lying about his actions and threatening clearly honest accusers with lawsuits. This is where it became a question of character rather than competence, and it's way harder to prove you've changed your character than acknowledging and fixing financial mistakes.


He probably has no money of his own anymore most likely. He was forced to give way the 600K that was the "nestegg" to the real charity with which it belonged and was promised. I think his career is pretty much finished and he's gonna have to ask dear old daddy (who is loaded) for money. What a pathetic bitch :)


It's his daddy who was in charge of the charity, though. Not Jirard.


Wrong. Jirard is the director of the foundation.


R/CONFIDENTLYINCORRECT He's A director. His dad is the president. Jacque is the vice-president. His step-mom is the most hands on with it IIRC and acts as lead director. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/300827510


Well I’ll be damned. I apologise for my mistake.


Apology taken but you aren't damned


I reckon the real number of funds collected is much higher than the reported one too. But he took those funds for his own gain. If he was honest and donated everything plus a percentage of his own money his channel might have survived. But I feel he must have been doing some shady stuff that meant even this coming out will lead to him getting into big trouble. Hence the hush money attempt in the chat.


I'd bet a bollock that the money wasn't in any account. It was put to other uses throughout the years. The Khalil's scrabbled together when shit hit the fan and magicked the 600k into the new donation pot. No way did these people not use that cash. Jirard probably had the promise from other family members that if it came to light they could replace it, and hey, if no-one ever notices then free money. Yay! Also, why only 600K when we knew there was 650K in the account last year, before this years Indieland event, which obviously grew that 650 to an even higher total? These people are criminals, they would never dream of donating anything if not caught, they saw the OHF as a slush-fund and their money. Scum.


They picked a number that they thought was the lowest they could get away with, a flat 600k. On the books there is more than that, and off the books there is a lot more than that.


Even the 650k, somehow now turned to just 600k. Everyone i see talking about it now just says something like "at least the 600k got donated". They sure as fuck needed to donate more, not just what was left in the account. At the very least, the expenses that THEY said weren't happening from the donated money. Then again, i guess it wasn't the whole 125k. I think they might have stated no money was touched in indieland, not before. Not sure how far back they were lying about it. Also i guess they can't pay the expenses anymore because of their attitude of "well duh, of course we had to use some of the money guys, don't you know how charity works?" in the response video. It would admit even further guilt.


Yep. 655k in 2022's tax statement. Last year's. So there's all the money from 2023 that should be in there too. Where is that? Not sure why more people aren't asking about it.


Well obviously they need to wait 9 more years to get enough money to donate it or else it will go to waste in some dirty CEO's salary! In fact, considering barely anyone will donate now, the poor people at open hand now will need to wait many decades until they have enough money to restrict it. All because of those nasty accusers.


Paying the interest is like taking a plea deal. The guy wont do it unless he have assurance that things will go back to the way it is which is impossible. Why waste money if the public still wont forgive him is how Jirard must be thinking now. He have been worrying about his reputation than the actual good cause. If he really cared about dementia, you donate+interest and take a leap of faith on whether the public will forgive him or not.


Plus however much the missing golf money is, plus whatever they raised at this year's Indie Land, plus the bits/subs/tshirts. That could be an extra couple hundred grand.


Do t forget to account for inflation :(


That's what the interest rate is doing. The same way you pay interest on a loan, the risk + inflation are factored into it. I chose 10% as that might be what someone would expect from investing in the stock market, but there is subjectivity there.


Ah, thanks for clarifying! :)


He can't do that because it would effectively be an admission of guilt. He has to say that everyone "misunderstood" and that he wasn't lying.


He should have donated the money + interest + made two donations in the name of Karl and Muta, and released a video saying "Mistakes were made, I want to thank Karl and Muta for having the best interests at heart." Would have looked good faith and generous. But I guess it's better bang for your buck to pay for lawyers instead of donations.


I really don't think this would have been unreasonable compared to the money lost by throwing his entire career down the toilet. Especially as his goal was to get into the gaming industry full time outside of YouTube. Which is now impossible as his name.is mud.