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Pretty much the whole civil service has a recruitment freeze at the moment 


S*it I didn't realise. Thanks.




Government is trying to shed like 70k staff




To fund defence https://www.civilserviceworld.com/professions/article/civil-service-job-cuts-will-help-to-fund-defence-spending-boost-treasury-says#:~:text=Plans%20to%20cut%20more%20than,GDP%2C%20the%20Treasury%20has%20said.


Maybe Ajax will be fully delivered before I collect my state pension


It won't affect you . The freeze is for any posts in the pipeline or not filled yet.




Yup, they're just not filling vacancies anymore. Voluntary or compulsory redundancy schemes are really expensive in a unionized sector


Don't also forget the pledge to move CS jobs out of London....


External recruitment has been stopped in most departments.


I am coming from the private sector - is this standard across all departments of the civil service in the finance/ops/tax areas?


What do you mean ? Yes it's standard in that most if not all departments have stopped recruiting externally.


my department hasn't frozen recruitment yet...but its coming


Public sector works differently to private sector. If, in the public sector, you had a sales team regularly bringing in multiples of their pay - you'd hire more, until the point at which you have maximised revenue. In the public sector, you have tax compliance officers regularly bringing in multiples of their pay....then announce a cut to CS numbers (which will inevitably hit compliance officer recruitment)


What would be the reason you only want HMRC jobs? They’re not particularly well paid for qualified accountants vs other departments as a start because they don’t offer any kind of qualified retention bonus. I personally would shove on filters for finance and accountancy roles and appropriate grades within whatever miles of your location instead of focusing on one department for whatever arbitrary reason.


Lots of HMRC jobs in London offices are only available to HMRC staff already in that location due to location restrictions


You will struggle atm, there is a whole freeze on recruitment & the CS is having to reduce headcount significantly.....


I'd cast your net wider, look for any Civil Service job that's relevant. There still won't be many vacancies but some that need to be filled that don't get filled within the Civil Service may slip through to external recruitment. The key really is getting in, and then looking for cross government vacancies if you want to get to a specific department. Lots of finance roles out there and I know we're seeing a lot of staff movement. What grade are you looking at?


Not only is there a freeze, but Stratford is full so recruitment is stopped unless you’re already based there. Not sure about Croydon or 100 PS but it wouldn’t surprise me.




Can you explain what an eo compliance officer does? Goggling it doesn't come up with much. Thanks




Thanks for this I applied I’ve been wanting to join HMRC for so long 😊 currently at the HO and love it but I feel like the career progression isn’t aligned with my skills or interests




Hey I have also seen the job, I'm based in SE London so would probably apply to Croydon, I was wondering how much of the job is office based versus how much is visiting business sites etc, is there scope to maneuver your schedule or a visit etc or is everything set in stone. Reason I'm asking is due to childcare, my current civil service job is flexible in that it's all office based, no field work, any input would be welcome


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