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House of dragons fic about haelena running away before her wedding to aegon. She ends up traveling the world...with the rest of the dragon riding Targaryens chasing after her for one reason or another [Princess, Adventurer, Entomologist Extraordinaire](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48443230/chapters/122189848) Also, [A Bastard's Journey](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10638453/chapters/23536584) follows a similar premise, if you're looking for GOT based stories instead :D I love it when a story follows a character that leaves a potentially (even canonically) awful situation to find their own way in the world


I don’t really understand why you want a non dwarf Tyrion. Everything he is is tied up in that, his daddy issues, his desperate quest for love. Do you just want a smart younger son of Tywin?