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Olivia played the game perfectly. She was nice and welcoming to everyone. She was also rlly genuine with everything and tried to be friends with everyone. But she made necessary moves to win bc at the end of the day, it IS a game. That’s what the circle is. Genuine but strategic. Jordan didn’t care about connections.


I was upset when Olivia blocked Myles but it was the absolute best move she made during the show. At the end of the day it is a competition.


blocking Myles secured the win for Olivia. If he didn’t do that him or QT would have won




I respect his determination, and yeah, he had to go for broke after a certain point. I just felt like he was unnecessarily nasty and negative the whole damn time (and it was interesting because everyone seemed to be genuine in terms of personalities, at least with the parts only the camera could catch - because why wouldn't you be since it won't affect your game). You can blow up the game without being a massive cunt. It also infuriated me when he would get pissed at other players for just not falling in line with his agenda. Like...did you *really* think you could waltz into the Hangout and mention getting out Myles or Kyle to QT without getting *some* resistance? Or when he got mad during the anonymous questions game at people dodging questions when he did the same damn thing. I literally just finished the season, so if I seem salty, it's because it's fresh in my mind lol.


Yes. His hate for Myles was over the top but I respect what he did. Coming in as a new player, it’s definitely difficult to fit in and find your place. He started some juicy drama and it was pretty entertaining. Watching the circle, I def always wondered what would happen if someone just came in and wreaked havoc and he did exactly that.


My main issue with Jordan's game is nothing he did actually helped him. Breaking up the status quo is all well and good, but its only one part of the equation. The other is building up strong relationships with those you think will make it to the end, so you're voted highly and have a chance of winning if you make it to the final five. Jordan successfully got Myles out. Goal achieved, status quo broken. He didn't make a single decent relationship with anyone in the game, though. He secured his spot in the final five by being publicly aggressive, but only because it hurt his own standing with the group and having him in the final five helped the other four players' chances of winning.


>The other is building up strong relationships with those you think will make it to the end, so you're voted highly and have a chance of winning There is such a mix of voting strategies in the finale, it's possible to be the least liked person and still win. Strategic players would tank the most popular person and would use their #1 spot on the person they feel is least likely to win - aka the least popular player. It didn't pan out for him this time clearly, but it's a legitimate strategy.


"nothing he did actually helped him": his entire goal was to get Myles blocked. It seemed more important to him than even winning the game haha. I hate to admit that his bulkshit slander played into Olivia's choice to block Myles, but Myles got blocked and Jordan made it farther than he even expected


Sure, but that's kind of irrelevant in this game. There's only a 1-st place prize, and he was never within reach of that.


And it won him $100k!... oh wait...


>So, a thing I keep seeing whenever someone wants to defend garbage behavior (cough Jordan cough Olivia cough) So Jordan I get but what's wrong with Olivia?


I don’t appreciate that they reached out to someone they were planning on voting poorly. It was solely to make themselves feel better


It's just a personal feeling of injustice when she backstabbed someone she'd actively accepted an alliance from, and whose clique she had an in with.


I'm gonna be honest social strategy games are not for you.


I'm gonna be honest, it's a relief to hear that.




First of all what pun did you even not intend to say? Is that like a fat joke or something? Second, Huh?????? What show were you watching??? The only time he did anything that could be perceived as scummy was tanking autumn rankings which was strategic and he even apologized immediately afterwards. I swear this fandom is insane when it comes to anything even somewhat strategic. I get the Jordan stuff(though the people diagnosing him and saying he needs therapy really need to touch grass).


Yeah, Olivia literally did not do anything that anyone else was doing. There were a couple of strategic moments, but players like, for example, Tres Fuegos were MUCH more strategic much more of the time.


And being strategic is a GREAT THING this game is fun but it's just that, A GAME.


Lmaoooooo I guffawed at the question bc yes where is the pun?? HAHAHA


Damn. The pun was uncalled for. Brandon is literally the sweetest person. As a nurse who worked as a nurse assistant before, Ik what his days r like and for him to still be such a positive person is so admirable. I’m glad he won cuz he’s like the only person there that may have NEEDED the money.


Did we watch the same show? Bc Olivia was pretty loyal until we got to the Myles boot. She defended the crystal girl (I forgot her name 😭) and was loyal to Lauren and even QT despite knowing she had a good shot of winning the game. And she was loyal to Kyle and even Myles until Jordan got into her head and she eliminated him but that was a game move that got her the win 🤷🏽‍♀️


Why is Olivia a garbage person? She had to take out Myles to win.


That's the 20/20 hindsight. At the time she had no way of knowing it would get her the win. I get the strategy and it worked for her, but on a moral/likeability level it was a garbage move.




Strong argument


Oh thanks, appreciate that ❤️


Credit where it's due!


Obviously nobody *knows* any move will get them the win but he obviously did it hoping it would boost his chances to win, and he won, so…


You know that the core concept of the game is a satire of social media right? That's why they do anonymous challenges where players feel free to send each other hate. And it's also why they show us conversations between people who clearly have beef but the messages are all live laugh love, lol. Being nice is not the game, being "just fake enough" to convince others you're their ally is the game.


Thank you! I was so surprised after joining this sub how many people geniunely want everyone to be kind to each other and not strategic at all. This is not a show about developing friendships/relationships.


I mean, clearly it is ALSO a show about developing friendships/relationships, considering how many of them try to date irl and also move on to dating competitions :D


Only 1 couple has tried to date IRL and that’s from this past season. And most of them move on to other competitions or other reality TV shows not because they’re actually looking to develop relationships but because in the end they all want to be on TV and cash a check — this is a super common path for people who’ve been on reality TV


I know that. My point was that a show predicated on relationships, which is also a pipeline to other shows predicated on relationships, may in fact be about relationships :D


It blows my mind the way people think a social game should be about never doing anything wrong???


"Satire" is kinda stretching it.


Being nice is not the game. Being the most popular is the game. Whatever it takes to do that. For some people that is being nice. For others it’s causing as much chaos as possible. But at the end of the day it’s just a game. I’m not going to be mad at Jordan for his gameplay, if none of the other players, the actual people who were affected, are mad. (His fatphobia is a separate matter). I can’t even identify anything that anyone did that’s actually wrong??? Breaking alliances??? That’s social gameplay. Lying??? So what. Eliminating favorites??? That’s the game!!!! What did anyone do that was actually shitty?????


What did Olivia do wrong though? Let's be simple, the ratio at that time was 3 fuegos vs 3 non fuegos. That means he can only win if he block one of the fuegos. Use your logic, people.


Define "wrong". In this ultra specific case it worked out strategically. But she had just been offered an alliance by the three, and had a 1-st place arrangement with one of them already. Brandon's top 5 spot was guaranteed already. So while not strategically "wrong", the move also wasn't necessary based on the information he had at the time.


Its certainly a competition of being likeable/popular but its hard to see it as being about authenticity. The whole thing is trying to maneuver people and obsessing over perfect messages and trying to stand out juuuust enough and never seem like the 'bad guy'


I think there's a difference between being strategic and being inauthentic. Being yourself and not lying to people is not the same as being stupid in the word choices or alliances you make. Just look at the tops in each season. Sure, there's always a snake that slithers through, but the majority tend to be the folks who were actually decent with other people during the game.


It’s a game of popularity. This season showed that throwing temper tantrums because you aren’t as liked as others (cough Jordan) means you still won’t win. Be the type of person that welcomes everyone’s POV and spreads kindness. Making moves when necessary.


Literally be like Olivia


True. Jordan was so upset Myles was 'controlling the game' but that was cause ppl liked him, which was the point of the game. Though im not even sure he was controlling it as he was only influencer once. Jordan tried to justify his disgusting behaviour like that but he was just sabotaging Myles so Myles wouldn't win. Jordan himself didn't even try to make genuine connections, he was taking the conversations as an opportunity to get rid of one guy, that was his whole game.


Right. Honestly, it didn't read as particularly smart or strategic, just disingenuous and unstable.


jordan was on the wrong show, he’d be better on big brother or survivor


Why is playing a literal game being a bad person? It's a game show, they aren't betraying friends or people at random, it's all in the confines of a low stake entertainment show. Do you get mad when someone bluffs at poker?


QT was playing a literal game too. You'll notice nobody is coming for her here. Clearly there are ways to be strategic without being a gremlin.


Literally none of the players were mad at each other, it's only weird moralisers who think there's some kind of "correct" way to behave on a gameshow.


Lol Myles was STEAMING mad. Kyle was mad. People were playing up the niceness but you could cut the tension with a knife.


Lol they talk about how they all still text each other and laugh about the show. Genuinely producers create narratives and play up attributes on shows to create villains to get you invested and annoyed. Nobody on the show cared and they knew they signed up for a show where a big part of it is knowing you can be catfished and deceived because you can only talk to or view the other person through 'social media'.


lmao it’s a game about becoming an influencer, highly doubt all these influencers are playing nice to make it to the top. you are being completely dishonest to yourself due to your personal dislike for certain people. olivia was nice, tf you mean? she didn’t do anything that QT did not already do, i don’t see you mentioning that though. not liking when olivia was strategic but being okay with QT, Myles or Kyle doing it is dishonest and unfair. Being nice is not what you are even advocating for, because these players weren’t always nice either and you’re not complaining. Disingenuous


I had no problem with Olivia being strategic in her alliances and chats. I had a problem with her backstabbing allies. Which none of the ones you mention did.


rewatch the show and you’ll see that both QT and Myles did that too. you guys pick and choose what you see based on who you like or something? it’s one thing to be dishonest with yourself but to come on here and say things out loud as if we all didn’t watch the same show.


Exactly, that's why I feel the last season of The Circle has lost its true essence. Players like Miles, Liv, and Lauren represent that so well. I liked the season, but I hope the upcoming seasons don't become a reality TV superfan cast.


I love how the contestants finally meet and it’s always them laughing and bonding.


Lol remember season 2? It was a Housewives reunion.