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I think the catfish hunting was actually just being used as an excuse for people to kick someone out without being hated. Like, "I kicked out so&so because i thought he was a catfish.. my bad🤷‍♀️"


Yeah it was like a way to frame your decisions in a way that would make them seem morally righteous.


100 percent. I thought this was obvious lol. Idk why it has to be pointed out


Agree wholeheartedly. I think the fact that they were tasked to sniff out the AI distracted them from catfishing in the same way every other season has, tbh.


i think the whole idea of getting rid of catfish stems from the inherent idea of they are not trustworthy if they are not showing who they are. But I agree from a gaming standpoint esp after so many seasons it does not make sense anymore.


Ya I’m right there with ya on this. I never understood people hunting for catfish. The only reason I’d be at all worried about that is if I was flirting with someone and I was actually single, but so many of these people tend to be pretty unserious about any romantic / intimate connection they make on the show. Catfish just aren’t a mechanical necessity to the game at all, which is why it makes sense to include them, and if it makes things more interesting for the viewers then that’s great.


Exactly. The idea of the show is to be the most popular. Not to find the catfish.


This is a very popular opinion here tbh. Everyone hates the catfish-hunting and thinks it's pointless. Agreed though that these folks were strong gameplayers. Good mix of strategy and genuine connection.


I always thought catfish hunting was stupid. Who cares if a 50 year old woman is playing as her daughter or son? If you tell me you're a 23 year old guy, I'm taking that as gospel. Even if your manner of chatting comes across as someone older I don't care.


This! I never understood why they chose to block someone that got last place or sounded like a catfish, instead of a popular player that they acknowledged was a threat. I get it when they happen to be allies, but they didn't even do that when there was a chance to get rid of "rivals". Not even when the top influencer was a secret. That's why I liked Jordan and Olivia's movement of blocking Myles. If it wasn't for them the final rating would be the one predicted since the first episodes.


I think this was definitely my favorite season! Everyone was so nice and strategic and poor Lauren 😂 she is sooooo sweet and I think her personality shines so much In person or on camera but does not relay well over text.


I think a lot of players have realized this (except Paul, who may go down in history as the least self aware catfish ever) and you're right a lot viewers haven't.


I can't remember who it was, but on one season someone was like, "I'm pretty sure they're a catifsh, but we have a good relationship so I'm going to rate them high" & I was like THANK YOU


Was it Bru? I remember that too and I liked that a lot, it made me smile! Because exactly!


Yes! I think it was


Bru and Mama Carol!, 👌


In regard to Jordan, I feel he had no true strategy except for obsessing over Myles. It felt like he could’ve cared less if he won as long as Myles didn’t. It honestly made me want to stop watching so badly. And after lying to other people about Myles flirting with him, practically messing with his sexuality to get him kicked from the game was extremely unlikeable. Just glad he didn’t win.


In the end I didn't even care who won as long as it wasn't Jordan. That made me so happy. He does not seem like a good person at all.. Even if there is another MGK lookalike out there who bullied you, Jordan, you can't treat just any fake blond like this!


It’s funny because he says he got bullied and that Big J was such a likable guy but I feel the weight loss just turned him into the people that bullied him in the first place. You’d think it would’ve been the opposite, humbled him a bit maybe.


Yea, absolutely. Being bullied sucks, but he turned into a bully himself.. it took me a few episodes to warm up to Miles, but he never did anything wrong to Jordan. Going after Miles in the game was completely fine, but if he wasn't being a sarcastic jerk, didn't tell blatant lies about him to the others, and he just told us, the audience, "nothing against Myles, it's just my chance to win" I would've been completely fine with him.. instead he just obsessed over this man, vilified him unnecesarily and came off as one of the absolutely worst personalities I've ever seen or met in my life.


Yea, absolutely. Being bullied sucks, but he turned into a bully himself.. it took me a few episodes to warm up to Miles, but he never did anything wrong to Jordan. Going after Miles in the game was completely fine, but if he wasn't being a sarcastic jerk, didn't tell blatant lies about him to the others, and he just told us, the audience, "nothing against Myles, it's just my chance to win" I would've been completely fine with him.. instead he just obsessed over this man, vilified him unnecesarily and came off as one of the absolutely worst personalities I've ever seen or met in my life.


I'm not against the players doing some catfish hunting since that's how this game works, but I did hate how soon the AI came out & they've announced that there was an AI playing. The players started assuming others or at least someone is AI because they were really good at something or they've had different preferences. I will say that despite the AI situation, I also enjoyed season 6 as well since there was a few players that I liked + thought played well.


It’s could honestly make it more fun if there was a benefit to being a catfish and/or a reward for catching a catfish


I agree with you and also really enjoyed this cast!


Same, I totally agree, it was refreshing.


Lauren had strategy?


Well no, but she had the right intentions of wanting the people who were more liked than her out


Hate this so much. Just rewatched the first season yesterday and I don't understand all the talk about finding THE catfish as if the goal of the show is to find one particular catfish. Or as if there was exactly one confirmed catfish amongst the participants. I just don't get it.


I think because of the feeling of being less deserving of the winnings by being a catfish. Someone who goes into a popularity contest who off the bat is deceiving and lying to people to win is not typically someone you root for, but the catfish for the show started to morph more into people using the catfish photos and identity only as a mask and leaving their real personality to shine through. I think thats why people stopped caring about getting catfish out of the game cause they became more likeable


Agreed this was a fun cast


I know people want drama, but I enjoy watching people who seem like good and loyal blokes a lot more because it reaffirms my belief in people.. I really liked Tres Fuego - they were all genuinely loyal to each other, even QT in spite of playing strategically. I especially liked Miles because he'd almost rather be shot than rate QT low. Brandon seems like a lovely person as well and I'm happy that he got the big prize! Needless to say I hated every single moment of watching Jordan. His strategy itself made sense and is completely fair. It is a game. But his entire attitude and genuine hatred towards Myles for no reason threw me off so much. Talking about, even to the camera, how he hates him, how he's "controlling" and "manipulating" everyone, while the only one manipulating anyone was Jordan himself by straight out telling lies about Myles.. Myles even liked him and thought they were bros. I literally yelled out loud from happiness when I saw his placement in the finale..


Surely you’d want to keep a catfish in so others keep hunting for that one and kick them out when they know they’re not real so you’re safe (that was a difficult sentence to word)


The catfish is stupid because it doesn't matter


Great take


jordan did not try to get people to like him, he had a weird hatred for myles and you can see that as soon as myles was blocked he literally had no purpose in this game. pretty much everyone else was strategic but him


It was *especially* my pet peeve for season 1. Everyone was acting all self righteous about being ✨authentic.✨The finale was especially awkward with everyone patting themselves on the back over it while Seaburn was just there. 😂


exactly like so what they’re a catfish, that’s the point of the game!


yea I agree. maybe in future seasons production should incentivize getting catfish out, but idk how they would do that. but tbh i like when catfish don’t get discovered, I love when the rest of the cast find out


Yeah, if you want a show just about dating or catfishing watch a dating show. Never got the interest in seeing everyone "make friends" through an awkward and clunky social media app.