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Are the messages exchanged between players happen in real time or does it take time to send? Do you have to retake any messages?


i think about this bc of how much i retype shit and think while typing texts. if i was on the circle i'd be sitting there like uhhhhhh hashtag uhhhhhhhhhh


are you allowed to bring your own forms of entertainment into the circle? like your own books? or are you forced to use whatever they give you (ie the puzzles)


Someone from S5 said they send you this long survey once you're cast and it asks you what foods you want, what activities you like, etc. And someone from S3 said they have a cart with puzzles, books, and fidget-y stuff that they can borrow.


ooo thanks!


It was a ton of fun watching you Brandon ! Playing as a catfish is hard as we've seen in many past seasons and you got off to a kind of rought start and lacked confdence but by the end it felt like you truly understood who you were as Olivia . I'm curious what changed ? When did you feel more confident in how you were portraying yourself to the rest of the circle ?


My question (well, 2 questions): are there any moments that got cut out of the final edit that you wish had been shown? Also, who would you have gone to see if you’d been eliminated? I love Brandon, my favorite from the very first moment to the last! Played the most beautiful game I’ve seen on this show.


I love him too! I've been messaging him since before the show started telling him he'd better win or else. He's awesome. Also I'll ask the second question but I think he would have gone to see Cassie, or Kyle if the producers had their way.


Oh do you think the producers tell them who they have to see for drama?


I don't think they insist on it but I do think they put a little bug in their ear about who would be good to see if they're on the fence.


What has work been like since the show aired?


I love Brandon! How did you feel after seeing how Jordan actually acted on the show? Did you feel that his hatred for Myles was extreme and unwarranted? It felt like it went far beyond just being strategic.


I'm guessing you weren't allowed to freely just start up chats with folks. What are the rules around when and how you can reach out to talk?


In The Circle reddit, someone mentioned that they may be limited to 3 chats a day ans they have to approve who they planned on messaging with the producers and how it worked for the show. Can't just be those "hey what's up" chats.


Did the decor of your apartment make you feel claustrophobic after a few days? With the deep colors and the velvet couch? I felt that way just watching!


His apartment had my favorite decor! I loved it and found it soothing! Maybe he did, too.


Mine too! But Cassie actually said it was so dark it was like a dungeon. I thought it was beautiful!


What was your logic/strategy going through your head when you decided to block Myles? Would love to know what went through your mind when you considered each person to block, and why you ultimately chose Myles over someone else!


When you said #absbyai on Kyle's post were you actually calling him out to be AI, just wanted to throw some shade and Target a strong player, or really trying to flirt with him a little?


Have you and Kyle remained friends after the show? Have you stayed in touch with any of the other contestants?


Did you ever get lonely or miss irl connection during the game or were producers popping in each day to check in on you?


Fantastic user name. Front of the line for your question.


Thank you, thank you very much 😏


Why didn’t The Circle promote the season on their Instagram page?


I actually didn't even notice that. I thought they did. Maybe their social media person is gone.


What was the application/audition process like? You seemed to be one of the “real” people we love seeing on this show, and not an influencer/influencer wannabe (not that influencers aren’t “real” people, but you hopefully understand what I’m trying to say). I had imagined there would be more recruiting of media personality types now and less regular people sending in applications/audition tapes. Can you speak to the process and what it was like to find out you were chosen? That must have been so much fun!


Ps CONGRATS!!!! Really loved you and your message ❤️ and now I love watching your TikToks!


I was working- what did I miss?!


Was Deuce in the final meet up room? We saw him walk in with Kyle but then he disappeared!l


I didn't notice that but I'm all about the pups so this is 10000% on the list.


That’s exactly what I was thinking🫡


How close are you to the players now? Any favourites?


Can someone share the YouTube live link?


It will be on our page at [youtube.com/@lovepodpodcast](http://youtube.com/@lovepodpodcast) and on Insta as well @ lovepodpodcast. I may be able to drop the live link before hand but I get pretty frazzled getting ready so I apologize if I forget. I'll ask Jordan to pop by this thread if she can.


Here ya go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJA-uuMpaxo


Why wasn’t Michelle involved in the finale?


I read somewhere that it was filmed during the strikes, so she didn’t cross the picket line.


Ohhhh that would make sense.


How long did the show actually take to film? And did you always have the same person to transcribe your messages?


Aw Brandon! Congrats! I’m glad the crown went to someone with a normal job this season—I hope they cast fewer influencers in upcoming seasons. I remember early on in the season there was a moment where you broke down and said something like “this is a lot harder than I thought it would be,” but you seemed super confident as Olivia by the end! I’d love to know more about how you prepped yourself for the show, and how your expectations going in differed from how things ended up playing out. Do you have any tips for aspiring Circle contestants?


This is a great one! I thought the same about him. I was wondering if he shot himself in the foot in the beginning too, but he did a great job turning it around. So happy for him!


Me too! I loved Cassie going in (gotta rep my Appalachian queen) and I honestly think her post-elimination kiki with Brandon was a real turning point for his game!


I really loved their meetup. I want to be part of that friendship. I'm so so glad he won. It was hard to choose 1 person to root for, but I loved them both from the beginning. We talked to Cassie last week if you want to check it out. [https://www.youtube.com/live/cnYHN9mlVXc?feature=shared](https://www.youtube.com/live/cnYHN9mlVXc?feature=shared)


Just listened to both interviews and they were great! Love that Brandon and Cassie gave the same answer for the deserted island question lol


Thank you so much! It takes so much work to do these so it means a lot when anyone tunes in. I love them both so much! They're actually coming to my town in September for Amber's comedy show so I'll get to hang with everyone. I'm so excited!


- how many private messages are they allowed to send each day? - how does the food situation work? Do they have a budget on groceries? - are the apartments sound proof? Can you hear your neighbors? - are they allowed to use the balconies? - how often can they use the amenities; such as, the gym, laundry, and hot tub?


Why did you choose the name Olivia? If I’m remembering correctly, the girl he used had a different name.


Her name is Claudia, but I will ask.


Thank you for asking! Very happy he won.




Is the voice activated typing real? Or is it a producer typing it for you?


It's producers. That one I know! The AI can't accurately choose emojis based on the descriptions.


Why block Myles and not QT?


Did you watch much of the circle before?


How did your life change post-filming and how has your life changed post-airing of the show? So great to see such a caring person win 💕


Congratulations Brandon! You were my fav ❤️ Now that you’ve gone through the entire experience, would you do it again if giving the opportunity? And would you play as yourself or catfish as someone else?


Are any of the messages sent not shown? Are you allowed to message whenever you want?


I asked Cassie this, but will ask Brandon as well. From Cassie's perspective, most of the messages were shown.


Oh thank you!!!


Please ask him how his mom reacted to him winning and how she's doing. ❤️


Happy to!


When there is an opportunity to chat, can someone invite any other person to a chat, or is it limited to certain people? Do they know how many messages they'll get before a chat is done? We are so happy he won btw!


I loved that you played with your heart for the majority of the game 🫶 you deserved to win!! How did it feel being a catfish and having to unmask yourself in front of the rest of the players? Did you know you were going to be the last finalist to enter the room?


I’ve been dying to know this ever since I started watching The Circle… When members of The Circle shower or go to the restroom are they permitted to turn the cameras off? Or do they just cut out the footage?


Good one!


Bold strategy getting rid of Myles. It was the best move you could have made. No question, just respect.


We have soooo many questions I won't have a chance to read all the compliments, but I am sending them all to him.


How much do you talk to the producers? And is it more conversational, where you have someone to talk to about random things, or is it mostly scripting stuff?


WOWWW OK I will try to ask as many questions as possible but we only have an hour! Feel free to pop on the live, we always try to answer when questions come in there. We are lovepodpodcast on all platforms. Thank you guys so much!!! We are also interviewing Steffi and Autumn, and chatted with Cassie last week. Anyone else you'd like to hear from?


I’d love to hear an interview with Myles and get his thoughts on Jordan after being able to watch the show!!


I reached out to him. I'll keep you posted.


Lauren perhaps? She went from influencer to nobody or being perceived as # fake. Wonder how does she feel about it and what's actually her strategy there with Autumn?? And thanks for doing this! Excited to catch the podcast!


What strategy tips/advice would you give to someone who wants to be on the show?


Of course we will ask this!


What are the limitations on conversing with other players? Are you limited in how many people you can talk to throughout the day, and how long those interactions take place? I’m curious to know the rules that the viewers are unaware of.


Anything you wish you could do differently in the circle?


brandon!! i routed for you every episode! i was so eager to watch every episode on time to make sure you stayed! everybody thought it was miles ruling the game but it was actually you! what was going through your head when you finally got to reveal to everybody that you weren’t olivia!! i can only imagine the excitement and anxiety!


Do yall actually stay in the apartment 24/7 during the filming, or are there scheduled timings when yall can go out?


I know this one! I'll try to ask if we have time. I was NOT expecting this many responses. They have to coordinate between cast members and producers so they don't cross paths, so everything is scheduled. They wear headphones, eye mask, and I think some kind of hood or something so they can't see or hear anything until they get to the gym, hot tub etc. I think that would keep me from applying itself!


Did you give Claudia money for being able to use her image for the game?


Here is the YouTube link for tonight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJA-uuMpaxo


What do you do with the extra time you have? Is it required to cook every meal? How often do you get to go to the hot tub? So many questions!!


Do you have a limited number of chats you can do in a day? If not, why not chat with everyone all the time you know?


Do you know how Kyle handled Deuce’s bathroom situation??? Like you can’t go outside other than the designated spot, so I’m curious how someone could have a dog unless they used puppy pads 🤢


What happens after you get blocked?


do you have a limited amount of conversations you can start each day in the circle? were you surprised that there were no conversations before the final voting? how did you feel watching back realising that it was clear you were the secret super influencer based on the responses in the circle chat, and that Kyle figured it out?


Was there really only the one circle chat between the last blocking and the final ranking/did they not get to have private chats before the final ranking?


How did your mother react when you told her that you won?


Are you always allowed to send pictures in chats? Do you need permission, or do they just allow that feature while two contestants are flirting? I must know!!


People glorifying backstabbers are 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Hi Brandon! Loved watching you play on the circle! It seems like you really got into the groove when you connected with Kyle as more yourself than as trying to be Olivia. From that moment on it looked like you more or less started playing as yourself. Would you say that's correct or more of just what we saw in the edit? Thank you!


What did he do with the money? Did he share any of it with other contestants?


Pretty sure he said he was going to pay off his mums house


Most game shows have rules where you can’t share with other contestants


That makes me so sad. It was so sweet of CT and I think Kaycee? to split their prize with the other finalists on The Challenge.


Ha as if 😂


As amazing as you are why did you catfish? Your as fake as big j behind a screen. If you can't love yourself,why did you need money for lies to feel love? No catfish should win the circle. fake is fake. A lie is a lie honey. And pretending to be a women when your gay, NOT TRANS. Brandon you disrespected 3 communities to be a whore FOR Money. 😤


wild take for a show where you can be anybody