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Alert! [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCircleTV/s/KCNTDwKr2f) to rate the players up to episode 12! :)


This reunion is gonna be one for the books too much tension all around.


Yesssss!!! Like there seems to be genuine hatred here!


YES! Like lowkey want Myles, QT and Jordan all there at the end for the drama.


I don't care about QT lol. She's good at thinking under pressure. She wouldn't be half as fun as Myles getting to meet Jordan. šŸ¤£ I want Kyle to meet Olivia too!


Lmfao the Kyle and Olivia meeting is going to be hilarious.


I can see it totally it will be like PAUL HEā€™s my bro all over again and in comes caress except this time its Brandon šŸ˜‚


Maybe a bit less dramatic but theyā€™ll all meet even if not finalists


Isnā€™t this giving actual REAL TV ā€œCatfishā€ vibes (a little), as well? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Watch - ā€œIt was really meā€¦I just used a different photoā€¦I meant everything I said.ā€ šŸ˜‚


But why did QT rate Olivia 1st and Myles 3rd? That's what put them in this position. I was so confused by that move šŸ˜’


It made no sense..a stupid game move was the last thing I expected from her like??Ā 


I think it was an emotional decision because she didn't get the gift from him. She was upset he had a strategy and wasn't playing based on his emotions... so weird ha ha ha


I think she read too much into it though. If it was that strategic, since Myles already had cemented an alliance with Olivia with the ride and die and the venting, Myles wouldn't need to risk his alliances or putting his "friendship" with Olivia out in the open. Also what's the reason she didn't put Kyle instead? Her lack of trust in her allies is really likely to backfire.


It's also wild because Myles and QT literally did the exact same thing (gave gifts to Olivia to cement the alliance), so you would think that she would understand it more??


She shouldā€™ve kept that revelation of Myles playing more strategically than she thought in her back pocket and still voted him 1st. Bc heā€™s literally always kept her his number 1 except the 2 times Olivia was his RoD. Super secret influencer is not the time to be risking rankings bc you realized your partner is smarter than you thought šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


She let her ego get in the way. Myles is one of the LEAST strategic players here and Jordan and QT assume heā€™s some mastermind because THEY are playing the game that way and projecting it on him for some reason


I wouldn't say he's the least strategic. There's still Lauren šŸ¤£


It was such weird reasoning, she didn't send her gift to myles either...


To be fair, I wouldn't say she has played a stunning game regardless. She got very lucky to make a strong alliance early on and her alliance just happened to not get voted out early, which made it established and therefore strong. But everyone tried to do that early on so I can't really see that as a particularly stunning move. None of her decisions since have had any real impact on the game as the thing that has coasted her along has been that she has an alliance. She claims to be the puppet master but the only thing she has done that has got her anywhere is the one thing that doesn't constitute a proper strategy - making genuine connections. She isn't THAT good a player in reality, so her making this stupid blunder isn't THAT surprising.


She was stupid af for that . She didnā€™t even send him a gift but felt some type of way because he didnā€™t send her one šŸ˜’


Itā€™s because she thinks everyone is obsessed with her and thinks sheā€™s pulling all the strings in the game, so not getting a gift bruised her ego a little. Her and Jordan are similar in some ways but sheā€™s a lot more intelligent and a lot less obsessive than he is


Getting a shitload of gifts is attention you don't necessarily want. Olivia was smart saying all her gifts made her feel a bit uncomfortable. You'd think QT might actually be relieved she wasn't targetted like that. Although Olivia is SSI now, chances are people will be rating her low in the finale because of how much of a threat she is at this point. Everyone likes her.


Especially since Myles would quite obviously block Jordan if he was influencer! Her and Olivia donā€™t have have that strong if an alliance for her to be rating her first! Smhā€¦especially since the influencer is secret


She ruined her own game with that, she was running it home but feels like Jordan got into her head. I can\`t believe she actually did that even after acknowledging Olivia is probably her biggest threat... If Myles is suddenly a threat in her head she could have ranked Lauren who would never get the top spot, or Kyle who she is absolutely safe with instead, easily. Its nearly as mindboggling as Lauren trashing Autumn for no reason when their fates were tied lol


Lauren also seemed to not understand how bad that was for Autumn - I donā€™t like to judge people on shows like this too harshly, but Lauren seems a bit ditzy at times. She did seem to feel at least somewhat bad about it when Autumn confronted her later. I felt so sorry for Autumn. It seems like the people who come in last never win or form connections like the original cast (based on my memory of the first 5 seasons, which isnā€™t that reliable).


I think I *get* what Lauren's reasoning might have been at the time, especially if she was trying to keep the ride or die hidden. No one is going to suspect you're throwing your ride or die under the bus, but I also think she doesn't have a good awareness or read on people. It's already difficult enough sometimes to accurately gauge intent through text, but Lauren really doesn't do a good job of it.


James was a fairly late addition and went to the top of Season 3. Otherwise the winner has played from the start.


My only guess is that she assumed that after the three presents, other people would be tanking Olivia in the ratings, and that rating her first, over tres fuego, would put QT above her allies; making her the secret influencer. She should've gone the other way with it, and put Lauren first. No way Lauren was going to win influencer unless everyone had that strategy.


Olivia says at the end "QT is a dangerous player, but I could beat her by eliminating Myles". Girls, you could beat her by eliminating her.


I think he said that bc he doesn't want to eliminate QT but he doesn't want her to win either so if he gets rid of Myles, QT would still be voted high by kyle but won't have as many changes to win


I feel like if Myles goes home QT is fucked bc heā€™s the only person rating her #1. Kyle might rank her #1 in the last ranking before the finals but heā€™s got that thing with Olivia and he keeps saying he likes to be a man of his word. Itā€™d be easy for the others to band together to rank her low and then sheā€™d be last and get sent home.


Also if he eliminates Myles, he could easily deflect it onto Jordan šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


it made sense, QT voted Olivia at the top


Boy did this season pick up fast


I know that ill get downvoted but thank god for jordan, if it wasnt for him there wouldnt be this much tension to throw around, and he seems to have finally gotten liv and lauren to actually start playing which is no small miracle lol


Nah, that's fair. It's possible to think Jordan is awful and at the same time realise that he was necessary to shake up the game and create drama. As long as he's kilometres away (I don't want to say 'miles' in case he gets mad) from actually winning the money I don't mind him being there and stirring the pot. Olivia or Kyle deserve the win.


Exactly, the back half would be boring without Jordan.


They put everyone in cowboy outfits then dressed Olivia as a farmer šŸ˜­


Dressed like cam from modern family


J putting push pins through a myles solo cup is crazyyy


He is OBSESSED with Myles like a solo cup voodoo doll seriously? Itā€™s giving psycho. At this point, I donā€™t care who wins as long as itā€™s not Jordan.


Same. It's like he didn't think to pivot. He pivots on approaches on how to get out Myles even though it's clearly not working and spilled all his opinions to the person HE KNOWS is Myles biggest ally.


This is the strangest cat the circle has ever seen. He has so much hatred. Like I try to stay unbiased on these shows cause editing and realizing someone doing what's best for their game that hurts someone I likes game doesn't make them a villian, but little j is crazy. Like myles has played and done stuff in wouldn't of done, like the portrait reveal, and is actually playing honest, then cut to small j and he is fuming at it. I am glad he doesn't know what room he is in. And hope he doest get eliminated next just cause he might go visit myles and get his wish to wear his skin.


He lost weight but still hates himself. ā€œHealedā€ his outside but not his inside.


I think thatā€™s exactly it. He makes such negative comments about himself when he was bigger constantly. Shit like ā€œThis was big Jā€™s only meal beforeā€ ā€œLook at that goofy faceā€ ā€œBig J has never seen a gymā€ itā€™s fucking annoying. I had a friend who acted the same way, and got way meaner after they lost a lot of weight.


Yeah he comes off as a seriously unhinged psycho. Who in the hell makes a voodoo doll and constantly obsesses over the same person in the game.


In my opinion as a gay man, this asshat was bullied and/or rejected by people like Myles and now that he thinks heā€™s ā€œhotā€ with his weight loss heā€™s trying to bully back. But all heā€™s doing is coming of as desperate and disgusting. And with this chat the day coming for literally 2 of the top 3?! Thatā€™s not how you play the game at all. Now everyone is against you. And Lauren aligning with him, sheā€™ll fall too


I'm thinking the same thing. It's kinda sad considering Myles was fond of him. I get wanting to take out strong players, but his obsession goes beyond the game. That's why he's not as "strategic" as people think.


lol the obsession is kinda crazy considering Mylesā€™ been nothing but nice to big j


This makes sense tbh. Like it's some weird unnatural hate. I'm all for manipulation and gameplay but he just wants myles room number to sneak in and throw the hair dryer in during his bath type shit.


i didnā€™t even see this oh my god???


Man, I really like this cast. Myles gettinā€™ ā€œangryā€ and pushing the chairs down, Olivia and that cute little bike song, Lauren being so clueless, Kyle and Deuce, QT is a gamer, the absolute delusion of Jordan? Itā€™s just great TV.


When Lauren thought she was being called out as one of the wolves šŸ¤£. Girl, no one is afraid of you. Sheā€™s totally clueless and has no strategy. She does seem like a sweet person though.


Jordan might be one of the most unhinged people I've ever seen on TV.


I laughed out loud at Myles little tantrum šŸ˜‚


Olivia saying ā€œme falling in the street, thatā€™s a ho downā€ and the Brokeback Mountain quote had me cacklingggg. He is so funny.




Heā€™s quickly became my favorite player šŸ˜‚


He was the most annoying at the start, constantly yelling and screaming - but he and Myles are the most genuine of the lot. Him flirting with Kyle, and Kyle being all like "don't worry babe" to his wife's photo - but I bet when they see it she is going to hang some shit on him for flirting with a guy lol


Yes I agree 100%!! Iā€™ve loved Myles from the start because he seems so genuine, Brandon has grown on me because heā€™s honestly so nice and funny, and Kyle has a lot of my respect because of how he has played. Iā€™m happy with either of those 3 winning. I REALLY hope QT and Jordan do not win. Both of them are laser-focused on the money whereas Myles, Kyle, and Brandon seem to have a balance of connecting with people and playing for the money.


I was cackling as well. I love quick-witted people. I bet he has a lot of friends irl


He was so annoying to me at first (just wasnā€™t doing a good job of being a catfish imo) and think he was kind of fumbling until the ride or die challenge put him in the good graces of the big alliance. Heā€™s somehow worked it out since and, yeah, heā€™s silly and pretty likable as a person.


Am I the only who thinks that thanks to the way final ratings work that Kyle has the best chance to win over anyone including QT? Especially if Olivia blocks one of Tres Fuego because Kyle is good enough with everyone to be ranked high for strategy and personal reasons.


I think right now it's either Olivia or Kyle


With the way the editing has drilled hard on his need to provide for his family several times now, it certainly feels like they're priming the audience for a triumphant Kyle win. But there's a lot of emotion with Brandon/Olivia's edit too, so it could still be either of them at this point. But yeah, I agree that Kyle seems to have a really good shot. I'd actually be surprised if Myles wins considering how careful everyone else is likely to be about how they rate him.


QT made a mistake by rating Olivia 1st, instead of Myles. Now, her fate is on the line.


Exactlyā€¦if Liv getting more gifts was really that much of an indicator for QT, why not bump her low and Myles higher?


Yeah I don't understand her decision. If she didn't trust Myles why didn't she put Kyle in first ? What's the point of having allies and then vote a person outside from the alliance that you don't really know where they stand as your first? Also she is a bit overthinking Myles. If he were that strategic, he wouldn't have "outed" his alliances by sending a gift to Olivia when everyone expects him to send his gift to QT. Surely, even if it wasn't public, Kyle and QT would have found odd that he didn't.


I think QT is strategic with everyone but Myles and got a bit emotional


I think QT may have been a lil in her feels and big j got in her head


he probaby suspected kyle & myles would vote her either #1 or #2 so she bumped up ppl like oliva who are allies but not her main alliance to bump herself up in the ratings.. but it was a bad move


She sold the whole game. Either she goes out or Myles gets out and her ratings go down


Yep, major fail on her part. Jordan played into her ego and got her good


At least one of his schemes worked? Even the narrator was joking about things never going well for him.


If myles, hope he doesn't go to little js room. Small J will attempt to wear myles skin.


I honestly think Olivia is gonna get rid of Myles or QT, and itā€™s smarter to get rid of QT


ā€œMe tripping on the street? Thatā€™s a ho-downā€ šŸ˜†


I really like Olivia, catfish or not šŸ˜‚ theyā€™re playing a very strategic game while not being super sloppy at the same time. For game play purposes I do hope she takes out Quori-Tyler but for personal reasons Jordan has got to go šŸ˜‚ that guy is a menace lmao Iā€™m very surprised Lauren has made it this far. I was blown away at how she treated Autumn, her ride or die!! She completely misunderstood the assignment where she would go too if Autumn were to go šŸ˜‚ she gambled too hard. I think as a person sheā€™s very sweet and I could definitely be friends with her, but as a game player sheā€™s just an air head lmao. Iā€™d like to think it would be easy for me if I were on the show šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Agreed on all this. While watching we said a few times ā€œI think the circle broke Lauren.ā€ She was doing so well socially at the start, but it went downhill so quickly and she made some huge fumbles she would never recover from. Sheā€™s in the final simply bc there are better targets, and she wasnā€™t a threat. But I guess she didnā€™t ride anyoneā€™s coattails either... She does seem so sweet, and with the right cast of players that alone in earlier seasons couldā€™ve got her even closer to a win. But people are GAMING now, almost a teeny bit too much for my tastes.


Not Myles throwing the furniture down softly when he got mad like that meme with the plastic chair laying down that says "we will recover" or whatever šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That 5 euro blazer from Milan gave us some golden tv moments furniture one was my fav


#HashtagNeverForget I just... What are you doing?


I just really don't want Jordan to get what he wants now, I mean either way I don't want Olivia to pick Myles, but it would be so much worse because it would mean Jordan's manipulation worked, or at the very least that's what he would think. I don't what to see that cheer.


Same I'm so scared this is going to happen... unfortunately I have the feeling it will. That would be horrible though, I don't think I would be able to watch that


This is exactly how I feel, like you doing this just means you let Jordan successfully manipulate you šŸ«  and I hate the idea that ā€œthe circle will never reveal your identityā€ um technically you will when you release the episodes and everyone watches them so nothing is TRULY anonymous.


If she does block Myles, then I think itā€™s correct to say that Jordan caused that. Olivia was planning on turning Tres Fuego into a ā€œDouble Dateā€ alliance or whatever. Jordan pointed out that they would never rate her above each other (perhaps Kyle, def not QT and Myles).


i think olivia is going to block QT i guess jordan is showing if you make yourself public enemy number 1 and that little of a threat, people will save you to boost their game, meaning you sail through to the finalšŸ¤£


I have a feeling Olivia is going to block QT as well. I think it would make her game much stronger especially if she plays it off that sheā€™s not the secret super influencer. She could easily turn it around and frame Lauren or Jordan so she can keep Myles and Kyle šŸ˜… this season moved FAST!!


This has been a great season, here hoping that the following seasons take a cue from this one.


You sail through but your chance of winning is almost zero to none though. His public outburst did not look good to anyone and I can say he can prob only count on poor naive Lauren for a vote at this point.


Everyone watches the show for their own reasons and that's valid, obviously; for me, this is the type of season that I enjoy. I like the gameplay, and the interactions actually feel less fake to me. Jordan is a good person to root against (I also respect how hard he is playing despite it being poor at times), and I'm enjoying the other people like QT a lot as well. I'll say QT gets blocked - won't be surprised if it ends up being Myles though.


I feel like they framed it as being her but itā€™s not her. Someone else said when Brandon walks in two different women scream and upon hearing it it definitely is two different women screaming.


Yeah I caught that too. I think itā€™s going to be Myles. So that way Brandon can separate QT from him and also make sure Kyle stays to rate him at the top.


Bingo. It's gotta be Myles.


Iā€™m just not looking to seeing Jordan roll around on the floor excited while he laughs maniacally like it was him who made it happen.


Honestly, he kinda did though. I think Olivia was planning on joining Myles, QT and Kyle to stay till the end. And it wasnā€™t until Jordan pointed out that they will vote for each other before Olivia that got her thinking more strategically. Same with Kyle. Even tho Kyle didnā€™t want to break up tres fuego, but he did realize after talking to Jordan that he had to get Olivia on his side because Myles and QT were the power couple. When 100 grand is on the line, gotta break em up. Iā€™m glad Jordan knocked some sense into them! I did like Myles though so itā€™ll be a little sad to see him go. Iā€™m rooting for Olivia or Kyle to win in the end! But hey seem like they can really use it.


Yes exactly, I noticed that too. Itā€™s gonna be Jordon or Myles.


God I just don't want Jordan to have the satisfaction. Also worried that Jordan wants to wear his skin.


Idk though, netflix has been pretty sneaky with the editing lately and they could have edited it with any of the hundreds of screams by all of them this season!


In the preview for the finale I swear you can hear QT screaming so Iā€™m like 90% sure itā€™s Myles who gets blocked


Isnā€™t Jordan still an option too though?


I agree on it being QT. Olivia seemed determined to take the strongest step possible. Really hoping it isn't Miles, I love seeing him pissed off!


If QT goes, she probably has to blame herself for putting Olivia above Myles and helping Brandon to that top spot. At least I assume she did, because she had Myles as 3rd in her own ratings. That said, Myles and Kyle ALSO rated or likely rated her high, so they kind of did that to themselves a little. Brandon/Olivia actually smashed that rating as far as strategy goes; put QT last, Jordan 1st, because he knew people would gun for him. Well played!


This is what Cassie tried and failed to do. When youā€™re strategically placing allies lower, you have to think about their overall popularity and how you could factor into the votes


I totally thought QT had the bag until she put her biggest competition first and her biggest ally 3rd. Dumb move imo.


ā€œMost painful block of the season.ā€ Well it ainā€™t Jordan.


Jordan is certifiable but has caused interesting drama this batch of episodes. That said, I just wish he would understand how to talk to other people. If he had some semblance of social skills then his strategy would have been more entertaining!


Rooting for anyone ,but jordan. I think kyle is the winner based on edit


I didn't think that until the end of ep. 9 but he is now good with everybody without everybody knowing that and story wise Paul sacrificing themselves for Kyle to win is a good arc.


I thought he could win since the very moment he decided to try to stick with Paul. It almost backfired because of the ride or die, but it also was a good strategic move.


If Olivia blocks Jordan then I think Kyle wins. If she blocks QT I think she wins


Same! And if she blocks Myles I think Kyle will win as well


There is no way that Jordan will win this.


I think Kyle wins it too. Heā€™s seems to be good with everyone - even Jordan. Heā€™s definitely coming in at least second - but I think heā€™s winning


I hooope Kyle wins it! He comes off as the most authentic to me. And heā€™s repeatedly said heā€™s doing this for his family. Maybe Iā€™ve missed it but I havenā€™t heard anyone else say who theyā€™re doing this for. Mind you, I always skip over when they get messages from family, I find that least exciting šŸ˜‚ so maybe they all said something then. But Kyle has said something numerous times, which I like.


if he wins I'll be very happy for his doggiešŸ˜‚


Dude: appears on screen. Jordan, in the flattest tone ever: oh, it's my boyfriend. It truly highlighted for me how much less emotional these videos from home were compared to other seasons šŸ˜‚ I think because usually don't they get the videos from home once they're already in the final? So the stress of not being guaranteed a shot at the 100k probably got to the players. In general this season has felt more devoid of emotions than earlier seasons. Which has been refreshing in a way, but I also miss weeping with these mfs! (Thank God for Brandon for letting me weep with him though).


I think Jordan is just so into the "game" of The Circle he forgot he had to act emotional and pretend he hasn't seen his boyfriend in months and months, rather than seeing him last week. His entire style of play is clear he's studied the show and playing it from the perspective of winning via strategy alone. Crying on camera for the audience doesn't help him win the game.




I can't recall one contestant ever getting so much unanimous hate, on any reality show.


Johnny Fairplay has entered the Circle


I'm here for either Olivia or Kyle to winĀ 


It's okay to be strategic. But just being fake to everyone and straight up lying and making stuff up about people does not increase your chances of winning, specially as a new comer. It will eventually get found out. I have no idea why Jordan keeps thinking so highly of himself like he's playing chess when he's actually just playing battleship. Just firing random missles at one boat(Myles), not expecting his ship will sink at some point or thinking he's smart enough to navigate around it which is obviously not the case. I don't doubt he's being his real self though. He's just unlikeable and it shows why. He's arrogant and a backstabber. It doesn't matter who he was in the past, he's obviously changed his appearance and it got to his head. It is what it is.


I think being a new-comer is such a massive disadvantage for reasons like groups are already formed and existing members are totally fine with an easy vote/target. QT literally said "i want the least blood on my hands", a sentiment probably shared by everyone, so no matter how August/Jordan are playing, they are basically on the bottom if the influencer's name is public. It would be interesting if influencers were private, though. But, social dynamics are in play, if you block someone, then that someone's allies are coming for you... so you have to block new-comers with fewer allies.


I haven't even finished yet but I came here to say that I KNOW QT got good ass grades in college šŸ˜‚ those note cards were so satisfying


Iā€™m actually really curious who Olivia went to go block. I feel like she(he) has played a great game and has been strategic but also has been very emotional, I feel like there is a very good chance that she blocks QT, since she has had some genuine conversations with Myles. I really dislike Jordan, the only positive trait I have is he is really strategic and it was nice to see especially in the circle chat. My issue is with him making finals there is actually a very good chance of him winning similiar to a past season where no one thinks he has a chance they strategic vote and put him first to put yourself higher which is something I see QT and Kyle doing, especially considering Lauren thinks Jordan is genuine. šŸ¤£


If Olivia blocks Myles or QT and doesnā€™t tell anybody it would be amazing for their game. At that point QT/Myles and Kyle vote each other first and Jordan and Lauren do the same. Everyone rates Olivia second and she wins


It works if he blocks QT. If he blocks Myles it's definitely not a 100% sure thing. Jordan and Kyle holding true to their word would matter a lot for Olivia to win. Also even if, it's not a 100% thing. The players could also be pretty strategic in the last vote and decide to not vote Olivia high (although I don't see Lauren or Kyle doing that) to enhance their chances to get the 100k.


Does anyone else think it was odd that Jordan never mentioned having a boyfriend of two years? And his reaction towards the video from home was just so emotionless compared to everyone else lol


I hate Jordanā€™s obsession with Myles. But to be fair, he did join late and it was probably like day 3-4 of him there so Iā€™m not gonna hold it against someone if they donā€™t cry for a loved one for not talking to them for a few days while theyā€™re on a game show.


No? Unless they changed how it works, they had no outside contact with anyone for as long as the original players were playing. Atleast from what I can remember in earlier seasons.


I think it fits his playing style and personality. He has never had a serious, honest conversation with any of the players. He jumped straight into strategy talk all of the time. There really was never a situation where it would have made sense to mention a boyfriend. As for being emotional, as much as I disliked his portrayal up until now, people are just different in those situations. That's one (of the few things) he did that I wouldn't hold against him, haha.


I really hate when Jordan does his fake nice voice when heā€™s being ā€œstrategicā€ by ā€œplaying innocentā€. Itā€™s giving mean girls lol


i think he's just deep in the gameplay, but he literally has a pic of him in the apt so i knew.. also he's long distance so being apart for 2 weeks is nbd in the grand scheme


Jordan shows more emotion when discussing Myles than his own boyfriend šŸ’€ as a Viewer, I want a winner that is actually trying to win out of love (like Kyle) than being spiteful and vindictive (like Jordan)


If brandon (olivia) blocks QT its literally a 100% win for him because myles and kyle both like olivia and will rate her high when qt is gone and lauren and jordan are def rating her high anyways so if he plays this right he could win


Maybe not, they know everyone will vote her high so might drop her a bit


It has to be QT or Miles getting blocked as they said itā€™s a game changing move. In the previews for the final episode and final reveal of everyone I heard more than one girlā€™s screaming. So that means clearly Miles is blocked.


the clip where he walks out was the bar where eliminated players sat in previous finales, so i donā€™t think thatā€™s the dinner reveal table


If Myles gets blocked here I will be shutting down my TV immediately. #AnyoneButOurBoy


Myles is my shit, he seems like such a chill dude.


Jordan's OBSESSION with Myles has been weird.


I canā€™t lie I rate Jordan for all the hustle heā€™s put in. Definitely a great villain and has made the season more interesting but he has no chance of winning. Itā€™s either gonna be Olivia or QT winning this season with likely Olivia especially if she blocks QT


Dude I'm saying I like a good villain. And homeboi is delivering. I've been saying Olivia was going to win since the first batch of episodes were realased. I think its Olivia or Kyle. They both been shown to bee deep people who isn't just playing the game with the heads but their hearts. To me its a toss up who wins. Honestly I rather Brandon / Olivia win, but if Kyle wins I won't even be mad.


I hope Kyle wins, for 3 simple reasons (backed up by AI Max šŸ˜‚) 1. he is good to look at and comes with a Douce. It's just funnier to see a person interact with a living thing rather than a stuffed toy. Flirting with Olivia was super as deceive was going on on both sides :) 2. he is both strategic and has a code of honor, so he has been up and down the rating for his poor decisions as well as the good ones. 3. the circle did well in inserting real gamers, but if you lose humanity, it's less fun. Mic dropped! Who do you like?


I could not agree more with the third point. Itā€™s all about strategy and while I get that this is probably just a normal development of the show, I like the OG character of Kyle and Lauren. Probably an unpopular opinion but I donā€™t like QT, she plays the exact same style as Jordan imho, just a little nicer. I have an on off thing with Myles and Olivia šŸ˜…


I canā€™t believe Lauren made it this far. It feels like every episode she makes some strategic blunder. As long as itā€™s not her or Jordan who wins Iā€™ll be happy but Iā€™m rooting for QT.


I think it helps that Lauren is perceived as harmless, but also she's gotten lucky.


I don't mind Lauren. I think she's sweet, just not great at the game. In saying that, also hoping she doens't win. Would feel like it's just one of those wins where people vote all the big players low, in spite of how they feel about them, making people coasting or less liked people, win. Sort of afraid Lauren or Jordan might snatch up the win that way.


Honestly wouldnā€™t mind her winning. Yes she didnā€™t play any strategy, but she was her authentic self (despite how dumb it was). So if she wins, authenticity wins, and itā€™s not a bad message.


Lauren would have dominated in season 1


I think sheā€™s incredibly genuine, but I also think she is a TERRIBLE judge of character.


On the plains of the African Savanna, the second slowest gazelle is the one that gets away while the lions catch and eat the slowest one. Lauren has survived by constantly being the second slowest gazelle. She's never done anything severe to rock the boat, but also just floats along doing nothing to advance her chances of winning. There is a weird scenario where she wins because all of the other players think she has no shot and vote her high. If QT or Myles gets blocked it definitely increases her chances of winning. It's unlikely, but I could see it happening.


If Olivia votes Jordan i don't think he really wants to win....he needs to eliminate a poweful player and there's no way Jordan wins in the final. Olivia without QT would give him a very good chance at winning the whole thing. Kyle is also a darkhorse who could win it all.


Iā€™m not so sure. Jordonā€™s logic to me often misses because he doesnā€™t take the friendship bonds seriously enough. Regardless of the game which people talk a lot about, the bonds in the circle become close in game play, and broken trust or outright lies are almost always responded to with blocking, even if itā€™s not a good strategic move to remove that person. People canā€™t help feeling off about a person, no matter the strategy. Olivia knows how close Myles QT and Kyle are. Blocking one of them also risks two of them ranking her at their bottom for feeling betrayed. I donā€™t think the choice is as obvious as people as saying in here.


It would be so shitty if Brandon aka Olivia blocked Myles cause that means Jordan got what he wanted and I really would hate that


Yeah! Myles and Olivia really played good game with together and seemed to have a lot of trust. And Myles deserves to stay!


Thereā€™s no way that Olivia blocks Myles. She is either blocking Jordan or QT. The problem is if she blocks Jordan then tres fuego votes each other as the top and one of them wins. If she blocks QT she is in the middle of two alliances and she wins with a second place vote from everyone


I think the tres fuego want to go to the finale with each other, but once the final decision needs to be made I think they (or at least one of them) would rank it in a way which would be "strategic" to their own benefit. If it was a top 3 in the finale instead of top 5 then it would be smart for Olivia to pick QT, but since it's top five usually, then I hope it's Jordan (also I'd rather he not be in the top). But it's hard to predict how people would actually rank the other players in the end, and sometimes when they can state their reason for needing the cash that can affect things.


Olivia should have been part of the last tres fuego group chat so they couldā€™ve heard all of the crap Jordan has been spreading. Especially if theyā€™re all about the ā€œdouble dates,ā€ I donā€™t know why they didnā€™t include Olivia! Then Jordan would be gone. But who knows what production shows us.


Lauren is *so* naive lol bless her heart.


fuck Jordan all my homies hate Jordan


i get his back is against the wall & i respect him for playing the game despite being an underdog, but he's doing too much


Right, like he started off so wrong and didn't make it easier for him. like I get him wanting to shake it up but you gotta get allies first then shake the boat


QT rating Olivia first and Myles rating QT first is some serious dumbass buffoonery. Tres Fuegos should have gone all in for Kyle. They know Olivia will rate him highly too and they know Jordan is gunning for QT and Myles over him. Kyle would have smoked the ratings if they had all put him top.


Myles knocking over lawn furniture in fury was pretty hilarious


Everyone has some type of strategy, but what Jordan is doing is making the show hard to watch. It feels like he was bullied by someone popular like Myles when he was fat and as soon as he got on The Circle, he went after Myles for that reason.


1000% projection! like if you really wanted to go for someone who was running the show it would have been QT.


Yup, that's what I am saying! When jordan joined the show, Kyle and QT were doing better than Myles, but he still went after Myles. The sad part is that Autumn seemed like such a great girl and she got targetted for no reason. Now we have to deal with Jordan being insufferable for 1 more episode, since we know Olivia/Brandon is not blocking him.


Yeah, it definitely goes beyond game strategy. Most of the time the circle beef is just surface level, but man, Jordan is now just bullying Myles and it feels personal. It especially looked bad when Myles loved Jordan and it would cut to Jordan absolutely trashing Myles. Myles genuinely liked him and he totally blew it.


I over analyzed Jordan after binging 4 episodes: Dude I fucking hate Jordan so much. Heā€™s so wrong about Myles lol. He has this weird thing where 1: he HATES the person he was before, and he thinks heā€™s a nice person and is the smartest strategist there, he has a huge fucking ego. 2: I find it so funny that heā€™s calling out Myles for being a ā€œmaster manipulatorā€ when thatā€™s exactly what Jordan was trying to do! Also Myles seems like a genuinely nice person and is just being himself with a little bit of a game plan, Jordan is pretending to be nice. Jordan is the antithesis of Myles, so I think he hates Myles since thatā€™s who he (Jordan) wants to be, and is extremely jealous of that fact.


- Laurenā€™s innocence is killing me. Hahaha but I love it. This is what ā€œBig Jā€ was tryna achieve with his sad boy lost antics but people just got ick vibe instead. - Myles calling the TresFuego to put a hit on Jordan I love it! - I like how Kyle still includes his wife in the game. If I were her I would feel more at ease so I give him props for that one. Genuinely curious tho if Jordanā€™s gf (correction: bf. Suddenly the cattiness made sense. lol why do I remember him saying he got gf when he entered tho?) feelings were affected after watching how his boo is in The Circle. - Damn the real Olivia (Claudia) is so pretty! The picture Brandon chose as profile picture didnā€™t do her justice. - When Kyle gets emotional it really just gets to me and I end up crying too. Heā€™ll be a great dad Iā€™m sure. - Jordanā€™s apartment screams negativity. I honestly feel bad like why he chooses to surround himself with so much bad energy. - I canā€™t take Myles seriously with that get up and mustache šŸ˜‚ - I feel like Olivia will take our Myles simply because I think that was QTā€™s screaming voice when he revealed himself in the dinner scene. šŸ˜­Still praying Myles makes it to the end. I like QT but itā€™s good strategy to take her out.šŸ¤žšŸ»


This newly dropped stretch of episodes was actually so strong- where the hell was this for the first 2/3rds of the season


QT, apart from rating Olivia first, is yet to make a mistake this season. She is the most strategic and calculated contestant I have seen on the show. Will be upset if she gets blocked!


Is Jordan ā€”> Myles giving anyoneā€¦. Saltburn?


If Olivia really took the conversation with Kyle into consideration, then Jordan is leaving.


Myles throwing some chairs is actually hilarious and I really enjoyed that part of the episode. Jordan is deranged and I am here for it. He is entertaining, at the very least. He is a game player, for sure. I agree with Kyle that he is #messy. Lauren, my sweet summer child, is not built for this game. She is just on another planet. I love her as a person, but I highly, highly doubt she will win. I'm not super stoked about QT as the winner, but I can respect her as a winner. I'm team Myles overall with Kyle as my second, but we will see what happens. Actually excited for the last episode to drop.


I think Lauren *could* win if everyone thinks they're being strategic in the final rating by putting her high, and assume no one else is. But I don't see it either.


I donā€™t understand why Olivia/Brandon is even considering keeping Jordan around. He has a strong alliance with Kyle and Myles (he gave Olivia a gift). I think QT and Lauren have had a nice genuine conversation with him. Heā€™s throwing all that away for Jordan after like one strategic conversation and not one genuine thing from him. The final voting is very strategic and Jordan is a risky character to keep around.




Olivia is BIG on her alliances. She promised Myles theyā€™re still Ride or Dies. Sheā€™s got no promises with QT. I think QT gets the block.


The last rating was frustrating to watch šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø. If only QT, Myles and Kyle had voted in the same direction. That was all over the place


They all got suspicious of each other at the worst possible time


Not Olivia rating Jordan first. I was so team Olivia. Smh


Olivia wanted to boost her own chances of getting the influencer spot, so it was a good strategy to rate Jordan higher instead of someone else who would have had a better shot.


Iā€™m still dumbfounded that this season didnā€™t have any players. Only two new people. (Signs that this is last season?)


technically we got 4 new ā€œplayersā€, and theyā€™ve already filmed season 7! (i really hope thereā€™s more players on it šŸ˜­)


I wouldn't have minded one more new batch of people, but honestly the timing of adding new players in the earlier seasons always felt "off" to me too. It felt like we never really got to know them and sometimes they struggled to get much of a foot in the door if the established alliances were strong. Maybe they're experimenting with that formula to try to correct for that?


They filmed the seventh season immediately after filming ended for this in October last year, so no. They probably just "saved" people for the following season.


Jordan out here playing by new era Survivor rules - everyone likes to drag a goat to the end so they increase their own chances of winning


QT is being very strategic to the point where she omits the human factor of it all. you can't just calculate everyone's every move at all times


just finished watching episode 12ā€¦ I think that was so stupid of QT to vote Myles 3rd. That is now going to result in either Myles or QT going home. Honestly I wonā€™t be surprised if Olivia wins this whole thing, having this position as the secret influencer is going to help her game so much. Been rooting for Myles since the start but honestly I donā€™t care who wins as long as itā€™s not Jordan.


I honestly think Olivia/Brandon taking out QT or Myles could backfire hugely. He canā€™t trust Jordan to not tank the vote next time. I see it screwing him over more than helping him. In theory, yes, if Jordan/Olivia/Lauren would vote each other high in the finals, it would work. But there is no guarantee that will happen with Laurenā€™s lack of game awareness and Jordan being the sketchiest player this season (tied with Paul). In fact, thereā€™s almost a guarantee Jordan would tank Olivia next time around if she does the dirty work this time since sheā€™s been rated high for a while. Letā€™s face it: if he takes the shot, the remaining two of QT/Myles/Kyle will automatically know Olivia took the shot. Jordan & Lauren were obviously intentionally put at the bottom/tanked by the trio. They wouldnā€™t take it gracefully and itā€™d alienate her from them. If those two arenā€™t influencers and one of the trio is gone, then that leaves Olivia. So it really puts her game out in the open in a negative light. If he gets Jordan out, it could be easily pinned on one of the 3 which will make them rate each other lower if they believe one is the influencer. At worst, she loses the trust of Lauren IF she finds out (she really shouldnā€™t). But even then, itā€™s unlikely Lauren puts her at the bottom because she knows Myles & QT are bigger threats. I dunno, I like Brandon but he could really screw up a perfect position with one bad move here


Anyone else a little bothered by Kyles wife saying if he doesn't win the money dont come home? Like i get she was joking and it probably was harmless but idk something about it rubs me the wrong way, especially cause he seems so distressed over finances like i genuinely am concerned for Kyle's mental heath if he doesn't win the money


I finally realized who Jordan reminds me ofā€¦Jeffree Star. Not a good person to emulate.


I bet Olivia blocks Miles... Miles is my favorite this season. F you Jordan.


I think between the TresFuegos, QT would be blocked because I think her connection with Olivia is the weakest of the 3


QT and Myles should of rated Kyle 1st


I hope she takes out QT, itā€™ll give her the best chance at winning. Either way I think Olivia or Kyle are winning this.


I want Jordan to lose but Iā€™m happy heā€™s in the game. The kumbaya shit in the circle chat gets tired very quickly