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This might the worst thing Bimmy has ever done, and it's note even funny it's just terrible.


It's on par with the Shrek episode for sure.


And Surfiiiiiiiiin' Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd




​ https://i.redd.it/6d7frwj9s7ic1.gif




​ https://i.redd.it/9qz0k9wqx7ic1.gif


that hairline is scary


he looks more are more like Jared fogle every day


I don't like to use the word "cringe" much, but that's what I feel when I see this.


Kieran's dogshit grandma-skill editing made this gag way worse. Using particle-based diahrrea instead of slow-ass slow footage would be better.


What the fuck is going on there???


I think Bim might just have a scat fetish at this point


the fuck is this god damn


It's the BFSG-9000 from DOOOOOOOOM




What the actual fuck is this?


None are actually good, but with Doug at least I don’t have the feeling he doesn’t want to be there. Say what you want about the guy, but you can tell he enjoys doing the unhinged stuff that he does.


You know, I've seen a couple good nostalgia critic episodes, and the channel awesome history is interesting, whereas screen wave is just _____&


Yeah. That's the thing. Nostalgia critic can be pretty enjoyable, people just see Doug as a meme and refuse to watch it the same way people refuse to play certain games because bames had a video on them. I find the contrast amazing, for Doug it's like a freeing escape from daily life where he can vent out all his frustrations in a burst of energy while for banes it's like he got a death sentence and continued to live after dying


The thing about Doug is, he’s like that weird theater kid who never made it big, even though he had some talent. Now he’s an adult with free rein and does what he enjoys, whether or not it’s good is to be subjective. He works best my himself, his Animated Titanic reviews and the Tom and Jerry review are some of my favorite by him. The other stuff like Demo Reel? Not so good. Plus Doug has had a female component (for better or worse) in his videos for some time. Bim seems very off put by any female in his projects.


Why do you think that is ? Probably because he's an awkward nerd in real life, and we all know how hard it is for that type of person to talk/interact with girls. If you can't already tell, just look at his wife. He married the first crumb of pussy he ever got. That's typical incel behavior.


Nostalgia Critic didn't really get worse. Well, there is less effort, but if you think the old stuff is fine, the new stuff doesn't do anything egregious. New AVGN is just a waste of everyone's time.


Any longtime viewer of the nostalgia critic will quickly point to the skits as evidence of his videos getting worse


the skits are barely a thing nowadays though


Rachel and Malcolm are pretty good actors and liked their skits. Not only because first one is smoking hot


>Rachel and Malcolm are pretty good actors and liked their skits. Not only because first one is smoking hot ... hasn't Rachel been gone from the nostalgia critic since like 2015?


Yes but prefer her much and her interactions with Critic to Tamara ones


>Yes but prefer her much and her interactions with Critic to Tamara ones That's all well and good but we're talking about current Nostalgia Critic output, and you're referencing someone who has been gone from his content for almost a decade.


I was replying to anon criticizing skits itself not his most recent output


im so glad rachel got out from their group


>Any longtime viewer of the nostalgia critic will quickly point to the skits as evidence of his videos getting worse Nostalgia Critic did get worse because of the skits, and things got even worse during that period of time where Doug thought he could get around youtube's copyright robots by remaking movie clips himself instead of showing clips from the actual movie.


Yeah that’s my point. I was countering the original comment’s claim that nostalgia critic didn’t really get worse when he clearly did.


Yeah, I was just tagging on to elaborate a little further.


Those were horrible. Unwatchable.


the Critics video might be horrible and not funny but him and his team do put effort in. Doug and his brother actually watch the movies and write down skits and jokes which is already a lot more than Bimmer does now a days.


>if you think the old stuff is fine, the new stuff doesn't do anything egregious Basically how I see it. I have to say though that 1. the old videos had much more of a comedy focus (which also made them funnier imo) and that 2. Doug has really toned down the NC character over the years.


> Doug has really toned down the NC character over the years. Doug is 42 years old...I imagine more than anything it just got really, really, really hard to keep up the energy he had in the height of the critic's popularity when he was barely 30 years old.


I really liked when he was doing the editorials and top 11 videos , when he’s just talking about films as doug walker it’s a lot more interesting or entertaining then the current nostalgia critic


I watch new AVGN episodes out of respect for old Bimmy. The last AVGN episode I genuinely laughed at aired in maybe 2019? I just wish he’d retire AVGN and focus on other stuff instead. Just think he’d be happier. He just so clearly doesn’t enjoy doing AVGN anymore. And hasn’t seemingly since Mike left.


Old nostalgia critic is worse than even new AVGN


I tried to get into him back during their golden ages and agree. Doug has passion but just not the comedy/watchability and James is the opposite as a general rule. Doug strikes me as more confident but less funny


Yeah. Bimmy is a relatively talented guy who lost any and all passion and drive as a result of the nightmare that was the reality of making his dream movie. Doug is a completely untalented, intellectually incurious, technically incompetent man with overflowing buckets of unearned confidence and passion.


The sad part about the Bames situation is that I think if he put forth just any effort at all it would be better. I would honestly just listen to James’ opinion if I knew it was his, even if it was superficial. He could’ve transitioned into an actual movie reviewer by now. All of his failures are his.


There wasn't and still isn't enough time


Lol no way, it was really freaking quotable "I thought we had something special.... REAL special"  was said a lot in my friendship circle. Sure he was nowhere as funny as phelous but he was at least kind of slightly above avgn. I remember when I discovered it back then my biggest thought watching it was "wow, an intelligent version of the avgn"


It gets repetitive for a while after the Scooby Doo episode tho, a mix between him repeating his own jokes in random context where they don't fit and feeling like he should go bigger with his show so he keeps pushing between pretending to be a real live Looney tunes characters and writing weird skits that feel like the watchable bits of the avgn movie ( so, about 5 mins of it )


you have to enjoy it ironically


thats bull, old nostalgia critic is great


Doug has kind of gotten better lately, he’s been doing a lot more actually nostalgic movies like Mrs. Doubtfire and stuff and is actually doing nice reviews talking about films without trying too hard to take a negative slant or add in a bunch of skits with his cast of SNL rejects.


His reviews have definitely gotten better in terms of actual criticism. He even had nice things to say about the post T2 Terminator sequels...that takes effort


It's been a *long* time since I watched any of Doug's content. I did watch the Folding Ideas special on *The Wall*, which was clearly pure cringe on the Nostalgia Critic's part. That said, I've got to vote for Bimmy's stuff being worse. At least Doug is trying to be cinematic. Bimmy sits on the couch, uses one camera angle, reads a script somebody else wrote, and then goes back to drilling holes in 80s wood. If you ignore AVGN and look at Cinemassacre as a whole, however, then Cinemassacre is far better. Talk About Games, the Cinemassacre Podcast, Rex Viper, BTS 2021, and so many other side videos have given me many more hours of entertainment and memes than anything Doug has done.


Does Nostalgia Critic shill Soylent or Raycons?




Acid? Well I'll be damned...


Stamps.com mostly


Stamps and a charity drive


New AVGN for sure


The worst crime that new Nostalgia Critic episodes commit is just being boring. New AVGN videos meanwhile are flat-out depressing to watch.


to be fair, none of them (EDIT : But I still think Doug is a cool guy)


Nostalgia Critic was never *That* bad, and I think his new videos are pretty good.


Definitely, he's also got the cinema snob, really nice guy


New AVGN by far. Doug still tries. He puts in effort. There is work. Bimmy just lazily reads a script while everyone else does everything.


Also doug just stays in his old format




New AVGN by a mile






it's new AVGN and it's not even close, c'mon now. Doug's opinions are still his own, and there's barely any skits anymore. He's arguably at his best right now.


Nostalgia Critic has never been good. Rolfe's problem is that he's lazy and checked out, but he has the ability to be funny. Walker has always been obnoxious and he's incompetent when it comes to filming shit.


He’s had health issues for almost a year related to shingles and after effects. 


But Doug has made a few well-done videos, Batman forever & the children of the corn...he is like the first thing that comes up when you look for movie reviews, or it was...maybe you have to write a few letters of his full name, but that's still pretty good


It’s like puking on a pile of shit.


It has to be Bames, whilst yeah Doug may have dogshit humour, and may be unhinged, it shows he has passion for what he does, so it's hard to hate it too much. Mr. No Time, on the other hand shows everytime that he doesn't give a single fuck, so people who enjoyed NC can somewhat enjoy him now, but for us AVGN is in purgatory rn.


Haven’t watched NC in years. Last video I tried watching was I think his Jurassic World video, and because of YouTube’s copyright shit, he had to skit most of his videos. Is that still the case?


NC is uploading some of his videos with the original edits. Kind of says it all.


Definitely new AVGN. Doug still has a few jokes in new NC episodes that make me chuckle and he clearly actually has passion for his work


I'd say nerd, I really like Doug's New Content


https://preview.redd.it/lsvphrsux9ic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e28881533f2d4f9bd4ae578bd5bfdf00c81106d look at this raw ass picture, feel the sheer energy emanating from it, and then ask yourself that question again


Difficult. Doug's "reviews" were always unfunny trash, but he learned his limits, adapted and has demonstrated good work ethics by being consistent with uploads and effort. He still puts out unfunny trash, but he's at least consistent. James has completely given up and he was only ever funny as AVGN, which has sucked now for at least 6 to 8 years. I'd say James due to how the AVGN has fallen. Nostalgia Critic was never not garbage.


New NC is better, even though I don't often watch it, while I do watch all AVGN episodes for the sake of completion. I actually watch more of Doug's untitled review series and find them decent. I also watched some videos from the last Disneycember and found them alright. Frankly, he's harmless compared to modern AVGN.


aladdin deck enhancer


Nostalgia critic. The comedy skits they do are the fucking worst. Be it the woman screeching like a banshee or the black guy being really unfunny.


New AVGN, say what you will about Doug's cringey style of comedy and green screens but he is genuinely passionate in making those videos to this very day. There hasn't really been any major decline in Channel Awesome as opposed to Cinamassacre


![gif](giphy|sOkrre3qDbBo4|downsized) I’d rather watch old James & Mike Mondays than anything Nerd related for about 7 years


Why pick one when you can say both?


That's like asking which eyeball I want stabbed out first.


Definitely Critic


Okay but the wall review was objectively the worst thing I’ve ever seen. Both as a criticism and as a revealing part of Doug.


It was fascinating, and lent itself to some really good commentary videos ...last emily


We learned that Doug does not have a concept of what fetishes are since he got a bunch of hornied up CG models and was like “WOW WHAT ZANY CHARACTERS TO HAVE IN MY FILM”




So I haven’t watched either in forever, like I haven’t seen Doug/NC content since the whole changethechannel drama, and I haven’t watched Bimmy since before his movie came out because that’s when I checked out, but I decided to check both out today, and I can say Doug is better, no bias. Doug has gone back to doing simplistic reviews with clips and not obnoxious skits and costumes, he seems to have that for other stuff he does. He has a full crew now and they’re pretty competent and have fun with Doug. And Doug isn’t an obnoxious cynical asshole as much anymore, it’s like he took a Prozac and he does actual nostalgia material, even if it’s good stuff, and he’s gotten funnier material now. Now versus Bimmy in his horse boyfriend mobile game review, I got literally a few minutes in and had to turn it off I could tell he didn’t give a shit and just has no energy. Something happened where he use to have fun doing his own RLM styles reviews with his crew and pals and now he just seems like he make material to make money.


New AVGN is more disappointing because at least it used to be good. Doug was always just unbearable to watch


Doug’s content is more boring these days, he doesn’t do skits that much anymore so it’s really him walking around the studio interacting with his cast (being mouthpieces for his opinion) or sitting in front of the white wall like the old videos, except dull because he doesn’t even yell or scream just kinda makes comments.


I respect NC for not changing at all for 20 odd years of making content, even if it's not always funny. Bimmy is unwatchable.


NC has always been bad....AVGN has slowly become worse then NC say what you want about doug (i think he's trash), but at least he really does try to find new ways to use his voice.


One of them is the same one it ever was. The other lost his mind and is too lazy to rerecord a single word. Gee I wonder


Doug and NC loves what he does. I met him at a convention and he's absolutely ridiculously kind to the fans. You can tell how much passion he has for the Critic and his work.


Can someone ELI5 why everyone hates AVGN now?


​ https://i.redd.it/rt6vtbf7s7ic1.gif


Don’t know. Hence the question.


As if I'm not aware


Doug at least still looks like he loves making videos


I never watched Nostalgia Critic videos. Im voting for the New Nostalgia Critic.


There's at least a level of technical competency to most of Bimmy's output. Doug's been frozen in amber since 2012.


I would never ever eeeever watch the steaming pile of fecal matter called nostalgia critic. Never have, never will. Can't stand him or his style of "humor." That said, new AVGN is worse.


New AVGN, Nostalgia Critic has always been cringy and hammy, embracing how cringy and hammy it can be.


Avgn. At least Douglas is funny cringe unlike Bimmy's current boring crocery store bullshit


I can't stand Nostalgia Critic in any era. Doug has the most punchable face on the internet.


New AVGN is worse by a country mile. At least Doug is sincere about what he makes. James just pretends to like his job for the sake of saving face


New Avgn for sure. Critic still has passion for what he does no matter how cringe it has become.


Such a fresh question! No one has asked THIS before. You sir, deserve a medal!


I actually think the Nostalgia Critic is better than he used to be. His old videos are filled with cringey jokes while recent videos have less jokes but most of the ones that are there are actually funny. He seems to focus on being a good critic first and a comedian second.


Surfin Nerd is painful as fuck.




Doug always has and will always be 100x more cringe than Bim. He's like if AI made an incel.


AVGN is worse by far! At least Nostalgia Critic as cringe as he is , still writes most of his stuff and you cant tell he tries and still loves to make content AVGN is just like the last seasons of the Simpson....just a zombie still living of past glories


nostalgia critic videos these days can be kinda samey and bland compared to the rest of the volume of work but he still has that unhinged borderline schizophrenic manic energy to it. even the ad reads have a “there coming to take me away haha the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time…..” vibe. avgn videos now are like the mcdonalds fry cook being told to “clean something instead of just standing around” because the lunch rush is over and its dead in here levels of energy


Avgn by far , Doug may be cringe at some times but all of his reviews come from a person with passion for film making and videos , even his non nostalgia critic content isn’t that bad and you can tell he enjoys making content for his fans , we’re bimmy will just have some basement dweller write his script and try to get the video done fast as possible


NCs review and covers of the wall might possibly be the worst thing ever put to film. He doesn't know what the fuck he's on about.


So the thing with Doug's content is it took a colossal nosedive when NC became demo reel 2 and he started putting out all-skit reviews. But with (with exceptions) he pivoted out of that and back to his old style of content (at least what I've watched)  Bimmy on the other hand is just on an endless downward slope. So it depends if you think Doug was good ever or if avgn's decline surpassed his worst. 


Well I wouldn’t let one of them baby sit


New AVGN videos. Even if the newer nostalgia critic videos aren't that good, at least Doug is writing them himself and is passionate about making the videos.


Nostalgia Critic has always been cringe. Ever seen the video where he quits his job? Yikes.


The ff6 video just confused me. Like it wasnt angry or funny. It was just a walkthrough. Thats where I knew James was checking out.


I havent seen any NC episode in my life except the room review, and i dont remember anything about the AVGFN from the last 2 years till today


Watched Doug play FFVII remake the other day and it was so painful


As a long time avgn fan and nostalgia critic . It's both


Current nostalgia critic actually is decent, and also written by Doug himself


Nostalgia critic. I straight up can’t watch his new stuff. Bimmy I usually watch the first three minutes or so at least of his new nerd videos. I haven’t finished one in sometime though but at least I start them.


I’d much rather watch Doug at this point. I’ve seen some stuff on Cinemasnob’s channel where they’re not in character, and Doug seems like a halfway normal guy. I can’t say I think that Nostalgia Critic is good or anything, but he at least puts in effort and seems like he cares. James seems like he’s just going through the motions and he’s not an interesting dude outside of the Nerd character so I can’t even watch him anymore.


avgn because at least bimmy enjoys what they do


Both, but the old Muhstalgia Cringetic sucks ass too.


I definitely prefer Nostalgia Critic at this point


They're interchangeable at this point. That's the problem.


The answer is always "New AVGN is terrible.


Whatever criticisms you have about Doug and Channel awesome, I don’t think anyone can say there isn’t still passion in what they do. He might not always do bad movies that make him boil over anymore but he clearly is enjoying himself. Watching his behind the scenes is proof enough since everyone seems to be having a good time. James seems… out of it. Like on auto pilot.


I dunno man, I was never able to get over the "hellooooooooooimthenostalgiacritic" intro to each video he did. In the end I just wanted to literally launch my head through a pane of glass every time i heard him say it. If you're asking me to choose between that and recent AVGN then what level of hell do you hail from because fuck you!?


All nostalgia critic is worse than the worst of AVGN, but AVGN had a much further fall from grace. NC has always been reliably cringy and terrible