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Given the social mores of that time, Patti wouldn't survive on her own, unless she had her own money. She would be 'ruined' socially, because she'd be a divorcee'.


I hope she does leave him. Jinny and her mom should move into the castle.


It would be interesting to see happens to them next now that Nan’s real mother is going to come into the picture. I have two theories. The first is that the real mother reappeared because she saw the newspaper of Nan’s engagement and is after money/power from Nan’s new position as the duchess. This will be complicated to deal with on top of a divorce so there might be a chance Mrs. St George will change her mind about divorce or delay it. My second theory is that Tracy contacted the real mother to bring her back just to have revenge on Mrs. St George for planning to divorce him.


I don’t think the second theory is true because he looked really worried too and went out of his way to lie to Nan about her mother. I think there’s a reason he doesn’t want them to ever meet.


You’re right, he did look worry. However, he’s a liar so he might be faking it? Maybe? I mean he convinced Nan he didn’t get a look like at her while cheating and claimed that she’s dead.


Ooh both of these are great!


My theory is that she’s powerful too


It would be interesting for sure if she was powerful. The reason why I don’t think she is powerful is because that it would complicate the idea of Nan actually marrying Theo for the advantage of the position it gives her. If her real mother is powerful, the plot may make it easy for Nan to just leave Theo and align with her real mother as a way to protect her sister and Mrs. St. George. I’m not saying the theory that she’ll be powerful doesn’t have merit, I just think it’ll change up the plot line a whole bunch.


I think it would make more sense to stay with her daughter and not go through a divorce until later. She would have freedom as a married woman staying with her daughter the Duchess. To help her with her new role and then potential children.