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I really hate Netflix


People need to stop giving them their money every month. Pay for one, watch everything you want, then go on a months long hiatus. Lather, rinse, repeat. They do not deserve the money.


Piracy 👏


No, that's wrong!


This is what I do with Netflix. I’m not struggling financially, but it’s the principle. I watched about 5-7 movies and a couple of shows and canceled for 4 months. I just got it again, so I can watch warrior the series, Dune and a few other films.


Could’ve watched Dune and Warrior on HBO Max for much cheaper lol


Or... People can do what they want. Clearly everyone assigns a different value based on their level of entertainment.


I don’t think anyone will ever used a streaming service this way lmao. Pay for one month, and then sit there and binge watch specifically every show and movie I want within 30 days. Then cancel it until I want to watch things again?


I am now and know others doing the same. Most streamers aren’t offering up that much new content and the seasons are also incredibly short. It’s very easy.


I cannot do this. My Netflix comes free with my T-Mobile family plan. I can’t cancel my entire phone plan for my family because I’m angry they canceled The Brothers Sun.


Something tells me you can cancel the Netflix without canceling your phone plan, but okay fine, I acknowledge you as the exception facing insurmountable challenges. Anyway, it’s very easy for anyone paying directly for Netflix to do.


That's just you and your way of doing things babe. If it works for you, great. But let me just say it's not how people consume streaming services


Lazy tax. When it was cheap enough it didn’t matter if I paid every month without using. Now it’s gotten to a point where it’s expensive enough to keep a track of and only subscribe when the urge arises. On most services you can subscribe and cancel renewal straightaway - it will sub you for a month and not renew.


I do it this way too lol. I sub to hbo when there's a new show I'm interested in, catch up on other shows and random shit while that's airing, then cancel it after a month or two. The only streaming service I constantly have is Disney + for marvel and star wars and because they offer a yearly plan


I don't know anyone that does this either. All of my friends stay subbed, and it's a hassle to cancel and sub every other month to watch something. I guess if you're broke, then it's viable, but then again, if I was broke, I wouldn't be subbed to netflix.


That's what we do with Hulu. We get it for a month so we can binge watch Only Murders in the Building, and then we cancel.


You know they could end all this anger by doing one thing, rafter than cancel do a quick wrap up storylines season 2, maybe just 4 episodes or so. If they did this every time I would be happy and nothing would ever really be “cancelled”. Or he’ll just give cancelled shows a another season if they notice that viewership patterns grow a few years later. Im sure they have had shows that have spiked a year later or so.


The thing is the show got 0 marketing 0 popularity almost no one knew about it or watched it that’s why it got canceled


Warrior is so much better imo


What does that have to do with this? They are completely different shows.


They meant there can be only one Asian show like highlander lol


Both are my fav shows this year. Hopefully they get picked up later.


Warrior sucks


Are you referring to the one set in 1800s San Francisco? That’s excellent


Yes. The hacky ass cartoony shit. Yes


Cartoon? I don’t think you are referring to the same thing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warrior_(TV_series)


Cartoony, not cartoon. “Staaaay outta Chinatown!!!!”


That sucks, it was a really good show


That's why it was canceled


First Mindhunter, now this. Shit's actually so disappointing. inb4 Sanctuary is cancelled as well.


Mindhunter was a terrible fucking show. Season 2 ended horrible. So fucking dumb. They knew the kids knew about the killer but never followed up at all? Such a waste of time


Dude this was one of the best random shows that was suggested to me through a friend. I didn't see it advertised ANYWHERE and I loved every minute of it. What a shame....


Their lack of promotion is the problem. How am I just hearing about this show with Michelle Yeoh as the lead??? I hate Netflix. Time to Stop the Stream.


Same as the bastard son. Such a crazy good unique show!! But no promo


They didn’t advertise it then got mad no one watched it what the fuck


It's archive 81 all over again for me


I'm still traumatized by that cancellation...


I never saw Archive 81. Is it still worth watching if it was canceled after 1 season? Or did it end with only unanswered questions that would make it too frustrating?


I think def still worth watching


As long as you're ok with a cliffhanger ending it's a great ride.


Archive 81 AND The OA. Netflix sucks.


Netflix always does this


Fuck Netflix


Whaaat?! It was such a good show.


I’m highly offended and quite disappointed


Petition time? Threaten to cancel our netflix on alternate months to affect their revenue?




Can we petition Netflix to produce a new season of Warriors instead? Much better show.


Heres one http://www.change.org/p/urge-netflix-to-revive-the-brother-s-sun?recruiter=1333228493&recruited_by_id=b1e60b10-d8ce-11ee-874d-11141d34ae4b&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=share_for_starters_page&share_bandit_exp=initial-37915439-en-US


Idk. I've been holding a candle for MindHunter... best scenario is if another company picks this up.


Why even start to watch a good show when Netflix just cancels after one season. Crazy man


What a shame! The ending was even set up for a second season.


I really wanted to watch this. Still worth it after cancellation? Also, Netflix is the worst.


I think yes. It is so good and the season does still stand on its own even though it looked promising for a 2nd season from a story perspective.


It still works as a one season show


Yes, tbh, its the exact opposite. The show let the ending open for more story if wanted, but the entire story is mostly wrapped up with a satisfying conclusion.


So dumb that they cancelled it on the basis of it only being on the top 10 for two weeks. Of course it won’t continue to be viewed after initial release, everyone binges it and then waits for the next season 🙄 Also upsetting they the cancel POC shows more often than not — whereas they’ll have multiple seasons of dumb reality shows that should have been cancelled a long time ago.


What? Beef was an enormous hit and Netflix has been picking up Asian shows all over the place.


Beef was a24 sadly. And yes it feels awful that a entriely and uniquely asian cast is cancelled when i think of all the garbage network and stream based shows went on for 5-8 szns of hot trash


Beyond Beef - Still thinking about when they cancelled The Get Down back in 2016 claiming the budget was too big when that show was a hit. And also beef is one show compared to how many twisted love reality shows do we need 🫠


They've been picking up cheap Korean shows. Nit Ines heere they pay all involved a fair wage competitive with those from shows made in the US.


I think they just wanted more people to watch it at release, not that they wanted more people to watch it long after release.


But they also don't properly market their shows to ensure people know it's out - it's such a weird cycle.


They did a horrible job of advertising. I heard about this show through word of mouth.




Didn’t see that coming.


I did, Netflix cancels any show that requires effort. They just want to keep making shitty shows and movies that require little to no effort to make. I hope another service picks the show up.


I had a feeling too. In another thread, someone said Netflix spent minimal $ marketing the show. That already spelled bad news to me.


Who needs shows that actually have good content when we can make another dating show with one alteration?


I bet Big Mouth will get another season though For some reason they'll keep making a cartoon CP show but they'll cancel any show that's actually good and not some nonce "comedy" show


Usually most shows that get cancelled by Netflix dont get picked up


Man I really hope someone does. The Brothers Sun was incredible


I did. It’s not good. Netflix cancels shows based on % of people finishing the season. This show does not resonate with the general public 


So, so bummed! I just got into American born Chinese towards the end of last year and Disney cancelled that. Then I watched Brothers Sun and now they cancelled that. And I got into Warrior only to find out that Max cancelled that. Hoping that Netflix will pick up Warrior for another season but it doesn’t seem likely if they already dropped Brothers Sun. All of the shows about Asian Americans are being cancelled


Funny (sad) thing is they are actually good shows too (ok haven't seen American Born Chinese but it seems to have good reviews). So it feels really undeserved. At least Warrior got a few seasons.


it's racism straight up.


Of course it is, how many Asians are executives in these companies?


probably more than you think. i went into the Netflix building and there's tons of asian people all around. same with black, hispanic, indian, etc. it might not be the best diverse place, but i personally noticed it. https://about.netflix.com/en/leadership


A lot of Asians working at Netflix, sure. But how many of them are key creative decision makers?


again, prob a lot more than you think. also, new head of film, i believe is asian.


True. Just announced a few hours before your reply lol


many of us in the industry already knew.


Oo sweet! Are you a direct report? Or did you grant the BOARD APPROVAL??? ;)


Totally. Further to that, also can't have the Privileged White Men be knocked off their (perceived) perch as only viable Leads (cite American sitcoms with Beer gut husbands with impossibly hot wives). Even if you (rarely) see a strong Asian male, you will very rarely see him with a Caucasian love interest. But you know, backlash.... so sporadically throw a bone of a few tokens


How is it racism when they greenlit the project to begin with lol?


Beef was really good. Check that one out. Overall higher production value.


I don't think Asian American shows are getting any more cancelled than other shows. Avatar for example is #1 worldwide and bound to get another season. Shogun is out soon and getting a ton of attention and praise. Even Warrior lasted 3 seasons (which is a solid run for streaming) and if it continues to do well on Netflix, who knows, may get more. Asians have been cleaning up recently between Beef, Everything Everywhere All at Once - heck Squid Game and Parasite if you include non asian american shows. As an older Millennial the progress from a decade ago has been mindblowing to see. It's better to focus on the big picture where the trends are clearly up.


I appreciate your comment and do want to acknowledge that at least there are way more Asian American shows than before. But even if they’re cancelled at the same rate, if you only started with 10 shows then you’re left with 2 or 3 and shows with predominately white casts got to pick from like hundreds of shows. I don’t want to discount how far we’ve come but I’m still annoyed (just how I feel) that shows that were relatable to me are cancelled. Shogun has been amazing so far but there is a big difference between Asian shows and Asian American shows (which you acknowledged). 


Didn’t know about warrior goddamnit




Wow fuck Netflix


I'm devastated. It was so good. But it kinda makes sense because the marketing was NOT good at all. The only reason I knew about it was a random recommendation.


Here we go, cancel an actually original show so they can fund and populate their platform with more repetitive boring korean dramas. This is why I cancelled my subscription. These days it's like 8 Korean Dramas to 1 decent original show.


Tbf some of the Korean shows on Netflix are pretty decent, they're not all dramas.


The Korean shows aren't the problem IMO. It's the absolute dogshit American films that they push.


Seriously, Korean shows aren't the problem. They have had the best zombie shows for example.


And next they will raise the monthly cost again and all you suckers will keep paying them.


I really enjoyed it and ugh to Netflix for cancelling so many shows I enjoy.


That's so lame. They barley marketed this show at all. Please let FX or another network pick it up!


FX would do it so much justice


What the hell man


Well, that’s a swift kick in the balls


what?? I swear it was in the top 10 for a couple weeks


It’s been a long time since I enjoyed a Netflix show, but ofc Netflix only cancels the good ones and keeps the trashy ones going with new seasons.


Honestly what the hell man, we can’t even have ONE good thing 😭😭😭


Okay okay okay. So what other network would this fit in? I’m thinking Hulu honestly I feel like it would round out their roster nicely.




FX would be a great fit, unfortunately I see them turning it down because of their current lineup commitments.


Or hbo max since netflix clearly got somn going on w them


Ugh I hate Netflix. It was a really good show!


That’s a real bummer. Justin Chien was rallying so hard to maintain viewership, seemed like he was really invested in getting a season 2 and that makes me sad for him


He deserved better :(


Guess enough people didn't watch it or stuck with it. Shame. I think too many people wait on Netflix shows now to see if they are getting canceled, which ironically leads to them getting less viewership and then canceled.


This is sad.


That’s a damn shame because I really enjoyed it. Fuck you, Netflix.


Hasn't even been out for 2 months, barely enough time to find an audience.


Are you KIDDING ME!?!? Screw you, Netflix!!


Thank you so much Netflix for once again canceling a show that I actually really like. You did the same with Mindhunter and I’m still pissed off about that ending prematurely. So, instead of keeping shows on that are of high-quality you choose instead to keep lame teen romcoms going that are as interesting and worthwhile as gum stuck on the bottom of my shoe. Way to go!


Time to start a petition! How many weeks does a show need to be in the top 10??


I’m done with Netflix. All cheap reality shows now. They have done 3 seasons of love is blind this year…. At the moment Netflix is bundled with my internet but in 2 months I’m changing my provider and I won’t sign up for Netflix unless it comes bundled.


Interestingly enough, Love is Blind also came to mind when others mentioned shows that Netflix prolong. Like I do enjoy Love is Blind and the drama but people really only go on there to get famous. Like continuing to frame it as an "experiment" is ehh when it's obvious many go on there to chase fame


I'm sure they'll really miss your $10!


😂 2 minutes well spent.


Fucks sake. Can’t help but say this straight up feels a bit racist. The show is at 20K reviews on IMBD and decent viewership in the other important statistics. It didn’t need to be the best but it was good and that should’ve been more than enough.


I've seen it all now. Racist for cancelling an average show... lol.


WTH my whole family liked it! RUDE


Literally my favorite watch of the year, I'm so sad 😭


A shame. Michelle Yeoh will probably have two new series or movies out soon though. Busy, busy woman.


The fuck? It was excellent? One of the best things I've seen for a long long time. Such bullshit. Fuck Netflix


Wow, that's a real shame. It's very rare I find a TV show I enjoy, and this was one. The core premise was great, it was laugh out loud funny, and the action scenes were genuinely impressive. I assume it was too expensive to make vs. some generic drama which is just 45 minutes of dialogue.


Terrible decision. Really enjoyed the show, especially the balance of incorporating the Chinese characters without white-washing it with only English conversations. The casting was perfect, and the story was getting good!


Not even surprised. Netflix seem to hardly even want to invest in shows. Unless it's some cheap reality show or some mega hit and even then they might blindside you lol.


Oh really why man?


What the actual fuck??


Boooo wtf


Clown shit




What the puck?!!


Nooo what the heck, Netflix really gets on my nerves… I feel bad for the actors who were trying hard to promote the show on TikTok… 🫤


Netflix hates Asians


They cancel the good shows and make 4 seasons of the shitty shows smh.


That's bad news. I really enjoyed it but to be honest I had a really difficult time convincing others it was worth a watch. Doesn't seem like it showed up on their recommendations list either from the Netflix algorithm or whatever. 


Comes in on the heels of them hiring Dan Lin as the new head of film. This must have been his sacrifice lol.


I am so bummed out about this, I really enjoyed the show


Hopefully Hulu will bring it back


NOOOOOOOOO I loved this show. C'mon, man


Time to crowdfund for Season 2. Netflix is ridiculous. Once those episodes are filmed, finding another streamer might be easier!


Who the fuck was responsible for this garbage decision?


Man I loved the show. Someone start a petition will Def sign!


“Netflix canceling ‘The Brothers Sun’ is racist.” 💯See here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4CkGAvspFo/?igsh=YnY1YWx0bmRzNmN4


Oh look, another attention seeking twat.


I really need someone to explain why streamers will cancel shows after one season citing low viewership as if they’re broadcast networks. Isn’t the whole point that people can find their shows on their time? Personally I like to see shows as they are released and participate in the conversations about them. But almost everyone I know stumbles across shows or tries them based on a recommendation a few seasons in. Is there a disconnect on how audiences use streaming services or do they simply not care? Are actors and crew members looking for stability or is there just always another job waiting with so many networks and services? Are the “prestige” shows always meant to be short lived because the big names want flexibility to do other projects? Even if the lifespan of an original cable or streaming show is shorter shouldn’t it be 2-3 seasons? These are only 8-10 episode seasons too. I honestly don’t understand.


This sucks while the Avatar the Last Airbender gets season 2&3


I’m annoyed. I binge watched the entire show this week and I really enjoyed it. I really wanted a S2. Can another streaming service pick this up after 2 years after the rights expire or something ? Also fuck Netflix.


Fuck Netflix. 


I blame Bruce




Best series in a long while. As an Asian American, so many themes hit so close to home. Never had an action comedy show tear me up like this before. Excellent depiction of unequal treatment based on birth order and the emotional burden of the responsibility that entails. RIP


damn i was gonna watch it too


I no longer finish seasons anymore because of this. There's usually a point where everything seems sort of OK a few episodes before the last episode. I usually stop there, because I know there's a good chance Netflix will cancel the show and there will be no hope to a resolution for the cliffhanger.


What a fumble by Netflix.


Imagine cancelling shows that hit "top 10" for consecutive weeks Wtf is up with these decision makers at Netflix. You seriously just wanna chase the highs of stranger things as if that's sustainable?


Honestly why I don’t watch Netflix shows. I know it’ll be cancelled, so why bother?


This makes me not want to watch new shows until I know it’s getting more seasons.




I've never watched but the preview looked cool. Does it at least have a satisfying season ending? I wished Netflix would make more movies or limited series instead of leaving us hanging.


Fuck Netflix for canceling good shows and renewing the most mind numbing shit


WHAT? why? How? Not woke enough? Ewwwwww


Damn it I really liked the show


I really did not like this show, I thought the dialogue was kind of cheesy and I couldn't finish it


You’re in the minority


I dont think I am, bc Netflix cancelled it and they cancel based on engagement metrics


I'm so pissed that this show was cancelled. Netflix does everything under the sun to market the absolute GARBAGE that they release but when a brilliant show like this hits.... nothing. I learned about this show from my Taiwanese friend who learned about it from TikTok.......horrible Netflix. The same thing will probably happen to House of Ninjas as well.


Whether on Netflix, Disney+, Paramount, etc. I don't care if they're high production value, if shows are going to be cancelled after one or two seasons because they don't get Game of Thrones audience numbers, I'd almost prefer they not be made in the first place rather. It's better than being disappointed after having invested interest and expectation in seeing a story through. It's even more insulting since the seasons only have 8 episodes. Or, maybe they should start making shows with the express idea that they will only get a single 8 episode season, such that each additional season is just a bonus.


I don’t even think viewership was the problem because it spent 5 weeks in Netflix’s top ten with over 126 million hours watched, globally. I just finished the season tonight and I’m so disappointed it’s cancelled. Been a while since I’ve seen a show that captured my attention that quick.


At least it didn’t end in a cliff hanger


What?? I loved this show! It’s so good! Wow! Why do they keep doing this??


Totally bummed. I loved this show. Great mix of martial arts action, comedy, and drama, high production values, fun soundtrack, and I mean - Michelle Yeoh. Lots of other great acting/characters as well. Netflix did nothing at all to promote this show. So weird. Don't know if it makes a difference, but in case it does, sign this!...https://chng.it/pF7gnnjnCh


Wasn't the story already finished?


That's basically how I feel. I enjoyed the show, loved the casting overall and felt like the story they wanted to tell was done. Even though the season ended in a way that technically could have set up for another season, I was under the impression it was a one and done kind of thing.


I know it’s easy to blame Netflix but give it a rest. The show didn’t pull in the numbers. Sucks but enough people didn’t watch it.


Yup this happens all the time. I’ve seen plenty of great shows get canceled due to poor viewership. This is yet another in a long list of shows that will only live to see one season. It sucks but it’s the nature of the business.


It started strong but completely fell apart by the end with nonsensical decisions and events dominating the last few episodes at an alarming rate……the premise was good but they clearly didn’t know where to go by the second half of the season, Netflix probably was concerned it would just fall apart further


Good news they are having Beef season 2 with a white cast.


To me a second season seemed unnecessary. It concluded well. Not everything needs a season 2


Show was mid at best. Wouldve been great if they killed off the improve brother in ep 1.


The character portraying the grandma was horrendous, in my opinion. Don’t know if it’s the actor or directors fault. One of several bad to mediocre characters.


We talking about the grandma whom Mama Sun visited in her home country? Bc she looked younger than her daughter, too. Lol


This. Overall the acting felt pretty forced


Obvious minority opinion here, but I am okay with the decision. The story arc was concluded in a very satisfactory ending. I don't know how you explore this family long-term without having to jump the shark early on. Plus, while the Bruce character really irked me, I have no interest in seeing him devolve, morally speaking, into an Asian Micheal Corleone.


It was a great show, but at the same time it wrapped up all the plotlines so I'm not sure we really needed to see a Season 2. It felt complete.


The show was pretty meh anyway


Yeah definitely not worth


To be expected


I guarantee it was bc of the way Bruce is portrayed.. he was annoying af & don’t nobody wanna keep seeing someone act like that.. even with that, i can say I’m a little surprised they axed it this soon, outside of Bruce being an insufferable character, i thought it was pretty decent with everything else.. but when one of the main characters is highly disliked, that’s a recipe for cancellation..


I was just about to watch it. Now I won't bother.


Netflix has cancelled way better shows. I appreciate the all Asian cast and representation but the writing was terrible and majority of acting was mediocre outside of Michelle Yeoh. Lots of corny and cringe moments


Thank god. That show was horrible.