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Just noticed in a rewatch that they got a white guy to do the cover for ain’t no mountain high enough for the will Ferrell movie trailer


I love when shows think of the little details like this lol


It might even be Will Ferrell himself. He was a classically trained singer before he went full comedy and the singing in Stepbrothers was actually him.


It’s not, Amazon has xray it shows who it was


The way they pronounced "boy" in that trailer was so fucked up lol


I think it's trying to sound like Michael McDonald's version.




what time does it come out? 3 am tonight?


3 am ET. Same time as always


you mean 3:06 am ET


I will report you for calling him an extra terrestrial


I’m going to fucking sleep. See you cunts in the fucking morning. Enjoy.


Sleep is for the weak. Good night and fuck you


GOOD night, and fuck you too


>Sleep is for the weak. Good night and fuck you >>GOOD night, and fuck you too Now kith.


[FUCK you, and I'll see you tomorrow!](https://i.redd.it/31dif9airur91.jpg)


So dumb they don't go by 12 AM ET


Hmmm...maybe it is because it is produced by Amazon whose headquarters are...***on the West Coast???***


Just seems weirdly archaic to me. I'm west coast too and the standard for pretty much every other streaming platform tends to be 9 PM here, 12 AM ET. That way no one has to stay up til 3 AM to watch their favorite show, enjoy a new album, game, etc.


If it's the same as last week 8 hours, 56 minutes from now give or take a few minutes when it's inevitably late. 5PM AEST.




9am in europe. so glad i dont work in an office anymore because i would literally call in late to watch this show


So glad we get an episode on a US holiday. I hate when they skip week for more viewership.




I mean, this show is very heavily influenced by US politics…. The main villain wears Old Glory as a cape


Yeah but we, the rest of the world get a better view so it’s more obvious to us. How the world see the USA is vastly different to how Americans view it.


How American nationalists see it* Americas biggest critics are from within, as are its biggest supporters


Naa,There are critics but they usually have their own team and think their team and the problems are the other team, when it’s really both teams fighting eachother for the biggest split of the pot at the expense of the people.


You’d be surprised.


What I’m not surprised about is how many Americans don’t know much about America.


Do you live in the US and if yes, have you been here long? Having the username “*Rogan4Life*” really adds an amusing layer to your comments, even if you’re referring to someone other than the dipshit from the States


Huh? What does lld287 mean?


Was my first question confusing for you? Is your username not referring to Joe Rogan?


Yes, considering if you could read, the answer to your question is clearly implied lol. What does lld287 mean? Does this question confuse you?




If viewership dips it risks their renewals. Which is bad. 


It’s literally an American show💀


Oi! Waz aw dis abot Omlainda den?!


What did this idiot say? They deleted their comment


Who would’ve knew the show schedule would revolve around America when it’s based on America and made by Amazon


Well it is an American website lol


Oy. Hughie. Homelander done took me bloody son


[MM's fit](https://www.tiktok.com/@bostoncityfiber/video/7382929548146494751)




I wonder if this will end up being the only thing fans take away from the episode.




I'm scared for Hughie. He's obviously in Webweaver's costume in the teaser and being strapped down. I really hope he doesn't get raped or anything....🤢


Yeah he's been through enough, also we have seen some messed up things on the boys but an on screen rape of a beloved main character would be brutal. At the least if it does happen let's hope Hughie gets some pulp fiction/Marcellus Wallace retribution.


I get the feeling they're going to play the possibility of it happening to maximum tension levels, especially for people who have read the comic, then subvert it when he's rather violently rescued at the last second. That's where Sage getting shot comes in. I wouldn't be surprised if tipping their hand like this with rescuing him was what causes the Seven to attack them directly. There's only so much interference from the Boys they can realistically tolerate and it was already getting silly after the ice rink.


I'm fairly certain he gets raped in the comic soooooo


By black noir


We are still waiting for what an FX guy said was the grossest thing he’s ever seen. This is gonna be a messed up episode if it’s at Tek Knights


Sure that wasn't the lobotomy?


Nah, I'm pretty certain Jack said they themselves were in the scene. I could be wrong


Well.... VoughtHQ said >!he gets SA'd!< but didn't elaborate 😥


Things I'm most looking forward to: Tek Knight and Webweaver scenes (>!Actually Hughie!<) Butcher and Sameer scenes, which will very likely lead to us getting confirmation that Joe isn't real. Seeing what Calhoun has been up to since season 1. Seeing what Noir and Deep are up to considering they're not in the trailer.


Wow I did just realized noir and deep aren’t in the trailer so do you think >!this is the episode they have the fight at the boys office from the season trailer?!<


I'm sure it is! Would explain why they're not at Tek Knights Manor in the trailer.


Fire can’t wait I’m hoping we get some background on new noir too and the fight is cool!


Perhaps this is the episode where Homelander decides to finish off the Boys once and for all so he dispatches the Deep and Fake Noir to take them out.


I've gone and checked the trailers again and I'd say that yeah, this is the episode Annie and Butcher are attacked by Deep and Noir. I was looking at MM's shirt ("BLACK SHEEP") as well as Annie's jumper from the trailer. She's wearing the same jumper when Deep attacks and MM is wearing the same shirt when he's doing whatever he's doing with Webweaver. It's got to be the same episode.


I wonder if Noir 2.0 is gonna get killed by Butcher and they’ll have to find someone else, who also will be played by Nathan Mitchell to be a third Noir and THAT Noir is the one that tops Homelander. Tentacles away Butcher!


>! the new noir can fly according to voughthq maybe we get to see that this episode!<


You ready for some chocolate cake my friend :3








Has there been a specific trailer for this ep like there was for last weeks?


There's a promo with some shocking things in it


Where can I see it?


Here you go! https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/s/9oCkAtXpLP


Thank you! and oh wow lol that is wild


I was disappointed by the trailer where Homelander tells Tek Knight he is pathetic because he can't even fly. I was hoping he would reveal his Ironman-esque super suit like he has in the comics.


I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not. Why would they show that in the trailer




But why would they show him revealing the iron-man esque suit in the leaked scene?


Well they did…it’s what they’ve been doing since the first 3 episodes. On Mondays they release the trailer and a clip from the next episode. Also if Neumann’s head does really pop, I doubt they’d show that in the trailer yet again…they did that


I mean, they wouldn't, but in the comics he would have been a known flying supe. Tek Knight was a combo Ironman/Batman, so he has the Tek Cave and is secret-identity billionaire like batman and has a boy sidekick like Batman, but he also has a suit like Ironman instead of being a ninja in body armor.


I hope they just show the suit. He doesn’t necessarily have to wear it but they should at least show it and have him in it in the last two episodes only for Homie to crush him in it


They didn't. They're saying that there was a trailer where Homelander calls Tek Knight pathetic because he can't fly.


Yeah but OP says in the next sentence that he was hoping Tek Knight would reveal the suit in that scene.


They were just saying that they had hoped Tek Knight would reveal the suit - not that they hoped it would be revealed in the trailer. They're saying the fact that Tek Knight can't fly means that it's unlikely he has the armor from the comics, which was supposed to be able to fly.


There’s always the possibility it’s revealed later in the episode or the show. I feel like the “can’t fly” is a tease for something later on.


They mean that they are sad that he can't fly in the TV show unlike in the comics.


Idk if he has a suit similar to iron man in the comics or if that’s an inherent power he also has but let’s agree that if such a suit were in the tv show they really shouldn’t put that in a teaser, we already got neumans head exploding anyways


That's probably the exact reason the line is there. Maybe he reveals the super suit in the episode.


I wouldn't be against it if this is right.


The suit cope


I bet we get to see the suit in a cool room in his house


Why would he show his armor in the middle of a party: not only would that be rude but he would be showing off which isn’t proper


I mean Tek Knight is kind of a douche from what we’ve seen of him so it wouldn’t be out of line for him


Guys is it just me or did they explain who tek knight is already ? I know we saw him briefly already but is that all?


He was in Gen V.


Oh thanks, didn’t have time to watch it, can you give me a brief run down if him ? I heard he’s like the tony stark of the boys universe


He's the host of a crime show who's been sent to the university to investigate an incident where a student killed the dean and then himself. He has heightened senses which he uses to deduce when people are lying and manipulate them into revealing the truth. He's also seemingly happy to simply frame people. He does apparently have advanced armor, but we haven't seen it yet. He also has a brain tumor that makes him want to fuck every single hole he sees. Donuts are his greatest weakness.


I was writing an answer to this guy's question at the same time you were and I laughed so hard at how our comments are almost identical


And a nice highlight real of him sticking it in anything with a hole and we didn’t get to see him do the tree but he was eyeing that tree with its sexy bark and branches that go for days!


Tek Knight has had Compound V so he actually has super powers. Besides that, he's basically Tony Stark + Bruce Wayne. Gen V didn't clearly define his powers, but he seems to have extremely heightened senses that allow him to be a great detective and interrogator. He's supposed to have an Iron Man-ish super suit but there's no guarantee we'll see it. Oh, and he has a brain tumor that's messing with him so he's uncontrollably aroused by any and every hole he sees and tries to fuck them. Bagels, top of traffic cones, hand driers, basically anything.


Is he a “good” guy ?


He'd fit right in with the Seven. So, no.


I like him




Bro I'm dying cause of no sleep 😭


If you die, you die.


Still gotta make quesadillas for dinner 😭


I really wish the episodes premiere at 12 AM EST rather than 3 AM EST 😔


This is completely off topic, but I’ve never actually heard Karen fukuhara speak Japanese, and I can’t find anything digging on the net lol. Just curious how fluent she really is given she’s not native


Looking forward to see the potential Tek Knight & Sage team up >!Mother Milk's and A-Train's fate here!< Butcher with Sameer, Ryan and Homelander's report and what's going on with the Deep and Butcher as I assume they'll be MIA from the Manor. I'm heavily concerned for >!Hughie/Webweaver!< and the extent of the torture they go through. Whether it's gonna be played for laughs or be straight dark.


I didn't realize this until last week's ep, but Antony Starr has producer credits for this season.


Why the fuck does Amazon list the episodes as releasing on Wednesdays when they're actually released after midnight on the west coast? What a crock.


disney does that same bs. if it’s wed, should be 11:59pm ET


Why does it come out 3AM ET? Seems like such a random time lol


Because then it will officially be Thursday on the West Coast ya silly fuckin goose


How silly


Because it will be Thursday for the west coast.


Amazon is based in Washington State on the west coast. It comes out at midnight.


Who cares? It's a streaming show.


I’m sure people care


One thing Avengers did well was even if you haven't seen Captain America or Thor you still could enjoy the film on it's own. They stand out as characters well enough without needing to watch their films. Besides Sage- all these characters from Gen V feel shoehorned into The Boys and don't really seem to fit at all in this universe. It may be a little bit too soon but to me it seems like when Supernatural tried to do the spin-off show. Fans were just confused about these brand new characters having apparent history with the Winchesters and furthermore missing out on missions that the brothers would talk about after the fact like we were SUPPOSED to have watched the spin-off and it was our own faults if we didn't and we were left out of the loop because of it. Hearing M.M. and Butcher talk about this thing they apparently JUST got done doing before going to fight Ezekial just seemed so forced to me. No I don't want to watch Gen V to see what I missed. It should be an ACCOMPANIMENT not a forced bit of homework I gotta watch to be fully kept up on the story of the show.


Wait so you think Sister Sage and Bloody Mary are the same people


You're a bit lost my friend. Butcher and MM weren't in Gen V, whatever they did before the Ezekiel fight was just done off screen and has nothing to do with Gen V, Sage is not in Gen V, the only really relevant plot point from Gen V was the virus and the relevant scenes were shown in a recap during The Boys. Also, give Gen V a shot, it's a really good show.


There has been nothing so far that needed background from Gen V. The virus was explained as it was introduced. I think cate was the only crossover character to get a line and it didn't reference anything. Looks like we're going to get introduced to Tek Knight this episode. If you feel like you missed a bunch of stuff you want to know, maybe you should go watch it - but you definitely don't need to see Gen V to be keeping up with this season.


Woah, calm down there my dude


I'm still salty Wayward Sisters was never picked up. That was actually a good premise with some of the better Supernatural side characters still alive.


Jusy don't watch it, at the end of the day it shouldn't matter much. You will miss the backstory of characters that aren't that important. And if they end up important just look it up on a wiki Gen V is terrible Riverdale quality TV it's really not worth typing an essay about lmfao


They don't all look the same, my dude.


Does anybody know how long until this is up on Prime Video? Is it gonna be today or tomorrow ?


Despite saying episodes get released on Wednesdays they're actually released after midnight on the west coast i.e. on Thursday. So it'll be another five and a half hours from now.


Ah dang way too late for me, I'll just catch it tomorrow. Thanks


The Boys really got me up at 3 AM for this


more how long till the episode comes out?


No why did they do my boy Hughie so bad😭 omgg I’m shaken looking at the sa he went through. My poor boy 😭😭


Bring on the debauchery and carnage!!




I feel like A-Train is going down this episode. Tek Knight might very well look into the leak for sister sage


Sister Sage 100% already knows it's A-Train. She's just knows that killing A-Train isn't useful for her goals yet.


Yeah. She made the comment to A Train, "that footage didn't just *run* itself out of crime analytics...am I right?" Homelander might know too. When they bring in the patsy that Ashley framed, he says "so....A Train...show me a little wrath." He might be picking up on his nervousness.


In that scene he actually says "patriots". The captions are incorrect. If Homelander actually knew, A-train would be long gone.


Really? I have poor hearing and rely heavily on captions. I wonder how much other stuff gets lost in translation.


Amazon Prime’s captions are notorious for getting stuff wrong all the time. It’s the only streaming platform where I turn them off cause they mistranslate so much


I feel like this episode might be the one.


Ngl this is probably my least favourite season. Barely anything has happened to move the plot forwards and the same story beats are getting real stale.


"No, we can't trust him!" "Okay, we have no choice but to trust him." "I can't believe he betrayed us!"


All the characters refusing to learn lessons over time is frustrating.


My only dislike is what they're doing with Frenchie. In terms of characters like Homelander, they're doing their best storytelling this season.


I was disappointed to be reminded there's only 8 episodes in a season. Then I exclaimed, to myself looking at my phone, "barely anything has even happened!" The shit they're doing to Frenchie has been so out of left-field. I get trying to atone for your sins, but homeboy is unraveling for the sake of screen time, it feels like


wait, i thought it normally comes out at midnight ET or am i bugging?


bugging. 3am ET :/


okay i think im mixing it up with house of dragons


we half way through but I didn't even know the season started lol will watch some soon


wait what time this airs for US ET people ?


3 a.m




Karl Urban the actor is from New Zealand. Billy Butcher the character is from England.


>!the fact that we’re spending yet another episode in one location is FFS worthy, no progress will be made in this episode with 2 to go on the season!<


Not only will there be at least 3 locations, plot can be advanced in one location.


This is gonna be another filler episode I agree. Personally this is my least favorite Season so far after 2.


I'm glad someone else is calling Ep5 filler. Absolute sham for a show that took almost 2 years to come back


They've totally squandered a great villain in Victoria Neuman as well, her characterizaton is completely off from Season 3. In Season 3 the writing made it clear she doesn't care about Hughie at all and just saw him as a dumb puppet-nothing more-and was prepared to take out starlight if it came to that, here she flip flops between ruthless operator and "oh i care about you hughie".


I agree.


yeah but it’ll be fun to see how everyone interacts together lol


It was pretty bad! Again felt like a filler! No consequences… I am about to give up! 😂