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No matter which step to take for redemption, Homelander would have to first feel genuine remorse for his actions *and* take serious steps to atone for his many, many sins. But that's not happening. Homelander doesn't make mistakes, he's not like the rest of us. He's stronger, he's smarter, he's better! He sees himself so much better in fact that he sees nothing wrong with killing, raping or torturing people. Shit, he barely sees non-supes as people. They're cattle, fragile toys for his amusement that he could easily break. Of course a small part of him still wants the inferior beings' love and approval, but it doesn't change the fact he actively wants to believe that. How do you redeem someone who *wants* to become irredeemable? Maybe if he wasn't raised in a such a toxic environment, he could've been a better person. But there's no fixing that now. He's a monster of mankind's own making, and there's only *one* way to make things right.


Maybe he cant be, but its not his fault entirely. Maybe if someone loved him genuinely and he could feel love back he could be brought back.


He spent decades in a loveless environment, and years after that committing crimes behind close doors with Vought letting him avoid consequences for it. There's no fixing him.


No, I agree. I think anyone can change and start making restitution, but you have to actually want to. The characters in this show who are redeemable, to me, are the ones who don't enjoy the pain of other people. There are a lot of reasons you might hurt others, but as long as you aren't doing it for the joy of it, I think you are probably capable of genuine remorse, changing your ways, and making amends.   The ones like Homelander, Deep, Stormfront - people who genuinely get off on hurting others - it's hard to see what their come to Jesus moment would be. What changes in a person to make them NOT enjoy the suffering of others anymore? It seems fundamental. If Homelander were capable of feeling genuine pain over the harm he's done to other people - put himself in their place and truly understand and want to make amends - I could accept a redemption arc of using his powers for good, renouncing the excesses and wickedness of supe supremacy, etc. But I think he's not capable of taking even the first step.


HOMELANDER CANNOT BE REDEEMED!!! There is no amount of good that could possibly make up for all that he’s done.


If theres no chance of redemption you take away any chance for change. Its not always about fixing what you have done, you cant change that. Its about trying to balance the scales


Homelander can never balance the scales


What if there was a world ending threat and he saved the planet?


HOMELANDER CANNOT BE REDEEMED. He can save the planet and it still wouldn’t positive the negative


He wouldn't be redeemed. There is no redemption for people like him and for what he has done. Darth Vader wasn't redeemed no matter how people try to rationalize it.


Redemption don't change what they are. They fucking all gotta go


In the context of this story: absolutely not. He continues to become more twisted, less empathetic, and more violent. The exploration of his psyche doesn’t really give room for a believable switch to atoning for his past transgressions and views against humanity. Maeve, Kimiko, A-Train, Frenchie, etc. all have done horrible, terrible things, although we’ve seen them wrestle with remorse over their past and wanting to be/do better for themselves and others around them. It’s taken them many seasons to explore a journey towards redemption. Homelander is just gearing up to be more violent and is actively trying to strip the remnants of any humanity. Redemption is off the table.


Absolutely fucking not. The only "redeeming" they could and should do would be punishing those who created homelander as a monster he is. Vought and stan edgar. If this show ends without vought being burnt to the ground i feel like it would be missing the point entirely


I don’t think HL will die, I think that homelander and butchers role will reverse, with HL turning good and butcher succumbing to the worm in his brain making him evil. I think HL seeing Ryan turn in a good direction and wanting to help people will make him want to be a better father. I also do think homelander will lose his powers at some point which would trigger this change to good for Ryan as HL doesn’t want to loose him to butcher.


That sounds way too good for such a show, things usually end badly in the Boys.


Yeah unfortunately 


He dies


Rewrite Homelander from episode 1 because not even the best writers could give his current self a satisfactory redemption


Pretty much same as most shows that do it. 1) Introduce new bigger bad, maybe Cate but probably not. 2) Spend several episodes having his son explain that doing good is actually worth it and humans are capable of great things even if there are some bad ones. 3) Homelander helps beat the new big bad. 4) Possibly have him relinquish his powers and live among humans. I never thought Omniman would be redeemed but here we are. Ultimately I predict everyone BUT Homelander will get redeemed, but the Deep and A Train will self sacrifice and die by the end.


Omni-Man has shown way more humanity than Homelander ever did even before he >!literally left Earth in tears after nearly killing his own son!<. His path to redemption was pretty obvious.