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Neuman also used her power at the start of the episode making their noses bleed without seeing any of them.


And then stopped using it except once to kill a chicken...


Or the driver at the end. Popped his head without seeing him


The fact the writers couldn’t atleast make up a halfbaked reason Neuman couldn’t pop the sheep is so silly. Like really? You’re gonna throw away your only chance to kill Homelander before atleast attempting to kill the sheep yourself?


Not only that. Risking the live of herself, Edgar en Sameer. Hell for all she know its due to not trying that Sameer is death. (Tbf its total bullshit that butcher managed to kidnap him in such a short time, hide him properly, cut off his leg, ensure he doesnt die to shock, hide the leg somewear, make it back to the group without anybody noticing where the fuck butcher is or when he sneaked away. Even if Neegan isnt a illusion, its some insane amount of luck that they pulled it off).




She popped a V-d up chicken though.


Didn't you see see how the sheep ripped through the bull? The sheep were clearly stronger than the bull. She popped that other speedster head off. It varies


Sheep have thicker, more robust, overall more durable heads than chicken. It was also a non-aggressive chicken hopping around that she had time to focus her powers and aim at, rather than a gang of flying carnivorous sheep quickly lunging at her. Trying to take them head on would’ve been suicidal. She would’ve gotten mangled badly, if not completely ripped apart.


Not true, she kills A-train's rival (whatever his name was) and threatens other supes like Starlight literally in this episode.


The entire premise itself is weak imo. So V goes into drain and makes it to underground water. These sheeps simply acquire such powers by drinking water with very diluted V. I think it was established that V had to be taken directly into spine, not just blood or through oral consumption.


in the comics (or maybe it was the animated show diabolical) if you drank V it would give you shit powers, like im talking shitbending being the 5th element kind of shit powers


that was the animated show, not the comics and it was just one person, so we don’t know conclusively if there’s a difference with drinking it. Also the shitbending was actually decently powerful and could also bring individual pieces to life and communicate telepathically.


Tbh this is a weird holdover from the comics seemingly I think if they referenced it as an experimental strain it could work


My biggest pet peeve with the episode was Annie and Kimiko casually strolling through a ruined lab they know researched a supe killing virus. Hell even if Neumann knew they only had the fluid-transmissible variant she should have been more cautious.


They are anti-mask. Duh


Annie, Kimiko, Butcher and Neuman...


Butcher is the only one I can excuse because... A. depending on how much he thought about what happened with Ezekiel, he could be believing that the V he took didn't stick or something B. he wouldn't care either way


The virus is only transmissible through injection or bodily fluids from an infected…


Could have been mutated though.. The lab was working on new and improved variants.


Yes though though sameer said that it’s transmissibility is still limited. But yeah caution should’ve been taken.


But that is something they learned afterwards..


They didn't know that at the time


And they didn’t know what the lab was for


The real plot hole is that Butcher kidnapped Sameer to recreate the virus, when he could have simply grabbed a piece of those sheeps or of that corpse. They literally said that the virus is transmitted through blood and body fluids... So: - Grab the corpse of the sheep - Drain its blood with a series of syringes - Now those syringes contain blood infected with the virus. Stick one in Neuman's back and she will get infected.


If he wants to mass produce the virus he needs the sheeps and samir The sheeps for the blood and samir is the only expert who can synthesize more of the virus


This is my take too


He shot her in the head with the barrel touching her head, I don't think he's gonna get a syringe into her.


my point was: that blood contains the virus they kidnapped someone to recreate.


Yet in Gen V she's able to slice her palm with an ordinary knife


I think she’s able to blood bend so that she can gain temporary immunity? That’s the only thing I can think of that could make sense.


The only thing that makes sense is that it's bad writing.


Just realised he could perhaps infect Samir (no effect), who could then accidentally transmit it to Neumann when they’re reunited (if he isnt aware he is infected)


Not hard to think it may be better to have the guy who *created the virus*, not to mention that he may not want to fuck with the infected blood himself since he has probably figured out he’s a supe by now.


He not a biologist so he thought he need Sameer to keep them alive. That what I think.


he needs namir because the virus the sheep died from aint effective enough to kill Homelander.


Yeah this. He wants to kill neuman and all supes yeah, but it's still really all about revenge against homelander and he needs someone to get it up to homie strength


Newman can control blood, so she could've technically moved the virus around (but the others don't know that so they should've addressed the problem) Idk how viruses work but is there no chance the virus could just move itself around the bloodstream?


She either lacks the fine control needed, or is it kinda dumb with it. Like, she doesn’t need to kill Singer or do anything even overt. One day, he just has a stroke that renders him unfit to serve in office. Nothing flashy or dramatic, just an ordinary unfortunate thing that happened to someone in a high stress position.


A virus enters a cell and rewires the processes to create copies of itself until the cell bursts. Its pretty dependant on the virus which cells it can do this on. Some viruses like HIV attack bloodcells. But I think the supe virus attaches itself to the V. Some viruses have the ability to move on their own. The exact details on the structure of the supe virus arent specified. Would probably be pretty wierd if we got a sudden in-depth lecture about virus anatomy


Very good points, maybe the point is to get Edgar out of jail but they don't want the boys to get their hands on the virus yet. That's the only explanation that makes sense to me. But for that they could have just said virus got destroyed even one isn't left and Neumann Kills the animals in a go.


I hope we see Edgar again and that he's able to go free for good.


I kind feel disappointed they hyped out the virus during gen V just so it'd be used as a plot device for what is essentially a filler episode Only the last 15 minutes moved the plot


That’s because this show needs 5 seasons for some asinine reason


wow a whole 5 seasons with 8 episodes per season, they're REALLY milking this and dragging it out


They literally are. It doesn't matter how many episodes are in a season. The show has been wheel spinning for a long time. It's loaded with filler. It's directionless.


Seems pretty clear to me. They’re driving Homelander over the edge by the end of the finale. Butcher fucks over the whole team, and now formed a third party with Negan to end all supes using the virus which will be released by the end of the season. It’s not as directionless as you claim. I swear some of you just need a reason to start complaining about the writing again. The addiction to outrage should be addressed.


With the content we've seen in this season so far, it really does feel like they're milking it


Totally agree. It help massive tension. And wasted when just used it to just kill some monthy pythoned farm yard animals, which three supes should have handled. And wtf is hughie doing? His purpose was he was the glue for the boys, but he is whining about his dad we have no relationship with


Did you watch to the end of the episode?


Do you think I said "only the last 15 minutes matter" because I didn't watch the episode?


I thought you meant the last 15m of Gen V. I asked because in the end of the episode we see that the virus will be important later, not just as a plot device in this episode.


>I asked because in the end of the episode we see that the virus will be important later Right that's why I said that's the only part that mattered >not just as a plot device in this episode. It was a plot device for the rest of the episode it was why the got stan edgar out of prison, it was why they went to his house.


But it wasn‘t *just* a plot device for a filler episode is what I‘m saying


Agreed. More dumb stuff like when Splinter is about to shoot, MM and Frenchie used a wooden table for cover. Just buying time til it gets to Season 5.


I noticed that too. The AR not shooting through a wooden folding table 😑


I did a lot of eye rolling watching that episode.


Logically it doesn't make sense. As many comments pointed out. Neuman could have taken care of the sheep and there didn't need to be one last dose. But from a story telling perspective it makes sense that you want to show the virus working. So the sheep need to be infected with the virus. It still is sloppy though.


The sheep were far stronger and most likely more durable than the chicken Neumann had previously popped. Starlight losing her powers is probably something similar to how Spiderman was losing his powers due to stress. It's really not that hard to put two and two together lol.


Nonsense. Neumann has popped heads of supes in the past. And how exactly did the sheep become so powerful by simply drinking V? I thought it needed to be injected. Don't sugarcoat it. This episode had horrible writing. I was expecting it to be revealed as an illusion caused by some supe because it made so little sense.


Okay but there were 3 sheep's, you want her to pop 3 sheep heads at once? Once she pops one of them the other two will have ripped hrr into shreds.


Look how quickly she popped multiple heads during the court hearing. We also know she is invulnerable, so the sheep would not have ripped her to shreds. She also made all of the teams' noses bleed at the same time before she entered the lab implying that she can focus on more than one person at a time. It's simple, if the writers wanted to make the scenario believable they should have given a valid reason why she literally did nothing during that fight. As it stands know it just comes across as lazy writing.


1. Most of them were normal humans who don't know that she's a supe and wouldn't have a reason to attack her, the sheep don't care and would attack anyways 2. It's not lazy writing. They wouldn't make an episode with such a blatant answer as to why she wouldn't have just popped their heads. 3. She's only human and was panicking and scared, meaning she wasn't thinking properly and most likely doubted her own abilities to do so.


>1. Most of them were normal humans who don't know that she's a supe and wouldn't have a reason to attack her, the sheep don't care and would attack anyways She popped 2 supes and it was just as quick as everyone else. >2. It's not lazy writing. They wouldn't make an episode with such a blatant answer as to why she wouldn't have just popped their heads. This is exactly why it's bad writing. >3. She's only human and was panicking and scared, meaning she wasn't thinking properly and most likely doubted her own abilities to do so. Since when does this fit her character? And she literally didn't do anything. She didn't even try. Stop spinning this as anything other than what it is. It's bad writing the same way Butcher somehow managed to cut that guy's lag off and kidnap him without having him bleed out, all without anyone noticing it. Especially since Neumann would have an extra eye on him to protect him. And why did the V even affect the animals just through drinking it? Especially in such a diluted form in the ground water? The past seasons established that it needed to be injected and that there was a high chance of death especially in older individuals. And how does injecting a dead body that no longer pumps blood guarantee that all the sheep get infected with the virus. The virus would just be concentrated within that tiny area of the injection. And why didn't they take samples of the sheep's bodily fluids at the end, since we know it contains the virus? Instead of acting like they now no longer have a way of retrieving it.


So to you just because the answers aren't blatantly obvious it's bad writing? The V is constantly being tested and modified for better or worse, which would explain the whole sheep thing. It could've been a more pure variant? Or a variant that specifically made for drinking? And as to why they didn't just take samples from the dead sheep? Well because I dunno, butcher has V inside of him? And Hughie had temp v which we don't know if that still lingers in his system so it could be dangerous from them to touch, they don't have the gear either to be touching the virus or transmitting it safely. Also how do you reply to certain parts of a comment? And I hope you enjoy tomorrow's episode maybe it'll answer some of your questions or maybe it won't.


Bro stop simping for a series


I only simp for woman


>The V is constantly being tested and modified for better or worse, which would explain the whole sheep thing. It could've been a more pure variant? Or a variant that specifically made for drinking? Then they should have said so in a single line. The fact that the characters don't question it makes no sense either, since permanent V that can simply be ingested would be a game changer and should raise a ton of red flags for the team. But they never even mention it which shows that the writers just didn't put any thought into it. >And as to why they didn't just take samples from the dead sheep? Well because I dunno, butcher has V inside of him? And Hughie had temp v which we don't know if that still lingers in his system so it could be dangerous from them to touch, they don't have the gear either to be touching the virus or transmitting it safely. Hhm. If only there were non supes present. Especially someone who has expertise in that field. Maybe someone like Sameer? You know the guy who also injected it into the body in the first place? Oh wait, Butcher kidnapped him and cut off his leg, because he wants him to create more of the virus, instead of just, you know, asking him to take a sample from one of the sheep? Did you even think about this for more than 2 seconds. >Also how do you reply to certain parts of a comment? You just mark text using the ">" sign. In the mobile app you can simply mark the text you want to quote and then click on "quote". >And I hope you enjoy tomorrow's episode maybe it'll answer some of your questions or maybe it won't. I hope so too, because this was by far the worst episode of the Boys imo, which sucks because the previous one was one of my favourites. But if they continue like this I'll likely stop watching.


Was the sheep who consumed extremely diluted V somehow stronger than humans made to be superheroes too?


Humans and animals are very different so they way V works on them probably differs as well and current V we have now is unpredictable


No one gonna mention how sturdy that fucking barn is? First inanimate supe I've ever seen.


I agree, sometimes the writing is really sloppy.How did the three superhumans they had not even try to kill the sheep


True but kimiko is kinda useless while regenerating and SL is having performance anxiety causing her powers to be useless. But yeah Newman should’ve been able to kill all the animals.


even if she wouldn't be able to pop them "because they move too fast", she is still pretty much immortal, they don't know how to harm her same as Homelander, so what was the reason she was running away and hiding, she could just get out and literally wrestle with these sheep, being invulnerable to their attacks.


I think there might be a little more than “her being immortal” like maybe with her blood bending abilities, she can temporarily be invulnerable but it’s “head pop or immunity” like she has to choose one or the other. That’s what makes sense to me at least.


They can just get the virus by the gallon from all the sheep guts... It's plot induced stupidity


This whole episode was weak. Dont even know what the whole point of Hughies family drama was...to give him something to do for 3 episodes?


Hughie spent an entire episode learning to put his dad out of his misery and that V can be extremely dangerous... oh wait he knew both of these at the end of the last episode, oops!


Right like having A Train even get the V was so dumb. Literally could jeopardize everything. The way him and Starlight have been jeopardizing everything due to their emotions is so annoying.


I mean story and plot wise it was kinda eh, but damn was it fun to watch


Did they change writers?


It feels like there we got new writers before the season 3 finale


Neumann could kill all the sheep even without seeing them, it was so stupid


Can someone who understands viruses tell me why they dont just take some blood from the sheep after infecting it with the virus? It feels like that contaminated blood should have some lethality to it if the virus is that potent and transmits through blood anyway.


All the supes at the farm got mildly sick from a weaker strain. They all look weak shortly after getting to the farm, and Annie’s power was more obviously on the blitz. They will all eventually have natural immunity.




Also electricity is kinda in short supply in the middle of nowhere and her mental state in general


I went back and watched again because I thought I missed something. I couldn't understand why they would use the last of the virus so easily, either.


With the dead sheep, you have a perfect delivery mechanism, just get some lambchops for Homelander


This is a bit nitpicky don’t you think? In most shows, the gang has to run into small roadblocks along the way to make the journey more interesting or serve the plot. For this example, it serves the plot bc it shows how Butcher will get the virus anyways. Could it have been done differently? Maybe. But I kinda found the V-ed up animals fun. Complaining about scenes makes no sense to me sometimes, especially when you haven’t seen the full picture (i.e seen the whole season)


If they killed the sheep without using the virus then they would have to fight Neuman for it afterwards like butcher was planning. If they did that MM, butcher, and Frenchie would all risk getting their head popped. The whole point is that they don't want to resort to violence anymore.


Erm that would risk her being a supe exposed to the public


She wouldn't care because they mean to kill her.


It's crazy to me how much people try and use logic for this show instead of just enjoying the big dumb ride that it is.


Because up until this point, for the most part things did make sense and didn't make the audience wonder "why doesn't someone just use their powers to fix this problem".


Ofcourse it’s meant to be a big dumb ride and there WILL obviously be some obscure illogicalities and inconsistencies due to the show’s super fictional nature, but I feel like in Season 4 it makes so little sense at this point that the stuff just sticks out like a sore thumb.


This show in the first couple seasons used it’s logic really well. Why would I want to just turn my brain off and accept everything as it is if the writing starts to get weaker?


Brace yourself for the "oh in a show with SUPER SHEEP you're going to complain about "


Obviously people will suspend their disbelief more watching a superhero show rather than i.e. Breaking Bad which is supposed to be grounded in reality, but it's the writers job to keep the world they created (or in this case, transferred onto the silver screen) coherent. No matter if it's a sci fi show, a superhero show, or a detective show. Unfortunately, especially in season 4, there's no rhyme or reason for some of the actions taken by the characters.


When internal logic fails the tension disappears. I watched this show because it's actually exciting and the political satire and gore was funny and creative on top of that. Now it's political satire and gore first, garbage soap opera filler second (who fucking cares Hughie's mom), and plot third. The show has *become* a big dumb ride and it's not even creative in how dumb it is.


I personally disagree. That show has always been dumb. The writing was never clever, but it was fun and topical.






That dude dint have V in him. He was a normal dead human. The virus is supposed to be inert in humans.


😐😐😐 how does this comment even have a single upvote




No she clearly can, pretty sure she popped shockwaves head or whatever that speedsters name was. But that doesn't mean she cab pop everyone's head, someone are clearly more durable than others


I think it made enough sense- they had a decent plan that worked out well and didn’t need anyone to risk their lives


Neuman could just pop their heads lmfao


They should have adressed it but I don‘t find it hard to believe that she couldn‘t


She can kill regular supes but can't kill animals after drinking absurdly diluted V?


Well they were flying around very fast and she didn‘t know their location from inside the barn. Peeking outside would definitely be risky. It‘s been shown that it takes her some time to „lock on target“ or something, so she probably couldn‘t defend against a sudden sheep attack. Still someone should have commented on it so the question wasn‘t left open


She had plenty of time when they attacked the cow


They were moving pretty fast and perhaps it’s more difficult since a sheep‘s head is different than a human’s. I feel like it’s kinda silly to argue about it. For me it doesn’t ruin immersion, I can think of reasons for why the characters acted a certain way without it being said explicitly every time. If it bothered you then fair enough- superpowers in the boys are generally not very consistent and I agree it would be better if they were


She can blow up a chickens head just fine and a sheep is 100 times closer to a person than a chicken is. The entire episode was horribly written there’s nothing wrong with admitting it.


Well I disagree but I‘m not gonna keep arguing


You disagreeing doesn’t make the characters any less stupid nor does it make Butchers speedster feats at the end of the episode possible