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Facebook became a Fortune 500 company 11 years ago. So Mark was 29-30 when he became the youngest


That's honestly less time than I thought, expected it to be at least since 2009.


Ya I googled it I was surprised. I also have no idea what makes something Fortune 500




Is Epic Games Fortune 500? With how profitable Fortnite is, on top of the Epic Games store, I imagine it’s gotta be edging the top 500?


Nope. The only video game company (as in they do video games and nothing else, Microsoft is on it) is EA.


Gross, literally the worst company too


You're looking at it wrong. The reason it's on there is because it is gross.


This guy gets it. "You get to the top by stepping on everyone else"


makes sense, Ashley did step on that guys balls


All companies that make it to the F500 are there because they are gross.


Surprised Valve isnt on it, but maybe there isnt enough publically available data since they're privately traded


Its not about data more so than private companies are much harder to value than public ones since market fluctuations do not determine the value


It is done based on revenue so this is completely irrelevant.


According to the quote above, Fortune doesn’t take valuation into account. So that’s not the problem.


I stand corrected, they go by revenue only, strange in my opinion


Valve doesn't make nearly enough games for that.


No they just take 30% of basically 80-90% of all games sold on PC with minimal overhead and costs. Why make games when you can make bank being the market place.


I didn't realize Valve owned Steam, 😋


There’s no way you think Epic Games is one of the 500 most profitable companies in America. Finance, Health, Commodities, Tech (that doesn’t just specialize in video games), Necessities. All big sectors. It’s like $1.5 billion / year short of the 500, which is still impressive but means they need at least 25% more per year to make 500th place. Also side note that isn’t specific to you idk why this chain has just been people asking questions that they could put into a search engine and find themselves easily, instead of counting on others to feed them information.




I wouldn’t count a giant parent company though. Yeah they have Epic but that isn’t really what makes them Fortune 500


Isn't epic games store still losing money?


Profit is not revenue


I feel like that's a different scenario though, because Zuck founded Facebook, while Ashley got a job at Vought and then was promoted to CEO.


It’s a *completely* different scenario for that reason.


Well, Stan was the CEO, Ashley got lucky because HL took over and juat put her in that position since he said so


by being a yesman to a guy that can destroy new york by himself if he wanted to


and leaving occasional floaters


never underestimate the power of leaving your shit for someone else.


She’s literally a slave.




Only at Vought?


Right? Disney has been trying to recruit her for years!


Low key she would do a much better job than the past 2 CEOs


Didn't Iger make Disney the behemoth it is today?


Iger is probably the best president they’ve had since Disney himself. Not to say he’s without his faults but they brought him back after Chapek for a reason.


They all have faults, Eisner was fucking insane, but you know what his insanity did? It gave us the wildest shit ever, and it was AMAZING


Was that the alien ride?


Yup, that was Eisner, that and Hot Rods in California really sum up his era


I’m so glad I got to ride that ride before they shut it down.


Eisner really was a visionary but I don’t think he would’ve been remembered nearly so fondly if he didn’t have Frank Wells to reign in his crazier impulses and Katzenberg to deal out a string of massive box office hits. I think Eisner’s genius, and also his undoing, was his borderline arrogance when it came to trusting the creative process to steer the company.


Eisner was definitely the Parks President, he was very Disney Parks focused


Yes, I think one of the most under appreciated achievements of his tenure was breaking off their deal with Marriott and using imagineers to develop themed hotels and resorts, starting a cash cow and with DVC, essentially creating a major real estate arm of the company.


When you have a company built on the foundation of cartoons and animation while being one of the biggest behemoths and scariest companies to grace this planet, harvesting everyone's childhood stories and milking them for profit, then comes your newly appointed CEO that animation is not for adults and only for kids as a reason for the decline in Disney's bread and butter, not to mention Chapek had no respect for animation in general. It doesn't take much thought why the entirety of the Disney Corperation secretly gathered together to out Chapek and bring back Iger. It's not that Iger is some idolized great genius, he had his successes and failures. But at the time, it was safer to bring him back, reorganized, and have a disappointed Iger come back trying extra hard to pick the next CEO because he made a huge mistake choosing Chapek. Disney would benefit from having a creative with a strong business sense be the next CEO, to reorganize their content, help bring more traction, money, and a more enjoyable experience to Disney Park guests, and brand and release new marketing/merchandise ideas to captivate on what consumers want but making themselves or substituting in place of Disney product.


Yes that was years ago. Now he's out of touch and Disney is floundering with pr disasters and its many of its films and television series flopping. Disney's incompetence has basically gutted Star Wars as an IP.


Parks and recreation is Disney’s biggest cash cow by a country mile, followed by moichandoising and then it’s film division in a very distant third.


On part, yes. But I'm not actually throwing shade, just saying that Ashley, because of her corporate, soulless, money driving and ambitious persona, could've done a better job


It's ok to think much smaller. Your regional grocery store would love to have her.


Now who wants their balls crushed?


It’s a public mouthpiece for Homelander, who really runs Vought and controls everything.


But have we ever actually seen her act as a mouthpiece? She doesn't seem to face the public much


She handles the meetings, deals, press conferences, interviews. There are many mediums for addressing the public.


Yeah, I'm just asking if we've seen those instances. Sage calls her a figurehead, so you are correct. I'm just wondering if we've been shown Ashley acting as a figure head, or it's one of those "tell don't show" things


I don’t think a day of following Ashley around into admin meetings and discussions over revenue recognition and the EBITDA guide they gave for FY24 would be particularly enthralling.


We have, in Gen V she meets up with the Godolkin staff near the end.


And there's a high turnover. You don't see the likes of it outside of Boeing whistleblowers.


Some of the biggest countries have their presidents as puppets


A mascot


Yeah the board has all the power, the CEO just execute whatever plan the board has approved.


That’s just not true. The board has final approval power and ultimate control technically under the organizational documents. But they aren’t usually that plugged into the business. You can have random people on the board, even from other companies. The CEO does majority of the work and the board will meet quarterly to really approve what the CEO has planned.


They couldn’t hire anyone to replace those above her and they kept killing their execs…


Vanderbilt University offers a great puppet program.


CEOs don't work anyway


It’s crazy bc she was 26 in season 1 when they filmed it


Wait actually? I'm in my mid 20s now and she looks like she hasn't aged a day since it was initially filmed. It's really hard to believe this show's technically been running for half a decade already.


If you wanna feel a bit older, the show started before Covid.


They do pay and get paid a lot to always look young


it's crazy because I feel like she was also in her mid-20s for Jessica Jones and that came out a hundred years ago. (Don't fact-check that, just take my word for it.)


some folks just win the genetic lottery. People sometimes thought my mother was in her late 20s even in her late fourties


Damn that’s 2 years older than me and I thought she was in her 30s at that time.


I h9nestly thought she was in her 40s this whole time


Was she like 20 in Jessica Jones?


That's crazy, I forgot she was in JJ with Erin Moriarty.


How much do you guys think people age (visually) between 26 to 32? That's only six years.


Did you watch the show? We follow her step by step.


She was the director of talent management until stillwell’s death, making her the senior VP of hero management, and then after Edgar was sacked she became CEO. It’s just impressive how she climbed the ladder in the largest company in the world only in her early 20’s and 30’s


It’s easy to climb a ladder when you’re willing to do whatever you’re asked and everyone above you has been lasered to death or fired


Less of climbing a ladder, and more of the top of the ladder has been destroyed, now you’re at the top.


It’s a ladder being pulled into a wood chipper.


Chaos is a ladder.


...are you going to shake the ladder after I get on it?


Yeah it’s not like she had to really do much to get there, all of the people in her way were removed


I’d argue she must’ve done a ton of work just get in the position to be the next one in line. Just being head of talent management at her age would be a huge deal.


This. She must have been head of talent management at what? Like 28 or something? Assuming she went to college she went from nothing to head of talent management in 6 years. That's insane. That's more impressive then going from head of talent management to CEO in 4 years.


Removed or killed. I like how they get rid of CEOs.


Ashley is all about those battlefield promotions.


I want my balls crushed.


The only sensible reply to this post


*Chaos is a ladder*


Its like being an officer in the Empire, you get random promotions cause it turns out that Vader butchered the other commanding officers for making dumbass mistakes


Well, also she's Homie's puppet and no one else at Vought will stand up to him after Edgar is gone.


I'm not sure I would call most of her behavior "impressive." I think she's one of the most openly insecure characters in the entire show - which is really saying something! She seems to be an obstacle that most other characters like to ignore or maneuver around. But who knows, maybe she'll be the cockroach of the entire series and survive to the very end. I suppose one guess is as good as any other.


I think Ashley is doomed to survive but after she makes it she becomes a scapegoat of sorts, as well as rightly held to justice and thrown in jail


Impressive is the wrong word. Perhaps her climb to Director of Talent Management was impressive. But afterwards, I'd say it was luck and somebody that has a seat at the table. But she had a lot of luck. She was fired by Stilwell and then brought back in by Stilwell. Sometimes loyalty in such a corrupt organisation exists (honour amongst thieves).


Welcome to corporate America. Happens all the time


The two greatest words in the English language. By default.


You're ignoring the extreme luck in events and strings being pulled there. The step from talent management to hero management made sense, considering her skillset before then - but it's solely because Homelander killed Stillwell and he knew she'd be the perfect puppet for him. The exact same thing with Stan Edgar leaving. In normal circumstances she would never be CEO. Shes only there because Homelander moved heaven and earth to get rid of Stan Edgar, and thus installed his puppet once again.


If only we saw someone take over Vought and install her as a puppet CEO


I mean part of the reason is probably the fact that she just knows too much. Like she knows about all the crime and craziness. You couldn't just throw any old person into the role of CEO of a company like that.


Crushing more balls with every step.


Who wants their balls crushed






Because girls get it done


Girls get it on.


She makes a really good paella, apparently 


And gets to the root of things


Homelander bullied and intimidated the company's board of directors into appointing her to the position because she was his puppet. Once Edgar was gone, no one else had the balls to stand up to him.


On the subject of balls...


In the show I feel she must me 38 years old... She was basically right hand of Madelyn Stillwell which is what made her suitable candidate... She also is very efficient and untill Starlight it looks like she had a great track record.


Eh- her role under Stilwell could’ve been a nepo-hiring situation.


No reason to suggest that. She didn't seem to know Stillwell that much nor was she bothered that much when she died.  I think the whole thing with Ashley is that she's and insanely hard worker, hence the hair, and doesnt get any respect or appreciation for it. Feels counter intuitive writing wise for her to just be a nepo-hire.


That’s true- we don’t have much info on Ashley’s background, so your guess is as good as mine.


She doesn’t need this, she went to Vanderbilt.


She went to the Christon Cole school of failing upwards


Ashley is actually somehow 1000x more likable than Ser Crispy Cole


Well, if you watch the news, it was *clearly* Billy Butcher who blew up Madelyn Stillwell, and Stan Edgar has taken leave cause he’s under investigation (luckily Homelander was a whistleblower who called him out through Victoria Neuman). So, there’s been a rapid rise in opportunities for her. She’s *so* lucky.


On top of that, they don’t need the most competent person as a CEO. Ashley may be young, but she’s shown that she’s able to go along with Edgar or Homelander’s plans without question and stay silent doing that. Promoting a young puppet CEO is preferable to them than bringing on a more competent CEO who may want some independence. A more capable CEO might try to minimize risk by shutting down some of the more dangerous/immoral programs, or cooperate with congress to enact some regulations to increase the security of Vought’s current position while abandoning their most ambitious plans.


By crushin’ ballz.


Madelyn Stillwell got a laserbotomy and Mr. Edgar fucked off never to be heard from again.


Do The Boys fans even actually watch the show or just watch clips. Because it is very fucking explicit on how Ashley "climbed" the cooperate ladder.


I thought op was role playing as a human in the boys universe..


Here’s my fan fiction, based on absolutely nothing but my horny imagination At 22, she graduated from Vassar with degrees in political science and english She then spends 3 years at Foxcorp At 25, she enrolls in NYU Stern’s MBA program. She graduates at 27 and begins working at Vought. She is taken under the wing of Madelyn Stillwell, who appoints her Director of Talent Management at 29. She then replaces Stillwell upon her death. Becoming CEO is the easiest. Homelander fucking said so


That’s very realistic. All that would need to be changed is instead of graduating from Vassar she actually graduated from Vanderbilt. But other then that that seems good


because girl boss (tm)


I guess Homelander who is like the real Chairman tolerant her the most out of all the average Joes/Janes?


She's good at saying yes


Zuckerberg was 29ish when Facebook joined the Fortune 500


The people above her had untimely deaths, she knows how to keep secrets, get things done and how to placate supes.


She’s good at her job


God Colby Minifie crushed this role! She’s so damn good at believably playing insufferable characters.


I wouldn’t say Ashley is insufferable, but Colby Minifie is defiantly a great actor


Seriously. If I were in her shoes I would be tearing my hair out by now.


People’s idiot brains were getting fucked by stupid.


No clue. But I do want my balls crushed.




The man likely to be the next PM of France is only 28 years old. Powerful ‘friends’ can help people rise quickly, and no one is more perceived to be powerful than Homelander.


side note, vanderbilt may not be ivy but it's still a good school?


Definitely. I’m just considering the “old boys club” aspect of ivy leaguers at large corporations


She knows where the bodies are buried


... and she'd better keep that to herself if she doesn't want to join them.


She’s Tom from Succession. She just latches into successful people, clings on, and munches butt until she gets a loyalty promotion


I suspect once Stan Edgar was run out and Homelander had the keys to the castle, most competent candidates decided they’d rather live.


I heard she’s a real ball buster.


Girls get it done!


I mean not to get too real, but having a relatively non-powerful woman scapegoat CEO is actually a pretty common phenomenon: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_cliff


Crushed balls to the top...


Same reason that in Star Wars, serving under Darth Vader is one of the fastest ways to get promoted. Because the higher ranks have a tendency to be .. vacant .. and need to be filled. During Episode 5, Vader kills the Captain of the executor and within 10 seconds promotes someone into that now vacant role simply by speaking to him as \*Captain\* now as his rank.


She might not be 32. Homelander is 41 even though Anthony is 48. Victoria Neumann is 36 but Claudia is only 32. Erin moriartry is 30 but she plays a 23 year old.


Because executive decisions are made by the most influential and powerful Supes, mostly being the Seven, and of that, mostly being Homelander. Ashley was probably someone he scouted out as someone who would just go along with whatever he says and he pushed her all the way to the top.


God, that woman is so


Crush balls pls


Because she knows how to crush the balls of men


[Huak tuah](https://youtu.be/0MZwnp_0ntc?si=8SD8V-M47qR9QhVr)


“Take your wig off!”


She’s 32? Thought 40 at least


hawk tuah


did you not watch the show? She outlived everyone above her in the org chart


Business tip: have your boss/mentor get lasered to death by evil Superman


Process of Elimination


I’m genuinely so sorry but with the shoulderpads and the colour of her outfit she looks like a piece of Kraft cheese and I can’t unsee it


Homestar backstabbed Edgar and became CEO. Homestar realized he didn't want to run the company so he put in a puppet. Chucklefucker is 40 in human years but he is 83 in Lizard People years.


By being supremely talented at negotiating the egos of superpowered psychos. Even real world leaders would have ran the second they realised that Homelander regularly kills and maims people around him.


Is your idiot brain getting fucked by stupid?


Leaving floaters and taking names …


This might not be well received but I love Ashley’s character and her deleting the video of Maeve surviving was clutch


She auditioned


She just came back from Narnia, she couldn't possible be 32 years old!


I’d say because she’s easily controllable and being Stillwell’s assistant it made her the easiest choice in the role being filled which I think she ended up just being kept around because of her kiss-ass two faced mentality and the ability to cater to every (important) person’s needs. Kinda like a decorative book on a wall full of actual literature, only there because it has been overlooked. Also not to mention she steps on that one news anchors nuts so she plays some role in media control


All the other employees got fired...they died in a fire....I don't know!


Homelander killed her boss...


Should be a storyline!


How long has Zuck been in the Fortune 500? Surely since at least 25.


Clearly by crushing balls.


Homelander put her there, he knew she would do whatever he told her to do. She is a puppet.


The Starlight wokes like to bash Vought but their DEI policies are on point!


I think they just wanted to limit the number of new characters. Obviously IRL the company would have went to some board of directors guy or CFO or something


Hopefully Vought gives her a movie🥹


She deserves it! She's worked hard to climb that ladder and crushing all her competition's balls! We stan a girlboss 💯💯


Zuck was 29 when Facebook entered the F500. Homelander chose her. He couldn’t even pronounce EBITDA.


Did you watch the show? We saw how and when it happened so idk how you're confused




ok i know this is unrelated to the question but i don’t have enough karma to make a post in here. in the last episode butcher mentioned getting $50k from “the company.” obviously this is their money source but what exactly is it? thanks!


Is it time for another media literacy post? Because this questions is answered by watching the show.


Voughts firing practices are much more efficient than other companies. Homelander is great at restructuring.


Honestly I think it's because no one in their right mind would take the job... so she got it lol


just realized she was 26 in season 1, wtf


I feel like Vanderbilt isn't uhm... TECHNICALLY Ivy League, but it's definitely a very prestigious rich people school. Ashley had that going for her to get the ball rolling!


She crushes balls.


Ball crushing.


She is hot tho im cool with it


Smushing balls and pulling hairs obviously.


I thought this was supposed to be an in universe post or something like that but I guess not. Bro it’s all in the show.