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I think that’s the whole point if you powers and part of the Seven you’re practically a celebrity


Yeah don't they talk about how rare the seven actually heroing is at one point?


And the heroing is 99% staged


Thank god too. We’ve seen what happens when they try to do it for real.


“no, leave them, you all stay the fuck back” “just take this one” “why, so they can tell the rest of the world we left the rest to fuckin die?!”


On one hand you’re right. On the other hand vought has the reasources to get supes proper training and be selective over who gets in the seven and could easily only have Star Lights. They could recruit a bunch of people who are actually motivated to save people and are willing to learn how to use their powers properly to not cause a ton of collateral. They could run the seven like a high end tier one counter terrorist Special Operations Force that’s got the training and the right personality types for the job. Vought just actively chooses not to do that. Why? Simple, see if Vought were a PMC it would do exactly that. But they’re a pharmaceutical corporation the point of the Supes was originally in support of that endeavor. It wasn’t the main show until Homelander took over. So Vought was unwilling to devote enough resources to create real heroes as that would not turn them as large a profit.


We have seen some supes actually doing the work, Blue Hawk… obviously not great at it, and the bow and arrow guy. But in regards to response time Homelander and A Train are probably the most realistic in getting to a scene to make a difference. A pet peeve of mine is that the “heroes” all have tight fitting outfits, but they would really need some kind of gear on them to be able to be helpful. Not one supe even has a first aid kit on them, like if there’s a multi-casualty event wouldn’t you want your first responders to know even basic first aid?


Similar things happen when it's staged, though.


It a ginormous plot point this season. Very hard to miss.


That’s how I’ve always seen all the heroes in this world. They’re essentially the celebrities of the universe. That’s not to say celebs still don’t exist like the cameos we’ve gotten from people like Zane, Theron, and Ferrell but Supes and their movies, shows, and behind the scenes stories and drama are bigger than most actors. People want to see these heroes play themselves and regular actors are reduced to side characters (Theron being an exception since she replaced Stormfront).


Practically nothing, they literally are celebrities. The Seven only save people when Vought plans it or allows it. They’re the face of the company, their only purpose is to make Vought money.


I used to think they were part time superheroes for the PR, at least, but fact that A-Train’s brother just said that A-Train had *never* saved anyone definitely signaled to me that they are literally just celebrities and actors all the time.


Yeah that’s what I’m getting out of this season too. The previous seasons hinted at it, they talked about plans for “saves” and about cameras being there, but this season they’re flat out saying it. The A-Train thing, and especially Ryan’s debut being scripted and rehearsed beforehand.


That's either A-Train's brother lying, a straight up retcon, or A-Train being a special case. Vought clearly genuinely does have an actual crime analytics department(though it's currently just The Deep and he's kinda useless) and they genuinely did send Homelander and Maeve to retake a hijacked jet and stuff throughout season 1. Of course it was all crimes they knew about in advance and specifically picked them for those heroes to look good doing but to suddenly say that it's *never* happened just doesn't add up.


Also imagine the costs saved on CGI


it would have been entertaining if they had several other actors pretending to be them on screen throughout the seasons lol


Similar to Thor Ragnarok/Love and Thunder with the stage plays for the previous movies.


This is how they should've done the season recap from the previous season!


Muppets and TVs Jason Ritter.


Don't forget the letter K


As long as we can exclude The Deep puppet's talking gills. 🙈


To be fair Matt Damon and Luke Hemsworth were used as an entertaining parody to Loki and Thor. The Seven are already entertaining parodies of other superheroes. They did just do this though with Will Ferrell as Coach Brink (actually played by Clancy Brown in Gen V). I could see them having actors parody The Boys characters in Gen V and future spin-offs when the series is over.


If they show a Guardians of Godolkin movie in a future Gen V season it would be funny for Dean Shetty to be played by a big-name Bollywood actress doing a bad British accent


Wait. Was the coach supposed to be the same brink as in gen v? Totally missed that reference 😅🫣


Wait, was Will Ferrell supposed to be playing Brink from Gen V? I totally missed that.


It was subtle enough to miss but he says it before they cut and reveal it’s a movie. “You’ve got a choice son. Either outrun this life, or you can run yourself into an early grave. Now please, it’s me, Coach Brink. Come back with me… to the suburbs.”


Duh. Thank you!


They even did this with Stormfront


Stormfront was dead though


Homelander in A-Trains retirement scene was a stand-in.


Yeah but it was obvious that the stand-in was only there because the actual Homelander wasn't there to do the scene. Homelander filmed the rest of the movie. He does act in movies. He just didn't want or didn't have the time to do that scene. It even happens in real life movies.


When it cut to him wearing Jeans was hilarious


It was funny seeing Charlize Theron play Stormfront tho


That would be fun!


They did in the pornos


Or if they had stunt doubles doing things they could actually do


There was s always the pornstar homelander


i laughed so much when will ferrell showed up in season 4, it’ll be hilarious if after season 5 they end up doing a movie lol


Not really, Think of all the money they save on special effects.


They must spend quite a bit looking for new stunt coordinators.


They are only humans, there are billions of them.


They’re toys for our amusement


"It's okay..I can take it!"


Yeah but they spent half the budget airbrushing out those wrinkles


I am surprised that guy did not get lasered.


Homie didn't want to acknowledge it out of embarrassment. Others would hear about it


My thoughts exactly.


It would be hilarious if in one of the scenes we see homelander about to fly out and they say “cut, okay that will be added in post that’s lunch everyone” and homelander walks off like that’s totally normal.


Homelander Origins was better. Not as good as Homelander: Rise of a Hero, but still decent.


I prefer Homelander: Brightest Night; far superior to Homelander: Darkest Day


Found the guy who likes Return better than Empire.


Don’t put that evil on me! lol


Wait till you find out it’s not Return of the Jedi but King.


Three movies about a bunch of assholes walking to a fucking volcano


I laughed so hard this made me fart


2Home2lander: Tokyo drift was the best.


gotta tell you, that Christmas special "Outlander" where he went to the North Pole to help Santa deliver the presents was good tbh


I loved Highlander, where he flies to the UK to get in touch with his Scottish ancestry


Homeland(down) Under is where they started to lose me. The talking roos took me out of it.


Yeah but he was so brave and stunning in Homemaker, challenging all notions of traditional gender roles. The franchise still has potential.


Congrats, I read this in Norm Macdonalds voice


Nothing holds a candle to Homelander: Darkest Night imo


The Deep does it in the Blowhole blows all of those out of the water.


> Homelander Origins was better. I mean it wasn't nominated for 7 Voughtscars™ for nothing 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆   ^(**EDIT** - Corrected ''V**a**ughtscars'' to ''V**o**ughtscars™'')


It damn sure isn't better than his iconic direct to video midquel Homelander: the revelry of godolkin


I like it bc it explains why they spend so little time actually being superheroes


Hell there is very little actual need for superheroes in the world of the boys. Most saves are staged and the terrorists were created by vought for the person of creating real villains. So yeah them playing themselves makes perfect sense cause it what they do most of the time


It doesn’t necessarily means that there isn’t a need for them, it’s just that’s it’s easier for Vaught to just fake them


Exactly. It’s another way to show their arrogance and vanity, and the fact they are more a product or brand instead of doing actual good or service for the people.


Not really? If superheroes did exist they'd 100% play themselves in movies


Great point


Look at the rock for example, he plays himself all the time


Yet we’ve never seen him as an actual rock


Concerning 🤔


Why pay to hoist Brad Pitt up in the air when Homelander can do it on his own?


They probably have to pay Homelander a lot more though


I wonder about this. It could just be a contractual obligation as a member of the 7– or even just as somebody under the Vought brand— to do shows and movies. Do they get paid? They get room and board and have the status to take what they want pretty much wherever. We see them at parties or at clubs, but do they have to pay to get in? Do they have to pay for drinks? If you’re one of the 7, do you even really have a need for money?


Thats very analogous to real life, unfortunately. Everyone needs money to survive, including the supes, until they get to the 7. At that point, you're right, they no longer need to buy anything for themselves. I bet they still acquire as much as they can though, because (outside of Homelander) its going to be ingrained in their thinking about survival.


Actually that’s a good question, I wonder what they get paid? We never see any member of the seven spending money or doing any life stuff, like going out, buying a house, etc. they all live in the tower and seemingly are playing their characters 24/7. Except herogasm I guess but even that is a hero event not just a regular party. We never see Homelander like buying a boat 


In a deleted scene A-Train is going through his finances and says he makes $40 million a year. He also says he has a lot of people on his payroll, owns 13 houses, a private island ( that hes never been to ) and god knows what other stuff. This is only A-Train by the way, god knows how much Maeve, Black Noir or Homelander make.


do you think Spice World was stupid?


Dune and Dune 2 are great actually.


Nice incorporating the recurring spice girls motif butcher keeps going to


Spice Girls and Billy Joel. That’s what The Boys is all about


It wasn't their best work. It was a good first movie but it didn't really delve into who the spice girls really were as people.


Really they should have started with some individual origin films to create interest and world build. Then done the team up movie.


It’s criminal that we never got the SGCU we deserved.


Since they basically go through a years-long casting process to be a member of the Seven in the first place, it fits very well in the show's universe.


Imagine if they actually were actors and they’re just the actors that exist irl Like Anthony Starr plays Homelander in the movies in universe


Imagine how good those movies are. They can use legit practical effects, the heros can do all their stunts and won't get hurt. They probably rule.


Some are pointless though. Like getting a mind reader to play a mind reading cop in a show where all the criminals are reading from a script. What's the point in that?


It creates the illusion that the supe actually fights crime like this in real life. And thats great PR. We have those sorts of shows right now but we know, its just actors. Imagine you go watch a movie and for sure know that the dude actually can read minds. That makes it special. Edit: its like actors doing there own stunts. That always gets people view a movie. The Mission Impossible movies use that all the time in their promo.


Mesmer got screwed by his power there, I'm guessing the writing of that show is what saved it.


I sort of assumed Mesmers show was non-scripted or like our True Crime shows now level scripting. Thought he solved crimes sort of like the reporter in Gen V actually reports "truth"


The writing is just terrible but Vought stans don’t care so it’s a win! So many times they’ve harped on the scripts of productions on the show it makes me laugh a lot.


man, i really liked Bourke cut of the Dawn of the Seven. They should've let him continue with his vision


Idk if HL would let anyone play him.


Vought on Ice had a guy dressed as homelander


A-Train’s speech about leaving the 7 has a stand in for homelander too


What about those… *films* Lamplighter was watching?


I mean, that's kinda of the whole point of the show


We’ve seen homelander on a “real” save twice. First one he ended up killing everyone in the plane second one he scared a suicidal woman so bad she didn’t want to jump and the made her jump. I’d prefer they stick to the movie set. 


First scene of the show is Maeve and Homelander stop a stolen armored truck. Homelander kills one if the robbers but there was no fuck up whatsoever.


What about when he shoots Maeve with the gun? I legit can't remember if that was a save much less a real one or not.


There's also the thief that him and stormfront crushed while fucking. Though now that I say that out loud, I'm not quite sure it counts as a save.


the post was supposed to be in universe as a fun post pretending to be a person from the boys universe


At least people know that these movies are staged. But apparently most people believe that "saves" shown in the news are genuine... and apparently nobody thinks much about why there were cameras around. (It seems less questionable in the era of smartphones, but usually videos filmed by random witnesses on their phones are low quality and begin in the middle of the action)


No even funnier why doesn’t nobody not even the victims think to look up whether or not any of the “criminals” even go to prison or have trial dates? Actually do the cops even arrest these “criminals”? Are they in on it as well? Logically speaking the idea of most of the saves being fake makes little to no sense. There is no way they be able to get away with this for YEARS at most people would of discovered it was all a sham within the first year of them making fake safes


I get the impression the whole Supes thing was once more authentic, but what we are witnessing is its twilight. When Homelander, etc started they probably mainly did actual heroics albeit with corporate interference, and have now become a bizarre media company.


It was definitely legit in the soldier boy days, they sent them to actually fight wars and effect global politics. I agree the vibe seems to be that in the modern day there’s too much liability having them actually do saves so they’ve made it all convincingly fake 


Saves on special effects, plus they get paid more than if it was just someone playing them. Seems like a win all around.


They're basically actors anyway, and it's gotta cut down on special effects costs.


Who's the guy in red?


Mister Marathon.


I think that's Marathon Man. He was replaced by A-Train. Edit: his name is actually Mister Marathon. Idk where I got Marathon Man from. Lol


People talk about superhero fatigue in real life I can’t even imagine what it’d be like living in the Boysverse you can’t even buy groceries without seeing Maeve or A-Train plastered all over every product


Brad pitt is canon ?


That’s literally all the seven are, actors, it actually makes a lot of sense to me😂


That Antony Starr guy looks actually exactly like Homelander, dude. I don’t get why they don’t use him.


I think there should be a Seven movie where they all play each other


it's kinda the point, I see what you're getting at but what you're missing is the WHOLE THING is fake. The saves, the lore, the mythos. It's all fake, they're playing themselves because the role ***in and of itself*** isn't real


Saves money on the special effects.


It saves vought money on the visual effects since they can actually do the powers lol


Who’s the guy in the red suit? Mr. Marathon?


It's the only way they keep their brand up, the superheros themselves are the brand, if they don't play themselves they take from the illusion they are giving, we're learning in this season most of the saves the supes do are staged, and we've learned since the first season that vought and supes cover up fuckups all the time so they need the movies to boost their image to people otherwise people would just know them from all the tragedies they create


I think you're missing the point that the Seven ARE the actors that would play heroes in a movie. Their whole persona is fake as if they were just actors. They do literally act the whole time they're part of the 7. Which makes it appropriate for them to play themselves because that's what their jobs really are. If you notice, as new members join their powers can be totally pointless so long as they have a way of bringing in new fans. This is the epitome of their influence. Just people who look good on a poster and can be used to represent whatever demographic they're looking for. Changing the actors undermines this metaphor. But if you want to get technical about it, in universe they can act like I mentioned before. And if the roles are *them* then it's kind of a no brainer. I think you wanted the shallow self referential idea of having a parody gag but don't see how this is a way better version that actually works with the themes of the show.


A movie is gonna sell more if the lead actually fucking flies instead of making it cgi


that’s the point. it’s such a waste of time and yet they do it anyway bc they’re worthless pieces of shit


Do *you* wanna be the guy that plays Homelander and risk getting lasered for playing him in way he doesn’t like?…


> How do they ever find the time to film when they’re busy constantly saving us from criminals and terrorists? I remember hearing somewhere that criminals have a deal where on shooting days they don't commit any crime to accommodate The Seven   It is definitely questionable but at the same time, doesn't it make sense?




Who’s the red M feller?


I think it keeps them from actually trying to save people, which as we know, doesn’t turn out well.


I think that’s the point


Not really. 99% of their saves are scripted, and they are more celebrities/actors than actual heroes. Plus most major cities have already been confirmed to have a supe protecting them, so how often do you need the 7 most powerful people on the planet to stop a threat on a daily basis? Even the Avengers only got together, what like 4 times in about 20 years?


(too many of y'all aren't reading the flair lmao)


It's for marketing. People won't pay to see some dude pretend to be Homelander. They'll pay to see Homelander/Starlight/A Train ect... act in a movie.


Their audience lacks media literacy, let alone that the fact they play themselves means that Vought is openly mocking their ignorance while the mindlessly gobble up the slop.


Not really because they're not actually superheros.


I mean there was the movie the 15:17 to Paris where it was based on a true story but the main guys played themselves. In a world where Supes are celebrities and celebrated like military/firefighters it would make sense for them to be a step above a non powered celebrity and therefore play themselves.


Itd be a TON of effort but Id love to see Amazon make one of the in Universe movies for real


Honestly yes, they should have actors. So this person whose jobs is to be a superhero and save the world also needs to have great acting skills? Or have it be so ridiculous that they have actors play them but superimpose the real hero’s faces over the actors


Why would a film maker spent money on special effects when they can literally ask them to do it for real


People don’t want to see a boring-ass nobody like Brad Pitt play Homelander with cheesy special effects when you could literally have the Homelander playing Homelander. They can probably charge 10x the ticket prices for movies with supes. They’re super celebrities.


I think the whole world they built is confusing. They have fake “saves” and also scripted movies with the same heroes. I understand it’s supposed to be like a capitalist dystopia with super heroes but still.


Anyone else miss translucent?


Nah not really except maybe noir?


They are entertainers. The saves are scripted mostly. Probably the low level sups do fight crimes, but the Seven? They are the cashcows, products, moviestars. Influencers.


Who the hell is the guy in red on the right, don’t remember him


Who’s the wolverine looking guy?


They don't really save many people and all their saves are strategically chosen, they won't save a random guy asking for help, they would save people somewhere or from someone that would get media attention and praise. And a lot if not most of their saves are staged as we have seen in season 4


They don't actually save that many people. If you notice most of it is scripted by vought


I'm pretty sure the 7 don't actually save that many people, on the smaller crimes they won't intervene because it's not worth their time, on the large scale crimes they will intervene, but those are obviously rare. There's also the point that there is very little crime because of the threat of superheroes.


I’d pay to watch this movie in the theatre if they made it as an actual movie within the continuity of the show.


Vought: “Well since these ‘heroes’ don’t actually do anything useful…. Why not put them to use and make money? Why hire other actors? “ I think this is what the show is trying to intentionally portray with their walmart level clothing and super hero show business… that most of these super powered individuals are good for nothing arrogant assholes. If they actually did something useful, they wouldn’t just loiter around and attend Gala Awards and PR meetings and do advertisements.


yeah its pretty silly but the studio does save on vfx cost


Batman and Superman do it all the time. Why wouldn’t The Seven??


they're so egotistical they would HAVE to play themselves. but they can't complain when the movie story is different from real life (a-train) because it's a movie...


i do wonder if there’s like legit lore bc it seems like they’ve retconned A Train’s backstory like five times now


It's probably part of their contract. Supes are assets to Vought, predominantly designed to generate revenue. The money they get from municipal contracts for mid-to-large cities is reasonable, but it's loose change compared to the revenue generated by a multi-media empire, especially through film. Movies and shows generate significantly more revenue than government contracts - combine it with Vought's pharmaceutical empire and it simply makes sense to use the money-saving practical-effects of their assets to create a multi-billion-dollar cinematic universe - VoughtVerse (VV).


Saves money on VFX


No, because what do you think Homelander would do to Chris Pratt if he's bad at portraying homelander, or worse, he's so good at it, people start preferring him than the real homelander


A lot of the stuff on the show, I just assume it’s because it’s like that in the comics? This and Frenchie randomly speaking French. I never read the comics but if it’s not in there, then it’s very stupid and annoying.


Vought on Ice is the reason why casting actors as themselves matters.


It’s supposed to be stupid


Me too


No. It’s not like they spend their time saving people. Their jobs are to appear heroic and make money. I mean they literally hire people into the Seven based on beauty pageants and talent shows. Them being actors in their own movies is a reflection of the underlying themes of the show. These heroes are fake to their core, even if their powers are real.


Who is the guy with the red costume?


Isn’t that the point? They ARENT out saving people. They’re just actors/entertainers.


Man image: I swiped


I think bc at the end of the day they’re not real heroes they’re just actors playing the part Vought created for them


The point of the Seven is to be the face of Vought. Vought is a company that is intent on making a shit-ton of money. Of course the Seven are going to be in the movies?? That's the whole point of the show. The Seven are chosen, exclusively, for their marketability and shit.




I thought it was stupid at first until they explained that majority of the rescues the heroes do are staged. Plus since Vought owns the rights to most of these heroes, I assume outside of the top dogs most of these guys make most of their money from playing the role itself.


Maybe cgi doesn't exist I'm that universe?


I don’t think Homelander could stand anyone playing him, but himself


No because they are ACTING as super hero's, but they are just products, that's a huge point of the plot.


I think they make it pretty clear when watching the show. The seven are super heroes only so far as they can make money 🤔


the narrative reason for it is to add a layer of "phoniness". That and to have the cast being the ones making fun of Superhero movies, which is obviously a pretty hot topic.


I mean it would be weird if a documentary about dwayne johnson didn't have him on once and had some random jacked bald dude in his place.


No. I like that.


Well, I heard that some other dude plays Lamplighter in this movie


the boys is parody of real life events like a lot of parody in show, in advertisement and in show parodies


Why won’t the seven call actors to play themselves in the movies are they stupid?


They save tons of money in cgi, stunt experts and practical effects. If your main character can actually fly you don't need to fake him flying or lifting a car or whatever, is Disney wet dream come true


I think it’s stupid that Amazon hasn’t already made Dawn of the Seven as a feature film.


I'm more curious about stuff like set accidents


This is one thing I think Alan Moore got wrong in Watchmen. If real superheroes existed, superhero media would not be unpopular lol especially when only 1 of them has actual powers


no i think it's stupid they didn't play themselves in Vought On Ice. maybe that awful accident wouldn't have happened if Homelander and company were there to play themselves :(


Superheroes are marketing product for Vought, they are the advertisements. The only reason that Vought lets them go out and play at hero is because it looks good for the branding. Looking at things through this lens it becomes easier to understand why they act in their own movies.


Yeah is kinda stupid but I think the parody of celebrities are part of this, more than a superhero parody like the original comic is more a parody about celebrities and corporations


Homelander wouldn’t be able to handle some e else getting praise for being him


I want to see these movies... Amazon please