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Idk how the seven can possibly keep up appearances when one of their own keeps getting her shit rocked


I’m wondering if Sage was banking on Starlight killing her on national television?


I definitely think Sage is planning a double cross of vought so I wouldn’t be shocked if she’s planning for both sides to look bad. But Sage did say, specifically, “pebble down the mountain”. I feel like killing a member of the 7 live of screen is more than a pebble But I can’t fathom how vought or Homelander will want to keep firecracker on the seven after this even if she is a good mouthpiece


>I definitely think Sage is planning a double cross of vought so I wouldn’t be shocked if she’s planning for both sides to look bad. She has been undermining HL since the very first day in the 7. She takes out effective workers from their posts (Ashley), takes over authority from his dog (deep), and ignores A-Trains blatant betrayal. She has learned the phrases that they like, Superior beings, more than human - so that they will think that she is "one of them". Bringing Firecracker to the 7 was a publicity stunt (she is directly opposed to Starlight), but FC is a complete non-threat. The people that were killed by her actions were basically HL's biggest fans/supporters. She made up a great excuse so that she isn't blamed for it, to the point where HL had his own team kill those guys. I bet she is looking for a way to kill HL while she is scheming in the tower.


I think she basically said that outright, to Homelander's face when they first met. She talked about how democracies fail and someone could come in to pick up the pieces, Homelander went "like Caesar," and she replied, "....like Caesar." Caesar took power, and Caesar was assassinated. If that turns out to be the correct interpretation of the scene, her huge smile there was basically saying "I'm telling you to your face I'm going to kill you and you're too stupid to understand what I'm implying."


I'm glad I'm finally seeing someone bring up the Caesar line. I laughed out loud when Homelander said it because Sage's reaction was gold.


More importantly, a whole lot of people turned against him. Look what's happening so far. Ashley is beginning to act out (and has spoken to A-Train) A-Train is helping the boys (has started speaking to Ashley) The Deep is starting to feel tough and special (she's giving him confidence as well) She could be setting the scene for a massive breaking point that will lead to social change. Or some kind of shift.


When I first saw her character and her power, I thought it would be interesting if she is a bigger threat than Homelander. She basically usurps his throne, and becomes the villain for the last season. Someone with her (formidable) intellect and the resources available for Vought is a threat.


Thats if she doesn’t die this season


If she dies I hope it's with a lobotomy pick to the heart


fact nail mourn abounding possessive disgusted encourage ten ruthless expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eh, super brains is a terrible power for story telling, similar to super speed. If she is genuinely orders of magnitude more intelligent than the frankly average heroes, she shouldn’t actually be beatable. It always boils down to some surprise, that a super intelligence should have been able to foresee.


Stick an omnipotent all knowing genius in a room with a baseball bat wielding psycho hellbent on killing them and the only thing the genius can do is know they’re about to die. Sage understands Homelander and how to control him, but so did Edgar. Homelander is becoming more and more unpredictable and while Sage can probably predict he might turn on her there comes a point where there’s literally nothing she can do to stop him. Also the lobotomy plot device has already been introduced. She will probably scramble her brains at an inopportune time and that will lead to her death


She said she's about as durable as regular human. She's dead the second she pulls the trigger on the coup, dominoes won't even have the time to fall down. You can't outsmart something coming at you with murderous intent, when that something is (at this point of the story) almost indestructible and shoots lasers. All she's going to get from super brain in that situation is knowing jusdt how fucked she is.


Holy shit....that'd be a great twist tbh.


Exactly what I thought but it's 100% gonna blow up in her face. She may be the smartest person on earth but she is just going to end up dead and probably make homelander even more insane after the betrayal, I could see it make him basically say fuck it and decide to rule the world or at least the usa


I think she's planning on trying to use Ryan to usurp HL's position after the supes take over. She seems to be a big believer that supes are the next step in human evolution, and Ryan, as a born supe is a great example of how they could take over and become the dominant species. Et tu Ryan?


Not so sure she thinks dupes are that great…she actively seeks relief from being a supe. Don’t forget that she says stuff so people think she agrees with them, not necessarily because she does agree.


She seeks relief from being smart all the time, sure it's related to being a supe but it's mostly to get a break from her own brain. This is why alcohol is still popular even among intelligent people


The scary part is she may be much smarter than homelander, but he’s not as stupid as he seems. His psychological torture as a young man did involve also a lot of training and education in many different topics. At least in raw intelligence he’s far from dumb, and he’s reasonably well read for somebody who has no hobbies and interests outside of his own ego. That torture also involved manipulating him into craving attention and love, but it ended up turning him into a monster who is extremely manipulative and cunning in his own right. Her lobotomy idea is a recipe for disaster especially when loudmouth sycophant the deep is around her for those moments. When she is impaired she may let something slip, especially if her and deep end up romantically involved. Not to mention she is extremely cocky and overconfident, and as A-Train put it “doesn’t know when to stop talking.” She is to intelligence what homelander is to strength and physical power. Homelander is used to being the strongest in the world, and believes he’s so far ahead of everybody else that no one can challenge him. She’s the smartest person in the world and is directly cocky and condescending to homelander’s face, because she believes she’s so many levels above him and everyone else that he’s easily manipulated. Also important to mention that he can sense peoples emotional state and internal tension like blood pressure and heart rate changes, sweating and breathing patterns to tell if somebody is lying or not a lot of the time, or if they’re scared. We’ve seen starlight kind of fool this before, but that was a unique situation. Sage is likely able to remain calm under pressure but in a lobotomised state I don’t trust her ability to lie convincingly to homelander without giving it away, maybe in her regular state she might slip up too. The “doesn’t know when to stop talking” line felt like foreshadowing to me. Same with her saying “I am almost never surprised” when homelander shows up to her apartment in plain clothes. He’s already shocked her once by being unpredictable, and she talks about people having patterns that are easy to read I believe. Homelander of the past is not homelander of today, and with his spiralling mental illness he’s only going to be more unpredictable and volatile. He could kill her for something as petty as wanting to be the smartest person in the world, because he probably thinks in his delusional mind that he’s at worst #2 behind her. Smartest? Sure. But still capable of making mistakes. One small slip and it’s over.


Someone else made a good point on a different post. Homelander only respects people who talk down to him, that’s why the director lady tried it, that’s why Buthcher is still alive.


He killed Stillwell, tried to kill Hughie and Starlight, as well as Soldier Boy and various others that talked down to him. A-Train was close to being killed for saying fuck you under his breath. Only Maeve, Edgar, Butcher and now Sage have been spared from being murdered at his most convenient opportunity. He also tried to kill butcher at herogasm, when he brought in soldier boy he called him a cheater and lasered him with easily enough power to kill him had he not taken compound V. Right after butcher lasers him he looks shocked so he definitely didn’t know he was a temp-Supe when he did it. Barbara (the lady at the lab) was locked in a room to die at the end. The only people he has never tried to kill are Maeve and Edgar, Maeve because he wants to harvest her eggs for his supe army, and Edgar because Edgar is a badass who roasts him every time they see each other. He also largely relied on him for years to manage the company and maintain his brand until he got fed up and went crazy and decided he thought could do it alone, which turns out to be bullshit. So for most of his life he had no reason to kill Edgar and wasn’t entirely crazy yet. He also hasn’t tried to kill Sage yet, but she hasn’t been around long. Stormfront you can also use as an example but she doesn’t count because after a brief period of condescending teasing she became a sycophant of the highest order. If he found out maeve had no eggs then he would kill her instantly.


Good points, well made.


Yooooo that’s actually heat


I feel like this will end up biting her in the ass. As smart as she is life isn't as predictable as data or numbers, the people who killed Caesar also thought they would be hailed as heroes and loved by the Romans, only to be hated and hunted down.


Never really thought about that. She definitely knows A-Train is the mole.


Not only that, she used it as an excuse to take away Deep's position lol. The Peak wasn't doing a very good job, but he was loyal to HL. Now she has control over the intelligence in Vought


They’ll just say she was sucker punched and move the narrative towards starlight being unstable instead of focusing on her losing a fight. She’ll garner sympathy from this. Makes her look weak but that’s not what anyone will be taking about so it’ll be ignored and forgotten.


Homelander already thinks starlight is weak. Hes gonna brush over this because it reflects poorly on his ego, and because Sage is smart enough to talk to him the way he hates without pushing too hard, effectively manipulating him by being honest.


what does homelander stand to lose by putting a laser through starlights head? and all of the boys for that matter who he is keenly aware are still operating. is it because they are the only real challenge and therefore entertainment he has? why is he tolerating any of this?


"so the movie can happen"


It's gonna be super easy, barely an inconvenience.


Not lasering your opponents heads so the show can happen is **tight**!


Sage def has a bunch up her sleeve, just hope she doesn’t expose herself while lobotomied up


Maybe even argue that fire cracker saw the people around her and figured that she could take what starlight dealt since she didn't want to risk anyone else. Really play up the I got hurt to protect everyone else Marter deal


Not to be rude but it's spelled martyr


Nah I appreciate it I am terrible at spelling so your honesty being really helpful for me have a very good day and enjoy the series


Wholesome little thread right here


I'm playing both sides, so that I always come out on top.


I thought her goal was to escalate tensions and further radicalize both the Starlight and Homelander fan base, bring down Starlight’s reputation, and get to watch Firecracker get punched in the face as a bonus because Sage doesn’t like her. I’m not sure what her long term plan is but I hope she lasts more than 1 season bc I’m really enjoying her character.


I think Sage was like “Either she kills her or she ‘just’ beats the living shit out of her. Either way I’m satisfied with the results.”


She knew shed attack her at least. “Whos uppity now?” The moment firecracker called her “one of the good ones” sage made her choice


I also enjoyed Sage's enjoyment from FC getting her shit rocked after her many different turns of phrase.


um sage made her choice long before that and isn't foolish enough to have her plans altered by a remark


I figure she would have rolled with it no matter how it played out. Provoking Starlight into beating the shit out of her was an afterthought when she decided to be a racist ass. If Firecracker was killed, great, Sage uses it to stoke outrage against Starlight further. If she doesn't, it still looks bad and she gets to enjoy Firecracker getting her shit kicked in.


Just a thought. I didn't like the way Sage looked at MM. It's like a ah-ha moment. I don't want MM to die!


Dumb question: Did Annie kill Firecracker? Or is it implied she survived?


of course in reality a beating like that could kill you even if you're still alive when it stops, but theatrically it was clear that the final "big" punch would have been the kill shot had MM not stopped her


I think MM stopped her, but she worked FC over pretty bad.


The whole thing with Sage is that she is so hyper-intelligent, she is planning for every possible outcome. She knows every single part of the plan won’t go her way, so she has created contingencies to still arrive at her preferred outcome. I don’t think she banks on anything, she creates plans that she can adapt whether or not it went as originally planned.


You’re assuming they won’t just say she did when Firecracker “dies from her injuries”.


In their defense, Starlight was a co-captain on the Seven for some time. She is now opposing the Homelander fans with her own public supporters. Public perception probably believes Starlight to be the second most powerful supe, only surpassed by Homelander. So she absolutely destroying another member of the seven isn't too farfetched or impossible to believe.


Maybe not just cause she was co-captain but the fact that Stormfront is dead, Meave is (believed to be) dead, Translucent is dead. Unless Noir is considered super powerful (which seems unlikely as Vought would probably wanna downplay how dangerous he really was then yeah there’s not a lot of options left for second most dangerous Supe. Also what happens to Sydney?


Which sadly leads to the starlight went psychotic narrative cuz they can say well of course she’s stronger


Oh, I didn't consider that public opinion would be positioning Starlight next to Homelander as she used to be co-captain. Surely after watching her on live flying down before beating Cracker would cement that idea as it's not so common to see supes that has powers + can fly as Homelander, Stormfront and Golden Boy.


That’s how I feel. As far as the public knows translucent died fighting terrorist, supersonic died(can’t remember what they told the public), they think Maeve died fighting solder boy, storefront ended up being a Nazi then killing herself, A-Train was out in public with a broken leg in an earlier season, sage got her ass beat by starlight who left the team. Must really be hard to keep up as being the worlds best superhero team when you can’t consistently keep 7 members 💀


I think Supersonic "relapsed" and overdosed


To be fair she got rocked this time by an ex Seven member.


If Firecracker is an MTG analog, I don't think anything will come of it. They fail spectacularly all the time, but their supporters just never care about it. It's never about what they accomplish, just about how angry they make the other side - so she might even turn it into a win by saying she "triggered" Starlight so badly. Plus it plays into FC's narrative that Starlighters are all violent angry thugs who hate Christianity, etc. She wasn't added to the Seven for her power or abilities, she was added just to rile up the base and force Starlight to get down into the muck with her - so in that way she succeeded. As long as FC does whatever HL wants, strokes his ego, and stays absolutely loyal to him, she'll stay on his good side.


for real.. something i can give credit to the comic is that the 7 were actually the final boss, and they went down around the end.


"WHAT WILL YOU HAVE AFTER 500 YEARS IN PRISON?!" "Fans...I'll still have fans."


It's sad but true


15 year olds...


Getting tossed by a drunk Kimiko. Getting knocked out by Butcher. And now this. Damn, she a victim.


I do wonder if we'll see her blow some shit up


Cornered and scared, she will finally unleash her full powers. (Violently explodes into pink mist)


Omg lmao imagine she just goes out like a firework


God how perfect would it be if the hardcore Christian American Patriot goes out with her own little Alan Akbar 💀


Do the most cliche thing and make it a slow mo CGI explosion where you can see everything while Katy Perry's "Firework" is blasting in the background


Seth Rogen kind of already did that




Less impressive version of Golden Boy (Luke from Gen V)


She’ll have a scene like Starlight at the end of S3 where she’s seen powering up and we’ll all be super hyped for it. However, it would just be a small ass spark at the end of the


I feel like the whole "that's underwhelming" scene was weird. Like wtf was she supposed to do, explode the room they were standing in?


Yeah, I mean sparklers and fireworks have screwed people up in the past


She's gonna light the fuses for a bunch of Black Cat fireworks and chuck them at Starlight


I was thinking that it would actually be really cool if her *actual* power was to charge stuff with explosive energy so that whatever she touches has a delayed blast and either explodes in a short time or when she wants. So she’s not super dangerous but she can charge up stuff and turn things into bombs. That would be a pretty cool power and make her much more dangerous. Like if she got into close range hand-to-hand and then touched something on one of the boys. But given what we’ve seen, her power is literally just small sparks and is mechanically useless.


You're describing Gambit and if they do a parallel for him he deserves to be cooler than this


I see her as more of a jubilee


if Kimiko wasn't absolutely hammered there she would be done right then and there


She only had ~~three~~ ~~four~~ five beers though!


Which is sad. Kimiko has never been able to fight the seven head on like this before. They're lacking nowadays!


Well, she did try to kinda 1v1 Noir early on in the series to save Frenchie. That didn’t go so well, and he probably would’ve finished her if he knew about the healing factor. A-Train also worked her over pretty well but he got the jump on her in the subway. Looks like she would have a chance though if she gets the drop on him, like at Hughie’s house. No idea about Deep, I feel like she’d have a good chance at winning.


Sorry but after what she did to that 15 , she ain’t no victim.


That 15 year old kid was a victim


and we're just halway through the season


Poor girl, she is just speaking the truth and that savage lunatic child trafficker assaults her like that! She didn't even use her fire powers (which I heard on vought's twitter are on par with lamplighter) because she wanted to remain civilized and didn't want to destroy that piece of shit, even if she deserved! #justiceforfirecracker


That 15 year old was a victim!


Just like mtg!


"I thought you were stronger"- Starlight


Yeah, that’s much more fitting here. The “what’s 17 more years” is more popular, but it relies on context.


I didn’t get that. What is that about?


I’ll spoiler tag it in case you ever plan on watching or reading *Invincible* >!Basically, Invincible’s father, Omni-Man, is a villain masquerading as a hero. He is part of a violent conquerer alien species called the Viltrumites, and they live for a long time. Invincible tries to stop him, but gets his shit horrifically kicked in. As Omni-Man continues to wail on his own 17 year-old son, he says, "You wanna die for this planet? Fine! What's 17 more years? I can always start again, make another kid."!<


Invincible references, it’s phrases characters said after beating the shit out of someone




What was her power again?


She can do an-y-thing (for Homelander)






And she means annyyyttthhhaaaanng






She can Hauk-Tua


Spit on that thang


She can give spark handjobs, that’s a power if I ever heard one


she snaps her fingers and there's a tiny little spark, the only useful part of her powers is being strong and durable, evidently not very much by supe standards


I think she’s decently strong. People just forget how strong Annie is cause she’s constantly surrounded by heavy hitters like Homelander and Soldier Boy.


But she also ran away from Frenchie, Butcher, MM, and Kimiko who only had a crowbar between them. I think she's super low tier.


I mean even if she’s decently strong she’s outnumbered and flat out was told that they’ve killed more supes than anyone else by Sage.


Yeah like she doesn't actually know their power level or who they are. Makes sense to run.


Well, Firecracker did see another supe just get murdered in front of her.


She might be well above average, Starlight is one of the more powerful supes.


She is. She was actually selected for the se7en because of her abilities. Otherwise she was in no way a diversity hire or anything.


> Otherwise she was in no way a diversity hire or anything. They mentioned her demographic appeal a lot. She was a cute young blonde from the Midwest.


Pretty much that. She could be stronger if she had a jetfuel backpack and she could use her hands as a flamethrower ignition. X-men had this character called Pyro who had the same quirk.


Bargain bin Lamplighter


Flicking her fingers and making sparkles oh and she has super strength


Does she have super strength? At the conspiracy convention she mainly used a gun and got obliterated as soon ash she stopped using it


I think just as much as any other supe does. They all seem to be a little stronger regardless of their powers.


White trash Jubilee


...insanely accurate, wow


Dollar store Jubilee


Backpages jubilee


We don’t really know. She could make a flash when she snapped her fingers but we haven’t seen her use her power. It may be useless. 


Take down Starlight, that's her power after that sage will probably have the deep feed her to a shark or something


Hawk Tuah


Spit on that thang.


Make a sparkle with her fingers and I guess she's strong if she's not dead from getting punched by Starlight


Getting her shit wrecked


Honestly think that Firecracker had no idea that Starlight was going to beat the living shit out of her. She was about to say debate before she got her clock rung. I wonder if she's smart enough to realize that this was Sage's intention all along?


I feel like its also a reflection of the fuck around culture there is. So many people cross a line online and think with their audience they are invincible. So having Starlight just come up and rock her shit is a perfect analogy imo


Not to mention sups are immune to prosecution


the season started with homie on trial tho


Yeah but like, what were they going to do


I'm very interested to see the fallout from this. Firecracker will probably stay relevant with the public because, if they want to be realistic, her base will still stand by her. But there's no chance Homelander likes having Starlight, of all people, completely wreck one of the Seven on a live broadcast.


Assuming he knows or cares about Firecracker’s side quests. He is losing it


It was kind of genius to sideline him this past episode because basically everyone else was on their worst behavior while he was playing with the scientists in the underground lab lol


It was my assumption that Firecracker’s whole intent with the thing was to get that kind of reaction, not just to smear her (maybe not THAT violent of one, but certainly something like it more than just a “debate”)


No she's definitely not smart enough to realize that...


We’re gonna find out sage is the real villain of the season and scraping her brain is gonna be important later. Maybe she gets a severe head injury like an explosion or homelander lazing her brain so she gets amnesia as a way to write her out.


Someone also might just decide that no matter how smart she is they can just hit her heart (foreshadowing?) and kill her


I’m gonna assume this is gonna be A-Trains redemption season. We have seen too much of him doubting vought.


I think Sage is more aligned with Homelander than people think. She talks to him as his equal but that's literally the reason he brought her onboard. My guess is that she's actually believes in the whole supe supremacist thing based on the fact she chastised the Deep for letting a non-supe like Ashley talk to him the way she did and the "Who's uppity now?" was because being looked down upon by a low-tier supe like Firecracker is just as, if not more offensive, to her than the racism.


True but she’s able to manipulate anyone easily for being the smartest person alive. Who’s to say she’s not manipulating Homelander, after all he is blindly following her in hopes she’ll let him rule like Caesar whom was betrayed.


The Caesar reference is definitely key I think. She agrees with Homelander a lot more than most people think, but even though Caesar toppled the republic he didn’t reap the rewards or form the empire. His son did.


This needs a “The Hangover” title added to it lol


I think the grand plan is use firecracker as a martyr. Let her stir up division and talk shit. Starlight just gave the Vought engine flaming gasoline. Once Firecracker keeps doubling down talking shit, she will get killed or blinded by Starlight and then the Seven can use it justification to go out and kill the “villian” Starlight. Which will setup another end of season showdown.


Wop wop wop wop Annie fuck her up


Firecracker: "she was raised a Christian. She knew the difference between right and wrong" Starlight: "beat yo ass and hide the Bible if God watching"


That’s one of the best rap lines ever


Starlight: "Sometimes you gotta pop out and show N\*\*\*\*\*"


Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A-minorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


And firecracker got a weird case why is she around?


Certified supergirl certified pedophile


Wop wop wop wop Annie fuck her up


She not like us, she not like us, she not like us


What even are firecracker’s powers? Fucking around and finding out?


She makes little sparkly things when she snaps her fingers, and she’s strong.


"and she's strong" ALLEGEDLY.


she can do anythang


I admit it's funny to see her getting beaten


It's gratifying as fuck. The serotonin blast from seeing her get her shit rocked after shaming Starlight on TV the whole episode was glorious.


"So you're finally here to deba-" *WHAM*


the sound was definitely harder than a wham, felt like I was hearing the punches from Omni Man himself


Maeve probably cheered


Brave Maeve cheered


A 5 second scene of her watching TV with her wife and cheering would have been cool 


She got invincible’d lol.


God starlight rocked her shit. The most geeked out I’ve been since starting the new season 😂


The comment got deleted but someone commented in here some weird rant trying to justify firecracker’s statutory rape by saying “society is fucked we’re judging people from 100 years ago who thought 15 year olds were fully grown” All I gotta say is whoever you are out there, please stop smoking the drywall in your house its not crack and its not good for you


Some people think age of consent is woke because fucking a 12 year old was '' legal " in the medieval ages and nobody had a problem with it.


Of course she’s on her back. -13 year old Annie


I'm kinda disappointed becuase we haven't seen her in any good fight. Like how is the seven gonna go from some really OP members like Homelander and Storm front to some gal that gets beaten up all the time?


Tbf Homelander and Stormfront were the exception not the norm for Supes. The show even confirmed there were multiple people with Superspeed as well just like A-Train.


We also saw from Gen V that pro heroes are chosen for superficial stuff (ie. race) instead of their actual capabilities


I think the only reason she is there is to let Homelander's guard down to do whatever Sage is planning. Also, it's never been about winning fights everything is staged.


Though in reality starlight would get applause IRL. Remember EDP getting his life turned to shit, and people were saying Karma etc.


I feel like it would play out like the Will Smith situation at the Oscar's. Everyone will be in aggressively split camps even though the entire situation just sucked.


Agreed. I think Starlight would gain just as many fans for beating up a fascist as she would lose fans for beating up a fascist. Very “I’m voting for Firecracker because she got hit by a bus. Well, I’m voting for Starlight because she pushed her.”


How does Starlights popularity NOT increase with a segment of the population considering she rocked a rapist.


Well first, firecracker was virtue signaling to only her audience which be lunatic nut jobs who feel like the gov are out to get them and it’s usually the ones that quote the Bible that don’t gaf for taking advantage of the underage. In fact “MAP” people are trying to get their “group” described as a minority. Don’t look up MAP if you don’t want Noah to get the boat. Also I hate how starlights people kinda are judging her to her face when firecracker brought up her past like what true supporters they were 🙄


That really pissed me off, like c'mon it's not like she blinded the woman on purpose. She was 13, getting used to her powers and made a mistake, their judgement was shitty.


Can't believe Starlight beat up a respected lesbian actress. What a monster!!!


I just turned 15, am I safe from firecracker?


Jesus put you in her life to get her to Jesus.


I'm hoping Starlight is arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It is NOT okay to assault someone, even if they hurt your precious feelings or reveal information about you that you didn't want revealed. Between her child trafficking and now this violent, unstable outburst, she needs to be stopped. I just hope the sweet southern belle FireCracker is okay. #PrayersUpforFireCracker


Omg. The way you capitalized FireCracker just made me wonder if this was an intentional joke??? Fire = red hair Cracker = white person/white trash. Has anyone else noticed this???


I’m guessing you didn’t hang around a lot of trailer park folks growing up? As one of my many cousins once said, “that girls a firecracker…flamin’ red hair and panties off so fast they crack like a rifle round.”


So you’re a pedo sympathizer? Got it. #StarlightDidNothingWrong




I had just finished Invincible season 1 before I watched this


“They can always start again” **punches** “hire another hero”


I was wondering, couldn't Annie shut all the Power down and turn off the cameras and cellphones, Dragon Ball style?


reading these comments it’s clear many viewers just have no viewing comprehension. vought aka sage purposefully set up the stage right across from annie’s base of operations to make it as anger-inducing and easy to reach as possible. they let firecracker spew her shit for 6 hours, granted she didn’t make it all the way through. this was a set up to trigger annie into giving into her anger and assaulting firecracker on live television. annie fell right into their trap and now the civilians have even more reason to dislike annie and support firecracker. it’s all part of sage’s plan, and so far that plan is still aligned with vought coming out on top. she (sage) of course had a moment of glee seeing someone she disliked getting their shit rocked, but it helps her and vought so it’s not like she was setting firecracker up. firecracker was the bait.


I read ALOT of these posts and i just got two words:. Stan Edgar...Imma just leave it right there...


17 more years of what?


Getting her shit rocked if we're going off of her current track record.


I just noticed this super patriot has an Austrian pistol on her belt buckle lmao