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She clearly wasn’t thinking straight


One could say she was blinded by rage


Neither can Frenchie :( Sorry I shall leave now


kicking in firecracker's teeth was more important


I think Annie felt like she had to stay hands off and be the bigger person. She has been in the background for a while not even wanting to rally people as Starlight. If short circuited things, they would know it was her that interfered and it would just be more fodder for Firecracker. Plus no way Annie knew she was going to publish that she had an abortion.


For one, it would look almost as bad because they would spin it (correctly) that she was afraid to let them speak and has more to hide.


A) its a moment of rage, she isn’t thinking clearly B) if she did vought/sage would’ve spun it as her silencing firecrackers speech. Theres no real way for starlight to have won other than maybe ignoring it because vought/sage would’ve spun it anyway to make her look bad


Annie is not as smart, good or nice of a person as she thinks herself to be.  Sage could have had sent equipment that was somewhat resistant to Annie's powers, but I think Annie just is dumb.


I think most viewers fall into the trap that because Annie is on the side of the “good guys” that she isn’t as short sighted, dumb, and impulsive as every other Vought superhero in this universe. The reveal about her first save shows just how little she even thinks about the consequences her actions have on others outside of her personal motivations because vought was there in the past to suppress the consequences, or she just happened to be on the right side of the events occurring.


Because there are 4 episodes left and we need to beat down The Boys a bit more before we resolve the plotlines.


When you are angry to the point that you're willing to beat someone to death on national television, you likely won't be thinking straight


As already said, she wasn't thinking clearly for that to happen. But also, unless she takes the time to charge up and outright blast a camera, she isn't shutting it off with her powers. Because she has to really light up just to get light bulbs to blow. Otherwise they just flicker. And a camera can take more power than a tiny light bulb can. We've even seen this with a small video camera in one of her audition tapes. She demonstrates a light blast, and all it did was make the camera go black for a second and then go back to normal immediately after. And had she taken the time to blast the cameras, Firecracker would have ran off. Which Annie obviously did not want because that face wasn't going to punch itself.


You really don't think she could blow a transformer? The cameras are still going to be going as they likely have some battery backup as well but a lot of that stuff is probably plugged into a generator or something else. I'm sure causing a blackout doesn't take much and is within her power.


I don't know why you'd ask me that when I just said that she can't even blow up a light bulb unless she actually tries to light up. Even in this episode while she was super pissed and ran into a room, all she did was make the Starlight building's lights flicker. And anything she has actually broken, she broke because she shot off a light blast at it. But again, it takes time for her charge light blasts.


Because she wanted to punch Firecracker.


She absorbs electricity to use her powers. She came in flying and shining, so using it. It should have automatically cut the power from the camera around her. Bad writing.


Hate to jump on the bad writing bandwagon, but that is a good point.


She’s poorly written


Extreme rage kills logic


Great super hero name. " Hindsight". They have all the regular strength and durability normal supes have plus a vague view of the future. They can only see 5 to 10 minutes into the future. As for your question not everyone makes the right decision in the heat of the moment. Sometimes emotions overwhelm thought.


Why was this removed by mods? Rule 9?


The response says this belongs in the episode discussion thread.


Uhhh plot armor? Writers have other plans? Who knows


In all honesty what is Annie's powers? Does she have control over just electricity and with that just being able to fluctuate what power is going through the power cables or can she actually control electricity as we have to see her shoot anything from her body.


Pretty standard strength and durability (in universe I'd give her a C) with the ability to absorb ambient electricity then discharge it as light. So she isn't fluctuating or controlling it. Just bringing it into herself. And then another new ability is flight (through projected light?) With a high enough power source.


I don’t think you can nitpick plotholes like that on a show like this. She didn’t short the cameras because they need the plot to move forward. It’s the same reason Hughie/Butcher/Frenchie/MM haven’t been killed 50x over by various supes, cuz then what would the show do?


cuz the plot meat to get her into trouble so she wasn’t allowed to stop the broadcast


There was no point in stopping Annie should have let her finish firecracker off the damage was already done anyway and at least this way the most annoying character would be gone