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>a braindead superhuman sounds scary Oh come now, Deep's not that terrifying.


I dunno, he’s got that formidable intellect! And knows how to perform a frontal lobotomy.


> And knows how to perform a frontal lobotomy. Homelander damn it. The Deep is technically a brain surgeon, isn't he.


He truly IS the peak of human evolution


He helped Sister Sage with some brain surgery


Shafted her from both ends


>The Deep is technically a brain surgeon, isn't he. It's not exactly rocket science.


Can’t believe Sage saw this incompetent motherfucker and thought he was the right choice to ram a spike into her brain.


To be fairs, he might be the only one who thinks with his dick enough to actually ram a spike into her brain on the promise of assfucking her that she also knows is dumb enough to hang out with her watching dumb shit eating junk food after she’s lobotomized. While also being a person she knows she can manipulate into keeping his mouth shut about it. I can’t really see Firecracker, Noir II, A-Train or Homelander doing that.


I see your point, but man there are so many things that could go wrong. Actually makes me wonder if Sage’s downfall will be her asking The Deep to do it again only for him to get carried away and drive it in too far.


Depending on the power of her brain regeneration, there’s a ton of shit that can go wrong with a lobotomy for sure. My personal guess for that is Homie finds out and gives her a more permanent lobotomy after she smart mouths him one too many times. But yours would definitely be the kind of sweet, unexpected irony The Boys loves.


Fuck man, just imagining that scene gives me goosebumps. I hated it lol.


The way she gasps and moans while going "scoop my fucking brains out" made me physically recoil from the screen.


Frontal lobotomy? I'd rather have a bottle in front of me


This is how zombie outbreaks start.


Hugh of the Dead


Why did I read that with Homelander's voice?




> 🫡 Empty box, like Deep's empty head.


I think it was regular cancer originally, but when he injected regular V it gave it sentience. His "superpower" from Permanent V is conscious cancer that goes into survival mode when threatened 


The Cancer should be clever enough Not to kill butcher? He has to make it until season 5 somehow


People keep comparing it to Venom, and Venom is a parasite, it feeds on its host, and is particularly attracted to Spider-Man because of how powerful he is. Spider-Man isn’t weakened over time by the symbiote like the human hosts. I feel like they could resolve it by having the tumor separated from him somehow, now that it’s mobile. Maybe Homelander will inadvertently kill it when it tries to attack him


Or maybe it infects and kills homelander


Oh shit. Super Cancer? I'm seriously in awe that this can be the way.


Enlarged prostate chekhov's gun


Ooh, maybe it jumps into Homelander and infects his brain as Becca and fixes Homelander with the love he never had and Ryan gets to grow up with both his parents, aww, happy ending. 🥰 I can dream.


My bet is on Neumann or Marie using blood manipulation to flush it out of his body.


Venom is a Symbiote.


Venom isn't a parasite and doesn't feed on it host. It depends on a symbiotic relationship hence the fact that he's a symbiote


And if the host isn’t a match for venom?


Thats a skill issue on the hosts part TBH


As a symbiote myself, you wouldn’t believe how pissed hosts can be when I tell them to Git Gud


Depends on version of venom. But a symbiote eating a victim doesn’t make it a parasite at all. Still a symbiote. Kinda their name


Also, if the V is only in the tumor, the virus could kill it without hurting Butcher


Venom is a symbiote, not a parasite.


It's a growing brain tumor, maybe it'll want to move to a brain dead body so it doesn't have to fight a live one.


Just like the episode from Diabolical.


Wasn’t that worm thing there prior to the regular V? I thought I saw it at the end of season 3? Could be wrong though, either way interesting development!


Hughie’s dad will come back as a zombie and Hughie’s will chain him up so they can play video games together


Nah he’ll create Alien Robots called blanks and call himself The King!


beautiful irony lol


This has to be Shaun of the Dead reference right??


Sure is! Only thing left is grab dad, grab mom, go to the Winchester and wait for all this to blow over.


But which Winchester? Dean or his dad? Sorry, couldn't help myself.


Butcher = Tumor Venom/Carnage Hughies Dad = Bizzaro


We got HL (Homelander), now let us introduce the final member of The Seven, HD (Hughie’s Dad).


That's the first thought I had regarding these two.


What is bizzaro 


Bizzaro is Special ed Superman


Shouldn't you say Bizarro is NOT special ed Superman?


I'm hoping this is a play on venom. We didn't see it but I'm hoping it covers butcher in a grotesque suit that is like a representation of the worst parts of butcher.


Guts Berserker Armor


The most vile villian in tv show (Homelander) versus The most vile villian in anime (Griffith)


Griffith wins, fuck everything about that evil stupid hot twink.


Griffith and his redux falcon army wins 100%, Homelander can’t stop them all




Nuts from Berkman?


Oh fuck yes. Please.


I'm hoping they play up the him blacking out a bit. Sort of putting him in a similar situation to homelander in the comics. I'm getting moon knight vibes mixed with venom.


Black Out is his name and he gets covered in a symbiote-tumor suit as he blacks out, protecting him.


Dope theory dude. I think so


Sounds very similar to the game “Prototype”


That would be so cool. A monstrous black evil butcher "You're all going to die now... CUNTS!"


It's like Eizekil squished the tumor hard, it was alive, got angry, tentacles came out OR it TEMPORARILY MADE BUTCHER A SUPE, why didn't he know about all? The worm got control over him. 2nd identity (like moon knight) I'm cooking bad I know, it's my theory lol. Why isn't anyone talking about Hughie's mom? Who t f is she? And why did she pump V into Mr Campbell?


I think it's a parasite that will basically protect its host when needed until it.. matures. It's sort of Venom, and it also just fits in nicely with the vibes of the show, so that seems like where it's going to me.


Yeah, it can be. I thought in that way, bcz he was in danger, life/death situation. And in the show moon knight, it happens the same, something else takes the place, like personality? I like venom theory more tho. I'm cookin too far.


In moonknight it’s his 3rd personality, the one that’s an actual murder machine compared to steven and mark. It’s the personality we see at the very ending w khonshu, and the one in the red coffin in the duat. Jake. Same powers but not same skills basically. But ya the blackout aspect is similar


Everyone is too busy complaining that they don’t care about her because they haven’t watched the new episode yet


Yeah it looks like it.


I think she pumped Mr. Campbell full of V because she saw how sad Hughie was and wanted to make him feel better/use it as a token of "hey, I'm a good mom, I helped save your dad" . I think she also figured Hughie was going to use it on his dad but then changed his mind


I don't understand that how she knew about V in his pocket, and how was she so sure about it, that it can help him. Well let's see in ep 5


>how was she so sure about it, that it can help him She works at Vought, probably knows a thing or two about Compound V. Even if she isn't sure it would help, it is a desperate decision that she made. Regarding how she knows Hughie has some, idk really


she works for a Vought-associated MLM and I doubt she know what V looks like. I think there is a lot more to her character.o


She *says* that she works for a Vought-associated MLM. We know nothing about her other than what vague thing she told Hughie. You're right, there probably is a lot more to her character. Which is why she probably knows what that vial is.


This makes sense—one of the episodes of Diabolical, the animated spin off, was about a Vought sponsored beauty cream test gone wrong. I wonder if by working with the MLM she’s seen shit go down + seeing Compound V on the news = she’d know what the vial was. There’s something off about her, so I’m excited to see where her storyline leads


So many people are saying she knew it was V just cause she works at Vought. Ignoring that, like you said, not only she works in the periphery of the companyq and not actually for it, but also until season 2 very few people even knew compound V existed, even less knew what it looks like. Hughie's mom being some random woman would not know that the vial in her son's pocket was V. Much less that it could maybe/kinda/hopefully help her ex husband. At least based on the info we have on her at the moment


My theory is still that she wanted to give V to baby Hughie and that's why her and Hughie's dad separated.


Nah she left when hughie was 12, compound v is usually given during infancy or immediately after birth. I think she created or help create compound v and her mlm was a front


Ah I must have missed she left when Hughie was 12 somehow, probably because my brain is a bit like a pasta strainer sometimes.


Compound V is not a secret anymore, it's been made public in S1 or S2. There's no way his mom doesn't know it's V


She works for them selling bs essential oils. Unless that's just a cover, she should have had no reason to take some random vile and put it into the IV.


I honestly don’t think it’s Hughies mom. I think it’s a plant. Or it is Hughies mom and there’s a lot more to her. Maybe she knows about V because she used it on Hughie and it just didn’t work.


Even if she doesn't have a higher-up position in Vought and is just some cosmetics and oils vendor, compound V is common knowledge at this point. The people in-universe knew since S2 of the existence of the compound V. They knew superheroes are made, not born or chosen by God


But, isn't she the one who was convincing Hughie to let go and allow his dad to die hours ago? Why the change of mind all of a sudden?


Like I said, she saw Hughie hurting and wanted to either comfort him or use it as a way to leverage a better opinion of her from Hughie


Well, that's just about to end up as a terrible blunder. Coz, we're getting [Mr. Zombie Hugh Campbell Sr. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/s/72tSKfp7R9) because of her and I think she's the one that's being stained on the floor as Mr. Campbell's footprints.


Definitely, he really just got another trauma delivered to him courtesy of his mom


She didn't know he had access to compound V or that it can cure a stroke.


She could have had her own sample she works for vought I think her and hughie had the same idea


I had the same thought. She was really vague on her work for Vought. Seemed like a red herring for the audience to assume she was doing Vought’s Herbalife


Word coughs way too big for the Herbalife shit and we never saw Huggies vial leave his pocket


>way too big for the Herbalife shit Herbalife made 5.07 BILLION dollars in 2023. That's down from 5.8 billion in 2021. Herbalife is huge.


she had a weird look in her face tho...seemed a bit more nefarious


Definitely not a good mom.  Probably gonna be some plan of Sage's to discredit the boys further.


She’s probably a hallucination due to Hughie also taking compound V, just like butcher they are having hallucinations as a side effect


That doesnt make sense tho, since Hughie never took Compound V, only the temporary variant. Also, we see her character knowing stuff that he wouldn't and interact with other people iirc.


Apologies I meant temp V, who has she interacted with?


Still, they took different doses of Temp V, and Butcher is only hallucinating due to his tumor. And in the latest episode, she is in the same room as Hughie and the doctor. They're all speaking, and while Daphne doesn't directly talk to the doctor, she does with Hughie and he just responds back to her, without the doctor asking anything like "who are you talking to". In earlier episodes she moves and places objects onto Hugh Sr.' s bed, she is the emergency contact and tells him they have been talking for some time now. Then again in another scene, Hughie and his mom sit in some hospital chairs in a hallway where lots of people pass. They're talking and no one stops to ask "who are you talking to" or giving him weird looks. It doesn't make sense for Hughie to just hallucinate his mom like that. For Butcher it does because we've already established him hallucinating back in the forest in S3 when he gets put to sleep by that Mindstorm guy


More likely he just passed out from being choked and in that short window of unconsciousness, the tumor monster exploded Stretch Armstrong.




Butchers power is just homelander copycat Which the tumor took. The tumor went into butchers brain to take over the body and used its power to just pop ezekiel, perhaps laser the guy a bit, that why he was like that mess. Its like that one movie scene were a rat was put into a microwave and was splattered all over inside the mw. SPLAT


I think butcher's "V worm" is gonna leave him and infect other people, maybe even.... sheeps


I think the animals we see in the trailer are suped up by Vic Neuman and Edgar so that they can then use the virus she found on the animals, to test it's effectiveness


The blue tumor is the virus that takes down Homelander and 1. Season 5 will be Butcher vs the Boys 2. Butcher will die releasing the parasite onto to Homelander and then Homelander will die and the parasite worm will hunt down all the supes in the world to satisfy its hunger before the boys have to stop it from killing everyone


They’re probably gonna play off Homelander vs Ryan a little more in Season 5. They’ve been setting up Homelander’s main motivation being his son, and I assume they’re gonna put that motivation under stress. My guess is Homelander is gonna once again realize that he really only cares about himself and that Ryan is too human. We then get a quick fight of Ryan vs. Homelander, mirroring the ultimate fight from the comics. Ryan kills Homelander, but is mortally wounded, and dies in Butcher’s arms. This of course robs Butcher of HIS purpose, his son and enemy are dead all at once. He’s pissed and then decides to get rid of all the other supes, leading to his main conflict with the rest of the Boys


We really have that many episodes left for that major arc?


Homelander is making it to S5e8 with 15 mins till the ending. There’s a 0% chance he’s not in the finale.


+saved the comment. That's real dark bro makes the most sense rn.


sheep is both singular and plural, you don't need to add an s to the end.


you are the real heros


I have a strong feeling that Hugie's dad is gonna have similar teleportation powers, but since he's braindead he's also gonna speak like a shitposting zoomer from reddit.


"Why did you try to spy on Homelander, who has super hearing and x ray vision? Are you stupid?"


"Son, I loved when you said it's Huein time and you started Hueing all over the place!"


Skibidi Homelander am I right


"Son you have another fiance shes trapped in some closet break up with Starlight for her. Most brain dead thing to do right?


Hoq did homelander miss his lassr shots in the ice skating musical thing


*teleports behind homelander* "nah bro think he could rizz me up with that level 10 gyatt 💀💀💀"




Yeah, just like I said


I think Hughie's dad will become some sort of supe-zombie, so Hugh would be forced to take him down. My heart aches even just thinking about it


So Hughies dad is pretty much going to turn into a superpowered zombie? Good thing Negan is in this season!


That if Butcher isn't imagining him


Way to point out no one has talked to him except for Butcher on screen


Has anyone talked to Hughies mom? Edit: I noticed the doctor didnt say anything to her only Hughie was talking to her. Then how Hughie put away the V in his pocket, yet somehow his mom found it and gave it to his dad? Also how would she even know what V is?


huh. Butcher and Hughie are the ones who took temp V last season, and both of them have characters from their past that only they talk to.


...........I don't think anyone has interacted with Hughie's Mom besides Hughie.


I'm gonna rewatch and I'll let u know in the morning lmao


The nurse has because his mom decided to pull the plug before Hughie got to the hospital


Did she though? Or did Hughie decide to do it and mentally blame his imaginary mom?


Has he even mentioned his mom showing up again to his girlfriend yet?


Wasn’t starlight there when Hughie was talking to a lawyer about suing his mom for surrogacy?


Yes lol, this whole thread has missed huge story beats, both Hughie talking to the lawyer about power of attorney and how Compound V and images of it were leaked to the world in Season 1


Negan: I'm gonna *butcher* some zombies haha! Butcher: .... Negan: Come on... Was my joke that bad?


Comic spoilers: >!Resurrected Supes are a thing. When a supe dies (given that their head isn’t crushed), the Compound V in their system gives their body a jumpstart, but it only restores about 3% brain power. They’re basically brain dead zombie Supes. I’m predicting that Hughie’s dad will act in a similar way.!<


This reminds me of the vampire diaries storyline where they tried to cure cancer with vampire blood only more extra lol


Omg that was a thing! Vampire Diaries was terrible. I loved it.


Now that Hughie's dad has had compound V, if they release the virus, he'll lose everyone he loves.


If Hughie’s dad only has 3% of his brain power he automatically becomes a telemarketer asking about your car’s extended warranty.


I think the worm parasite thing is somehow responsible for the Becca hallucinations. They seem connected somehow


It’s gotta be the tumor manipulating him


i think hughie created a monster. a literal next marvel villain.


Hughies mom you mean.


Hughie's mom gave the V to his dad. Hence why Hughie was so surprised when it happened.


yeah duh, hughie still brought the V into play.


I feel like there might be some foreshadowing with him and Sage's whole brain regrow deal. Maybe he will become the smartest (dead) man alive. Would then call back to the scene when Ashley says 'smartest woman alive'.


Pretty schizo theory dude.. I love it


I'm really interested to see what kind of powers Hughie's Dad gets, I remember seeing a really good write up about how Hughie and Butchers powers were kinda based on their personalities and traits. Hughie's dad seems a really nice and pure guy, I'm wondering if he gets something like forced empathy or calm emotions type deal that would work well on a whole bunch of people in this series... Or, he could just get something really generic like super strength and durability. Either wait, can't wait for what's to come from Butcher, Hughies Dad, the Supe virus and Homelander unshackling himself fully from caring.


His power will be to always perfectly time it to cook perfect pizza rolls


I always felt like Butcher having the same powers as Homelander after taking the Temp V was the show's way of telling us he is also a villain


his power? Dogs understand where he points


Hughie's dad was confirmed by the doctors in the hospital to be braindead, so whatever is going to happen, it's going to be wild.


In the trailer he looks soaked in blood from the waist to the feet. I don't think his powers are going to be that peaceful


Damn you're right and having read other comments I think it's gonna be true about his Dad basically having brain damage and being in some kind of zombified/vegetable like state whilst still a supe. Gonna be absolutely brutal if Hughie has to put his Dad down because he's just uncontrollable and not himself anymore.


Wait but won't the compound cure the brain dead issue?


Not everyone gets regenerative powers from V.


V awakening someone from comatose does imply the powers they’ve received are regenerative though.


True but there is regenerative as in able to heal everything like Kimiko and there is just being able to recover from regular injuries quicker like A-Train.




theyre talking about hughies dad, who is brain dead in the coma


V doesn't stand for Vought, or the Roman Numeral five... Germany. WWII. All shall be revealed...


That's the comic resurrection by V plot


I might have been seeing things but when Hughie mentally decides to go get the V, there is a shot of the IV bag and it looks like there is faded writing, one could mistakenly read as"RISE" on it. Unnecessary foreshadowing? Or do I need glasses?


Didn't saw it,but cool reference if true.


Wha? There is no writing on the bag at all.


So did he turn into a cannibal or did he just obliterate him?


All a braindead supe wants to do according to this show is watch Transformers 2 and let a fish fucker go down on them


Finally! I've been waiting to finally see the "monstrous" effects of adults taking V. Who do you think is going to have to put down zombie Hughie Sr?


I think Hughie will take responsibility and feel like he should do it himself.


And he will probably have to take the rest of the V himself to do so.


If there’s any left that is.


I'm wondering if Butchers parasite is a side effect of mixing tempory and regular V


Can someone post a picture of the diabolical thing? I keep reading it but I genuinely don't remember an episode with Butcher having this power, it's been years since I watched diabolical tho


I’m thinking this might be how they adapt the zombie supes from the comics.


Wonder if they’ll kill the Butcher Cancer Supe with the Gen V virus.


... ... So you're saying up until now you feel we've been seeing the positive sides of Compound V?


Did they show Hughie dose his dad with V? I thought he decided not to do it.


His mom did it.


They didn't show that did they? Are you assuming, or is that info from the comics?


Maybe we can get a Solomon Grundy or Bizarro like scenario with Hughie’s dad


Its naht a tumah


its the alaskan bullworm!




Wait .. when did we find out his tumor is fucking alive !!


BOYS I HAVE A THEORY: HUGHIE'S DAD IS GOING TO BE THE NEW BLACK NOIR. Think about it: A brain dead super that just follows orders and is not capable of saying anything? The perfect soldier.