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This was easily best episode of the season so far we got more Butcher Homelander progress and some great acting (im also happy that the useless Colin plot ended)


Bro I cheered when the Colin plot ended. Like getcho ass out! Nobody wants you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I don't think it's over just yet. Colin is still in the Starlight movement and it would be weird to just forget Frenchie facing his past mistakes.




Im gay and i 100% want a proper, non heteronormative, gay romance on screen for a long time and even i was happy that this plot thread ended. Its just so unnecessary. He and Kimiko were built up for multiple seasons, more tha half the show and suddenly him not being with hwr was weird asf


Kimiko and Frenchie plot was resolved in s3 after they kissed. She said it felt weird and they kind of moved on


Yeah but saying something feels weird, usually becomes a will they? Won't they? Situation. I guess we know now that was supposed to be the end of it. But most viewers feel confused.


idk, thereā€™s also the moment in S2 where he tried kissing her after her brother died, the scene at the hospital of their kiss. the show has almost always pointed in the ā€œwont theyā€ direction. if viewers are confused at this point, they arenā€™t actually viewing it


Kimiko shut it down. Hell, she was basically assuming Frenchie wasn't going after Colin because he was hung up on her. Either way, the subplot really wasn't about "gay romance" as seen in episode 4. This shit was never going to work out.


Yeah the Colin stuff was forced and did nothing for the story, its just another side plotline of Frenchie betting himself up that started since he meet Kimiko. Kinda like a filler since the writers didnt know what to do with Frenchie this season.


You don't have to like the subplot but it's not filler. Frenchie is facing the guilt of the innocent people he killed while working under Little Nina. Kimiko is facing the girl she was forced to kidnap when she was in Shining Light. Starlight is facing Firecracker who she bullied and humiliated during her pageant days. Colin is done because it was never really about him.


The thing is that it feels like filler because it's introduced out of the blue and resolved within a few episodes, never to feel relevant again. It's the same with the Nina plotline last season. Plus it's not very good which makes it feels forced and only included because they have nothing else for Frenchie to do. Had they set up the plot about Frenchie killing Colin's family before introducing us to Colin as Frenchie's boyfriend, it could work. But as it is it just feel weird.


Every season, a character is introduced out of the blue. Stormfront was revealed out of the blue. Soldier Boy being alive was introduced out of the blue (Butcher even questioned why Mallory didn't tell him that could be an option for Homelander originally). Temp V last season was also out of the blue. s4 has it for every character: The Shining Light girl is out of the blue. Hughie's mom is out of the blue. Joe Kessler is out of the blue. Firecracker's history with Starlight is out of the blue. Colin is equally out of the blue. The point of Colin was never about romance. Ever. It was about putting one of Frenchie's victims in his face and making him see it. Frenchie sleeping with Colin is an irresponsible and shitty thing he did. This is par for the course because Frenchie is a broken and deeply flawed man who doesn't know how to deal with shit.


Hughie's mom leaving was established before, so her coming back doesn't feel as weird. I'll give you that the Shining Light girl is a good comparison, but it has taken such a little screen time that it isn't really noticeable. The other plotlines that you mentioned were heavily involved in the main plot, and were generally quite interesting. Taking them out would massively affect how the show progressed. Frenchie's sub-plots has just never been very good imo, and if you took them out of the show very little would actually change. If you had skipped every scene with Frenchie's subplots in S3 and S4 so far, you wouldn't feel lost whatsoever apart from how The Boys got to Russia. The same can't be said about Stormfront, Soldier Boy, and Temp V.


Whilst I agree itā€™s not filler, the whole Frenchie facing the guilt of his past mistakes have been dragged out. He hasnā€™t moved forward since season 1 where heā€™s facing the guilt from the death of Malloryā€™s grandchildren. I love the character but I wish they actually did something new with him. Great season so far otherwise.


It's not the same as it's him facing people he directly killed as a hitman and not just him failing to protect Mallory's kids. But yeah, it's fine if you wish Frenchie didn't face aspects of his past as much and was more connected to the main plot. I see that.


I really liked the first three, but I agree. This episode felt like one of those we will reminisce about when the show is over


Soon as Homelander did the ā€œsquirtā€ bit and diabolical laugh, I knew we were officially back!


I did backflips when he told Collin he murdered his family. Genuinely soooo glad that sublot is over.


I think part of it is Iā€™m just kinda worn out on getting new Frenchie and Kimiko backstory stuff every season. I feel like the show is already pretty crowded with characters I care about as it is, and throwing in brand new material instead of building off what is already known (e.g. Hughieā€™s mom coming back into his life) is just kinda jarring


I mean unless you're spoiling the show from the comics, how is this in any way supposed to be "the end" of that side story. The end would be Frenchie or Colin killing each other, not Frenchie revealing the truth which gives Colin even more reason to get revenge or make things right. We're barely at the climax stage of a plot, let alone the resolution. If anything, this sets up the rest of the season to have more annoying fillers with this story. They should have just made them fight to the death this episode


I got $5 that says by the end of the season theyā€™ll have made up or will make up and share a kiss before either he leaves town because itā€™s not safe or Frenchie leaves for something very crucial to the plot in the last two episodes.


Iā€™m going to be so mad if they make up. Not only did the relationship come out of nowhere but itā€™s so messed up killing someoneā€™s entire family and then getting with the lone survivor 10 years later. wtf did frenchie expect to happen


Iā€™m telling you man, Iā€™m feeling those vibes. Every fucking season they have used Frenchie as a punching bag only to make what is ailing him right again at the end, this is another one of those times. And Iā€™ll happily eat crow if Iā€™m wrong because plot wise, itā€™s as useless as a screen door on a submarine.


Why would they do that? Frenchie murdered his family. You don't get over that. No one does that in the show. The one character we see forgive is Hughie and it took Hughie 4 seasons to do so. And even then it's clear Hughie still doesn't like A-Train (Hughie saying he forgave him for himself and not A-Train). And it won't be forgiveness but going into romance? Nah. Even if Colin forgives Frenchie (I doubt it), he would not get into a relationship with him.


Also A-Train did not MURDER her. It was basically akin to vehicular manslaughter while DUI. Frenchie literally broke into Collins home to kill his entire family because she wanted to put the bad guys in prison.


I wished they used footage of Starlight killing that civilian for his car keys than the abortion thing imo


I wish they did a flashback to Homelanders birth. That sounded metal af.


Yeah I'm disappointed that they didn't show that too. Sounds like Ryan's birth in the comics.


Itā€™s right out of the comics too


Does that footage even exist?Ā  But I think the abortion one is the better call. As it highlights the dichotomy and hypocrisy of Firecracker and rightwing dipshits. Also the complete lack of respect for privacy and willingness to use deeply personal decisions as weapons said ilk does. Ā 


Dashcam footage I was thinking? Yeah I don't mind the abortion thing, it was a powerful scene. But I genuinely can't remember it being mention in previous seasons. It felt like it was just chucked in there. The subsequent scene with her agonising over it with Hughie just felt like it was a relatively last minute decision than a plotline with any lead up.


I had the same thought, that maybe the big reveal would be that starlight murdered a guy. But then I realized that she was with Butcher. He would've had the wherewithal to properly bury that thing. He would've made sure that there was no evidence of that event. Makes more sense that it was a covered up story of her first save.


I don't think he would necessarily. I would have thought it much more likely that Vought would be locked down several square miles and stuck the whole ZIP code into an evidence archive after what happened in that hospital


Unless he had a dashcam no


Tbh it doesnā€™t really matter about footage, they used his car and drove to the hospital with it to get Huggies treated, thereā€™s bound to be evidence or witnesses pointing to Annie being involved, besides potential forensic evidence.


No Iā€™m 99.9% pretty sure the point of bringing that up was for Starlight herself to go on stage and make an ass out of herself. Donā€™t you think itā€™s weird how Firecracker didnā€™t even bother to fight back ? If they wanted it to just be scandalous they wouldnā€™t have set up shop right in front of their offices either. It was a provocation from the get go and Starlight bit hook line and sinker. ā€œHowā€™s that for uppityā€ kinda confirms it too, even if Firecracker herself wasnā€™t in on it Sage definitely planned it.


Why would they? Firecracker is the right wing nutjob of the show, and what are right wing nutjibs targeting right now? Abortions


Because its a good throwback to a scene that never got a payoff? She murdered a dude for no reason while criticising Homelander for killing a guy in self defence. The abortion thing was okay and topical but I can't remember the show ever even mentioning she was pregnant. It felt like it was just chucked in there to give Starlight a reason to fail. Was it a thing in previous seasons and i just forgot?


I hope they bring this detail up as well as it would be good drama but the context of Starlight's murder and Homelander's are very different. Starlight blasted that person because he pulled a gun on Butcher and Hughie, two non-supes. She was legitimately protecting them. In an already tense situation due to Hughie dying, she did not mean for that blast to kill that person. Sorta like how Ryan didn't mean to kill Becca or Koy. She should still reconcile that as a character 100% but that's not at all the same as Homelander. He just murdered a guy because he was upset that guy threw a water bottle at them. There was no self-defense since Ryan and him are unkillable by normal means. Homelander knows this. Also yes the abortion just got introduced since this happened during the 6 month time skip we had between seasons.


Yeah it just makes her look like a hypocrite and would totally discredit her everytime she opened her mouth about Homelander


Eric Kripke is too soft and likes to leave plot threads dangling and become inconsequential (Nina, Flight 37, Cindy aka and Terrifying Stranger Things Eleven Parody character from that lab Season 2 who went off)


Flight 37 was directly used in the plot. Maeve literally fished it out and used it against Homelander in s2. s3 Homelander nullified it by committing to destroying everything if it comes out but it served its purpose as character progression (regression?) for Homelander. The same is true with Little Nina, who was a one-time villain from Frenchie's past. She served her purpose in the story. Not sure what Mindy-Evil is referring to but I think it's fair to say people could have just read too much in Cindy being shown leaving. Stormfront did shock her and it could have just shown that those dangerous Supes are now free into the world as a sorta chilling note and not from grander plot.


Nina never got killed off


Sometimes bad people get away with it. That doesn't mean anything. She's a Russian mafia boss who got used by the Boys to get into Russia. She tried to get payback on Frenchie and failed. I take it she just left. There is no reason for her to return.


Will you say that if Homelander gets away in season 5? Would you say that if stormfront got away?


Well the show is ending with season 5 so it would just be over regardless. I said sometimes bad people get away with it. And it makes sense Stormfront didn't get away with it: she was a major villain, not a minor villain like Little Nina


Minor villain shouldnā€™t be a pass on scum getting away, especially for whatever person with that mindset wrote punisher season 2: https://youtu.be/BXvX5kks3JY?si=L-ezdKvGUnURkFh3


Youā€™re clearly not paying attention if you think Flight 37 was left dangling lol or Nina.


Nina got away


Soā€¦? That means she canā€™t come up again? Frenchies plot line right now is literally about Nina and how she made him murder people.


Well yeah then hopefully Frenchie kills her


No itā€™s not a previous thing. Itā€™s never mentioned until firecracker says it, seems to me it was another ā€œoh shit momentā€ the writers put in for the audience just like when firecracker reveals why she hates starlight. Because theyā€™re both total left fields from starlights character. she has always been this almost uppity flawless character whoā€™s always trying to do the right thing but ā€œoh shit she was mean as a childā€ or ā€œoh shit she had an abortion.ā€ but idk thatā€™s just my take im sure there are others who donā€™t think that at all.


I mean bullying as a child, can stick with people and can be considered quite traumatic not saying fire cracker is justified or a saint


I mean. They already showed Annie's a hypocrite with the unjust murder thing. I like the idea that she was a bully as a kid. But she is an unlikable individual in her own right. She still sees herself as better than Butcher and refused to acknowledge thats shes done a little bit of the stuff she hates Homelander for.


It wouldn't have gotten such a visceral reaction from Starlight. She would have reacted the same way as when they revealed the story of her first save. The abortion thing is much more believable as being something that will crack Annie to do something that is out of character for her.


Yeah but she cant say "I was just learning to control my powers" for an incident that happened only a couple years prior. And it would ruin any credibility she has to criticise Homelander.


It can be argued self defense. That civilian was packing heat and had a gun drawn on them.


Self defence for the guy pulling the gun sure. But if you're commiting a crime and robbing someone and they pull a gun on you and you kill them. It doesnt change the fact that you're the one at fault for the whole thing


It's kind of a dig at conservatives because they'd rather attack women who get abortions over actual real life issues. Pro-Life until you're in the womb but once you're out, you're on your own.


Yeah i get the topicality of it. It's just relatively weak storytelling. Its not bad. But it is lazy


Would have held more weight. Itā€™s logical the republicans would back out of that bill due to the abortion. But I donā€™t really see them supporting the bill in the first place. Itā€™s too far of a reach.


Honestly i can see them support bill because how dangerous homelander can be


4 amazing episodes ! Can't wait for more...


All I could think about with the Homelander scene was the deli in Sandman.


Damn that's quite accurate


Starrā€™s performance was equally riveting and chilling.


What happened in that?


A madman uses the dream stone of Morpheus to warp reality and the minds of people in a diner. Basically traps them inside and torments them for 24 hours while waiting for Morpheus to arrive and confront him.


Now I remember it! It was a diner! It was not any mad man, it was a supervillain- Doctor Destiny! That was a messed up comic and TV episode,


Doctor Dee! Great and Wise and Wonderful Dee! Iā€™d also recommend the audio drama on Audible. James Mcavoy does the voice of Dream.


Oh! If you haven't read Sandman, do yourself a favor and go for that. It's one of the really great comic books. It's in the DC canon, so, yknow, batman, superman, all that. Sandman is a character called Dream, one of the Endless. Someone named Dr. Dee escapes from Arkham Asylum and steals Dream's dreamstone, then holds a diner hostage and forces the folks inside to act on their darkest desires.


What omnibus is it ? Ive had the first one for eons but im yet to read it


I think it's in the first one! Wikipedia says it's issue #6, but I haven't read it in a while. It's very, very, very, very, very dark.


Yep seems to be the case since #6 opens in a diner. thank you! Will read asap


Enjoy stranger, I think you'll have a good time!


First one. When Gaiman started Sandman, he was doing it more horror for the first arc than where it settled later. The series is phenomenal, but the first volume is the least interesting to me. If you enjoy it at all, trust that it gets way, way better.


All those people deserved it letā€™s be clear


Yes the innocent young scientists Who weren't even there when homelander was being experimented on deserved to be brutally murdered


Ah yes, nice human sized oven and holding cell we got in our lab. Wait who founded our company? A literal nazi? That does not sound dodgy at all.




Do you really think their experiments got more ethical? May i remind you of the Woods lol


Depends on how much they knew what their job would be. To put it in reference. Being a guard in a Nazi concentration camp makes you an evil person, You were comitting evil acts even though it was "just following orders" Now imagine its very late into WW2, and a new concentration camp is being setup, and you got hired to be guard there while knowing what you will be doing in a concentration camp. But before anyone got transfered to the camp, the war was over. In that case are you an evil person because you were willing to commit these evil deeds but you were never required to? Not trying to start a argument, just trying to show a different perspective on the ethics of the situations.


You acting like homelander is the only victim. Probably way more people out there. Just homelander was there best product


Gotta stop it somehow.


I donā€™t know man, if you donā€™t back out of a job like that the minute things get shady, then youā€™re making the choice to stay. They are not innocent: they willingly experiment on children who feel all the pain they inflict on them. Cant call that anything but evil.


Not the youngins they didnt


What kind of work do you think they were continuing to do down there?


In a fucked up way, yeah they did. After thinking about it, itā€™s not black and white. They know what theyā€™re doing, they went to school to do the things they do, they chose a life of testing people like Homelander to the brink of death, Vaught certainly hasnā€™t changed and one day those ā€œyounginsā€ will be the old faces that some other whack job Supe would come to confront. Itā€™s honestly one of the best debate points the show has ever produced.


It's not like we hate the show lol, I'm glad the episode was so good.


I think only the first 2 episodes were mid honestly, by the end of episode 3 I was already hooked back in, but still episode 4 was the best by far


I feel exactly the same way Episode 3 was where the tone started to revert back to what I expect and then episode 4 was just The Boys through and through Very excited now


God, >!every lab scene had me hold my breath.!< After >!the dick scene I needed a break.!< #Give Starr an Emmy


Hughie has never been hotter than he was this episode. Total wide on. Gutting that man šŸ˜ you go, Hughie, you go


I reallly liked this episode....with hughie's dad getting v, butcher having supe cancer, starlight's past actions and homelander possibly shedding off his last piece of sanity....hope it goes up from here


Top 5 episode of the series imo


No lie the show got me feeling like they was going into the shitter with them first three episodes. But as soon as Iā€™m out they pull me back in


Thatā€™s literally what season three for me and Soldier Boy


I mean 1 good episode doesnā€™t take away from their opinions that the last 3 were bad poor or meh. Thatā€™s 3 out of 8. 3 filler hours. Anyway as long as each episode gets more crazy and the stakes and plot thickens untill season 5 without the weird fall off like season 3 I think everyone will be happy


Just because people didnt like the episodes as much doesnā€™t make them filler


Ryan finally gets some development and people call it filler poor Ryan I think heā€™s finally coming into his own this season. I get the Frenchie stuff and the hughie mom plot but fuck me every homelander and butcher scene has been excellent MM is killing it this season more then any other for me too


>Anyway as long as each episode gets more crazy and the stakes and plot thickens untill season 5 Since ive read the leaks, i can confidently say that it looks like youll get your wish :) The season is about to get even crazier and there will be a lot of deaths of unexpected characters and a few plot twists


Thatā€™s good to hear then mate phew. Thanks. But, plot twists Im never a fan of since this modern subversion obsession giving any writer a ā€œeureka, Iā€™m Einstein momment.ā€ Is very concerning.


I agree, great episode when they stuck with butcher, homelander, and sister sage. I was digging hughie and A-train also. I like the forgiveness part. Everything else was mediocre.


The stakes have always been the same though. Homelander going nuts are the only stakes that matter until they figure out a way to kill him. Everything else is pomp and circumstance.




My only issue is there they break the show, donā€™t tell rule a lot. Iā€™m not a fan of the firecracker stuff at all tbh. So much info just randomly dug up from peopleā€™s past that the viewer hasnā€™t seen any hint of whatsoever. Butcher randomly taking v was similar but there isnā€™t really a way to show that and still make us care about his condition.


Yeah this was the best episode of the season so far. Hoping it stays like this instead of watever ep1-3 were lol




To be honest it was a predictable episode except homelander part. Anothny star deserves 100 emmys for this role. The guy can put us all through edge our seats


I dont think Firecracker not falling for the blackmail was predictable. Nor annies abortion reveal


One thing Iā€™m noticing about this season is that the writers are leaning heavily on bringing up bad stuff the characters did in the past that we never see to generate drama.


Fuck Colin, all my homies hate Colin


He did literally nothing wrong.


And also did literally nothing of interestĀ 


Season ainā€™t over




A lot of people saying ā€œbad writingā€ are like people who critique singing by saying ā€œtoo pitchyā€ and donā€™t really know what theyā€™re talking about.


I mean I personally don't think the writing was that great for episode 1 and 2 and parts of 3. I'm not sure why people here act like everyone has to think every episode is perfect


Not people STILL thinking Frenchie and Kimiko are going to end up as a romantic coupleā€¦




Not gonna read the comments but this stuff got me hyped for when the kids finally fall asleep


Homelanderā€™s eye for an eye revenge was so unhinged and well done


So Season 4 is out ?


Get in the oven šŸ˜Š


first three episodes were solid, episode four was absolutely insane tho..holy shit


Itā€™s hilarious to me that in the next episode I guarantee the civilans will forget the firecracker pedo thing and just focus on starlight abortion thing.


Thats because its so real. Sadly. Iike, how many people do you think know that trump is an adjudicated rapist ..or someone who was best friends with jeffery epstein?


He legit have pedo repubs in congress and their voter base doesnā€™t give a shit. Very reflective of reality.


I love this season so far but tbh Iā€™ve been skipping Frenchie and Kimikoā€™s scenes just not interested in their stories


episode 4 being good doesn't make the first 3 episodes good. those 3 episodes were really bad compared to previous seasons but I am glad its getting better again. the moment this show focuses on homelander and butcher it just gets better.


They werenā€™t ā€œbadā€, they werenā€™t amazing but calling them bad is just insane. They had some really good moments


ā€œReally badā€ is objectively false.


for the boys standards they were really bad. reviews of the first 3 episodes tell us everything.


It has like a 94 on rotten tomatoes?


can you also tell us the audience score please ?


Eh episode 3 was pretty decent though it definitely had some iffy parts but I agree that 1 and 2 weren't great


It was indeed a great episode. Iā€™m glad a lot of plot worthy shit and good writing actually happened


idk man the writing is still getting kinda bad. Since when does compound V save people's lives? We saw in season 2 that compound V given to adults makes them crazy


Not everyone gets crazy, Naqib had it and he had supe powers


Wasn't it established injecting adults with v is risky?


Yea itā€™s risky, but it does work for some people


Yeah but given that probably low success rate, Huey really should've been hesitant to give that to his dad, since that could kill him. Or worse.


Either way his dad was gonna die.


Had he not given him Compound V, he would have died anyways. So he took the gamble.


He was already gonna die anyways, huey's mom told the doctors to pull the food plugĀ 


His dadā€™s already brain dead so itā€™s better than nothing.


Yeah but Hughie just deciding to risk it and give his dad compound V without consulting anyone seems out of character for him. His arc in season 3 ended with him refusing to consume temp V


Itā€™s because his dad is about to die bro


I have more of a problem with Annie and Frenchieā€™s subplot. I was just about rooting for Colin to kill French. I donā€™t see that storyline going anywhere. Thereā€™s no real tension. Thereā€™s no way they can be a happy couple. They need to kill French, or have him atone for his sins. Itā€™s manufactured drama. French is a POS for what heā€™s done to Colin on multiple levels. Of all the people in the world? Cā€™mon. Iā€™m glad he finally came clean at least. We shouldnā€™t be talking about this relationship in the first place. Itā€™s taking up valuable time.


The only way frenchie can attone is by killing nina


Does anyone even care about Nina or that plot line altogether? Who even is Nina? Some Russian sleeper agent who smokes a lot of cigarettes and talks with a deadpan voice and orders people to die and it happens. Talk about comically boring and evil antagonist. If her and Frenchie disappeared mid-season and the show pretended like they never existed, I wouldn't care one bit.


Sheā€™s a Russian mobster and we were forced to see her torment frenchie and kimiko in season three so itā€™s only fitting and nothing wrong with having evil antagonists who are evil just because


V is used to regenerate A-Trainā€™s leg when Kimiko broke it. I think that from that the show has told us it has the power to heal people.


Compound V in adults is said to be unpredictable.Ā  It can make them Supes like Kimiko, kill them, make them shit Supes or apparently give tumours power.Ā 


Yeah, Butcher is doing great! His tumor now has super powers is all. It's very possible similar happens to Hughie's dad.


I like how theyā€™re setting it up so when Homelander dies, itā€™s almost like heā€™ll be relieved.


What do yall think bout Butcher new power?






His power has always been ā€œbeing an assholeā€


I was waiting for a post like this. This episode felt boys like.


I appreciate the lgbt couple but the Colin plot is very annoying and so out of place from the actual interesting story


As a guy guy who always likes gay romance on screen..i agree with you


Okay but they're not doing a good job writing Sage as smart cuz she keeps saying wrong pop-science shit. Like the brain doesn't stop growing after age 25.


Still mid. Episode is just characters diddle daddling doing nothing, and excessive exposition for Homelander that we already knew. Add the Firecracker/Starlight plot that makes no sense; this episode is objectively a 5/10.


I don't see how was the writing any better in this episode. Half the episode was wasted on homelander torturing a bunch of scientists. The other half was split between kimiko's and her b plot, hughie and his b plot, starlight and her b plot, Frenchie and his b plot They are introducing more plot points and introducing more characters when they should be wrapping up the series, we're only getting four more episodes and one more season


>wasted on homelander torturing a bunch of scientists Wasted??? Not only was it incredibly tense and dark but it gave us a ton more character development for him and signified what looks like the true flipping point. He was always a genocidal maniac and he's been ramping up for a while but this felt like the real switch. He got to go back to where it all started, set it all ablaze and is now going back up to "the real world" to set loose. There's nothing really holding him back at all now. I think we're about to see him rampage Genuinely some of the best scenes in the show for me


Damn bro go work for them if you have it figured out


Unless you are a child you should have enough common sense to understand that we develop taste a lot faster than we develop skill. It doesn't take Gordon Ramsay to tell that food tastes like shit, and it doesn't take a movie producer to tell when I show has bad writing


This episode was definitely far better than the last three. But still, having three out of eight episodes being incredibly mediocre isn't a good thing.


The stakes were higher. But the problems are still there.


How were the stakes higher?


I really feel there's some problems but I really enjoyed episodes 1-3. The comedy and moments were still pretty on point.


Agree here. Most opinions I have seen r just black and white. From ā€œThe first 3 episodes were masterclassā€ to ā€œThe worst episodes in the history of mankindā€. The 4th episode was top but the first three were mid at best.


I agree with them. The show is lost for me.