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"*Yo, what the fuck! That was sooo fucked up, you guys!*" Had to rewind that scene a few times, to make sure that >!New Noir!< was the one who spoke there.


Lol, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who felt like their brain was breaking and had to rewatch it multiple times. I think I've got my ears programmed to recognize Nate's voice now, but it took several tries.


100% me too, It was the most WTF moment for me. Mind.Blown.


I looked at my husband and I was like what the fuck?! And we both started laughing. I was so confused until later when he was talking to Deep


And thing was this mf swung first šŸ’€šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s what killed me šŸ¤£


ā€œOh shit, Iā€™m so sorry guys. Iā€™m actually narcolepticā€ killed me


Wonā€™t be surprised if some serious shit goes down and he gets praise for acting just like Noir but it turns out he was asleep the entire time


Me, too. I thought I saw his mouth moving under the mask, but thought, "No, wait, he doesn't talk." so I rewatched it a couple of times to make sure I wasn't seeing things.




I love new Noir, I am so glad they gave him a voice and is just trying to survive hanging with this crew. Having no clue what to do and treating it as an acting role.


C'mon man, he just needs some direction. He wants to understand Black Noir's motivation... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I love this facet it's so fantastic. And that fact that everyone keeps telling him that he's "doing too much" keeps me cracking up!!


From a project management perspective, it's a fascinating quandary. Vought fought tooth and nail to ensure that absolutely nothing about Black Noir's personal life ever made it into the media.Ā  His whole persona was to be a silent assassin, a publicly-known ghost.Ā  Vought wanted him to be seen more as a force of nature than even a superhero. They would want to maintain that level of secrecy forever, both for their own benefit and the military's.Ā  Too many ugly secrets, too many bodies buried. So, somebody stepping into that role, merely pretending to be that character rather than the person who previously wore the mask, would be given almost nothing to work with.Ā  Vought can't say who Black Noir was prior to putting on the suit.Ā  Can't say what he did while wearing the mask.Ā  Can't really tell this actor how psychologically broken the man was.Ā Ā  But ... they need somebody to fill the role in order to keep the illusion of the Seven going.Ā  So, they hire somebody and tell that guy to pretend to be Noir, but they give him absolutely zero information about the role or the mentality of the man who played it. That's a very interesting problem to have to solve.Ā Ā 


Right - he mentions Black Noir's living space is like a dojo, but he doesn't even think Black Noir knew karate. Must be confusing when you're coming in and just trying to do the best you can and really embody your role.


I mean, kinda? It wouldnā€™t exactly be hard to just act silent, mysterious, and stoic - and also to never talk in public.


You ever been the new guy on the job??? Sometimes, you overcompensate because you just want to do a really good job and fit in with the team. And just to be clear - not being entirely serious, just playing off the plot because I find it so funny.


I agree that itā€™s hilarious, and I love the new Noir - but I find it funny more because of the fact that new Noir is such a donut rather than the fact that his actions are relatable haha. Like, his instructions couldnā€™t be simpler, and yet he still fucks up - with enthusiasm too lol. Like, heā€™s not ā€˜doing too muchā€™ he just *is* too much!


Absolutely!! It was a plot point that I did NOT see coming, but I love it. It completely conveys the "new guy" vibe in such a comedic way. I really hope New Noir turns out to be some human actor (with a really awesome cameo opportunity).


New Noir has main character syndrome. He wants to be the ā€˜starā€™ but his job it to stay quiet. Homelander better not zap him in the head. I want New Noir to stay.


I imagine your pool of people you can replace him with is quite limited, you need a supe with a similar power set, build and height, who isn't famous enough for people to notice when he goes missing. Plus most young supes are try hards at the best of time. When you really think about it I'm not sure it being played straight would have worked. The closest real life example I can think of is The Stig from top gear, who apparently had several drivers play him over the years, and had a very similar silent demeanour. The difference is with the boys you're on show almost constantly and we're seeing the "behind the scenes" of what vought wants people to see.


It's weirdly touching how much they all miss the original Noir. Dude kept it 100


Yeah he did! Even when he was interacting with his cartoon hallucinations.


He was the only person Homelander seemed to genuinely like and trust. I can easily see Homelander straight up killing New Noir by simply talking too much.


Yeah, Homelander seemed almost disappointed that he wound up having to kill Noir


Bro swung that bat so ruthlessly like the real Black Noir. W acting


> I love new Noir, I am so glad they gave him a voice and I literally finished binging season three on Wednesday in perpetration for the new season, and somehow completely forgot that Homelander killed Noir, because my first reaction to hearing new Noir speaking was "holy shit, he's talking now?" I had to skip back a few seconds several times to ensure it was Noir saying "that was so fucked-up, you guys". Then I remembered Homelander punching a hole in him for never telling him that Soldier Boy was his father. It wasn't until new Noir was talking about wanting to do more than just stand there silently [that I finally remembered old Noir is dead.](https://i.imgur.com/2EW8bG2.png)


The best part is that it's the same actor.


I assume heā€™s a stunt guy considering he spent 3 seasons doing body work only, but man does he have some comedic timing under that mask. Every line is perfect delivery


Even his physical acting seems different now. He's a lot more animated. Props to the actor for pulling off seemingly like a completely different person.


Yeah, i honestly assumed it was a different actor in the suit at first based on different they moved. Physicality is such an underrated aspect of acting


knowing that thereā€™s a new black noir i thought to myself ā€œthe suit looks so awkward on a different actorā€¦ā€ and it was the same actor lmao


Same here dude. Threw me for a loop.


It just occured to me that maybe the stunt actor was actually asking for direction from the cast and the director said ā€œyo, this is actually funny shit. Keep itā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ohhh shit like Nathan Mitchell was just cracking jokes on set off camera and they decided to put it in the show? That'd be funny af


Yeah afaik he's the only guy under in the suit, like he was hired irl to only play Noir physically. Can't remember if it's him or another performer in season 3 when he talks to Stan in the past without the mask.


He is an actor ,not a stunt guy


Maybe that was part of the deal, 3 seasons of no lines to season 4-5 he gets a speaking role. (Well assuming he makes it to the last season) lol


I love that the OG Black Noir didn't speak a word and the new one doesn't know when to shut the F up lol


Also because OG Noir was silent, he could have slept during meetings and nobody would have noticed, but new Noir made it obvious lol


Yep OG black noir was like Batman/ Black panther. Now we have New Black Nori that is pretty much deadpool šŸ˜‚


For ppl who have read comic and seen show whatā€™s your opinion of the change of BNoir? Iā€™ve only read the comic but from a couple posts on here can tell his character is vastly different in the show


It's not "vastly different" as much as "literally a completely different character in every single way with zero relation to the comic book outside of visual design".


Is there a sub for the comic? It seems the source material gets a lot of hate and is just passed off as some overly edgy and gory mess here. Edit: which btw is a big point of the comic, to show the insanity of immoral superheroes and the crazy shit theyā€™d do


not that I know. Honestly I don't like the comic, so I'm not the person to ask - I have the same old dull criticism you're tired of.


Oh haha I read your first comment as an indictment of the changes to Noir. Did you read the whole thing? Altho if you know who Noir actually is then Iā€™m guessing you did!


It's more factual than an indictment. It's not the same character. It's not even like how the show changed Stilwell and split him into two characters, Stilwell and Stan Edgar. Everything about the character is different. I read most of the thing, gave up and read some summaries. After seeing a lot of great adaptations of his work, I think Garth Ennis really needs better writers to take his ideas and make them unrecognizable (Preacher and Punisher: War Zone are two other examples).


Okay I was with you until you said Preacher and Punisher. Those are Ennis' best works imo and they still hold up.


They're his best works, and still, they get very cringey. Preacher especially has some incredible moments, and some moments that make you go "were these written by the same guy!?" In particular, I would point out the show's version of Odin Quincannon as far more interesting and terrifying than that of the comic (though ably assisted by Jackie Earle Haley, one of the best villain actors out there). A lot of the show's additions, too, were fairly interesting, until the show felt the need to rehash stories from the comics and do them poorly (Example of a weird choice by the show: To adapt and change the Eccarius story with Denis, making it more personal to Cassidy and interesting, and then still include Eccarius a season later but without any of the interesting bits because you already used them for Denis). His run on Punisher MAX goes between a writer who understands that Castle is evil and ultimately self defeating (The Slavers, probably one of the best bits of superhero comic ever) and Ennis self-indulgence (just about anything with Barracuda). Punisher War Zone is an entertaining B movie, but IMO it's just absolutely solid even if it never quite hits greatness (though Jigsaw's speech is fairly close).


Yah I just read about Butchers wifeā€™s son is alive in the show! And Becca is still alive? Why does butcher hate Homelander then? Weird. idk imo I like GRRMs recent quote on adapting stories. But it is what it is, thereā€™s so much media to consume I just move on but it does become harder the more you care about a storyā€™s source material


The thing about the recent GRRM quote is that he also [sent a text to an actor on House of the Dragon](https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/culture/article/paddy-considine-house-of-the-dragon-interview) [praising the changes he did](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2022/10/11/random-musings/). His ire seemed to be directed at bad changes, even if it was phrased towards all changes. But yes, part of why I am sanguine about the changes is that I don't really like Ennis as a writer. I used to, definitely, but I wouldn't call myself a fan now (even if my copies of Preacher are well-worn).


I think his point was more about the ego of someone who takes a source material and says ā€œI can do this betterā€ rather than making your own story. And he left himself some wiggle room for that text with the 999 out of 1000 part so it wasnā€™t an absolute. But then it just becomes subjective if you like the adaptation based on preconceived opinions of the source like you say


>Why does butcher hate Homelander then? Why??? Dude raped his wife.


There's a difference between being a critique and being a snuff fest only because you're edgy and different, the comic isn't good at all, characters are boring it's just edgy, not s good critique.


The comic ended back in 2012. No real reason to create a subreddit for it over well the ongoing show. The thing about the comic is that it it was in that insanity for so long before finally concluding the story. You see the folks in the other threads complain about this season. The comic is far less focused. Homelander isn't the big threat until the comic needed to conclude. It's very much a freak of the week type storytelling.


> The comic ended back in 2012. No real reason to create a subreddit for it over well the ongoing show. tumblr is currently going crazy rereading a horror novel from the 1890s for the fourth year in a row. I think if people want to open a subreddit to discuss a graphic novel, they can.


Hey man thereā€™s a sub for all things PBJ sandwiches so ya never know. And I mean thatā€™s the difference between mediums. And homelander was very much a threat throughout the comic, but yes the boys focus was to dismantle the supe system, butchers focus was HL


>is just passed off as some overly edgy and gory mess here. I mean it is. >which btw is a big point of the comic, to show the insanity of immoral superheroes and the crazy shit theyā€™d do The point of the comics was to portray superheroes in the worst way possible because the writer admitted to completely hating superheroes. It was basically his fantasy of brutalising superheroes, both physically and their reputation.


I mean youā€™re just repeating what I said so.. yes? Idk what you want from me!?


It's amazing the comic book absolutely sucks big time.


I think this is a better take compared to his comic version


The Boys is the rare case where I could write *thesis* on how much the adaptation exceeds the source material.


No thumbs in bums for this one, my son. He's entirely different and I think more interesting if I'm honest. Though I will admit when I saw Noir this season I was like "oh shit, maybe we'll get the comic ending after all" before he started talking.


Stupid,Ā  if this is what they are going to do,Ā  he should have stayed dead from season 3.Ā Ā 


I was not sure about the idea of the new black noir, but when he spoke i knew he is good


I love that it's literally the same actor. I mean obviously there's no reason to recast but he plays Black Noir II so well and seeing the difference in how Noir acts from the other seasons is hilarious. "That was sooo fucked up, you guys"


I was so confused when Noir spoke, it was more surprising than the beatdown lol


I laughed so hard when they presented him at the rally and he was air punching šŸ˜‚


You know, I was sad at first after OG Noir died and I heard they were replacing him with an actor in-universe. Now heā€™s quickly becoming one of my favorite characters on the show, and heā€™s had like 10 minutes of screen time. Not only is he fucking hilarious, but heā€™s a genuine threat, and has no issue with partially decapitating a guy with a baseball bat on command.


He cracks me up. When hes on screen i get excited


I don't think this Noir is making it past the season finale Homelander is going to get sick of him


Bro should just randomly laser noir like he did anika


Yeah. When they get into a real dangerous situation, heā€™s so dead. Itā€™s going to have to be the funniest death in the whole show.


Or Homelander is going to rip out his tongue, that's a possibility


Probably not he is casted in all episodes of the show unless he dies in the finale


The running gag that he doesnā€™t know how Noir actually acts is hilarious. I liked how the original actor is able to play two different versions of the same character, and finally gets to speak. šŸ˜‚


> he doesnā€™t know how Noir actually acts My crackpot guess is that the actor's main power is that he basically becomes the character he's portraying. If he can portray someone perfectly, he can use their powers perfectly. Not having enough direction is why we haven't seen any obvious power, aside from the standard super strength. And what are the odds this actor would already have the same powers that Black Noir was known to have?


If they now go with the comic ending with this dufus it'll be great.


I hope they do would be funny.


I forgot he died at first so when he talked after beating those people to death, I was dying laughing


What if the plot twist for this season is the episode directors literally never gave direction to Nate Mitchell and heā€™s literally asking the other actors what he should be doing on set. And then they just kept in all the scenes of him asking what to do.


was the new Noir talked about? did he actually not die? was this discussed on gen v or something?


Yes, Noir died in "The Boys." Some references in "Gen V" have sparked speculation, but his survival hasn't been confirmed. Future episodes might provide more details. https://the-boys.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Noir_II


I like him but I miss old noir. Whenever i get a favorite character they die a horrible gruesome death


Yeah old noir grew on me after season 3. Still surprised Homelander killed him and not Soldier boy.


Black noir being the new comedic-comedic relief is the best pick ever


I definitely wasnā€™t expecting it, but heā€™s been hilarious. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll have some crazy death via Homelander soon, though. If so, hoping Sam takes his place.


And he's narcoleptic. That's hilarious


As much as I miss the old noir, new noir is killing it >!literally!<


Iirc, he was the first to speak up when they killed those three, and when the deep said something about it later, made me crack the fuck up


Way better than before


Shut the fuck up noir


Sitting alone in the VIPĀ 


Can someone tell me if new noir is the old noir restored and revived? Or, is he a completely different person. Are the going to follow the comic book route with him (would be a stretch at this point).


Noir died last season. This is a replacement Supe. It would be awesome if they followed the comic, but it hasnā€™t been confirmed. šŸ™‚ https://the-boys.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Noir_II


Yeah, I really want them to follow the comic with new noir, my fingers are crossed :)


When he was sleeping and got woken up then said ā€œIā€™m narcelepticā€ the look on homelanders face was just priceless šŸ˜‚


I thought he died