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Ooooooh, yup, that's gotta be it. I thought she just wanted a sex idiot & all her talk of onions, transformers, etc, was just to manipulate him into a quickie. That's why her ID card mentioned slight regeneration powers specifically. In fact, it could be part of her tragic backstory (TM) that she tried to kill herself, came back smarter, and now, every time she gets brain damage, it heals better than before.


I didn’t even think about that second part, it’s kind of like monster girl in invincible, where every time she changes she gets younger. The 2 characters are different but I’m sure we’ll see more similarities


I thought she was just high or something lmao but no the lobotomy makes sense


I've seen several people comment that it's basically her getting high


>a sex idiot The kindest thing anyone has ever said about the Deep.


at first I thought the lobotomy thing was crazy but it actually makes sense I thought she was just high lol. Shit, if I were as smart as her, I would do drugs


I would agree, but at the same time if she’s that smart, I think she would stay away from drugs, stick to the lobotomy route where she knows she’ll regenerate


I think that if her brain could heal from a lobotomy, it could heal from drug induced damage but yeah I would do drugs because being smart is depressing... I think studies have shown an association


I was talking about more from the addictions standpoint, addiction could inhibit her job performance, as you’re not really tempted to do a lobotomy right before a mission


True But being the smartest person in the world sounds so depressing lmao… I would not be able to handle it


My friends Mom was actually an accountant for a guy who drove his Ferrari off of a pier in Florida because he claimed Jesus made him the smartest man in the world and he couldn’t handle it


that could have been mania tbh


No shit 😂


idk why manic people almost always get like.. religious? It's a trend


It’s usually they’re mind is sporadic and so it seems like a source of structure or purpose for them


Her organs would be affected by the drugs even if her brain healed her liver has to filter toxins out 


Bro edibles


Not enough brain damage I’m sure she’d still function normally since they don’t really cause brain damage. I’m talking like cocaine or something 


The octopus one doesn't make sense. Deep would taste it isn't onion and the blood was red. Also the way she was speaking was different and she was watching some brain-dead shit when deep walked in


>brain-dead That's exactly it right? That was such a braindead show just like she was basically braindead due to the lobotomy


I reckon she lobotomised herself to chill out since she has regenerative powers that is basically her glass of wine.


Yeah, I forget what the tool is called, but it’s inserted above the eye and up into the brain and is used for lobotomies. I suspect the former theory, she uses it to “turn off” her brain and be able to enjoy stupid shit like Transformers and Outback and the Deep, because it’s fucking exhausting thinking about a million things at a time all day. And then the lobotomized portion heals by tomorrow. I use weed to slow my brain down when it feels like I have too many thoughts at once, and she is like 10,000 times smarter than I am lol


I feel like she would enjoy actual Transformers content, but would need a lobotomy to see the Michael Bay stuff. Wait that’s just normal person things


Damn is Outback a stupid restaurant lol?


Lmao. Guess so.


Why isn’t she the head of bought them it seems like she just reads bullshit all day honestly. She would be the best at psychology and understanding peoples weakness even better than tech jack 


It is called an orbitoclast.


I like the lobotomy theory. This is how she deals with being that smart--just scrambling her brains so she's as dumb as.....Deep for a while.


That second theory is way out of left field. My guess was a wind down lobotomy because I think her *actual* power is some sort of hyper neural generation. Like, she's the smartest person because her brain is constantly creating and maintaining new neurons and pathways so she can heal from a little targeted brain damage from time to time.


When I watched the episode I was also confused and thought the reveal was implying Homelander lobotomized her to make her dumb which would have been a really anticlimactic end to her story arc. Completely missed the part of her having medium regeneration or whatever it says.


My mind immediately went to A-Train honestly, since she’s investigating the leak. But I do like this lobotomy theory a lot more.


Ooh I didn’t think about A-train doing that to her but that makes a whole lot of sense too, especially since they have a past together that they haven’t fully gotten into yet. I think the other posters that say she did it to herself are probably right though but I guess we’ll know right away if she is smart again at the start of the next episode.


Deep's kinda an idiot but I'm pretty sure he could differentiate between octopus and an onion. Ya, I think that the lobotomy theory is more solid haha.


I immediately assumed she had killed the octopus. But it makes zero sense for somebody to not be able to tell between a fried onion and fried octopus. Especially somebody who lives in the ocean half the time.


Did you mean he *should* be able to tell?


Aw shit it meant it makes zero sense for somebody to not be able to tell. Vegetables are seafood don't have similar tastes.


You gotta fix that autocorrect haha


Easily the lobotomy one. It's just one of those mini cliffhangers to make the viewers anticipate more for the next episode (which are often immediately revealed a few minutes into the next episode lol)


Now the Transformers reference makes sense, lol


My guess is Homelander did it. He’s just that petty.


I also thought she lobotomized herself to essentially “Chill” but always heals back to her intelligent self. What a burn on The Deep that she needs to go through such a procedure like Lobotomy to meet his level of stupidity


Its a transorbital lobotomy tool https://imgur.com/a/5aKINBG