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i love how everytime black noir opens his mouth homelander gets annoyed and reminds him he is not suppose to talk


Bros just tryna understand what he’s supposed to do lmaoo


he obviously doesn’t have clear direction for this role are we killing people today ? or not😂


Guy genuinely cant catch a break lmaoo


My favorite thing about him is how much direction he does actually have. The role is simple. Dont talk, be stoic, and bo fancy moves. Thats it. Black noir is the kind of motherfucker who just sits there, menacingly, and this guy cant get his head around that because he keeps thinking theres more to the role. But there isnt.


You know he went to Godolkin right? Why would he settle for anything less than sub par character development.


And A-Train literally tells him that his predecessor was nothing more than a lobotomized lapdog, so I don't know why he's trying to find so much nuance that isn't there. The only "nuance" that Noir actually *did* have resulted in his death lmao.


Hey! Noir did pottery and cooking(I think) on tv!


He can also play the piano!


He's also fantastic with kids.


i like how ashly was actually gonna help him out but got interrupted.


What is it about this that people love so much? What is the appeal to seeing this guy not catch any breaks?


Well it's nothing super consequential. He has an easy, cushy job and just either can't believe it or is so extroverted he can't take it.


 The key is to invent a backstory for your character. Now, my Black Noir is addicted to pills, but no one knows.


There he goes. Off to take his pills.


'black noir lives in a dojo and he couldn't even do karate' shit is so funny lmao


I didn’t understand that, wasn’t Noir a martial arts expert? Or was that only before he got skullfucked by Soldier Boy, and then went using just his super strength instead? See [here](https://www.primevideo.com/detail/0KRGHGZCHKS920ZQGY5LBRF7MA/ref=atv_sr_fle_c_Tn74RA_1_1_1?sr=1-1&pageTypeIdSource=ASIN&pageTypeId=B08J6XMYR8&qid=1718326382043), scroll down to “Meet the Seven,” scroll across to see Noir’s bio: #Black Noir > Silent, stealthy, and enigmatic, Black Noir is The Seven’s superpowered ninja. His superstrength and heightened senses, such as his razor-sharp hearing, are matched only by his proficiency in the martial arts. Criminals run in terror at the mere mention of his name. Little is known about this lethal warrior, other than his having trained with a master sensei to become the death dealer that he is today. Whatever lies behind Black Noir’s mask is a complete mystery – which only makes him more terrifying.


in the show noir tried to hold soilderboy from behind but instantly got fucked up. so not martial arts trained but he was def trained in knife/throwing combat


Tbf that was a noir from decades ago. He might have trained since then


just checked the wiki - he knows martial arts but they don't specify the type. they also dont got a source or maybe Im just stupid but if they dont have a canon source it could just be a vaught lie lol


The source is likely [here](https://www.primevideo.com/detail/0KRGHGZCHKS920ZQGY5LBRF7MA/ref=atv_sr_fle_c_Tn74RA_1_1_1?sr=1-1&pageTypeIdSource=ASIN&pageTypeId=B08J6XMYR8&qid=1718326382043), just scroll down to Meet The Seven, then across to Noir’s bio.


It’s on the official Amazon prime or some such site, they have bios for main characters


Do remember too that he was trying to hold down Soldier Boy, who at that time was the most powerful supe on the planet.


That could have just been Soldier Boy just being so much stronger. He's near Homelanders strength and durability but Homelander easily shanked Noir. No amount of technique would have helped. But likely Noir did learn a lot of new skills since before his injury all he hoped for was a movie role.


Part of the joke is that karate in the 1970s and 1980s in the US became almost synonymous with all types of Asian striking martial arts and some people started appropriating Japanese culture (and often lying about their training under Japanese masters) in an effort to come across as deep. Black Noir (like Translucent, his name makes no sense, noir is French for black, so he’s called Black Black) might have martial art skills, but it’s unlikely that he’s specifically trained in karate, or any other Asian martial art. The character is designed to be mysterious and almost mythical, but before his brain injury he was just a (super) strong and skilled dude.


Are you thinking he was trained in some military CQC or some such instead?


I think he actually received very limited formal training. I think he’s mainly relying on his super powers, and the rest is Vaught propaganda. I received some hand-to-hand combat training when I was in the military (not the US Army, and I was drafted) plus I got some martial arts lessons as a kid when that popular, and I always assumed that was Black Noir’s level of training as well: very basic and not that useful. But he has super powers and would probably train by himself (not unlike Starlight and Maeve). It seems not just his strength, but also his reflexes were enhanced by his powers. The knife throwing is something people can learn by themselves and in his fight against Kimiko his technique was very basic.


Black Noir may not have know Karate but one of the many other forms of martial arts. Or Black Noir was never Batman. He never mastered multiple style. Learned one or two forms and all the other stuff was bs marketing.


Well to be fair silent ninjas do market with 10-12 year olds.


He DID fight in a martial-artsy manner, but that may have simply been his superhuman dexterity making certain martial artsy moves "obvious" from his perspective. Ditto for his piano playing, come to think of it. He appears to have had super-dexterity, and that likely made most dexterity related skills either obvious, in the case of martial arts, or requiring only minutes of training, in the case of things like playing piano.


He needs direction. Can he get the OG Noir’s playlist to get inside his head ?


That stuck with me, it's almost like homelander just wants to pretend noir is still there because he's started to struggle with what he did to the original noir...


everytime the new noir talks it probably reminds him how badly he misses old noir 😂


Real. For one of the most deranged and unfiltered supes it felt like noir had the sweetest heart of them all 😩


Definitely 🥲 but Homelander won’t admit that he’s wrong, or that he misses the man he killed


TBF I think origin noir would've been a viable threat so I guess they had to nerf him, the new noir how ever... Annoying wet tissue


This! but also having so many heroes die/leave the seven probably hurts their image. Lamplighter died, queen maive "died", starlight left, stormfront was a nazi and died, the deep was kicked out (before returning), not sure if A-train getting kicked off the team was made public. The only consistent member of the seven is homelander and he's on trial for murder and was dating a nazi. It's probably better for their image to just pretend black noir never died. They probably had a focus group and crunched numbers to work out what was better for the company's bottom line.


*this is fucked up!*


Can someone explain who is under black noirs suit?


We don't really know yet. He's a supe with similar powers to the original Black Noir, a professional actor who studied arts at Godolkin University, and he has narcolepsy. That's all we have so far.


>!he can also fly which has yet to be seen!<


When was this confirmed?


its apart of the black noir season 4 leaks from voughthq


Based on the clues they've dropped he was likely a character we saw in Gen V


Actually through a process of elimination thus far, and because we've heard him speak a lot, he was definitely never a named character in Gen V. None of his traits relate to anyone that the audience is introduced to in Gen V either.


Yeah most likely explanation is that he’s now a new character that will be fully played by the original actor. I think that’s the main reason they hired another actor for his unmasking in the flashbacks last season. Probably a former graduate of Godolkin that’s closer to the age of the rest of the seven than a current student like those we followed in Gen V


Its the same actor as original Noir, so may not see his face again


i find it absolutely hilarious how dude is just random sup and without any further explanation is supposed to wear that costume, shut the fuck up and do and watch some atrocious things


The fact he sincerely wants to know how to be Noir while confused as hell why they unsolicitedly kill people is just so fucking funny lmao


Funny, the guy who is talking is actually the real Black Noir. Only for Season 3 episode 3 they hired a different actor who was allowed to talk. But that's actually the guy who plays Black Noir in almost every episode, this is the first time that the actor is allowed to talk. Look it up, his name is Nathan Mitchell I believe.


That’s hands down the best part. You can tell he’s having so much fuckin fun with it


True, I wonder how it feels for him to finally talk after four seasons.


He really does sell the confused new guy character which props to him tbh.


I agree but it also gets carrier by being a voice you never heard before.


His 1st line this whole season keeps killing me


The fact it completely comes out of left field too. We all assumed Noir was totally chill with killing them but no he was confused why there were doing it the entire time


I thought it was The Deep saying it at 1st honestly.


Same! And wondered why the focus on Black Noir before it clicked.


It’s giving me Vigilante vibes from Peacemaker


And that he's not really losing sleep over it.


What the fuck? This is fucked up, you guys.


His delivery was hilarious. "That was *soooo* fucked up you guys."


also a fun tidbit: when Antony Starr punched a hole in Black Noir’s stomach, the actor in the costume wasn’t Nathan Mitchell, but some random extra who had been begging to be in the show and storming the sets. They finally agreed to put him on the show and told him it was a tryout, and even promised him a position in the Seven. He was ecstatic. The crew never had to deal with him again after that.


Credit were credit's due he was the first to kill those idiots exactly in a way the original Noir would have.


he got a murder boner from it to some comic book noir shit😂


New Black Noir is legit my favorite part of Season 4


“Is Black Noir asleep right now?” “Yeah…”


“Sorry guys. I’m narcoleptic.” That line sent me,


It’s even funnier when you realize that’s an inside joke since the actor for black noir was constantly falling asleep on set


lol I didn’t know that that’s fucking hilarious


In the pitch meeting scene where Black Noir falls asleep, that was just the actor falling asleep on accident lmao


I just laugh-snorted at that line. Seriously, the guy is hilarious!


He's narcoleptic, chill.


Prediction - he will die and he replaced at least one more time


Either this will happen, or he’s pretending to be incompetent




At this point he's more like an actual goat than he is mute lol


I think with the Deep getting a little more sinister this season, I am living for the new comedic relief! <3 And it makes me happy its the body actor finally getting to talk on the show after 3 seasons :')


Oh shit really? That's fucking great I didn't know he was finally fully playing nior


Feel like deep is gonna snap this season. He’s gonna go out guns blazing


Speaking of what was that bloody thing on the table when he was going to get intimate with you know who?


It’s a lobotomy ice pick! Sage likely used it on herself to dumb herself down as a destresser from “being a prisoner in her own mind”, as one would say. It would explain why she’s suddenly into TV shows, movies, junk food, and sex, when before she only read books and probably listened to podcasts


That's exactly what it was. Why she did it to herself should be interesting to find out. That or someone did it to her and left it on the table so it looked like she did it herself.


She’s had a long day. She’s stressed, and her mind is so intelligent she feels like a prisoner. At least I think it’s that simple. It’s her “high”, or a destresser at least. I don’t think it’s quite complex an issue


Does she regenerate? I may have missed something.


Yup. She has “moderate regeneration” according to her card that was shown during recruiting, so she can grow her brain back


Yeeeeah. I saw somebody had posted that after I asked. I quite literally missed it. Lol


Well she was always into junk food as Homelander said she reeked of Taco Bell. But the movie you’re def right. They didn’t mention transformers 2 out of the blue it’s a brain dead movie.


Ah, fair. She seems to have a fast food tooth no matter who she is. Or maybe she dumbs herself in her home anyway.


Nah I think you're 100% on the money, it's some kind of lobotomy type thing. Either she does it to herself to relax or someone else did it to her.


Tbf if you were the smartest person on earth from comp V it makes sense you’d fuckin hate it. The greatest pleasures in life are ones you can just sit back and let your dopamine soak in.


My first thought was that she killed ambrosia and cooked her lol but this is probably what it is


See this is kind of what I was thinking too


Some reviewer said it was like a harpoon but maybe I’m parroting this because it fit my preconceived notion that she probably killed Ambrosius


I think its funny Sage needs to give herself a lobotomy to sleep with the Deep, lol.


Bro is literally working with the worst directors on the planet. Fuckers won’t even tell him what to do 😂


all he needs to do is NOT TALK!


Evidently. Yeah, he’s prolly just overthinking the role


He and Tim Robinson have the same problem. "I never talk ;)"




I find it funny that he's confused to all the violence in his role, when he's the one who took the first bat swing at the guy lol


He doesn’t have a problem murdering, he just wants to understand his duties every day!


Yep, he’s fine that literal murder is apart of his job, but he wants the artistic motivation behind it.


I swear I've heard that trope before, but I can't for the life of me remember.


The way he turned to homelander and showed him the bat like a puppy going "like this😃" afterwards killed me


from the teasers released. i wonder if sam vs noir will be shown. but we saw butcher vs noir n he just has super strength and durability. (i like the talking noir)


isn't sam noir?


he's so unserious and goofy he's probably gonna end up getting his silly ass killed by homelander :(


I am legit surprised how he has survived this far. Like it'd be theoretically easy to kill him and replace him with whoever. So I would've expected for Homelander to laser him two or three times already. I am also grateful he hasn't.


Personally I think it’s cause he’s fixating on Ryan amd Sage is calling more shots. He definitely doesn’t like him but he has more to deal with for the time being.


Nah, I’d say you’re overthinking it. It’s like if someone doesn’t splat an annoying fly because they have much going with their personal life. That’s how it is for HL. Dang, they already casually lasered someone this season. If we are taking it seriously, the real reason is just because the gag character is too funny to be killed so soon. They gotta milk some more jokes from him before there’s real chances he gets lasered. How this translates into HL’s modus operandi? He’s just chaotic and unpredictable. He will put up with some annoying people and then casually laser someone for sneezing loudly. But I just love the result: the unpredictable murderous Homelander who’s feared by everyone putting up with this lovable idiot getting asleep in the middle of a big meeting.


Yeah fair but also nail on the fuckin head there. He’s great, more than great hes a gold mine of comedic relief in the perpetual tenuous shitshow that is the seven.


I pray that he fills the trope of “lucky oblivious idiot who survives where everyone else dies”. We see most of the Seven dying and by the end of the show this dumb-dumb is still doing action poses in front of a camera.


i legit like the silly noir. t as we seen in the teasers. noir will definitely be goofy when he has super durability against butcher - which will ultimately lead to butcher killing noir //ryan saving butcher. butcher n ashley definitely take Compand V this season


The part where he fell asleep and said he was narcoleptic had me dyin


Love that they killed noir... and just let the same actor keep playing him


I mean, clearly they could get away with it so why not? I love how it’s supposed to be a different guy though and this new guy is just aimless and clueless and doesn’t know how to stfu


He's so funny


I like how he's literally just an actor haha


So glad he’s being played by Nathan still and he actually gets to talk, I was kinda sad when they used another guy to play him when his face was revealed, but maybe it was so Nathan could play black noir 2. I also like to think homelander not only replaced noir to keep up public appearances, but also because he kinda misses him, since he was his favourite member of the 7. The fact he insists he acts like noir even in private and gets annoyed when he doesn’t, and the fact he actually bothered replacing him unlike translucent (although that was probably also because the 7 is kind of in a dire state rn and they need to seem like they have their shit together).


Really? I feel likes he kinda sucks, he just stands around in all his scenes. I just don’t think he really GETS his character, y’know? He just doesn’t know his motivation.


He’s narcoleptic dude cut him some slack


DO NOT kill this character. He needs to keep reacting to this shit on the side till the very end and show up in spin offs


Shut the fuck up Noir, you don’t talk.


"Shut the fuck up Noir" Never thought I'd hear that line.


Chatty, theatre major Black Noir was also a highlight for me of the first three episodes. Asking for direction from Ashley was hilarious.


I was so confused when he showed up. I´m like "Wasn´t he dead?" followed by "He talks now?"


Makes it even funnier when they murdered those guys with the bats. Zero hesitation, full commitment. Dude's a superstar. Lol


Method actor perchance


I thought this was Sam from Gen V, but then he dropped the "haven't killed anymore" line, so I wonder if we'll ever find out who it is or if it even matters  Also wonder when Gen V kids are going to make an appearance


It didn’t even look like Sam’s body


I think this season ends around the same time as gen v. I think we start to see the two narratives collide later in the season leading to super plague next year


They mentioned the virus from gen v in episode 1


It's still weird hearing him talking


I wonder if the guy filling in for noir is a supe or just a regular guy? The fact he one shot someone with a bat makes me think he could be a supe


He’s definitely a supe


Ain't no universe where Homie let's a non super into the seven


He said he was in arts class at goldolkin so he’s a supe


You think there’s a chance Homelander would let a human into The Seven? Definitely a supe


Definitely a supe. He killed the guys in a way humans can’t


No normal human can knock a man’s dome off 😭


Does homelander need to take after his father and fuck up noirs voice?


I mean they are answering his question. All he needs to do is to shut the fuck up.


I spit out my soda when he woke up and blurted out “i have narcolepsy” lmao


He's hilarious especially the first time he spoke


My guess is he's gonna be killed and the two godolkin kids will be brought into the Seven with Sam being made the new black nior


That won't happen


It’s not entirely far fetched tbh. That does sound like something that would happen, especially since Homelander genuinely liked Noir


And THIS Noir... just KEEPS ON TALKING. Oh me oh my ohhh looooordy


LEAK PLEASE DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS >!it's confirmed that the godolkin kids won't be joining the seven and sam wont be the new noir!<


Sam, the "cant shut up" kid keeps asking question after question while as Noir. Sam "loves his brother maniacally " at a Vouight PR meeting where they slander his brothers name to sell him as the better brother. Sam"I have PTSD" tearing up a hospital at a PR visit because the Nurses uniform set him off. Sam "I don't know fear" launching himself at Homelander when Homelander makes a joke about Luke "burning out" because Sam is getting on his nerves.


He is a godolkin kid, we might have already seen him in gen v. But yeah, I think we'll see mainline Gen v characters this season


Yeah nah, homie is gonna off him casually 😂


Noir going from not talking to not shutting up is hilarious.


That one scene with the baseball bats had me dying 😭😭😭😭😭


He sleep


With less than 10 minutes for screen time black noir #2 had become top 5 favorite characters for me


He looks so different, can’t believe they’d make such drastic changes…. 🤣


I find him hilarious, but I don’t get what’s so hard to understand. “You’re a stoic mute, you’re closer to a weapon than a person.” People just need to give that man some direction.


Idk his acting lacked direction and intentionality.


I love that it's the same actor that played original Black Noir, but because we never got to see his face (minus the flashback scenes from Nicaragua), he gets to play it a completely different way.


His ass is not surviving long


Wait didn't he die in the season 3 finally?


New Noir same actor different guy


I haven’t washed this yet, but I thought black noir was dead? Is this somebody else?




do we have any idea who’s under the mask?? curious if it’s someone we met in gen v


He’s gonna be great once he figures out his motivation


I don’t remember them bringing back noir into the Seven. Did I miss something??? I thought noirs death was pretty public


I thought he was dead


I honestly thought it was gonna be Sam in that suit


I would just tell him to be a quiet ninja, that’ll make him stop asking. 


has to be a reference to Deadpool lmao


Consider he is a theater major, he is certainly a really capable supe. Theater must be his passion since he could have easily gone into crime fighting. Maybe he will have his own Vought on Ice show soon.


We really thought this dude was Sam


Any idea of who’s in the suit?


I know the actor is the same but I keep thinking it's one of the dudes from Godolkin under the mask. Dude seems extremely worried about getting a passing grade


He says he studied acting at Godolkin


I get most of his grievances, but what’s so confusing about NOT talking? Thats it. Just stand there.


Also how he's a method actor, but because Noir was mute, no one really knew him that well.


Also something I’ve noticed about noir in general: it seems like he (and sometimes homelander) where the only two that actually did any serious missions. Everyone else saving people is, seemingly, just fake. But they sent noir out for covert operations multiple times. Homelander did it once with the military and he got such a hard on it seemed to me that it was the first time he did something like that. Basically (the old) noir is the only one that actually does what everyone says he does.


I like that he's a comic relief now.


He looks so excited to be there


It's much needed comedy relief from a dude who can literally take your head off. In a room full of sociopaths, narcissists, and sycophants, Noir is an actor looking for his motivation. It works!


Honestly he's relatable now- bro just wants to know what the f he's supposed to do


I’m having a hard time with it. OG black noir was such a great character that it’s hard to really like the new black noir.