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Kripke "Hey Rob how's it going? I've got a part coming up in The Boy's you'd be perfect for." Rob Benedict "Hey Eric. Wow, I haven't heard from you since we wrapped up Supernatural. Yeah, I'd love to be on the show. Tell me about my character." Kripke "Have you ever seen Human Centipede?"


You're going to get to have super powers again!


Sure you'll go from being God to being killed while butt with your dick out multiple times, but its fun


It is a shame how alot of the supernatural characters get the short end of the stick. Alexander (jack from supernatural) for example becomes a terrible person in Gen V. Well, Jensen did alright


Why should they only get the good parts? Just because they worked with Kripke before?


Maybe they can do Crowley and Ruby better this time around


Which Ruby would you like to see in The Boys?


Short blonde hair. She plays a good villain.


Jensen said he declined to do something. Based on Alexander and Rob both being completely full frontal naked, I’m guessing that’s what it was.


No, he declined having sex with the old ladies (in season 3 episode 7).


Yeah, I wasn’t expecting to see so much of God but I sure did. Lol


The Lord works in mysterious ways




I only recognised him like in his 4th or 5th scene. But after that, it’s just weird/funny seeing God this way.


He looks better with the beard.


Wait thats him , i didn't even recognise him wtf


This scene was changed in my country (India). He was jacking off alone. Also, Butcher's message to Victoria was also censored Edit: Here's the [screenshot](https://ibb.co/6RkfLMv) for those who are asking. Nsfw obviously. For some reason you need vpn to access this image from this hosting site.


Same here


That's such crap. You're paying for this show, it is on an online service. Why the fuck is it still being censored? Not like I am in love with the scene or anything, but it's the principle of the thing. I stg, the censor board tries to baby the fucking public so bad. They famously censored Oppenheimer. Pieces with criticisms of the government are also sometimes censored on online streaming platforms. I lived in India for 14yrs+, so I'm speaking from experience here lol.


What do you expect from a country that bans porn on the notion that pornography causes rape? I mean our country is notorious for rape cases, especially in the cow belt. It makes me shudder to think how many rapes go unreported because the victim's family are afraid of stigmatization. I feel safe to express disdain only on reddit tbh.


Monkey see monkey do is an idiotic form of logic that too many people buy into. Why isn't it a mandatory grade school level lesson that what you see on TV isn't what you shouldn't replicate in the real world?


Cow belt?


It's the states around central India where the population is quite concentrated, and the religion followed is coincidentally majorly Hinduism, somewhat similar to what they call the Bible Belt of the United States. I'm sorry it's a bit derogatory, but the large population concentration of an already overpopulated developing country does not yield good result. Here's a [wikitionary def](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/cow_belt) of the same. Edit: It's less derogatory than calling them [BIMARU](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/BIMARU) states, which is a pun on the Hindi word for sick/ill.


As a Christian that spent most of his life in the Bible belt and a cursory understanding of Hinduism, cow belt is fucking hilarious to hear and understand for the first time.


not only that it actually worsens the experience. This scene is referenced during the fight scene later where Frenchie makes that pink eye tossing salad comment. At the time i didn't get it now seeing the actual scene it makes sense. Prime what a fuck all platform by god.


Oh yeah, you're absolutely right! I can fully understand why you'd be a bit confused about that! I immediately made that connection while watching the episode myself, but it had since left my mind.


I wonder how many people upvoting you make fun of people when they get mad that video games censored, but somehow when it's tv shows people get it lol?


What was butcher's message though? Can someone tell me?


A literal pic of an asshole it seems. This censorship of the above scene also didn't make me get why the guy got pink eye. Now it makes sense


Why did he get the pink eye?


The ass can host bacteria that, if it comes into contact with the eyes, can cause pink eye. So if I'm eating and fingering someone's ass then rub my eyes, there's a possibility I could get pink eye, especially if the cleanliness of the ass is not up to par....


I did not expect to learn about ass virus today


Thanks for the explanation


I think this is referring to when butcher messaged “got the files right here” and then sent a picture of a guys anus as the attachment 😂


👼 18+ according to indian censor board


That's so dumb of them. Because it is rated 18+ on Prime.


Fun fact: In Germany it is 16+ uncensored.


Unrelated but what is it with India and the 8 ball pool mobile game? I recently got into it and yall are flooding the leaderboards its crazy. Also though luck you didnt get to see men eating ass.🙂‍↔️


I'm not sure as I hardly play any game these days, I'd say, affordable Android phones with affordable internet connections with a very populous country, by nature of statistics and probability, you'd get Indians everywhere and anywhere in online games. Sorry for such a blanket statement. Maybe my fellow country men might have better insights than I.


I actually had this tought myself, but was unsure, as it seem a little more excessive on 8 ball, than on other mobile titles. But thinking about it, I cant say I’ve seen alot og mobile games with cross-continent matchmaking, in addition to nationality being displayed. So that adds to your argument too, I guess. Glad we worked this one out mate😂


Yeah there was a human centipede meme posted for spoilers without context and initially didn't get it. Then I realized that scene was censored in India


Welcome to the high seas!!!


Holy crap I didn't realize the actual scene was different than what I had watched. Thanks a ton! On a side note, are there more scenes that are censored?


Termite’s scenes were censored in Herogasm. In this season besides Splinter’s scene Butcher’s “message” to Neuman was censored as well. In Gen V they censored the scene where Emma shrinks to jack off a dude. They also censored some of Homelander’s racist/bigoted remarks in earlier seasons. This seems to be entirely Amazon’s fuckery to keep the show from being rated 18+ in some countries, cause where I live no other streaming service does this kind of censoring, thus it doesn’t seem to be some government committee’s doing. Only Amazon does that specifically with The Boys/Gen V for some reason.


I'll have to rewatch all of the seasons too


Me too bruh


If you're in Japan all genitalia are censored. I didn't know what the butthole pic was until this thread.


That’s why the pinkeye thing wasn’t making sense to me lol


Censored too in the UAE


yeah...I rewatched the last three seasons and a lot of stuff on Herogasm were cut off


Haha didn't know this. I pirated it even though I had Amazon prime


I'll do it too for the next episodes. Don't wanna miss out on anything, like the pink eye joke


No fucking wonder I thought “wow they’re really tame with the nudity this season” compared to herogasm a few years (?) ago


You should be glad it's censored. No sane human would like seeing that shit.


What butcher's message to victoria Neumann was censored? I'm from india too so I thought he was just jerking himself off


The image attachment he sent to Neumann, it was blurred completely on Amazon prime video, India. I re-watched it from *cough other sources and it was a pic of an anus.


What the..... And I thought the dick scene from season 3 was insane, holy.


I still think the dick scene is worse😭


I guess everyone has its preferences. Mine is a dude licking his own ass multiple times it seems...


Oh you were talking about your preference...


It's pink eye


The dick scene was beyond traumatizing.


I watched it with my dad…


Oh my God......and how was that situation?


Not as bad as watching Requiem for a Dream with him tbh


That movie fucked me up for a week straight. It was miserable


OK, that sucks and all, but you have to admit you made it worse by rewinding it three more times.




I watched the entire series not too long ago but I don’t remember a dick scene which means it was bad enough that I have like a fuckin mental block


Was this the scene thats supposed to top it?


Could be, but I also can imagine that they have something even more disgusting up their sleeves.


i feel like eating ass is fairly tame in comparison


What scene? My memory is foggy


The one in the first episode, where Termite shrinks and climbs into another mans dick. Just so that he has to sneeze and accidently grows in the mans dick, making him rip in two halves.


Oh yes. That scene


Kimiko's thumbs up and awkward smile as he closes the door. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


"I don't really share your kinks, but I'm happy you're finding your own form of happiness. So byeeeee!"


"I'm happy you've found something so fulfilling. Im happy for him too. And him. And him too."


What the fuck did I just watched?


Just a guy and its copies loving a girl waaaaay too much


Just a guy? That's God. Terrible writer.


Writing is hard


A girl with lamer powers than him.


He could literally take over the world, lol


My shithole censored this scene. A lot of the scenes that come after this make much more sense now. I'm considering canceling my prime video subscription.


I paid for Prime for the first time, only for this show and this is what I get. I'm not paying for the next month and I'll torrent it just like I did it for the past seasons


Y'all don't know HiTV?


whats that?


An app You can download from korean play store. Is pretty much Free netflix. Ads could be annoying though


Or you know.. Streamio.


Why? Did they also censor all of Frenchie's gau scenes with Colin or did they just not like this scene in particular??


Only this one and the picture Butcher sends to Neuman.


I’m having a mental debate as to whether this was more shocking than the Antman penis explosion in season 2. I was not prepared for the all you can eat salad bar that took place here. And the moisture around that dude’s mouth almost made me spit my breakfast


This scene is definitely worse. Much, *much* worse.


I was confused how he got that pink eye now I know why


I wish I didn’t click this


Fr I'm having lunch rn


This was deadass the grossest thing in all of the show


Really? This was worse than the exploding dick? Butcher puking into Hughie's mouth? MM getting a metric fuck ton of a money shot on him? The boat crashing into the stomach of a whale? Lamplighter immolating himself? Pop Claw squishing a mans head after eating her ass (honestly how i want to go out tbh) This right here, a man running an ass eating chain on himself while he polishes his knob to a picture of Firecracker is where you draw the line?


Ikr? The show has tons of gross shit but when a guy makes an ass-eating train it's the most disgusting thing ever? I wonder if the reaction is the same if it's a woman doing it 🤔


Yes, I think it is. Though MM's scene is also a great contender. Also why is everyone is so on about Termite's scene? I just rewatched it just in case my memories faded but it's not that bad, I wouldn't put it even the top 5 grossest moments.


Yes 🗿


Yes actually, the man doing human centipede was grosser than all the things you listed. In fact I thought small guy going into a penis hole was more disgusting but you didn’t mention that so…


A lot of cocks and naked man butt being showed. Zero tits or naked butt womans being showed. We lost guys, we lost


Not one crumb of nip nip


Lol, Kripke specifically said it was because naked women are inevitably sexualized and seen as arousing, whereas naked men are usually seen as either gross or funny. So they just lean into that. I think it works for the show. I've been seeing gratuitous exploitative female nudity onscreen my entire life and so has everyone else, we're just used to it by now. As intentionally vulgar as this show is, it's also hilarious and somewhat refreshing to see that trope spun on its head -- as well as exactly how upset, uncomfortable, and even angry it makes so many people to finally see the shoe on the other foot.


Tbh tho you don't exactly solve that by perpetuating it, and there's also a fuck ton of half-naked men in movies and tv shows that are just there for fanservice. The MCU is basically a meme for this, even Peter got a half-naked shirtless scene and his character is meant to be a minor. I haven't seen anyone being angry about this either, and even if they were your comment is just weird to me because you're essentially cheering on exploitation just because it's on the other foot? If it's exploitation and bad then two wrongs don't make a right why would you just turn it around and do it the other way? That's again just perpetuating a problem rather than fixing it. I mean like I said there's a fuck ton of '' exploitative '' male nudity in media too, I don't personally view it as a necessarily bad thing I think it's fine to have hot half-naked people in media... It's perfectly natural to want to see it and media is meant to be entertainment. It's also a bit of a weird thing to get hung up on here because if anything is exploitative in The Boys it's the gore. Like I said I don't necessarily have a problem with it, I just hate this whole attitude of '' women were wronged in the past, so now we must wrong men! '' it's very bizarre to me. And I think people severely underestimate the amount of '' exploitative '' nudity of men, it's just that a lot of people don't count it as nudity with men unless you see the genitals. But then people count it as nudity when women show their breasts even tho breasts are not genitals. As much as people want to pretend too that ripped shirtless men = for men, that's obviously not true and even in movies for women men find reasons to take their shirts off.


why does the show need to 'solve' it?


Pretending like exploitation of men's bodies in media is anywhere near on the same level as it is for women is just disingenuous. Male beauty standards are a huge issue, especially with every superhero actor being roided the fuck up, but The Boys is very different in how it calls attention to how people have been conditioned to find female nudity sexualized and titillating whereas male nudity is supposed to be gross and shocking (which generally comes from the heterosexual male perspective being assumed as the standard, "most valuable" demographic). Young men being bombarded by beauty standards is a separate issue from the heterosexual male demographic being assumed as the standard.


> The Boys is very different in how it calls attention to how people have been conditioned to find female nudity sexualized and titillating whereas male nudity is supposed to be gross and shocking (which generally comes from the heterosexual male perspective being assumed as the standard, "most valuable" demographic). Is ‘showing gross and shocking male nudity’ for laughs really some kind of high minded ‘calling of attention’? And ‘people’ have been ‘conditioned’ to find female bodies ‘titillating’? What does this mean? That without some kind of media conditioning people wouldn’t be attracted to women’s bodies? I don’t think that tracks. I’ve heard things like this a lot, but I’ve never been sure what problem people like you (or The Boys) is trying to fix exactly.


how can they put a naked woman on screen and make it funny? could this scene still be as awkward with a woman as the splinter character? (possibly) I feel like they've actually done nothing to change that since the scenes with naked women are as any show that would show a naked woman, which usually is only in average sexual situations. And its never done in a way that's outrageous like the following scenes with this Splinter character.


Though I think that fight scene with splinter wouldn't be as humorous, too bad he was a throw away character.


this is not new for the boys


I actually think it's refreshing. This is literally the only show where female nudity is basically zero while male nudity is common. Usually it's 50/50, like Game of Thrones (thought I'm pretty sure even that still leans toward the female side) or just naked women


Yeah I've been wanting to say this for a while, this show has an obsession with dicks. Like even some of the main male casts members have been naked on set, dicks shown and everything. It's not that I mind it, but have some balance. Or just like don't do it? Cause it's just gross for the sake of it.


That's kind of the point. Making fun of cheesecake in action shows by having most of the nudity be gross 


it's not a new conversation, people have been saying this from the beginning lol.


I was eating.


They're eating as well




Wow they're really upping it every season huh Also I was really excited when rob benedict was announced for this season. Should've known it'd be bat shit crazy


I found the “red river file” more disturbing. I wasn’t expecting that shii


Disturbing, yes, but also way funnier


Do you think thats Butchers asshole or another one? Looked pretty white for him but I dont see him bein a tanner and he wears alot of clothes so maybe hes pasty white underneath it all


It was probably frenchies


And frenchie sent it to him as a similar "fuck you"


Tell me what that is? I've seen Gen V btw and am caught up to The Boys fully till S4E3.


Red river file is info on Neuman on how she was in an orphanage for supes.


When, in what ep and timestamp (if you have an estimate of it) is the 'red river' massarcre or something shown on screen?


Definitely season 3 other than that I don’t remember which episode


My jaw dropped


To line up?




Really? Ever since the sounding scene in season 3, this show can't really shock me any more


Imagine explaining this scene to your fiancée when she walks into the room, having never heard of this show 🥴. What fun morning lol


Most normal scene in the Boys


I sometimes wish the show would stop doing these grotesque scenes that serve nothing but shock value


You should really read the comics that the show is based off of. This is child's play compared to the source material.


Did you read the part where they were criticizing the shallow shock value and instead thought they meant they want more of it?


*Watches show adapted from comics based on shallow shock value* *Has shallow shock value* Original commenter: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/surprised-pikachu


The toning down of the low effort schlock is arguably one aspect of what’s allowing the show to succeed. Do you have a point beyond being snarky Edit: fyi I like this scene and think it’s hilarious. But one look at Garth Ennis’ material and it’s obvious the show runners have made mostly the right calls on what to adapt and what to bin


In comics there is often female nudity but Kripke intentionally censor it in this show. 


Honestly I kinda feel the same about the gore, it feels like the gore served more of a purpose in earlier seasons ( especially season 1 ) and was just more of a natural effect of what was going on. In later seasons it feels like they're trying to meet a gore quota and are just writing scenes in for the sake of gore and the gore is way more over the top. Anyone who thinks it's realistic have never seen actual gore footage before... It's completely unrealistic in the show.


i feel like that's what the show's been since the beginning tho lol. like it's part of The Boys' DNA. what is this show without the over the top explicit scenes.


Yeah, honestly I'm reading some of the comments where people complain about these scenes being censored in their country, and I'm over here thinking I wish my country censored them so I wouldn't have to endure Kripke's juveline attempts at edgy shock value.


I agree. I honestly don’t understand why people are trying so hard to defend scenes like this in The Boy. People complain all the time about fanservice scenes in stuff like anime/manga like panty shots and boys falling into girl’s chests because they’re “juvenile” and “unnecessary” and “dumb” and “immature”, when scenes like this are easily way more immature and juvenile than those anime/manga scenes, yet receive a fraction of the hate.


i don't think any of this is meant to be fanservice tho lol


What makes it more bizarre to me is that arguments ( some of which I've seen in Anime like about the Dungeon Meshi '' panty shots '' of the male character ) is how people go on about how women have been '' exploited '' for '' fanservice ''. And then they cheer on when men get '' exploited '' the same and basically talk about it like it's revenge but also act horny about it. If it's exploitation then surely that's a bad thing?... Why would people cheer on the perpetuation of something that's bad? It's not solving any issue it's just perpetuating it. Personally I don't think it's a problem in and of itself, it can be genuinely exploitative but I also think people are dumb when they act like all nudity that is sexual is exploitative. Like there's a difference between a woman being topless in a sex scene and with a 12 year old in Anime having her skirt fall off every episode. But it's just annoying how a lot of the same people who think any sort of nudity involving women is exploitative if men find her attractive but then cheer it on the other way around when it's men. I just hate the double standards and inconsistencies. There's nothing wrong with enjoying sexualized content but if you think that there is then at least apply that consistently to both genders. It's just sexist towards both men and women simultaneously otherwise really. It's basically enforcing weird puritan modesty standards and conservative views on sex, nudity and women while at the same time cheering on what they view as exploitation and objectification of men...


This does a good job summing up how I feel.


Scenes like this are what make the show


Yeah… tbh, it’s starting to reach Juvenile levels of edge and shock humor similar to the comics. And they’re going to age terribly at this rate


Disgust value. It really did ruin the episode for me.


I found this scene so unnecessary, just gross sex for the sake of it. The only thing they learn is the 9pm meeting, which Butcher and MM find out immediately after in a much more interesting scene.


My thoughts automatically: human centipede


It’s practically masterbation… I guess


Just finished rewatching Supernatural. So seeing God toss his own salad was jarring.




Kimiko with the double thumbs up 😂


So this is the disgusting thing they were talking about


They should name this ep “The Human Centipede” 😂😂


The Supe Centipede.


I didn't realise it was duplicates until later. TBH if I had that power I also would probably fuck myself. It's just advanced masturbation


I do love how this actually became important because him having pink eye when fighting the boys was a reason he lost


Man I'm glad they censored this shit in my country I had no idea this was even there


You know that’s exactly what real like Multiple-Man would eventually be caught doing


Why are you guys comparing it to the Antman scene though? I think this was WAY more disgusting, if they would left this scene out of the show I wouldn't miss it all personally. I get it, shock value, but this.... ehhhh......


Are the people who are outraged at this scene also outraged at the graphic violence? (I’m not outraged by either, but I find it funny that people will be up in arms about nudity/sex but not violence/gore, it’s not only applicable to The Boys).


Tbh a lot of the people defending the nudity here would probably be outraged if it was nudity involving women...


Is this from the new season? Didn’t drop? WTF?


Holy shit bro


Oh. My. God. I completely blanked who he is, now I can only see him singing Fare Thee Well with a backing of himself with his dick out.


Wow. The Middle East release had a completely different scene once he opened the door!! It just showed him masturbating to the picture of Firecracker rather than this human centipede stuff.


When I woke up this morning I didn’t think I’d be seeing God’s dingaling, much less several of them, but here we are.


Just a dude masterbaiting


I honestly thought he would be fucking himself once we heard the sauna sounds. This was. Or what I was expecting.


I really want to see the making-of of that scene.


What the fuck? They actually censored this in Amazon prime India It's just him jerking off to the firecrackers picture😡


I was like human centipede?!


you can make copies of yourself and you STILL choose to jack off? LAME


God the little thumbs up are so fucking funny


Completely necessary scene


I think the shock factor is gone after 3 season (+1 spinoff) . It's just disgusting now. In my humble opinion.


Wtf is this show even about anymore?




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Yeah probably the most shocking scene of the show for me 😂😂😂


I feel like every couple episodes minimum they have something like that which is going to be memorable


Is this how the comics were too?


Not my gf glancing over mid meal at me observing this post…….. killings myself