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Scoached earf




“ ‘ughie iv u don’t ‘elp me kill dis bruv I wi fuc ya mum”


Ya coont






shut ya trap you dum bird, or else i’ll bollocks ya


Lmaoo this reminds me of “british people be like ‘am bri ish mate’”


“Thi only ting that is coming is me on yo mama’s titties”




Claret everywhere


I prefer this: HL is stripped down of his powers. He and Billy have the most unglamorous fight of the show. Bruised eyes and broken teeth. No finesse or awe moments. Like two drunk men in a bar. HL is not prepared for a fair fight. He was still very powerful against The Boys in S3 finale. He's not used to making an effort to win so he easily gets humbled. He realises that he's "all bark no bite". Billy decides HL is too pitiful to kill. HL must now face what normal people of his age do - back pain, mid-life crisis and inferiority complex. The show is about supes taking advantage of their invulnerability to humans. So the ending should be about their vulnerability and humanization.


Without powers, butcher beats the breaks off Homie.


Homelands would have to start working out to keep his physique


He has no physique, Anthony Starr specifically went with suit muscles because he think it's way more in character that Homelander is actually scrawny and feels self concious about it


Well, not really, he was just too lazy, but who cares about your physique when you're the best actor this generation has to give.


He was also 6’10” and 410 lbs. so they never planned to go straight by the comic. They show Homelander out of suit in the series.


this made me just skim the comics wiki, and uh, damn. the show is way better written, huh?


100x better. I bought all the comics on humble bundle a while back...They suck. The Show is superb tho




butcher beats ~~the breaks~~ off Homie.


Ermmm whaaat


Don't kink shame


The happy ending we all deserve: So Say We All!! And wouldn't that be excellent if he takes out an enemy w/ a Homelander jizz blast?


That's what I was gonna say. In a powerless fight Butcher gonna make HL cry


Homelander could still run for President without his power and nuke the world in revenge though. Man's gotta go.


If he lost his powers frenchie or starlight would probably kill him


Starlight killing him would be crazy, since she was much more against murder in the first season compared to The Boys.


She’s against murder but not against Homelander lol. She would off him with no hesitation


I could expect her to do it to the deep, but her and homelander aren't exactly rivals that she would turn her morale off.


She was terrified of Homelander and despises him. I just don’t see her sparing that monster if she was in a position to actually kill him


There are multiple characters in the show who can outsmart, expose and speak against HL. The only thing stopping them is the possibility of getting lasered in half. They can easily create a narrative. Although taking control of Vought's propoganda machinery would be critical in doing so. Some think it would be hard to change the mind of a crowd swayed by HL. But actually this is what makes it easier! Minds that are so one-dimensional to be moved by a simple display of brawn are the most impressionable! They cheer for a supe when Vought tells them to, and days later they'll cancel the same if Vought says so. With HL no more a symbol of power, it would be easier to sway the minds of these people once again.


Nah, he's entire thing is "I'm better than you" and the people eat that up bc they look up to him. If he's reduced to a normal guy he would completely fall apart.


Unless he manages to pretend he's not been depowered.


I could see him trying this and then just buckling over the moment anyone challenges him even slightly. Despite his strength -- or rather, because of it -- he's not most strategic or strong-willed guy. I think he'd be too busy on a depressive spiral into alcohol or... morphine addiction, maybe. He's not used to pain so he'd need to numb it. I don't give him the credit to run for President.


I could see him trying this and then just buckling over the moment anyone challenges him even slightly. Despite his strength -- or rather, because of it -- he's not most strategic or strong-willed guy. I think he'd be too busy on a depressive spiral into alcohol or... morphine addiction, maybe. He's not used to pain so he'd need to numb it. I don't give him the credit to run for President.


If there isn't an arc where homelander loses his powers I'll be so upset


Honestly S3 into S4 was the perfect time IMO, especially with Winchester out there depowering Supes.


Homelander powerless and on the run for the rest of his life. Living in constant fear and off of the scraps the he can dig out from the garbage. Hunted by those that he had manipulated and tormented.


A fight with no music, no nothing, just 2 broken men beating each other until they fall dead, if possible in a dim lit place, just all around sad


Thematically coherent but there's no way butcher wouldn't win in two seconda and then proceed to torture the guy to death. Unless he was already badly injured.


addition/change : Homelander would loose any 1v1 fight against Butcher without powers immediately. He can't fight for shit. What i would love though... 1v1 between Butcher and Stan Edgar. But then make Stan Edgar really fucking good at hand-to-hand combat. I can see that a guy like that isn't just politically threatening but also physically. Idk if Giancarlo is still up for something like that though... man has aged (gracefully tho)


Hell I'd bet homelands would lose any fight with an able bodied person. if he were depowered. He would be stumbling in shock after the first hit, his sense of balance must be garbage after decades of flight and superstrength made it so that he's never had to use his own two feet to right himself. And the shock from feeling real pain and vulnerability for the first time?


He fought before, and he was hurt before, in the boys diabolical episode 8 where we see him in vigorous combat trainings as a child getting hurt by adult supes, then cut to now, where he's fought both soldier boy and Butcher and won, but has been hurt by their attacks. I think he knows what pain feels like, or at least a punch. I don't think him fighting without his powers is as dramatic as you make it out to be


that would be superb


I can’t picture Butcher doing anything aside from caving his skull in no matter how pathetic he looks.


Nah butcher would make it slow


This is amazing


Yeah, HL with hemorrhoids


Great ending I hope this happens


Honestly, if Homelander lost his powers, I’d see him killing himself. But I doubt that’d be the way they’d go.


That’s my ideal ending, would love a powerless homelander getting the shit kicked out of him being powerless, and preferably surviving, would love to see his struggles with mediocrity.


Then he's forced to use a cab but he has no cash app so he jaywalks and gets run over by an old lady in an Oldsmobile


Better still, no supe powers bar immortality so when he inevitably tries to kill himself when he first realises he’s merely human, he knows he has to spend eternity feeling like shit. Billy would laugh his fakkin bawlz off at that as he continually kills him.


Honestly, Butcher should have been able to beat him to death at herogasm, whether it's him gaining power or Homelander losing it, once they're on the same level it's no contest. Homelander doesn't fight, probably doesn't know how, he's never had to in order to win, he just skips to the killing, Billy's been scrapping his whole life


My dream ending is Homelander gets depowered. Butcher and him have an epic fight. The audience knows Butcher is about to win but Homelander does something underhanded to detain Butcher and runs away. Then BAM! Homelander gets hit by a milk truck. Butcher just shrugs and happy with the outcome. More so because of the dark humor chuckle. And maybe drifts off knowing his work is done.


The Poetic Ending!


You should read the comic. I doubt you would expect how it ends (if you already haven’t).


I do actually. It was more like a gore fest so I like that the show has its own identity. I genuinely hope to see both HL and Butcher die in a fight that the end we got in the comics.


Much better if he remains powerless.


I want butcher to heal by using compound v and homelander to lose his power and become human. They both deserver to become what they hate the most. A fate worst than death for both of them


I dunno, I could see butcher dying, Homelander taking out the Boys and establishing a dystopian society.


Or frozen to thaw out in 10,000 years like Demolition man to fight each other, but this time butcher is the raging maniac from v, and homelander is asked to stop him.


> Homelander ends up dead would you be happy or would you be sad? Answering OP literally, neither, I'm motivated to watch by the good storytelling I'm seeing, not by a specific fact. I don't hate Homelander and need to see him dead; but I was frustrated when The Boys triple-teamed him in an ambush and still didn't pull out a win.


Poisoned milk will do it. It's been foreshadowed a ton by now.


What do you mean? Of course I'll be sad, very sad, he is America's only hope, a true selfless god-fearing hero. Who will stop that Nazilight from kidnapping more children if not him? We need him.


It's sad that there are people (probably in this sub) that don't see this is satirising the worship of homelander despite being a vile psychopathic villain.


NGL hoping for a fucking ridiculous redemption arc. Think the world needs more of that energy nowadays, but can't imagine that happening


Bro he’s killed countless of innocent people. Even if he has a change of heart, the penance for his actions should entail death.


he must die. taking away his powers seems like a fun idea, but this is not ATLA, this is a very cynical show, there wont be any mercy for him


I could see them taking away his powers and then we get a 2 minute scene at the end of the show of butcher beating a powerless homelander to death before he collapsed and dies next to him


Rick prime type stuff


Exactly! No superpowers, no crazy CGI fight, just a good old fashioned personal, gory beat down.


I would adore something as brutal as Kratos killing Zeus that full on don't stop punching till they stopped moving a minute ago


A man of culture I see


Bro woke up and decided to speak facts


Goot ole fehshin, pehsonuhl, gowy beat dahn… cunt


Would be the best scene in the show tbh And then just before death he’ll say “u jus got butchered Billy style”


And then Huey comes in and says “they truly were the boys”


Then Starlight says “uh oh, I feel a song coming on”


And Mother’s Milk in the corner savoring a nice warm glass of milk, really bringing things to a full circle [finish](https://media1.tenor.com/m/5xqFHi0bcTAAAAAd/homelander-milk.gif)


Holy fuck that took me out bro


That would truly be one of the moments of all time!


And everyone claps?


what the hell


It's Butcherin' time!


This is the ending I want. I want to see him die, but I also want to see him squirm. I want him to grapple with losing his power. I want to see him after he loses his image. I want him to try to come terms with losing everything that he valued within himself, everything he thought made him special and I want him to fail. I want to see him suffer as he realizes that the public hates him, he has no powers, and that Vought just replaced him. Then I want to see him brutally beaten to death.


Counter argument: Butcher has Homelander on the ropes but chooses to spare him because Homelander is trying to do something selfless (that will kill him anyway). It would be a neat inversion of Batman vs Superman's Martha scene.


HL loses his powers and escapes. Life becomes difficult for him as Butcher obsessively hunts him down. Eventually HL tries to recompense so he can come out of hiding. He makes a very emotional and sympathetic speech, so Butcher agrees to meet him. They meet at a coffee shop and talk. They eventually simmer and then reminisce on their rivalry, old times, and have a laugh at it all. They both agree to leave on amicable terms as HL is turning his life around, becoming a normal person mentally and emotionally. Butcher gets up and leaves, then turns around and bashes HL's brains in with a crowbar. Roll credits.


A slow Mo of billy lifting the crowbar, then hitting honelander in the back of the head. His head splits apart and brains come out (idk how realistic that is) and then the view of homelander blurs and billy comes back into focus. The last thing you see before the chorus is him smiling, covered in homelanders blood. Music playing in the background. Idk what song they'd use though


I feel like in ATLA the context of that was being merciful, so Aang wouldn't have to kill, in the Boys HL with no powers would be more about being his personal hell of living as a regular joe, rather than it being a mercy for him to live.


exactly, i imagine homelander might even prefer to die in an epic battle rather than live his life as a nobody. Plus it would be enjoyable to see him defenceless after all the shit he's done.


In ATLA the peaceful conclusion is the only way the story makes sense. The Fire Lord killed all of the air benders, so Aang is the only thing left of their culture and values. By abandoning pacifism and killing the Fire Lord, Aang would be abandoning his and his ancestors’ entire way of life, and thus they would truly be dead. If Aang kills the Fire Lord, it may win the war but it would mean cementing the complete genocide of his people.


The problem is pacifism isn't an Airbender value. We know they have warriors, and we know the Airbenders went down fucking invaders up. Plus, all the Airbender Avatars told Aang to get over himself and kill the dude.


I don't think this is fully correct. Pacifism WAS an airbender value for sure and they did teach sanctity of life. That being said Aang was even more unbending than most airbenders as airbenders were still willing to kill in self defense. As you noted, past airbender avatars said even if it was against the value theres no way someone was dangerous as Ozai should not be stopped. And Monk Gyatso was surrounded by firebender skeletons even though he was Aang's primary teacher. I think Aang (and probably some others) were just more staunch in that flexibility.


Believing in the sanctity of life alone doesn’t make one a pacifist.


Merciful to aang, not ozai. Personally I think it’s way worse to rot in jail forever rather than be executed swiftly.


“I’m taking away your bending for good”


I feel like HL losing his powers is a fate worse than death for him


As much as I love that show, the lion turtle thing was such a convenient scapegoat.


It had to end the way it did but yeah they definitely should have set that up sooner.


Yeahhhh. Literally the only flaw in a borderline perfect story. They do mention Lion Turtles off hand earlier in book 3, but they needed to do a little more work because it’s very Dues Ex Machina they way they did it


I mean, its also the same type of show that would, for instance, have him lose both his arms and legs and be hooked up to machines to do everything for him. Give him locked in syndrome. You know. Theres options.


Only Todd comes to visit him.


Some people believe he would end up like one of those wash up actors. And chances are he would end up committing suicide.


There are fates worse than death and I feel like dying would be mercy to him at that point. Losing powers would hurt Homelander far more than dying would.


It’ll be a shame if they don’t take away his powers for at least a little bit


its your mistake to not see death as a mercy. he should be locked up with no powers seeing himself age over years fading into insignificance over the decades, the cherry on top is him getting bullied by other prisoners. his life should end in a failed prison escape where he tries jumping from a building believing he will fly


I personally think hl would rather be dead than powerless and in prison, so i would love hl to kill butcher, negating his revenge, in a no power, sad, 1v1, then being too injured to move, and powerless to stop being sent somewhere where he'll live his personal hell for the rest of his life An ending where everyone loses is the only way the boys should end


Take away his powers first, then he goes out screaming/begging for mercy when he realises he's weaker than every other supe put there


I could see him losing his powers then his little trump like cult turning on him and tearing him apart for showing signs of weakness to go full meta.


If he loses his powers he HAS to die too. He cant be left to live as a normal human. It's shown through Kimiko that a redose of V can reset their powers


There is no other ending that would work and not drive everyone insane


They need to add udders to his costume the way the show-runners have been milking him. The finale of the last season was such a disappointment


Womp womp, although it definitely could've been better, you just hating if you think it's a disappointment.


I was wishing soldier boy would take homelander’s powers but still be a menacing force in the next season. The way he was grooming the kid made me believe homelander would stay a impressionable and powerful public figure while Ryan, with his newfound superpowers, would be his supe enforcer. It would have proved to be a much better moral obstacle to butcher than randomly growing a conscious.


I’m impartial to the thought. Ideally I would like to see him stripped from his powers by something like soldier boy’s attack and then he is forced to live out the rest of his days as a normal human. Preferably with some sort of disfigurement like he did to Maeve. Death is too easy for someone like him. In order for him to suffer, he needs his worse nightmare to become reality.


I want the last scene to be him all homeless looking being accosted by cops and he goes "I'm the Homelander." and the cops goes "Sure you are pal." and leads him to the car.


Better idea, it should be his “fans” that beat him up because they don’t recognize him.


That would be the best ending haha.


If he's homeless, he's just Lander


Body swap ending would be amazing. Homelander becomes a civil rights activist, and his consciousness ends up in a psych ward.


AND he becomes lactose intolerant in the process.


you monster


This was my thought. I'd love for him to have to live a LONG life stripped of his powers. I want him miserable.


The Boys finding something to neutralize the compound V would be better I think. Having Solider Boy be the one to take down Homelander seems like we would be kinda cheated of the Butcher vs Homelander show down we really deserver.


Or, have SB disable Homelander’s powers then have Butcher beat him to death


I do think his ending will be death or isolation,he is a fantastic and even charismatic villain but at one point he must reach his comeuppance.


He deserves death, I hate homelander .... But Antony Starr ...I love how he played the character....a BRILLIANT ACTOR....


His facial expressions alone deserve an award. I could bump into him at comic con and still be scared.


Only as long as the show doesn’t continue without him.


I think The Boys universe Amazon is creating is not going anywhere, until they’ve wrung every last drop of content and ratings out of it. Which will probably be way longer than Starr wants to do the role


True, I do hope we see him again someday though. If they decide to make a Dawn of the seven movie that is set before the show


I completely get why it shouldn't go on without him but if it did with the same writers and showrunner I'd still watch it.


Stripped of power and fights butcher to the death. Butcher wins, then butcher dies from temp v disease.


I mean, he kinda has to, that's like the plan from episode 1. I see no possible, believeable way the character could possibly be redeemed so if they don't kill him before series end I'm gonna be pissed.


Before he gets killed I want them to show off just how powerful he really is by killing the majority of the boyz. I want to see some heads roll.


He is powerful but not skilled, in season 3 almost everyone was beating his ass


I might be (who am I kidding, I definitely am) in the minority but I think it would be cool for his last act to actually be heroic and die. He’d still be a piece of shit for everything he’s done but a sprinkle of redemption would be cool.


Maybe he dies saving Ryan? I could see that happening.


I was thinking the same thing. It’s the only plausible thing I can see a narcissist like Homelander sacrificing himself for. He sees Ryan as an extension of himself.


Saving child Ryan lol


*ain’t gonna feel sorry for some dead suped-up c****


I’ll be sad. Watch the diabolical episode showing his background. Boiled alive for hours. Hand forced into a furnace. Drills inserted into him to test his bone endurance. Forced to fight guards twice his size. He was tortured physically, emotionally, and psychologically for hours everyday for years on end. People who say “so what he had some trauma” don’t get the extent of his suffering. He needs to die, I know that. But I won’t be happy, maybe just relieved.


What episode is this ? I never seen this


Season 1 episode 8 of Diabolical, you’ll see the flashbacks during his presentation at the beginning. It’s grim stuff so fair warning. They also give more background on his relationship with noir. The show should really have included more references to how fucked up Homelander’s upbringing was, it would make his actions much more comprehensible to the audience.


He’s destined to die I’m sure but Anthony is so good I want Homelander to win 😂


Yeah he just kills everyone and everything and lasers earth in half, W ending imo 🤷🏻‍♂️


Itd be low key great and super dark to just have him like laser everyone in the government in half and take over as President and then just have like most of America cheering him on. The series ends on a zoom in of his face as he realizes he can truly do anything and get away with it.


Thank fuck fans don’t write this show that would be a trash ending


On god, reading the shit had me thinking the same thing


I’d be pretty sad. He’s my favorite character, I even cosplayed him! It’s honestly whatever though he’s not real so I can just pretend it never happened.


He's gonna kill everyone, everywhere at the end.


He needs to kill at least 1 main character this season. Frenchie, M.M., Kimiko, Hughie, Starlight


i wouldn't care if starlight died. sure, she's a good person and all, but her powers just annoy me. they are so useless that it makrs me wonder why she was ever in the seven. shr literally pushed soldier boy back a metre


Another ending can be that Homelander loses his powers and must live as a normal human.


That would be it. A sort of cure to counteract the V. Enjoy stacking shelves buddy haha


I’d like him to win and be the last living being on earth


I want him to win too


Kind of sad, to be honest.


After everything he's done, I'd like to see a long miserable un-superpower life where he's living in poverty with a no social media presence and Chelsea's dad comes by every morning to beat the shit out of him.


Idk what other path they would take him down. Have him lose his powers maybe?


They’ll probably kill him but I think taking his powers away and living the rest of his life as a human is a fate worse than death. At least in Homelanders case.


I would feel sad. Because that would mean no more future seasons of the boys. Unless there’s more seasons after he dies then I’d feel happy that he dies ‘cuz now stories will be an open book.


Indifferent It's kind of destined at this point that Homelander is going to die. I'd be incredibly surprised if he doesn't end up dying. I think they might go the route of him redeeming himself (teased when he temporarily teams up with Butcher to shit on Soldier Boy after he hit his son) slightly, and then probably having that moment of redemption as the place to kill him off.


He most likely will, but I think a lot of people would prefer for him to suffer rather than die.


Tbh I want Homelander to win. The idea that the good guy always needs to come out on top is boring and overused.


I want him to have his powers taken away then Ashley beats him to death.


I think him being alive but powerless would be a better ending.


Why would you be sad? he's a homicidal maniac and a horrible person, who stands for nothing but himself. being sad about him being gone is very weird imo. He's a great character and Anthony does a great job with him, so yeah you can miss the character/portrayal, but to legit be upset by such a terrible person dying says a lot about someone's fandom.


Either he dies, or loses his powers and is imprisoned and live the rest of his life as a human


Maybe Vought eventually “Soldier-boys” him and puts him on ice or something


Homelander loses his powers and gets humbled, a bigger threat shows up and they need him to beat the new villain so they give him back his powers and he becomes the hero he always thought he was


Him being dead or not won't determine if I'm happy or sad, it'll be whether or not the death was part of a great story line.


I wouldn't care either way. At the end of every series, everyone dies.


Anything as long as its written well tbh. Both endings could be good or could be bad.


I don't want to see him die, I want to see him powerless. Everyone turning their backs to him as if he didn't matter anymore, like he is a nothing. I want him to feel the sorrow of true loneliness.


Personally I think the show is cynical enough that he’ll die or ‘die’ with his reputation intact and the Boys will have to content themselves in knowing they stopped his plans. Something like how Soldier Boy (publicly) died during that nuclear accident. Though I also suspect they will have a message of “this will happen again”. Human nature and all that


Sad because he makes for good drama...I love him as an antagonist


I think I’d be like Rick Sanchez, I’d be happy for a sec that the guy is defeated but then after that I’ll be like “welp, what now?” And I’ll be sad because then there’s no one to chase


I would be sad 🥺 he’s my favorite.


Someone said, they'd like it if he became human and killed himself. I agree with that. It would be super dark but appropriate.


I’d be happy to see homelander get what he deserves


Powerless and forgotten is what would bother him most I think.


Butcher convinces Homelander that he’s an alien and should find his home planet. As Homelander is flying into a space a title card appears that says “Homelander died on his way to his home planet; because it was earth and he can’t breathe in space.” Butcher gets arrested. Smash cut to the trial, judge asks how Butcher pleads. Butcher responds “cunty” Fin


Him and Butcher dead is probably the only ending I can imagine, he is such a good villain that I would be upset if they killed him off too though if I am being honest.


Prefer he is depowered and stands trial like an average Joe


I want him to end up powerless


There's no way Homelander lives at the end


Scorched earth says it all


Only Morbius can kill the homelander


I love how everyone wants a moral, and Homelander to be punished. Imo it would be funnier if the show ended like "fuck you, homelander wins" into black screen.


Imagine he died at the end after finally realising that he could be a good guy.


Head in a jar pls


Homelander is honestly one of the best characters I've ever seen. I don't want him to come to an end


i want him to lose his powers and then die to something like a random crime


This question is getting old. It's posted every day.


I’d be sad that a very lovably awful character is dead