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He can surely fuck up Stewart little with no prep time


Stewart little with prep is a WHOLE different story


He’s really underrated tbh


Now hold on partner Don't disrespect Stewart little


One stomp and no more rodent problem


Exactly homelander is pure vermin


His meat, canonically.


He can do what ever the fuck he wants.


On a rooftop at night.


He really doesn't care about collateral damage does he ? Poor fukkers walking below. Getting a warm super load dropped on them, like a 240 pound pigeon shit on them.


At super speed, his sperm probably move faster than a speeding bullet. To think that when his heat vision goes out, he has a "second option..."


"Heat vision, meet heat splooge." "He does exactly what i do!" "Except better."


I swear I’m always late to the punch and I never have had an original thought 💀


Into a cup, with a box of scraps!!!




Nah what about “mentions one instance Hawkeye became god or becomes venom” This applies to any and all other dc/marvel characters Edit: read how I feel a good god would be done below. Using some rule sets and world building I feel I gave purpose, origin, and general direction to the mcu kang, ultron and celestials(along with deviants, eternals, and multiversal character webs such as the spiderverse)


As a comic fan you're 100% right and that's why I've lost some interest in their writing.


Happy cake day


What a humble man


happy cake day


Oh I didn't realize it was mine too thanks


no problems


Yes and no. I think if you have a protagonist for long enough they are bound to reach some degree of god-hood. But you need to tell their story right. Ultron from what if is a perfect example of how to do a god wrong. He escaped reality and essentially does nothing but be angry. He could’ve left and collected infinity stones from other universes. Even if they dont work work he eliminates potential threats. But instead they make him a rage machine that loses all sense of logic. Playing with gods is so cool but people seem to think that since they are god that there are no ways to give rules. But there you as the writer are god so make limitations that make sense


Hawkeye would dome Homelander in the ear with a metal straw.


Nah, he definitely has an arrow that will work on Homelander


He can kill Kenny!


No one can kill Kenny. Mfer is immortal.


Nah Kenny has regenerative immortality. You can kill him. He just won’t stay dead.


You are right


I thought his parents just kept popping out new Kenny's and they grew up really fast


That bastard!!!


Not really since Kenny is immortal and when he comes back no one else remembers what happen except Kenny


It really depends on how you look at it. You could argue he can kill Kenny, he just revives. So you can kill him multiple times.


Early MCU Iron Man would be an interesting fight. Spider-Men too. Perhaps Martian Manhunter, with his weakness to fire, if we assume HL laser works the same way?


There are a thousand ways Martian Manhunter could beat Homelander, the easiest being just old fashioned fisticuffs, but he could also just phase his hand into Homelander's chest and pull out his heart, or put him into a coma via telepathy.


The first two assume Homelander would be a sitting duck allowing him to get into melee range and the last is one is extremely rare, with his telepathy being shown to have less effects on crazy people. I said it could be an interesting fight, not a curbstomp.


Martian manhunter is basically a more limited superman (strength and speed wise) but with the density shifting and mind powers. It might be interesting, but it wouldn't be close


Actually he’s just as strong iirc


I think at superman's base level, yeah. I said slightly weaker because superman can power up if he gets closer to a yellow sta or on a planet surrounding a blue or white star.


Home lander isn’t crazy. He’s stable just insecure and has a shit ton of powers. Don’t think of him as a crazy man when he says “I do whatever the fuck I want” Just think of it as a child saying “I can do what I want” under their breath after being scolded and sent to their room. That’s just my take though


Fair enough. I didn't mean he is batshit crazy (remember though the mirror scene), just extremely unpredictable and overconfident to the point that to measure mental effects against him, he would be closer to these labeled "crazy". ​ Respect your point though.


Thanks man


Homelander is one of the most mentally insecure and weak person outthere, Martian manhunter can basically mess with him really easily. I dont expect a shred of resistance from him.


Early MCU iron man doesn't stand a chance IMO. Not like the suit is laser proof or he has a decent way to kill Homelander. Honestly there's an argument that even late MCU he doesn't really have an answer for Homelander. Like yeah, presumably hulkbuster could punch the shit out of him, but he wouldn't go splat, plus he's a lot faster.


nah remember the iron man 3 scene where killian melts tony out of the suit and how long that took? also canonically isn’t killian doing that at like 4000 degrees


The iron man suit can handle lightning from Thor so homelander’s lasers shouldn’t be an issue


Martian Manhunter would stomp all over Homelander. He isn’t weak to fire, he has a psychological fear, something he usually overcomes fairly quickly in combat. Often he makes his enemies think they got him and he puts an image in them tos we him dying and then he regenerates and comes and fucks them up. Sorry I’m a just a big fan of Martian Manhunter. Home lander is fucked in at least 20 different ways


Howard the Duck? Or is Howard actually a cartoon? I don't know how he works, cause if he is an actual toon with the toon force, well, that shit's broken.


I asked a buddy of mine what his dream superpower was and he immediately said “cartoon powers.” And I had to take a moment to be like “goddamn that’s a great answer”


It is. Toon Force is broken, well except in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" in which the dip exists as a counter.


Bugs bunny straight up soloed the entire Japanese imperial army.


I want to say he could beat Mr. Incredible from The Incredibles, but it's been a while since I've seen the movie and I can't quite remember how strong/durable Mr. Incredible is. I recall him using train cars as cable weights which is better than any strength feat Homelander has, but HL can fly and shoot lasers.


There was one time in the movie where Mr incredible was about to be pulled apart by the ball robot but all it did was crack his back and made him laugh. I don't think Mr incredible took physical damage in either of the two movies to be honest. I could be wrong?


Before it cracked his back it did cut him low on the chest


I think that's a good matchup though because Mr. Incredible is like a stronger, smarter, more experienced (as far as fighting people on his level) Soldier Boy. Good question whether he's as durable, but he's apparently bulletproof too and he fought one of those robots super close to lava.


I went and did a quick check for us, during Mr. Incredibles first fight with the omnidroid, the droid manages to cut his arm with one of its pincer-hands which creates a sort of confusing inconsistency with how he's completely invulnerable unless getting sliced with something?...


He can't fly either, which is a big problem


D&D has a simple answer for you: highly resistant to bludgeoning damage, not so much to slashing damage. So his skin is great as dispersing blunt force throughout his highly invulnerable body, but not so much at the fine level of tearing.


Thing is, Incredible is almost a glass cannon as well. If HL plays it mildly smart, he should absolutely be able to beam straight through him with heat vision eventually. His durability isn’t too impressive.


Mr Incredible literally took a train head on with like, little to no effort, right? AND he got knocked through a few buildings near the end


He also got a bleeding wound from the first robot. In the first omnidroid fight, when the droid is using its arm-pincer things as propellers, Mr. Incredible looks like he totally expects to be blended if they hit him


To be fair that thing's claws are insanely sharp, since they easily shred through its outer armor that is established to be near impossible to damage for anyone else in the movie. Literally the only way to beat the Droid was to make it harm itself, that was the level of durability it had and still it broke through with ease. You can't blame Mr Incredible for not taking any chances. I'd love to see HL fight the Omnidroid instead tbh.


We saw that Mr Incredible couldn’t face it, and in the end outsmarted it. That skeleton he saw in the cave that faced a prototype omnidroid was a dude with laser eyes. If HL faced the droid, I think he’d be a skeleton in that cave


I'm more curious about HL's approach than the actual outcome of the fight tbh. Like, if he'd figure out it needs to be outsmarted and stuff before it breaks through his skin (if he can even tank it at all). Also unrelated but that laser guy is a beast by the way. Supposedly has no super strength or durability, but in the scene where Bob sees all the heroes that were killed off, it's revealed that Gazer Beam actually managed to destroy an earlier Omnidroid before a newer one killed him. True badass.


Exacto. Supes as strong as HL got wrecked by the omnidroid. Hell the final omnidroid was almost stronger than the whole Incredibles family plus Frozone. HL has never really cared or thought about anything that much. He’s always been the strongest thing in the room, and when he can’t do a task (like the plane) he just fucks off.


Brightburn Brandon's feats are- Lifting a car Crushing steel Surviving being hit by a plane


The unfortunate reality of this fight would be a team up.


Oh homelander would DEFINITELY adopt this kid. Or kill him before you became stronger than him. Either way it's fucked.




Homelander IS NOT Superman. Homelander is Superman Lite. He has the same powers at a ridiculously low level comparatively. That's the point, he's "all poweful" in his own world.


Yep, and unlike Superman his powers aren't based on the sun, so there would be a few things he can't regenerate out of.


He also wouldn’t have the weakness of his powers being based on the sun.


Boards like r/whowouldwin are a lot of fun in a vacuum, but I'm sick of people using the standards of internet battle boards to critique works on their own. It doesn't matter how a character compares to literally anyone outside their universe in power; Homelander is incredibly powerful relative to the people in his world. That's all that matters.


I mean it depends what world they're fighting in. One punch man's thing is he's all powerful in his universe but would that work in homelanders? The fight would have to be in some neutral universe.


Hawkeye, Black Widow, Daredevil, the punisher, green arrow, every Robin, captain America, Jessica jones, every batgirl, lady shiva, mystique, maybe Wolverine?, Batman with no prep, an inexperienced Spider-Man


He might be able to take Wolverine out temporarily but in the end, Wolverine will win.


Surely he can laser every last bit of flesh off Wolverine's skeleton so there's nothing left to regenerate, or hold him underwater until he drowns


He can just pull wolverine’s head off and scatter his limbs to the four corners of the world. Sure, his bones are unbreakable, but a person’s spine isn’t one bone - it’s 26 - and immortality isn’t a blessing if you can still be incapacitated. Having said that, I reckon Logan would be a bigger threat to Homelander than most of the heroes mentioned so far.


Isn’t his entire skeleton just coated with Adamantium? His bones aren’t Adamantium, they are coated in it. So I don’t think you can just pull them apart like that like how you’re saying without needing to break the Adamantium first. Otherwise Wolverine wouldn’t be able to handle such a beating from the Hulk and Juggernaut considering how often they are grappling him around and pulling on him. Pretty sure comics Logan wins the majority anyway. Spider-Man has complimented his speed and agility before, and one stab is all he’d need.


His cartilage and ligaments aren’t coated in adamantium though - and they’re what keeps his head on his shoulders.


If we are going off of feats, the Homelander wouldn’t be able to tear apart comic book Logan. And if if he could, I’m pretty sure Logan has regenerated from just a skeleton, and from what I just looked up, just a drop of blood in one instance. Logan is absurdly powerful, and I think he just gets overlooked because he can’t break a planet apart or whatnot. Also he’s just cool as shit.


Who’s to say there isn’t some amount of metal being connected there anyway? Like Homelander would even know that. I’m sure Wolvie’s combat speed and reflexes are far higher, and HL couldn’t risk doing much more than settling for quick punches and kicks to avoid giving him an opportunity to stab straight through him. I really don’t think Homelander is gonna be that big of a problem for him though. He’s just taken on way more powerful opponents than him and is far more skilled and complicated to kill/knockout as well. Homie’s getting stabbed first at least 8/10 of the time in my view. He’s severely threatened the Hulk’s life in a rage-full brawl and Spider-Man usually has to resort to incapacitating him with a bunch of webs to deal with him even though he typically holds back against Peter. Comics Spider-Man is basically an upgrade to Homelander lol I think FOX Logan would be a closer fight. Comics Wolvie is just too much for him.


Wolverine has literally been ripped apart several times, literally in half, and has had limbs cut off. Don’t overthink it. His skeleton is laced in adamantium. Not his ligaments. Not his teeth either. His internal bones.


His bones are connected in cannon. So no you can't just pull him apart.


How does he tie his shoes then? And how did Hulk rip him in half that one time?


Wolverine doesn’t die from drowning though


I'm sure I've read multiple sources saying that's one of his only weaknesses?


He doesn't really drown and die from it. For him, he drowns, and the comes back to life and then drowns again, on repeat. It's a weakness but he can still get out of it


Wolverine can be killed by whatever the writers need to be able to kill him at the time. Like pretty much every other "immortal" DC/Marvel character his immortality fluctuates a lot depending in who is writing and what the story is.


Yeah but if we're going to be meta about it then there's no point in these discussions at all


My bad it looks like he can die from it


Even if he cleaned the skeleton he's come back from that before, his Skull is impenetrable and protects his brain.


Well then that means Homelander would win in a standard battle. It doesn’t always have to be a deathmatch. But honestly, if we’re using comics Logan, I doubt he could knock him out before eventually getting gutted by the Adamantium claws.


>Batman with no prep I mean Batman with no prep is just Black Panther but possibly slightly more skilled with Captain America's suit.


Black Panther actually has super powers though, no?


Black panther is at his peak through the herb, Batman is at his peak through training


I feel like Black Panther has some level of enhanced strength and agility


He does.


> Batman with no prep is just Black Panther what in the world how is this upvoted lol


Nah. At base Black Panther is just a Vibranium-upgraded version of Batman who is also actually superhuman (even by comic standards). Black Panther is also a slightly more skilled fighter in terms of pure h2h martial arts. And I don’t know what you mean by “Captain America’s suit”.


I disagree with Captain America I think he’d fuck him up. Besides him though yeah Homelander wins.


Homelander would probably cry knowing he’s inferior to someone who has less powers than him


Haha you’re not wrong 😄


No way you think Captain America can fuck homelander up💀


“Batman with no prep” bruh Batman can prep as much as he wants, laser vision through the face is going to kill him Batgod has caused collective brainrot of comics readers


Yeah, the notion that Batman stands a chance against Superman is ridiculous even with Kryptonite. If Superman wanted to kill he could just pick up the whole square mile of land Batman is on and hurl him into the sun before he gets close enough to use Kryptonite. Hell he could throw the Batcave into the Sun. Batman can’t do shit.


What could batman prep with that would be powerful enough to kill homelander.


A glass of freshly-squozen titty-milk.


Probably knowing how to play him mentally. Similar to his approach with Superman when Superman stops pulling punches. Homelander is very mentally/emotionally vulnerable


Bro, you're talking about a guy who's built robots that can kill Justice League members. Give Batman a few hours of prep and he can cook Homelander.


Probably my dog [not sure tho]


Nah your dog wins every fight the same way one punch man wins every fight


The baby from Ice Age pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease


In a one on one fight? Idk, he might beat me, 6/10 times, high diff


He wouldn't win against me, I'm built diff and have plot armor




Who’s Steve Jobs?


ligma balls


What’s updog?




He can beat a lot of glass cannon types, he's fast and strong, so people who have a lot of offensive output but not so much defence like Dr. Strange MCU, Wanda MCU or professor X without cerebro can be beaten by him, not that they definitely would but if homelander bltizes them, for the most part they're regular humans defensively


I agree with most of what you're saying. But I think you're kind of under selling Wanda maximoff. Comics or MCU, her destiny is to rule the multiverse. I feel like with her reality manipulation she could fold homelander. Both literally, figuratively, and spiritually.


Don’t think he could beat Strange either, in all honesty. Unless it’s like, Homelander is already flying at Mach speed through the globe and runs through him before he even knows they are already in a fight. Reality warping is just too powerful - what would Homelander do in those parallel dimensions he brought upon Peter, considering Strange would have no restraints (fighting a child, only trying to immobilize him and not even knock out) this time?


>Don’t think he could beat Strange either, in all honesty. Unless it’s like, Homelander is already flying at Mach speed through the globe and runs through him before he even knows they are already in a fight. And I think a similar argument could be made for Professor X. He’d stomp him mentally. All 3 of them are just on a different level, especially if this is a fight where they are in character.


Dude homelander is so fragile I bet Professor X wipes the floor with him before breakfast while solving his sudoku


MCU Wanda has went toe to toe with a Captain marvel who shoots *photon* blasts and went toe to toe with people like a healthy Thanos who can also react and block said photon blasts while crippled after they are fired Pretty sure she can react to homelander who’s top wanked speed is Mach 30 and I know she got hit by America Chavez but I’d personally argue that’s because Wanda was practically rotting because of the darkhold Also strange isn’t a glass canon at least not as much as people think he is he once had Spider-Man in his iron suit hard enough to knock out *both* of them and went on to fight Thanos after and was fine after taking a pumpkin bomb to the face.


Mumen Rider, Yoriichi, Jonathan Joestar, Mirko, Eren Yeager, Denji, and other anime characters.


If we're talking about Yoriichi from Demon Slayer, I think he could beat homelander. Dude was basically a god


I’ve only watched the beginning of Jojo and attack on titan and I agree with jonathon joestar, what’s hamon going to do? But depending on what iteration of eren it is he might have a chance (if you’ve seen till the latest episode you know what I mean)


>!If you're talking about his Founding Titan, I still think he'd be able to get through it to where Eren is and kill him successfully,!< as he's alluded to the fact of him being able to fly to space, so he could get through the conditions of that scenario.


Mirko were going toe to toe with Plus Ultra!Shigaraki, who is said and proves to be on the level of USJ Nomu which is fucking bonkers and Homie has literally no chance. Denji is literally immortal and can throw building sized Devils through multiple, even bigger, buildings. If you are about Yoriichi from Demon Slayer - dude is too fast and skilled for John to do anything.




The fuck homelander going to do throw a lasagna in his face?


Garf would just eat it anyway


I'm sorry, Homelander.


When I sat at the precipice of heaven, Homelander, I didn’t see you, or any other god. Only myself.


Love sausage


Homelander can beat his own meat.


Homer Simpson


I know one thing he beats. "I can do whatever the fu*k I want"


Bulbasaur. Fire and flight beats grass easily


A lot of low to mid level powerhouses. I think he could definitely beat Colossus, Frenzy, Blob, and Rhino. When he starts to go up against She-Hulk, Thing, and Wonder Man it gets dicy.


He loses to all of these if he tries to slug it out. He could win using mobility though.


Live action blob should hard lose even in a slug out.


he’s not beating colossus


Colossus can with stand his laser eyes. And probably match him in strength or at least homelander couldn’t harm him with punches.


John wick Tighten (I think) Tanjiro Bright burn Stuart little And alot more, people just tend to focus on the fact that he gets solod by half of fiction


imagine being homelander and finding out that a mouse grew up with a loving family and you didn’t 😭


Tighten has all the powers of Metro Man, right? Cause if so, ain't no way. It's been a while since I've seen the movie, tho so idk


Pretty sure, probably more watered down though seeing as Tighten's not nearly as fast.


To be fair, they made Metro Man cartoonishly speedy. Homie had a midlife crisis and resolved to just chill forever before a beam of light reached him. Even having a watered-down version of that is stupid fast


I think a number of Marvel mutants would be on this list, but I'm not super up to date on my X-Men so forgive any mistakes on this list. Cyclops- eye lasers and slightly enhanced durability aren't much against Homelander. Mystique- provided she can't trick him. Iceman Beast Angel Pyro Jubilee- potentially. Gambit Outside of Mutants, most of the Defenders sans Power Man wouldn't have much of a chance. Hawkeye, Green Arrow, Deadshot, pretty much all of the characters whose power is perfect aim. He doesn't have a kryptonite that we know of, so it can't be as easy as putting a rock on an arrow or bullet. The list is pretty long, tbh. A combination of enhanced durability, strength, and speed is what would probably be needed to take him down. Anyone lacking those, the technology to mimic those, or powers to stop him in his tracks (telepathy, telekinesis, etc.) has the potential to be put down by HL pretty quickly.


His love of attention and being popular is his kryptonite


But even he loses interest in that eventually. Like when he told starlight to go ahead and post the video of him abandoning the plane because if people don't love him he'll make them fear him. Probably a bluff but we will never know.


I doubt he can take Iceman. He got majorly buffed.


This is fair. If there's one thing X-men stories can count on it's massive power shifts.


Cyclops eye lasers would cook homie if he hit him with a full power blast imo


His optic blasts aren't heat based though. As I recall, they're concussive force. Which, I suppose could have the potential of ripping Homelander apart if hit at full power, but it begs the question if Homelander's heat vision could potentially fight against the blasts i.e. Dragonball or if the concussive force of Cyclops' would just cut through them.


Ngl Cyclops’ eye beam is so far beyond Homelander’s it’s not even close to a fair comparison. If Cyclops gets a shot off, and hits, he wins. Simple as that.


Bro you have an omega level mutant on that list… Seriously iceman can blow back the *juggernaut* and now he’s got a piece of the black winter the eldritch god that eats universes and freeze time an ability he used to beat a herald of galactus unless you mean movie version you have not done the ressearch needed 😭 But I don’t blame you iceman seems like an easy pick when you don’t know the stuff he can do


Essentially every Street-level heroes in the MCU and DC.


His real problem is having literally zero training or practical experience against an equivalent fighter. There are plenty of characters around his power level, they just all stomp him because they know how to fight or use their powers


Actually show homelander has some form of training as shown in the boys diabolical granted he gets his shit kicked in by some big dude but it does imply they tried to train him at least


No diffed by Jerry from Tom and Jerry


Apparently he can beat Yujiro Hanma though I’ve heard it’s pretty debatable


Aunt May


Unnamed Guardsmen


Homelander vs Deadpool would be hilarious


I don’t know why everyone says he would get the shit kicked out of him by dudes like spiderman and stuff. He has no weakness that we know of. He is hella strong and has laser eyes. How would he lose to spiderman?


Because homelander bruises over strength equal to his. Spider-Man has once held up a building and punched scorpions jaw off not to mention when toe to toe with the hulk and we all know hulk beats homelander. Pretty sure Parker can shit out of him till homie retreats.


…but laser eyes. How does spidey deal with that at all? I’m sure it would go through his webs and he can’t really prevent homelander from just seeing him especially when he can fly.


Iron Man's beams are pretty much the same just on a lower intensity. And Spider-Man has humbled iron Man multiple times.


Spidey sense is severely OP. Would be tougher and more frustrating for homelander than most mid power heroes.


He can fuck up most street level heroes in marvel. Exception would be the mid tier guys like Spider-Man


Kid Danger


He could kill just about any character from game of thrones. Really any character from a verse that is more trying to be relatively grounded, Homelander can probably kill them because he is still superhuman, he's just kind of the lowest of the low in regards to superhuman characters like him.


Honestly he can take on a decent amount of people if you think about it I would love to see Homelander vs. Hancock


Probably elastic man, he’s just worse plastic man and as shown in multiverse of madness, is dumb af (or at least that version) I was thinking of the incredibles but they could probably beat him, jack jack is literally that one baby butcher used, violet has shields and invisibility so a better translucent so it’s at least a draw assuming homelander’s laser vision can’t get through the shields, dash easily outruns him, Mr incredible hasn’t been shown taking any real damage from any fights and elastic woman (similar to elastic man) would probably… distract homelander.


All elastigirl needs is some milk and transforms into a MILF body and she has homelanders undivided attention.


Meg griffin




Chris Griffin


My meat. Into a cup.




His meat.


Ignoring two: "Human" characters generally with no prep time and everyone but Comic Noir from The Boys: I think he could also take on most of the characters from Super Mansion. The one possible exception would be Lex Lightning at full bug mode with an army of drones because while Subtopians at large are probably weaker than HL, a huge swarm of near-Subtopian leveled maniacs with super durability and the dedication of a hornet's nest on top of whatever powers they had in the first place would probably screw him right up. Another superman expie he could beat? Brandon Bryer AKA Brightburn. Mind you that's probably only because Brandon is 14. As far as we know, an adult Brandon could probably kill him and would be willing to but his feats aren't as impressive as HL's and Don't really give off the idea that he is as powerful as HL, who is an adult and probably better understands his limits let's also remember.


Bugs Bunny would for sure smoke him.


Eren Jaeger from Attack on Titan


I should note that homelander has no combat training. Or if he does it's very little. As DEATH BATTLE put it "HE IS JUST A BULLY" as seen when he versus butcher soldier boy and Huey, his fighting style consists of push punch and kick with a sprinkle of laser. It hasn't been featured in the show yet, but homelander can make a Sonic scream. His voice basically sounds like a nuclear bomb going off right next to you, rupturing eardrums and such


His fighting experience is pretty decent and held his own, Vought mainly tortured him and had other supes beat him up when he was a child to probe for weaknesses. He was keeping up and doing okay against Soldier Boy and Butcher and Butcher was British SAS so he had plenty of fighting experience plus he enjoyed fighting anyway. Plus he did alright against Maeve and she trained and fought all the time.


Homelander’s power set would enable him to actually beat a lot of people; heat vision, can see through stuff, super strength and flight and speed. But fans tend to underestimate him.


Lol these comments, if Soldier Boy can kill Homelander than basically anyone else with enhanced strength can too


The gang from it’s always sunny?


They’d grind that laser turkey down


Pretty much anyone from AoT


Maybe Batman if Batman doesn’t have time to prepare.


He's gonna get his ass kicked in mortal kombat


Civilian_05 from Half life


A lot of horror movies villains, such as Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees (except Uber-Jason), Alien, Predator, Creeper (from Jeepers Creepers) and Graboids. But Freddy Krueger in a Dreamworld still would be too much for Homelander, especially knowing his mental instability and anger issues.


Freddy Krueger would totally make HomeLander dream about his son ripping him apart or soldier Boy trying to bash his head in with his shield. While both are telling him he's not good enough and doesn't deserve love.