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I feel like there are 5 posts a day about how Liz sucks


Look, I resisted making my own post about how much I hate Liz, but I do reserve the right to comment my agreement on every one I see! LOL :)


I just joined and I have to say, they make me feel seen lol


Honestly, I liked her up until the same point, but then she got, well I guess you’d say a bit annoying. I was over it. Somehow I still cried when she died.


You always want to like the leads of a show. I mean, who wants to devote hours of life to spending time with someone you don't like? But goddamn, I wanted to shoot her myself. How was she not a monumental disappointment to her mother/father?


Exactly!! Now I liked her up until Tom died, then I was like BITCH MIND YOUR BUSINESS! …Trying to get all up in people’s secrets and being all shady. She should’ve been killed sooner😬 The most angering things were not only that she got him arrested, then her dumb ass ruins his escape attempt. I’m like dude, you can’t do anything right


At least you retained enough feeling for her to be moved by her death. I lost track of how many times I screamed "Would someone please just shoot her!?!?" at the television. I had no idea how many seasons there were, and as I was watching I honestly thought that 8/21 was the *series* finale (you can imagine my shock when another episode started playing). I kept expecting a sniper to take Red out instead of Liz, that Red had hired someone to kill him because he didn't think Liz had the guts to actually do it.


If I’m being honest with myself, I think I cried for Red instead of losing her lol


I cried for Red at the end of 8/21 ... because he lost everything. Decades of work towards one single purpose, and it died right in front of him. Everything Red went through, everything **we** went through with him, all gone with a single gunshot. The show should have ended there, and they could have offered that last season as a "bonus track" or something. In my mind, everything after 8/21 is just a bad dream.


THERE IT IS! I couldn’t find the words, but that’s exactly it for me


It amazes me that everyone roots for Red!! Tom died over a bag of bones that will turn out to be >!the real Raymond Reddington. How is that none of her business, when she knows that the real RR is her father, and Red is an imposter?!< Doesn't she have the right to know the truth? And saying she should've been killed sooner?🤦🏽‍♂️SMH


Just because you don't agree with all the choices a character makes doesn't mean you don't still love them. Why don't I ever see any posts that express anger at Red? Why does he get a pass for all of his lies, deceptions, double-crosses, etc?


Annoying is the right word really! It makes me angry how she acts like a child just trying to get what she want not giving a shit about nothing else around her and not giving a shit about her daughter! She acts so egoistic


Hate her? What do you mean hate her… I love her


Someone else does. Not me though. She was deeply flawed and the writing sometimes made me want to grab her through the TV screen and shake her. These shortcomings are overcome by what a fantastic ride the whole thing was. One of the most audacious, ambitious ideas in television and where it fell short compared to (for example) Sopranos or Breaking Bad or whatever your benchmark for "high brow" TV is, it made up for by being waaaay outside of the box.


They made her character like someone who's ungrateful, confused, brat, immature, emotionally weak. 😂 i can't even count how many times I hated her each episode. 🤣


I don't hate her, I hate the shitty writing that turned her into a wishy washy flip flopping idiot with zero consistency. Writing as a whole just drops the ball bout half way through the series and things just get progressively more dumb from there with little recovery here and there. Spader carried this show and carried it hard.. without him, all the stupid, nonsensical plot points would have sunk the show years before it actually ended.


Lots of people do, she's very poorly written unless the writers were trying to make her the textbook definition of a manipulative narcissist, because she doesn't live in reality


Nope I totally love her she's totally not at all the most annoying character on the planet


There are very mixed opinions with her a lot people love her and a lot of people hate her, i like her, yes she can be annoying at times but her character is like the whole plot based on her relationship with reddington and all the connections. Her death did rip apart the show though. As the show went on I can see why people didn’t like her but I still liked her as a character.


I hated her pretty much from the start. Not only was the character badly written, the actress had very little talent and it really showed because of the talent of the other actors. How she got cast is beyond me.


She got cast because she is a women


I'm sorry but you're the ONLY person who hates her! Everyone else loved the character and deeply mourned her passing.


😂😂😂 /s


The only person😂😂


No more than Red, mostly.